200 resultados para Opinion article


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Aromatic dioxygenases have been found to catalyse single and tandem oxidation reactions of conjugated polyenes. Rational selection and design of dioxygenases, allied to substrate shape, size and substitution pattern, has been used to control regiochemistry and stereochemistry during the oxygenation process. The resulting enantiopure bioproducts have been increasingly utilised as precursors for new and alternative routes in chiral synthesis.


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a medical treatment in which a combination of a photosensitising drug and visible light causes destruction of selected cells. Due to the lack of true selectivity of preformed photosensitisers for neoplastic tissue and their high molecular weights, PDT of superficial skin lesions has traditionally been mediated by topical application of the porphyrin precursor 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). Objective: This article aims to review the traditional formulation-based approaches taken to topical delivery of ALA and discusses the more innovative strategies investigated for enhancement of PDT mediated by topical application of ALA and preformed photosensitisers. Methods: All of the available published print and online literature in this area was reviewed. As drug delivery of agents used in PDT is still something of an emerging field, it was not necessary to go beyond literature from the last 30 years. Results/conclusion: PDT of neoplastic skin lesions is currently based almost exclusively on topical application of simple semisolid dosage forms containing ALA or its methyl ester. Until expiry of patents on the current market-leading products, there is unlikely to be a great incentive to engage in design and evaluation of innovative formulations for topical PDT, especially those containing the more difficult-to-deliver preformed photosensitisers.


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Background: The treatment of solid tumours and angiogenic ocular diseases by photodynamic therapy (PDT) requires the injection of a photosensitiser (PS) to destroy target cells through a combination of visible light irradiation and molecular oxygen. There is currently great interest in the development of efficient and specific carrier delivery platforms for systemic PDT. Objective: This article aims to review recent developments in systemic carrier delivery platforms for PDT, with an emphasis on target specificity. Methods: Recent publications, spanning the last five years, concerning delivery carrier platforms for systemic PDT were reviewed, including PS conjugates, dendrimers, micelles, liposomes and nanoparticles. Results/conclusion: PS conjugates and supramolecular delivery platforms can improve PDT selectivity by exploiting cellular and physiological specificities of the targeted tissue. Overexpression of receptors in cancer and angiogenic endothelial cells allows their targeting by affinity-based moieties for the selective uptake of PS conjugates and encapsulating delivery carriers, while the abnormal tumour neovascularisation induces a specific accumulation of heavy weighted PS carriers by enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect. in addition, polymeric prodrug delivery platforms triggered by the acidic nature of the tumour environment or the expression of proteases can be designed. Promising results obtained with recent systemic carrier platforms will, in due course, be translated into the clinic for highly efficient and selective PDT protocols.


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Article 14 ECHR has often been derided as a Cinderella provision, but during the last few years, this has started to change. This article examines how Article 14 has developed, and may live up to its potential as a powerful non-discrimination principle. The case law developments in relation to the “ambit” requirement in Article 14, the development of indirect discrimination case law, and the approval of positive action, all point to a more substantive conception of equality, which offers protection to disadvantaged and vulnerable groups.


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The following study considers the fragmentation of law which occurred in 1956 with regard to the law on servitude. As States were unwilling to go as far as the Universal Declaration on Human in establishing that "no one shall be held in [...] servitude", the negotiators of the 1956 Supplementary Conventions moved to expunge the very term 'servitude' from the text and to replace it with the phrase 'institutions and practices similar to slavery' which could then be abolished 'progressively and as soon as possible'. The negotiation history of the 1956 Convention clear demonstrate that the Universal Declaration on Human was the elephant in the room and that it ultimately lead to a fragmentation of the law as between general international law manifest in the 1956 Supplementary Convention on the one hand and international human rights law on the other. It is for this reason that, for instance the 2001 UN and 2005 Council of Europe trafficking conventions mention both 'practices similar to slavery' and 'servitude' as types of human exploitation to be suppressed in their definition of 'trafficking in persons'.


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This article examines the text of Article 14 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 and the work of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. It considers the text of the article and its travaux préparatoires; it then provides an analysis of the issues considered by the Committee: the concept of the evolving capacities of the child, freedom of religious choice, freedom of manifestation, and education. It also highlights the problems that have emerged in the Committee’s work, in the light of a theoretical framework of the right of the child to religious freedom in international law. It concludes that the Committee fails children in relation to their religion and suggests some positive steps to be taken by the Committee.


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Genomics encompasses a range of powerful technologies that can be applied at all levels of gene expression, from transcription to mRNA translation. Collectively, these technologies have great potential for improving drug discovery, both target and molecule recognition, and development. In this article we review the current and potential future status of established and novel genomic methods within drug discovery.


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This Invention relates to a method of manufacture of a composite concrete article, and in particular to a method of manufacture of a concrete article having textile structures integrated into the surface of the concrete to provide a novel aesthetic and/or functional surface finish


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Although overshadowed by the ‘big bang’ enlargement of 2004, the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU in 2007 was more than simply a ‘coda’ enlargement. It had its own distinctive features and provides important insights into how the EU’s handling of enlargement is evolving. It established a number of interesting and potentially significant precedents and provided timely reminders of how important political and public opinion can be for ratification. Examination of the period from negotiating the terms of membership to the actual accession of the two applicants underlines the dynamic and increasingly uncertain nature of the EU enlargement process.


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The complexity of sustainable development means that it is often difficult to evaluate and communicate the concept effectively. One standard method to reduce complexity and improve Communication, while maintaining scientific objectivity, is to use selected indicators. The aim of this paper is to describe and evaluate a process Of public participation in the selection of sustainable development indicators that utilised the Q-method for discourse analysis. The Q-method was Utilised to combine public opinion with technical expertise to create a list of technically robust indicators that would be relevant to the public, The method comprises statement collection, statement analysis, Q-sorts and Q-sort analysis. The results of the Q-method generated a list of statements for which a preliminary list of indicators was then developed by a team of experts from the fields of environmental science, sustainable development and Psychology. Subsequently members of the public evaluated the preliminary list of indicators, to select a final list of indicators that were both technically sound and incorporated the views of the public. The Utilisation of the Q-method in this process was evaluated using previously published criteria. The application of the Q-method in this context needs to be considered not only by the quality of the indicators developed, but also from the perspective of the benefit of the process to the participants. it was concluded that the Q-method provided an effective framework for public participation in the selection of indicators as it allowed the public to discuss Sustainable development in familiar language and in the context of their daily lives. By combining this information with expert input, a list of technically robust indicators that resonate with the public was developed. The results demonstrated that many citizens are not aware Of Sustainable development, and if it is to be successfully communicated to them, then indicators and policy need to be couched in terms familiar and relevant to citizen and communities. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.