89 resultados para INTERNAL ELECTRIC-FIELD


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The parametric coupling between large amplitude magnetic field-aligned circularly polarized electromagnetic ion-cyclotron (EMIC) waves and ponderomotively driven ion-acoustic perturbations in magnetized space plasmas is considered. A cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation for the modulated EMIC wave envelope is derived, and then solved analytically. The modulated EMIC waves are found to be stable (unstable) against ion-acoustic density perturbations, in the subsonic (supersonic, respectively) case, and they may propagate as "supersonic bright" ("subsonic dark", i.e. "black" or "grey") type envelope solitons, i.e. electric field pulses (holes, voids), associated with (co-propagating) density humps. Explicit bright and dark (black/grey) envelope excitation profiles are presented, and the relevance of our investigation to space plasmas is discussed.


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A pair plasma consisting of two types of ions, possessing equal masses and opposite charges, is considered. The nonlinear propagation of modulated electrostatic wave packets is studied by employing a two-fluid plasma model. Considering propagation parallel to the external magnetic field, two distinct electrostatic modes are obtained, namely a quasiacoustic lower moddfe and a Langmuir-like, as optic-type upper one, in agreement with experimental observations and theoretical predictions. Considering small yet weakly nonlinear deviations from equilibrium, and adopting a multiple-scale technique, the basic set of model equations is reduced to a nonlinear Schrodinger equation for the slowly varying electric field perturbation amplitude. The analysis reveals that the lower (acoustic) mode is stable and may propagate in the form of a dark-type envelope soliton (a void) modulating a carrier wave packet, while the upper linear mode is intrinsically unstable, and may favor the formation of bright-type envelope soliton (pulse) modulated wave packets. These results are relevant to recent observations of electrostatic waves in pair-ion (fullerene) plasmas, and also with respect to electron-positron plasma emission in pulsar magnetospheres. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We propose a possible mechanism for the generation of magnetic fields in negative refraction index composite metamaterials. Considering the propagation of a high-frequency modulated amplitude electric field in a left-handed material (LHM), we show that the ponderomotive interaction between the field and low-frequency potential distributions leads to spontaneous generation of magnetic fields, whose form and properties are discussed.


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The nonlinear propagation of amplitude-modulated electrostatic wavepackets in an electron-positron-ion (e-p-i) plasma is considered, by employing a two-fluid plasma model. Considering propagation parallel to the external magnetic field, two distinct electrostatic modes are obtained, namely a quasi-thermal acoustic-like lower mode and a Langmuir-like optic-type upper one. These results equally apply in warm pair ion ( e. g. fullerene) plasmas contaminated by a small fraction of stationary ions ( or dust), in agreement with experimental observations and theoretical predictions in pair plasmas. Considering small yet weakly nonlinear deviations from equilibrium, and adopting a multiple-scales perturbation technique, the basic set of model equations is reduced to a nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation for the slowly varying electric field perturbation amplitude. The analysis reveals that the lower ( acoustic) mode is mostly stable for large wavelengths, and may propagate in the form of a dark-type envelope soliton ( a void) modulating a carrier wavepacket, while the upper linear mode is intrinsically unstable, and thus favours the formation of bright-type envelope soliton ( pulse) modulated wavepackets. The stability ( instability) range for the acoustic ( Langmuir-like optic) mode shifts to larger wavenumbers as the positive-to-negative ion temperature ( density) ratio increases. These results may be of relevance in astrophysical contexts, where e-p-i plasmas are encountered, and may also serve as prediction of the behaviour of doped ( or dust-contaminated) fullerene plasmas, in the laboratory.


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A multiple scales technique is employed to solve the fluid-Maxwell equations describing a weakly nonlinear circularly polarized electromagnetic pulse in magnetized plasma. A nonlinear Schrodinger-type (NLS) equation is shown to govern the amplitude of the vector potential. The conditions for modulational instability and for the existence of various types of localized envelope modes are investigated in terms of relevant parameters. Right-hand circularly polarized (RCP) waves are shown to be modulationally unstable regardless of the value of the ambient magnetic field and propagate as bright-type solitons. The same is true for left-hand circularly polarized (LCP) waves in a weakly to moderately magnetized plasma. In other parameter regions, LCP waves are stable in strongly magnetized plasmas and may propagate as dark-type solitons (electric field holes). The evolution of envelope solitons is analyzed numerically, and it is shown that solitons propagate in magnetized plasma without any essential change in amplitude and shape. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Label-free plasmonic biosensors rely either on surface plasmon polaritons or on localized surface plasmons on continuous or nanostructured noble-metal surfaces to detect molecular-binding events(1-4). Despite undisputed advantages, including spectral tunability(3), strong enhancement of the local electric field(5,6) and much better adaptability to modern nanobiotechnology architectures(7), localized plasmons demonstrate orders of magnitude lower sensitivity compared with their guided counterparts(3). Here, we demonstrate an improvement in biosensing technology using a plasmonic metamaterial that is capable of supporting a guided mode in a porous nanorod layer. Benefiting from a substantial overlap between the probing field and the active biological substance incorporated between the nanorods and a strong plasmon-mediated energy confinement inside the layer, this metamaterial provides an enhanced sensitivity to refractive-index variations of the medium between the rods (more than 30,000nm per refractive-index unit). We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach using a standard streptavidin-biotin affinity model and record considerable improvement in the detection limit of small analytes compared with conventional label-free plasmonic devices.


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Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectra from molecules adsorbed on the surface of vertically aligned gold nanorod arrays exhibit a variation in enhancement factor (EF) as a function of excitation wavelength that displays little correlation with the elastic optical properties of the surface. The key to understanding this lack of correlation and to obtaining agreement between experimental and calculated EF spectra lies with consideration of randomly distributed, sub-10 nm gaps between nanorods forming the substrate. Intense fields in these enhancement “hot spots” make a dominant contribution to the Raman scattering and have a very different spectral profile to that of the elastic optical response. Detailed modeling of the electric field enhancement at both excitation and scattering wavelengths was used to quantitatively predict both the spectral profile and the magnitude of the observed EF.


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Over 60 years ago, Charles Kittel predicted that quadrant domains should spontaneously form in small ferromagnetic platelets. He expected that the direction of magnetization within each quadrant should lie parallel to the platelet surface, minimizing demagnetizing fields, and that magnetic moments should be configured into an overall closed loop, or flux-closure arrangement. Although now a ubiquitous observation in ferromagnets, obvious flux-closure patterns have been somewhat elusive in ferroelectric materials. This is despite the analogous behaviour between these two ferroic subgroups and the recent prediction of dipole closure states by atomistic simulations research. Here we show Piezoresponse Force Microscopy images of mesoscopic dipole closure patterns in free-standing, single-crystal lamellae of BaTiO3. Formation of these patterns is a dynamical process resulting from system relaxation after the BaTiO3 has been poled with a uniform electric field. The flux-closure states are composed of shape conserving 90° stripe domains which minimize disclination stresses.


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The electric field enhancement associated with detailed structure within novel optical antenna nanostructures is modeled using the surface integral equation technique in the context of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). The antennae comprise random arrays of vertically aligned, multi-walled carbon nanotubes dressed with highly granular Ag. Different types of "hot-spot" underpinning the SERS are identified, but contrasting characteristics are revealed. Those at the outer edges of the Ag grains are antenna driven with field enhancement amplified in antenna antinodes while intergrain hotspots are largely independent of antenna activity. Hot-spots between the tops of antennae leaning towards each other also appear to benefit from antenna amplification.


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As part of an ongoing programme to evaluate the extent to which external morphology alters domain wall mobility in ferroelectrics, the electrical switching characteristics of single-crystal BaTiO3 nanorods and thin film plates have been measured and compared. It was found that ferroelectric nanorods were more readily switched than thin plates; increasing the shape constraint therefore appears to enhance switchability. This observation is broadly consistent with previous work, in which local notches patterned along the length of nanorods enhanced switching (McMillen et al 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 042904), while antinotches had the opposite effect (McQuaid et al 2010 Nano Lett. 10 3566). In this prior work, local enhancement and denudation of the electric field was expected at the notch and antinotch sites, respectively, and this was thought to be the reason for the differences in switching behaviour observed. However, for the simple nanorods and plates investigated here, no differences in the electric field distributions are expected. To rationalise the functional measurements, domain development during switching was imaged directly by piezoresponse force microscopy. A two-stage process was identified, in which narrow needle-like reverse domains initially form across the entire interelectrode gap and then subsequently coarsen through domain wall propagation perpendicular to the applied electric field. To be consistent with the electrical switching data, we suggest that the initial formation of needle domains occurs more readily in the nanorods than in the plates.


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The pH-dependent fluorescence behavior of two regioisomeric 'receptor(1)-spacer(1)-fluorophore-spacer(2)-receptor(2)' systems 1 and 2 in micellar solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate show that photoinduced electron transfer (PET) only occurs from the amine group connected to the 4-amino position of the aminonaphthalimide fluorophore in both cases. This demonstrates the directing influence of the photogenerated electric field within the aminonaphthalimide excited state on the electron transfer process. Since path-selectivity of PET is also known within the membrane-bound photosynthetic reaction center in bacteria, its origins may be illuminated by the simple experiments described here. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Proton imaging has become a common diagnostic technique for use in laser-plasma research experiments due to their ability to diagnose electric field effects and to resolve small density differences caused through shock effects. These interactions are highly dependent on the use of radiochromic film (RCF) as a detection system for the particle probe, and produces very high-resolution images. However, saturation effects, and in many cases, damage to the film limits the usefulness of this technique for high-flux particle probing. This paper outlines the use of a new technique using contact radiography of (p,n)-generated isotopes in activation samples to produce high dynamic range 2D images with high spatial resolution and extremely high dynamic range, whilst maintaining both energy resolution and absolute flux measurements. (C)007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An experimental investigation of lateral electron transport in thin metallic foil targets irradiated by ultraintense (>= 10(19) W/cm(2)) laser pulses is reported. Two-dimensional spatially resolved ion emission measurements are used to quantify electric-field generation resulting from electron transport. The measurement of large electric fields (similar to 0.1 TV/m) millimeters from the laser focus reveals that lateral energy transport continues long after the laser pulse has decayed. Numerical simulations confirm a very strong enhancement of electron density and electric field at the edges of the target.


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The dynamics of transient electric fields generated by the interaction of high intensity laser pulses with underdense plasmas has been studied experimentally with the proton projection imaging technique. The formation of a charged channel, the propagation of its front edge and the late electric field evolution have been characterized with high temporal and spatial resolution. Particle-in-cell simulations and an electrostatic, ponderomotive model reproduce the experimental features and trace them back to the ponderomotive expulsion of electrons and the subsequent ion acceleration.


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We report on the non-volatile resistive switching properties of epitaxial nickel oxide (NiO) nanostructures, 10-100 nm wide and up to 30 nm high grown on (001)-Nb:SrTiO3 substrates. Conducting-atomic force microscopy on individual nano-islands confirms prominent bipolar switching with a maximum ON/OFF ratio of similar to 10(3) at a read voltage of similar to+0.4V. This ratio is found to decrease with increasing height of the nanostructure. Linear fittings of I-V loops reveal that low and high resistance states follow Ohmic-conduction and Schottky-emission mechanism, respectively. The switching behavior (dependence on height) is attributed to the modulation of the carrier density at the nanostructure-substrate interface due to the applied electric field.