92 resultados para Laser induced damage threshold


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Neutral gas depletion mechanisms are investigated in a dense low-temperature argon plasma-an inductively coupled magnetic neutral loop (NL) discharge. Gas temperatures are deduced from the Doppler profile of the 772.38 nm line absorbed by argon metastable atoms. Electron density and temperature measurements reveal that at pressures below 0.1 Pa, relatively high degrees of ionization (exceeding 1%) result in electron pressures, p(e) = kT(e)n(e), exceeding the neutral gas pressure. In this regime, neutral dynamics has to be taken into account and depletion through comparatively high ionization rates becomes important. This additional depletion mechanism can be spatially separated due to non-uniform electron temperature and density profiles (non-uniform ionization rate), while the gas temperature is rather uniform within the discharge region. Spatial profiles of the depletion of metastable argon atoms in the NL region are observed by laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy. In this region, the depletion of ground state argon atoms is expected to be even more pronounced since in the investigated high electron density regime the ratio of metastable and ground state argon atom densities is governed by the electron temperature, which peaks in the NL region. This neutral gas depletion is attributed to a high ionization rate in the NL zone and fast ion loss through ambipolar diffusion along the magnetic field lines. This is totally different from what is observed at pressures above 10 Pa where the degree of ionization is relatively low (


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The atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) is a homogeneous non-equilibrium discharge at ambient pressure. It operates with a noble base gas and a percentage-volume admixture of a molecular gas. Applications of the discharge are mainly based on reactive species in the effluent. The effluent region of a discharge operated in helium with an oxygen admixture has been investigated. The optical emission from atomic oxygen decreases with distance from the discharge but can still be observed several centimetres in the effluent. Ground state atomic oxygen, measured using absolutely calibrated two-photon laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy, shows a similar behaviour. Detailed understanding of energy transport mechanisms requires investigations of the discharge volume and the effluent region. An atmospheric pressure plasma jet has been designed providing excellent diagnostics access and a simple geometry ideally suited for modelling and simulation. Laser spectroscopy and optical emission spectroscopy can be applied in the discharge volume and the effluent region.


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Despite enormous potential for technological applications, fundamentals of stable non-equilibrium micro-plasmas at ambient pressure are still only partly understood. Micro-plasma jets are one sub-group of these plasma sources. For an understanding it is particularly important to analyse transport phenomena of energy and particles within and between the core and effluent of the discharge. The complexity of the problem requires the combination and correlation of various highly sophisticated diagnostics yielding different information with an extremely high temporal and spatial resolution. A specially designed rf microscale atmospheric pressure plasma jet (µ-APPJ) provides excellent access for optical diagnostics to the discharge volume and the effluent region. This allows detailed investigations of the discharge dynamics and energy transport mechanisms from the discharge to the effluent. Here we present examples for diagnostics applicable to different regions and combine the results. The diagnostics applied are optical emission spectroscopy (OES) in the visible and ultraviolet and two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. By the latter spatially resolved absolutely calibrated density maps of atomic oxygen have been determined for the effluent. OES yields an insight into energy transport mechanisms from the core into the effluent. The first results of spatially and phase-resolved OES measurements of the discharge dynamics of the core are presented.


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The H+NO2 titration scheme for the determination of atomic hydrogen densities within a microwave excited flow tube reactor has been investigated by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy in the vacuum UV. Absolute hydrogen densities are determined on the basis of calibration by Rayleigh scattering from argon. The measurement is performed at a gas mixture containing 0.5% of D2 added to the main gas H2. The ground state density of the hydrogen atoms generated in the flow tube reactor was inferred from the fluorescence radiation of the spectrally shifted optically thin D-Lyman-a transition.


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The coplanar microscale atmospheric pressure plasma jet (µ-APPJ) is a capacitively coupled radio frequency discharge (13.56 MHz, ~15W rf power) designed for optimized optical diagnostic access. It is operated in a homogeneous glow mode with a noble gas flow (1.4 slm He) containing a small admixture of molecular oxygen (~0.5%). Ground state atomic oxygen densities in the effluent up to 2 × 1014 cm-3 are measured by two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TALIF) providing space resolved density maps. The quantitative calibration of the TALIF setup is performed by comparative measurements with xenon. A maximum of the atomic oxygen density is observed for 0.6% molecular oxygen admixture. Furthermore, an increase in the rf power up to about 15W (depending on gas flow and mixture) leads to an increase in the effluent’s atomic oxygen density, then reaching a constant level for higher powers.


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The micro atmospheric pressure plasma jet is an rf driven (13.56 MHz, ~20 W) capacitively coupled discharge producing a homogeneous plasma at ambient pressure when fed with a gas flow of helium (1.4 slm) containing small admixtures of oxygen (~0.5%). The design provides excellent optical access to the plasma core. Ground state atomic oxygen densities up to 3x1016 cm-3 are measured spatially resolved in the discharge core by absolutely calibrated two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. The atomic oxygen density builds up over the first 8 mm of the discharge channel before saturating at a maximum level. The absolute value increases linearly with applied power.


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The planar 13.56MHz RF-excited low temperature atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) investigated in this study is operated with helium feed gas and a small molecular oxygen admixture. The effluent leaving the discharge through the jet’s nozzle contains very few charged particles and a high reactive oxygen species’ density. As its main reactive radical, essential for numerous applications, the ground state atomic oxygen density in the APPJ’s effluent is measured spatially resolved with two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy. The atomic oxygen density at the nozzle reaches a value of ~1016 cm-3. Even at several centimetres distance still 1% of this initial atomic oxygen density can be detected. Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) reveals the presence of short living excited oxygen atoms up to 10 cm distance from the jet’s nozzle. The measured high ground state atomic oxygen density and the unaccounted for presence of excited atomic oxygen require further investigations on a possible energy transfer from the APPJ’s discharge region into the effluent: energetic vacuum ultraviolet radiation, measured by OES down to 110 nm, reaches far into the effluent where it is presumed to be responsible for the generation of atomic oxygen.


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Resistance to chemotherapy ('drug resistance') is a fundamental problem that limits the effectiveness of many chemotherapies currently used to treat cancer. Drug resistance can occur due to a variety of mechanisms, such as increased drug inactivation, drug efflux from cancer cells, enhanced repair of chemotherapy-induced damage, activation of pro-survival pathways and inactivation of cell death pathways. In this article, we review some of the major mechanisms of drug resistance and discuss how new molecularly-targeted therapies are being increasingly used to overcome these resistance mechanisms.


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The complex dynamics of radio-frequency driven atmospheric pressure plasma jets is investigated using various optical diagnostic techniques and numerical simulations. Absolute number densities of ground state atomic oxygen radicals in the plasma effluent are measured by two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TALIF). Spatial profiles are compared with (vacuum) ultra-violet radiation from excited states of atomic oxygen and molecular oxygen, respectively. The excitation and ionization dynamics in the plasma core are dominated by electron impact and observed by space and phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy (PROES). The electron dynamics is governed through the motion of the plasma boundary sheaths in front of the electrodes as illustrated in numerical simulations using a hybrid code based on fluid equations and kinetic treatment of electrons.


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Absolute atomic oxygen ground state densities in a radio-frequency driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet, operated in a helium-oxygen mixture, are determined using diagnostic based modeling. One-dimensional numerical simulations of the electron dynamics are combined with time integrated optical emission spectroscopy. The population dynamics of the upper O 3p 3P (l=844 nm) atomic oxygen state is governed by direct electron impact excitation, dissociative excitation, radiation losses, and collisional induced quenching. Absolute values for atomic oxygen densities are obtained through comparison with the upper Ar 2p1 (l=750.4 nm) state. Results for spatial profiles and power variations are presented and show excellent quantitative agreement with independent two-photon laser-induced fluorescence measurements.


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Diagnostic based modelling (DBM) actively combines complementary advantages of numerical plasma simulations and relatively simple optical emission spectroscopy (OES). DBM is employed to determine absolute atomic oxygen ground state densities in a helium–oxygen radio-frequency driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet. A comparatively simple one-dimensional simulation yields detailed information on electron properties governing the population dynamics of excited states. Important characteristics of the electron dynamics are found to be largely insensitive to details of the chemical composition and to be in very good agreement with space and phase-resolved OES. Benchmarking the time and space resolved simulation allows us to subsequently derive effective excitation rates as the basis for DBM with simple space and time integrated OES. The population dynamics of the upper O 3p 3P (? = 844 nm) atomic oxygen state is governed by direct electron impact excitation, dissociative excitation, radiation losses and collisional induced quenching. Absolute values for atomic oxygen densities are obtained through tracer comparison with the upper Ar 2p1 (? = 750.4 nm) state. The presented results for the atomic oxygen density show excellent quantitative agreement with independent two-photon laser-induced fluorescence measurements.


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Diagnostic-based modeling (DBM) actively combines complementary advantages of numerical plasma simulations and relatively simple optical emission spectroscopy (OES). DBM is applied to determine spatial absolute atomic oxygen ground-state density profiles in a micro atmospheric-pressure plasma jet operated in He–O2. A 1D fluid model with semi-kinetic treatment of the electrons yields detailed information on the electron dynamics and the corresponding spatio-temporal electron energy distribution function. Benchmarking this time- and space-resolved simulation with phase-resolved OES (PROES) allows subsequent derivation of effective excitation rates as the basis for DBM. The population dynamics of the upper O(3p3P) oxygen state (? = 844 nm) is governed by direct electron impact excitation, dissociative excitation, radiation losses, and collisional induced quenching. Absolute values for atomic oxygen densities are obtained through tracer comparison with the upper Ar(2p1) state (? = 750.4 nm). The resulting spatial profile for the absolute atomic oxygen density shows an excellent quantitative agreement to a density profile obtained by two-photon absorption laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy.


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This paper reviews the various methods of using natural or induced light spectra as analytical tools in forensic archaeology. Chemical identi?cation can be made at long range and wide scale (tens of metres) down to short range and very small scale (nanometres). The identi?cation of organic gases and materials has used either chemical capture and chromatography, induced (laser or ultraviolet) light sources or laser Raman microscope spectroscopy. The remote gas detection method relies on the identi?cation of atmospheric gases by their characteristic light spectra. Modern spectroscopes can detect gases down to a few parts per million of an atmosphere. When the light source (wavelength) and direction is controlled, so laser-induced spectroscopy may be used to monitor the emission of gases such methane from buried organic remains. In order to identify the location of buried organic remains, a grid of sample points must be established using a base line or global
positioning system. When matched to base line or ground-positioning systems, such data can be manipulated by geographical information system packages. This would enable pinpointing of anomalies for excavation or avoidance. Microscope-based laser Raman spectroscopy can be used to directly analyse captured gases, swabs and surfaces without the problems of long-path detection. Copyright ? 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We discuss a simple architecture for a quantum TOFFOLI gate implemented using three trapped ions. The gate, which, in principle, can be implemented with a single laser-induced operation, is effective under rather general conditions and is strikingly robust (within any experimentally realistic range of values) against dephasing, heating, and random fluctuations of the Hamiltonian parameters. We provide a full characterization of the unitary and noise-affected gate using three-qubit quantum process tomography.


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One way to restore physiological blood flow to occluded arteries involves the deformation of plaque using an intravascular balloon and preventing elastic recoil using a stent. Angioplasty and stent implantation cause unphysiological loading of the arterial tissue, which may lead to tissue in-growth and reblockage; termed “restenosis.” In this paper, a computational methodology for predicting the time-course of restenosis is presented. Stress-induced damage, computed using a remaining life approach, stimulates inflammation (production of matrix degrading factors and growth stimuli). This, in turn, induces a change in smooth muscle cell phenotype from contractile (as exists in the quiescent tissue) to synthetic (as exists in the growing tissue). In this paper, smooth muscle cell activity (migration, proliferation, and differentiation) is simulated in a lattice using a stochastic approach to model individual cell activity. The inflammation equations are examined under simplified loading cases. The mechanobiological parameters of the model were estimated by calibrating the model response to the results of a balloon angioplasty study in humans. The simulation method was then used to simulate restenosis in a two dimensional model of a stented artery. Cell activity predictions were similar to those observed during neointimal hyperplasia, culminating in the growth of restenosis. Similar to experiment, the amount of neointima produced increased with the degree of expansion of the stent, and this relationship was found to be highly dependant on the prescribed inflammatory response. It was found that the duration of inflammation affected the amount of restenosis produced, and that this effect was most pronounced with large stent expansions. In conclusion, the paper shows that the arterial tissue response to mechanical stimulation can be predicted using a stochastic cell modeling approach, and that the simulation captures features of restenosis development observed with real stents. The modeling approach is proposed for application in three dimensional models of cardiovascular stenting procedures.