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An endocrine disruptor (ED) is an exogenous compound that interferes with the body's endocrine system. Exposure to EDs may result in adverse health effects such as infertility and cancer. EDs are composed of a vast group of chemicals including compounds of natural origin such as phytoestrogens or mycotoxins and a wide range of man-made chemicals such as pesticides. Synthetic compounds may find their way into the food chain where a number of them can biomagnify. Additionally, processing activities and food contact materials may add further to the already existing pool of food contaminants. Thus, our diet is considered to be one of the main exposure routes to EDs. Some precautionary legislation has already been introduced to control production and/or application of some persistent organic pollutants with ED characteristics. However, newly emerging EDs with bioaccumulative properties have recently been reported to appear at lower tiers of the food chain but have not been monitored at the grander scale. Milk and dairy products are a major component of our diet, thus it is important to monitor them for EDs. However, most methods developed to date are devoted to one group of compounds at a time. The UHPLC-MS/MS method described here has been validated according to EC decision 2002/657/EC and allows simultaneous extraction, detection, quantitation and confirmation of 19 EDs in milk. The method calibration range is between 0.50 and 20.0 μg kg with coefficients of determination above 0.99 for all analytes. Precision varied from 4.7% to 23.4% in repeatability and reproducibility studies. Established CCα and CCβ values (0.11-0.67 μg kg) facilitate fast, reliable, quantitative and confirmatory analysis of sub μg kg levels of a range of EDs in milk.


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Rai, D., Koidis, A., Rawson, A., McLouglin, P., Brunton, N. (2010). Characterisation of polyacetylenes in carrot extracts using electrospray ionisation quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry. Delegate CD-Rom PS2.8, EFFoST Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 10 -12/11/2010 (Poster).


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Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCMs) derived from animal horns are one of the most important types of Chinese medicine. In the present study, a fast and sensitive analytical method was established for qualitative and quantitative determination of 14 nucleosides and nucleobases in animal horns using hydrophilic interaction ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple-quadruple tandem mass spectrometry (HILIC-UPLC-QQQ-MS/MS) in selective reaction monitoring (SRM) mode. The method was optimized and validated, and showed good linearity, precision, repeatability, and accuracy. The method was successfully used to determine contents of the 14 nucleosides and nucleobases in 25 animal horn samples. Hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) were performed and the 25 samples were thereby divided into two groups, which agreed with taxonomy. The method may enable quick and effective search of substitutes for precious horns.


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Huntington's disease (HD) is a fatal autosomal-dominant neurodegenerative disorder that affects approximately 3-10 people per 100 000 in the Western world. The median age of onset is 40 years, with death typically following 15-20 years later. In this study, we biochemically profiled post-mortem frontal lobe and striatum from HD sufferers (n = 14) and compared their profiles with controls (n = 14). LC-LTQ-Orbitrap-MS detected a total of 5579 and 5880 features for frontal lobe and striatum, respectively. An ROC curve combining two spectral features from frontal lobe had an AUC value of 0.916 (0.794 to 1.000) and following statistical cross-validation had an 83% predictive accuracy for HD. Similarly, two striatum biomarkers gave an ROC AUC of 0.935 (0.806 to 1.000) and after statistical cross-validation predicted HD with 91.8% accuracy. A range of metabolite disturbances were evident including but-2-enoic acid and uric acid, which were altered in both frontal lobe and striatum. A total of seven biochemical pathways (three in frontal lobe and four in striatum) were significantly altered as a result of HD. This study highlights the utility of high-resolution metabolomics for the study of HD. Further characterization of the brain metabolome could lead to the identification of new biomarkers and novel treatment strategies for HD.


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The adulteration of food has received substantial amounts of media attention in the last few years, with events such as the European horsemeat scandal in 2013 sending shockwaves through society. Almost all cases are motivated by the pursuit of profits and are often aided by long and complex supply chains. In the past few years, the rapid growth of ambient mass spectrometry (AMS) has been remarkable, with over thirty different ambient ionisation techniques available. Due to the increasing concerns of the food industry and regulators worldwide, AMS is now being utilised to investigate whether or not it can generate results which are faster yet comparable to those of conventional techniques. This article reviews some aspects of the adulteration of food and its impact on the economy and the public's health, the background to ambient mass spectrometry and the studies that have been undertaken to detect food adulteration using this technology.


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Residents of certain areas of Tanzania are exposed to mycotoxins through the consumption of contaminated maize based foods. In this study, 101 maize based porridge samples were collected from villages of Nyabula, Kikelelwa and Kigwa located in different agro-ecological zones of Tanzania. The samples were collected at three time points (time point 1, during maize harvest; time point 2, 6 months after harvest; time point 3, 12 months after harvest) over a 1-year period. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) was used to detect and quantify 9 mycotoxins: aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), aflatoxin B2 (AFB2), aflatoxin G1 (AFG1), aflatoxin G2 (AFG2), fumonisin B1 (FB1), fumonisin B2 (FB2), deoxynivalenol (DON), ochratoxin A (OTA) and zearaleneone (ZEN) in the samples following a QuEChERS extraction method. Eighty two percent of samples were co-contaminated with more than one group of mycotoxins. Fumonisins (FB1 + FB2) had the highest percentage occurrence in all 101 samples (100%) whereas OTA had the lowest (5%). For all three villages the mean concentration of FB1 was lowest in samples taken from time point 2. Conversely, In Kigwa village there was a distinct trend that AFB1 mean concentration was highest in samples taken from time point 2. DON concentration did not differ greatly between time points but the percentage occurrence varied between villages, most notably in Kigwa where 0% of samples tested positive. ZEN occurrence and mean concentration was highest in Kikelelwa. The results suggest that mycotoxin contamination in maize can vary based on season and agro-ecological zones. The high occurrence of multiple mycotoxins found in maize porridge, a common weaning food in Tanzania, presents a potential increase in the risk of exposure and significant health implications in children.


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The presence and biological significance of circulating glycated insulin has been evaluated by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), radioimmunoassay (RIA), receptor binding, and hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp techniques. ESI-MS analysis of an HPLC-purified plasma pool from four male type 2 diabetic subjects (HbA(1e) 8.1 +/- 0.2%, plasma glucose 8.7 +/- 1.3 mmol/l [means +/- SE]) revealed two major insulin-like peaks with retention times of 14-16 min. After spectral averaging, the peak with retention time of 14.32 min exhibited a prominent triply charged (M+3H)(3+) species at 1,991.1 m/z, representing monoglycated insulin with an intact M-r of 5,970.3 Da. The second peak (retention time 15.70 min) corresponded to native insulin (M-r 5,807.6 Da), with the difference between the two peptides (162.7 Da) representing a single glucitol adduct (theoretical 164 Da). Measurement of glycated insulin in plasma of type 2 diabetic subjects by specific RIA gave circulating levels of 10.1 +/- 2.3 pmol/l, corresponding to -9% total insulin. Biological activity of pure synthetic monoglycated insulin (insulin B-chain Phe(1)-glucitol adduct) was evaluated in seven overnight-fasted healthy nonobese male volunteers using two-step euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamps (2 h at 16.6 mug (.) kg(-1) (.) min(-1), followed by 2 h at 83.0 mug (.) kg(-1) (.) min(-1); corresponding to 0.4 and 2.0 mU (.) kg(-1) (.) min(-1)). At the lower dose, the exogenons glucose infusion rates required to maintain euglycemia during steady state were significantly lower with glycated insulin (P


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The formation of pentanuclear copper(ii) complexes with the mandelohydroxamic ligand was studied in solution by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), absorption spectrophotometry, circular dichroism and H-1 NMR spectroscopy. The presence of lanthanide(iii) or uranyl ions is essential for the self-assembly of the 15-metallacrown-5 compounds. The negative mode ESI-MS spectra of solutions containing copper(II), mandelohydroxamic acid and lanthanide(iii) ions (Ln = La, Ce, Nd, Eu, Gd, Dy, Er, Tm, Lu, Y) or uranyl in the ratio 5:5:1 showed only the peaks that could be unambiguously assigned to the following intact molecular ions: {Ln(NO3)(2)[15-MCuIIN(MHA)-5](2-)}(-) and {Ln(NO3)[15-MCCuIIN(MHA)-5](3-)}(-), where MHA represents doubly deprotonated mandelohydroxamic acid. The NMR spectra of the pentanuclear species revealed only one set of peaks indicating a fivefold symmetry of the complex. The pentanuclear complexes synthesized with the enantiomerically pure R- or S-forms of mandelohydroxamic acid ligand, showed circular dichroism spectra which were mirror images of each other. The pentanuclear complex made from the racemic form of the ligand showed no signals in the CD spectrum. The UV/ Vis titration experiments revealed that the order in which the metal salts are added to the solution of the mandelohydroxamic acid ligand is crucial for the formation of metallacrown complexes. The addition of copper(ii) to the solutions containing mandelohydroxamic acid and neodymium(iii) in a 5:1 ratio lead to the formation of a pentanuclear complex in solution. In contrary, titration of lanthanide(iii) salt to the solution containing copper(ii) and mandelohydroxamic acid did not show any evidence for the formation of pentanuclear species. ((c) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2006)


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The speciation of chlorozincate(II) ionic liquids, prepared by mixing 1-octyl-3-methylirnidazolium chloride, [C(8)mim]Cl, and zinc(II) chloride in various molar ratios, chi zncl(2), was investigated using Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry; the Gutmann acceptor number, which is a quantitative measure of Lewis acidity, was also determined as a function of the composition. These results were combined with literature data to define the anionic speciation; in the neat liquid phase, the existence of cl(-), [ZnCl4](2-), [Zn2Cl6](2-), [Zn3Cl8](2-), and [Zn4Cl10](2-) anions was confirmed. From two chlorozincate(H) ionic liquids with [C(2)mim](+) cations (chi zncl(2) = 0.33 and chi zncl(2) = 0.50), crystals have been obtained, revealing the structures of [C(2)mim)(2)[ZnCl4] and [C(2)mim](2)[Zn2Cl6] forming three-dimensional hydrogen-bond networks. The compound [C(2)mim](2){Zn4Cl10} was crystallized from the chi zncl(1) = 0.75 composition, showing an open-framework structure, with the first example of zinc in a trigonal-bipyramidal chloride coordination. Reinvestigation of the electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of these systems demonstrated that it is an unreliable technique to study liquid-phase speciation.


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Oxidation of the macrocyclic Cr(III) complex cis-[Cr(cycb)(OH)(2)](+), where cycb = rac-5,5,7,12,12,14-hexamethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane, by an excess of the hexacyanoferrate( III) in basic solution, slowly produces Cr(V) species. These species, detected using e.p.r. spectroscopy, are stable under ambient conditions for many hours, and the hyperfine structure of the e.p.r. spectrum is consistent with the interaction of the d-electron with four equivalent nitrogen nuclei. Electro-spray ionization mass spectrometry suggests a concomitant oxidation of the macrocyclic ligand, in which double bonds and double bonded oxygen atoms have been introduced. By comparison basic chromate(III) solutions are oxidized rapidly to chromate(VI) by hexacyanoferrate(III) without any detectable generation of stable Cr(V) intermediates.


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We have previously shown that isoprenylation and/or additional pest-translational processing of the G protein gamma(1) subunit carboxyl terminus is required for beta(1) gamma(1) subunit stimulation of phospholipase C-beta(2) (PLC beta(2)) [Dietrich, A., Meister, M., Brazil, D., Camps, M., & Gierschik, P. (1994) Eur. J. Biochem. 219, 171-178]. To examine whether isoprenylation of the gamma(1) subunit alone is sufficient for beta(1) gamma(1)-mediated PLC beta(2) stimulation or whether any of the two subsequent modifications, proteolytic removal of the carboxyl-terminal tripeptide and/or carboxylmethylation, is required for this effect, nonisoprenylated recombinant beta(1) gamma(1) dimers were produced in baculovirus-infected insect cells, purified to near homogeneity, and then isoprenylated in vitro using purified recombinant protein farnesyltransferase. Analysis of the beta(1) gamma(1) dimer after in vitro farnesylation by reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography followed by delayed extraction matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry confirmed that the gamma(1) subunit was carboxyl-terminally farnesylated but not proteolyzed and carboxylmethylated. Functional reconstitution of in vitro-farnesylated beta(1) gamma(1) dimers with a recombinant PLC beta(2) isozyme revealed that farnesylation rendered recombinant nonisoprenylated beta(1) gamma(1) dimers capable of stimulating PLC beta(2) and that the degree of this stimulation was only approximately 45% lower for in vitro-farnesylated beta(1) gamma(1) dimers than for fully modified native beta(1) gamma(1) purified from bovine retinal rod outer segments. Taken together, these results suggest that isoprenylation of the gamma subunit is both necessary and sufficient for beta gamma dimer-mediated stimulation of phospholipase C.


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The aim of the study was to determine the time-dependent formation of arsenic-phytochelatin (As-PC) complexes in the roots, stems and leaves of an arsenic-nontolerant plant (Helianthus annuus) during exposure to 66 mol l(-1) arsenite (As(III)) or arsenate (As(V)). We used our previously developed method of simultaneous element-specific (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, ICP-MS) and molecular-specific (electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry, ES-MS) detection systems interfaced with a suitable chromatographic column and eluent conditions, which enabled us to identify and quantify As-PC complexes directly. Roots of As-exposed H. annuus contained up to 14 different arsenic species, including the complex of arsenite with two (gamma-Glu-Cys)(2)-Gly molecules [As((III))-(PC(2))(2)], the newly identified monomethylarsonic phytochelatin-2 or (gamma-Glu-Cys)(2)-Gly CH(3)As (MA((III))-PC(2)) and at least eight not yet identified species. The complex of arsenite with (gamma-Glu-Cys)(3)-Gly (As((III))-PC(3)) and the complex of arsenite with glutathione (GSH) and (gamma-Glu-Cys)(2)-Gly (GS-As((III))-PC(2)) were present in all samples (roots, stems and leaves) taken from plants exposed to As. The GS-As((III))-PC(2) complex was the dominant complex after 1 h of exposure. As((III))-PC(3) became the predominant As-PC complex after 3 h, binding up to 40% of the As present in the exposed plants. No As-PC complexes were found in sap (mainly xylem sap from the root system), in contrast to roots, stems and leaves, which is unequivocal evidence that As-PC complexes are not involved in the translocation of As from root to leaves of H. annuus.


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We have developed a method to extract and separate phytochelatins (PCs)-metal(loid) complexes using parallel metal(loid)-specific (inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry) and organic-specific (electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry) detection systems-and use it here to ascertain the nature of arsenic (As)-PC complexes in plant extracts. This study is the first unequivocal report, to our knowledge, of PC complex coordination chemistry in plant extracts for any metal or metalloid ion. The As-tolerant grass Holcus lanatus and the As hyperaccumulator Pteris cretica were used as model plants. In an in vitro experiment using a mixture of reduced glutathione (GS), PC(2), and PC(3), As preferred the formation of the arsenite [As((III))]-PC(3) complex over GS-As((III))-PC(2), As((III))-(GS)(3), As((III))-PC(2), or As((III))-(PC(2))(2) (GS: glutathione bound to arsenic via sulphur of cysteine). In H. lanatus, the As((III))-PC(3) complex was the dominant complex, although reduced glutathione, PC(2), and PC(3) were found in the extract. P. cretica only synthesizes PC(2) and forms dominantly the GS-As((III))-PC(2) complex. This is the first evidence, to our knowledge, for the existence of mixed glutathione-PC-metal(loid) complexes in plant tissues or in vitro. In both plant species, As is dominantly in non-bound inorganic forms, with 13% being present in PC complexes for H. lanatus and 1% in P. cretica.