95 resultados para I-c


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Beliefs about personhood are understood to be a defining feature of individualism-collectivism (I-C), but they have been insufficiently explored, given the emphasis of research on values and self-construals. We propose the construct of contextualism, referring to beliefs about the importance of context in understanding people, as a facet of cultural collectivism. A brief measure was developed and refined across 19 nations (Study 1: N = 5,241), showing good psychometric properties for cross-cultural use and correlating well at the nation level with other supposed facets and indicators of I-C. In Study 2 (N = 7,623), nation-level contextualism predicted ingroup favoritism, corruption and differential trust of ingroup and outgroup members, while controlling for other facets of I-C, across 34 nations. We conclude that contextualism is an important part of cultural collectivism. This highlights the importance of beliefs alongside values and self-representations, and contributes to a wider understanding of cultural processes.


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We present an experimental demonstration of nonresonant manipulation of vibrational states in a molecule by an intense ultrashort laser pulse. A vibrational wave packet is generated in D-2(+) through tunnel ionization of D-2 by a few-cycle pump pulse. A similar control pulse is applied as the wave packet begins to dephase so that the dynamic Stark effect distorts the electronic environment of the nuclei, transferring vibrational population. The time evolution of the modified wave packet is probed via the D-2(+) photodissociation yield that results from the application of an intense probe pulse. Comparing the measured yield with a quasiclassical trajectory model allows us to determine the redistribution of vibrational population caused by the control pulse. ©


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The feasibility of laser cooling AlH and AlF is investigated using ab initio quantum chemistry. All the electronic states corresponding to the ground and lowest two excited states of the Al atom are calculated using multi-reference configuration interaction (MRCI) and the large AV6Z basis set for AlH. The smaller AVQZ basis set is used to calculate the valence electronic states of AlF. Theoretical Franck-Condon factors are determined for the A(1)Pi -> X(1)Sigma(+) transitions in both radicals and found to agree with the highly diagonal factors found experimentally, suggesting computational chemistry is an effective method for screening suitable laser cooling candidates. AlH does not appear to have a transition quite as diagonal as that in SrF (which has been laser cooled) but the A(1)Pi -> X(1)Sigma(+) transition transition of AlF is a strong candidate for cooling with just a single laser, though the cooling frequency is deep in the UV. Furthermore, the a (3)Pi -> X(1)Sigma(+) transitions are also strongly diagonal and in AlF is a practical method for obtaining very low final temperatures around 3 mu K.


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Strategies to produce an ultracold sample of carbon atoms are explored and assessed with the help of quantum chemistry. After a brief discussion of the experimental difficulties using conventional methods, two strategies are investigated. The first attempts to exploit charge exchange reactions between ultracold metal atoms and sympathetically cooled C+ ions. Ab initio calculations including electron correlation have been conducted on the molecular ions [LiC]+ and [BeC]+ to determine whether alkali or alkaline earth metals are a suitable buffer gas for the formation of C atoms but strong spontaneous radiative charge exchange ensure they are not ideal. The second technique involves the stimulated production of ultracold C atoms from a gas of laser cooled carbides. Calculations on LiC suggest that the alkali carbides are not suitable but the CH radical is a possible laser cooling candidate thanks to very favourable Frank-Condon factors. A scheme based on a four pulse STIRAP excitation pathway to a Feshbach resonance is outlined for the production of atomic fragments with near zero centre of mass velocity.


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Carcinus manenas, Liocarcinus puber and Cancer pagurs are thought to be three likely crab predators of the gastropod Calliostoma Zizyphinum. In order to compare the strenghts of predators and their prey, the whole shell and aperture lip strengh of white and pink Calliostoma morphotypes and the maximum forces exerted by the chelipeds of three crab species were measured. Although white shells were thicker than pink shells, Calliostoma colour morphotyes did not differ significantly in either the force required to break the shell lip or the whole shell. Both Liocarcinus puber and Carcinus maenas have dimorphic chelipeds and their “crusher” chelipeds deliver almost double the forces generated by the‘cutter’chelipeds. In constrast, Cancer pagurus has monomorphic chelipeds both delivering similar forces. When compared with Calliostoma shell strenght, the forces generated by the‘crusher’chelipeds of most L. puber tested were, in general, sufficient to break the shell lip of Calliostoma shells, whereas forces generated by the‘cutter’chelipeds of only the larger individuals were sufficient to break the shell lip. In C. manenas, forces generated by both the‘cutter’and‘crusher’chelipeds often exceeded the minimum recorded force required to break the shell lip and the‘crusher’cheliped reached the minimum force required to break whole Calliostoma shells. Both chelipeds of all C. pagurus tested generated forces in excess of the minimum required to break the shell lip, and the proportion of individuals capable of generating the minimum force required to break the whole shell increased with the size of the size of the crab. Carcinus maenas and Cancer pagurus were capable of breaking both the shell lips and the whole shells of a wider range of shell sizes than L. puber.


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Ab initio calculations for the strongly exoergic Li-2 + F harpoon reaction are presented using density-functional theory, complete active space self-consistent field, and multireference configuration interaction methods to argue that this reaction would be an ideal candidate for investigation with ultracold molecules. The lowest six states are calculated with the aug-correlation-consistent polarized valence triple-zeta basis set and at least two can be accessed by a ground rovibronic Li-2 molecule with zero collision energy at all reaction geometries. The large reactive cross section (characteristic of harpoon reactions) and chemiluminescent products are additional attractive features of these reactions.


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Behavioral effects of a novel anti-inflammatory SEN1176 were investigated. This pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine suppresses amyloid-ß (Aß)1-42-induced macrophage production of nitric oxide, TNF-a, IL-1ß, and IL-6 in a dose-dependent fashion, an activity profile consistent with SEN1176 being a neuroinflammation inhibitor. Using male Sprague-Dawley rats, SEN1176 was examined relative to detrimental behavioral effects induced following bilateral intrahippocampal (IH) injections of aggregated Aß1-42. The rats were trained to respond under an alternating-lever cyclic-ratio (ALCR) schedule of food reinforcement, enabling measurement of parameters of operant performance that reflect aspects of learning and memory. Under the ALCR schedule, orally administered SEN1176 at 5, 20, or 30 mg/kg was effective in reducing the behavioral deficit caused by bilateral IH aggregated Aß1-42 injections in a dose-related manner over a 90-day treatment period. SEN1176 at 20 and 30 mg/kg significantly reduced lever switching errors and, at doses of 5, 10, and 30 mg/kg, significantly reduced incorrect lever perseverations, indicating a reduction of the behavioral deficit induced as a result of inflammation following IH Aß1-42 injections. When treatment with SEN1176 was instigated 30 days after IH Aß1-42 injections, it resulted in progressive protection, and withdrawal of SEN1176 treatment 60 days after IH Aß1-42 injections revealed partial retention of the protective effect. SEN1176 also significantly reduced numbers of activated astrocytes adjacent to the aggregated Aß1-42 injection sites. These results indicate the potential of SEN1176 for alleviating chronic neuroinflammatory processes related to brain Aß deposition that affect learning and memory in Alzheimer's disease.


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The characteristics of an extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) continuum light source and its application to a dual-laser plasma (DLP) photoabsorption experiment are described. The continuum emitting plasma was formed by focusing a 7 ps, 248 nm, 15 mJ laser pulse onto a number of selected targets known to be good XUV continuum emitters (Sm, W, Au and Pb), while the second absorbing plasma was produced by a 15 ns, 1064 nm, 300 mi pulse. The duration of the continuum emission for these plasmas has a mean value of similar to 150 ps, but depends on both the target material and the picosecond laser pulse energy. Using this picosecond DLP set-up we have been able to measure the photoabsorption spectrum of an actinide ion (thorium) for the first time.


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We report on the results of optical follow-up observations of the counterpart of the gamma-ray burst GRB 970508, starting 7 hr after the event. Multicolor U-, B-, V-, R-c-, and I-c-band observations were obtained during the first three consecutive nights. The counterpart was monitored regularly in R-c, until similar to 4 months after the burst. The light curve after the maximum follows a decline that can be fitted with a power law with exponent alpha = -1.141 +/- 0.014. Deviations from a smooth power-law decay are moderate (rms = 0.15 mag). We find no flattening of the light curve at late times. The optical afterglow fluence is a significant fraction, similar to 5%, of the GRB fluence. The optical energy distribution can be well represented by a power law, the slope of which changed at the time of the maximum (the spectrum became redder).


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We have observed extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) ''line-free'' continuum emission from laser plasmas of high atomic number elements using targets irradiated with 248 nm laser pulses of 7 ps duration at a power density of similar to 10(13) W/cm(2). Using both dispersive spectroscopy and streak camera detection, the spectral and temporal evolution of XUV continuum emission for several target atomic numbers has been measured on a time scale with an upper limit of several hundred picoseconds limited by amplified spontaneous emission. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.