125 resultados para Hemoglobin Degradation


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Bacteroides fragilis is a bacterium that resides in the normal human gastro-intestinal tract; however, it is also the most commonly isolated Gram-negative obligate anaerobe from human clinical infections, such as intra-abdominal abscesses, and the most common cause of anaerobic bacteraemia. Abscess formation is important in bacterial containment, limiting dissemination of infection and bacteraemia. In this study, we investigated B. fragilis binding and degradation of human fibrinogen, the major structural component involved in fibrin abscess formation. We have shown that B. fragilis NCTC9343 binds human fibrinogen. A putative Bacteroides fragilis fibrinogen-binding protein, designated BF-FBP, identified in the genome sequence of NCTC9343, was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified recombinant BF-FBP bound primarily to the human fibrinogen Bß-chain. In addition, we have identified fibrinogenolytic activity in B. fragilis exponential phase culture supernatants, associated with fibrinogenolytic metalloproteases in NCTC9343 and 638R, and cysteine protease activity in YCH46. All nine clinical isolates of B. fragilis examined degraded human fibrinogen; with eight isolates, initial A-chain degradation was observed, with varying Bß-chain and -chain degradation. With one blood culture isolate, Bß-chain and -chain degradation occurred first, followed by subsequent A-chain degradation. Our data raise the possibility that the fibrinogen-binding protein of B. fragilis, along with a variety of fibrinogenolytic proteases, may be an important virulence factor that facilitates dissemination of infection via reduction or inhibition of abscess formation.


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The degradation of resorbable polymeric devices often takes months to years. Accelerated testing at elevated temperatures is an attractive but controversial technique. The purposes of this paper include: (a) to provide a summary of the mathematical models required to analyse accelerated degradation data and to indicate the pitfalls of using these models; (b) to improve the model previously developed by Han and Pan; (c) to provide a simple version of the model of Han and Pan with an analytical solution that is convenient to use; (d) to demonstrate the application of the improved model in two different poly(lactic acid) systems. It is shown that the simple analytical relations between molecular weight and degradation time widely used in the literature can lead to inadequate conclusions. In more general situations the rate equations are only part of a complete degradation model. Together with previous works in the literature, our study calls for care in using the accelerated testing technique.


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Interleukin-12 (IL-12), p80, and IL-23 are structurally related cytokines sharing a p40 subunit. We have recently demonstrated that celecoxib and its COX-2-independent analogue 4-trifluoromethyl-celecoxib (TFM-C) inhibit secretion but not transcription of IL-12 (p35/p40) and p80 (p40/p40). This is associated with a mechanism involving altered cytokine-chaperone interaction in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In the present study, we found that celecoxib and TFM-C also block secretion of IL-23 (p40/p19 heterodimers). Given the putative ER-centric mode of these compounds, we performed a comprehensive RTPCR analysis of 23 ER-resident chaperones/foldases and associated co-factors. This revealed that TFM-C induced 1.5-3-fold transcriptional up-regulation of calreticulin, GRP78, GRP94, GRP170, ERp72, ERp57, ERdj4, and ERp29. However, more significantly, a 7-fold up-regulation of homocysteine-inducible ER protein (HERP) was observed. HERP is part of a high molecular mass protein complex involved in ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). Using co-immunoprecipitation assays, we show that TFM-C induces protein interaction of p80 and IL-23 with HERP. Both HERP siRNA knockdown and HERP overexpression coupled to cycloheximide chase assays revealed that HERP is necessary for degradation of intracellularly retained p80 by TFM-C. Thus, our data suggest that targeting cytokine folding in the ER by small molecule drugs could be therapeutically exploited to alleviate in appropriate inflammation in autoimmune conditions.


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Degradation experiments of benzoate by Pseudomonas putida resulted in enzymatic carbon isotope fractionations. However, isotopic temperature effects between experiments at 20 and 30 °C were minor. Averages of the last three values of the CO2 isotopic composition (δ13CCO2(g)) were more negative than the initial benzoate δ13C value (−26.2‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belenite (VPDB)) by 3.8, 3.4 and 3.2‰ at 20, 25 and 30 °C, respectively. Although the maximum isotopic temperature difference found was only 0.6‰, more extreme temperature variations may cause larger isotope effects. In order to understand the isotope effects on the total inorganic carbon (TIC), a better measure is to calculate the proportions of the inorganic carbon species (CO2(g), CO2(aq) and HCO3−) and to determine their cumulative δ13CTIC. In all three experiments δ13CTIC was more positive than the initial isotopic composition of the benzoate at a pH of 7. This suggests an uptake of 12C in the biomass in order to match the carbon balance of these closed system experiments.


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Background: Nateglinide restores early-phase insulin secretion to feeding and reduces postprandial hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes. This study evaluated the effects of nateglinide on dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) activity and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) degradation


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Glucagon-like peptide-1(7-36)amide (tGLP-1) has attracted considerable potential as a possible therapeutic agent for type 2 diabetes. However, tGLP-1 is rapidly inactivated in vivo by the exopeptidase dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV), thereby terminating its insulin releasing activity. The present study has examined the ability of a novel analogue, His(7)-glucitol tGLP-1 to resist plasma degradation and enhance the insulin-releasing and antihyperglycemic activity of the peptide in 20-25-week-old obese diabetic ob/ob mice. Degradation of native tGLP-1 by incubation at 37 degreesC with obese mouse plasma was clearly evident after 3 h (35% intact). After 6 h, more than 87% of tGLP-1 was converted to GLP-1(9-36)amide and two further N-terminal fragments, GLP-1(7-28) and GLP-1(9-28). In contrast, His7-glucitol tGLP-1 was completely resistant to N-terminal degradation. The formation of GLP-1(9-36)amide from native tGLP-1 was almost totally abolished by addition of diprotin A, a specific inhibitor of DPP IV. Effects of tGLP-1 and His7-glucitol tGLP-1 were examined in overnight fasted obese mice following i.p. injection of either peptide (30 nmol/kg) together with glucose (18 mmol/kg) or in association with feeding. Plasma glucose was significantly lower and insulin response greater following administration of His7-glucitol tGLP-1 as compared to glucose alone. Native tGLP-1 lacked antidiabetic effects under the conditions employed, and neither peptide influenced the glucose-lowering action of exogenous insulin (50 units/kg). Twice daily s.c. injection of ob/ob mice with His(7)-glucitol tGLP-1 (10 nmol/kg) for 7 days reduced fasting hyperglycemia and greatly augmented the plasma insulin response to the peptides given in association with feeding. These data demonstrate that His(7)-glucitol tGLP-1 displays resistance to plasma DPP IV degradation and exhibits antihyperglycemic activity and substantially enhanced insulin-releasing action in a commonly used animal model of type 2 diabetes. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Glucagon-like peptide-1 (7-36)amide (tGLP-1) is inactivated by dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP) IV by removal of the NH2-terminal dipeptide His(7)-Ala(8). We examined the degradation of NH2-terminally modified His(7)-glucitol tGLP-1 and its insulin-releasing and antihyperglycaemic activity in vivo, tGLP-1 was degraded by purified DPP IV after 4 h (43% intact) and after 12 hi 89% was converted to GLP-1(9-36)amide. In contrast > 99% of His(7)-glucitol tGLP-1 remained intact at 12 h. His(7)-glucitol tGLP-1 was similarly resistant to plasma degradation in vitro. His7-glucitol tGLP-1 showed greater resistance to degradation in vivo (92% intact) compared to tGLP-1 (27% intact) 10 min after i.p. administration to Wistar rats. Glucose homeostasis was examined following i.p. injection of both peptides (12 nmol/kg) together with glucose (18 mmol/kg). Plasma glucose concentrations were significantly reduced and insulin concentrations elevated following peptides administration compared with glucose alone. The area under the curve (AUC) for glucose for controls (AUC 691 +/- 35 mM/min) was significantly lower after administration of tGLP-1 and His7-glucitol tGLP-1 (36 and 49% less; AUC; 440 +/- 40 and 353 +/- 31 mM/min, respectively; P


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Alpha polyesters such as poly(L-lactide) and poly(glycolide) are biodegradable materials used in fracture fixation and they need to be assessed for problems associated with their degradation products. This study has compared cell responses to low molecular weight poly(L-lactide) particles, lactate monomer, poly(glycolide) particles and glycolic acid at cytotoxic and sub-cytotoxic concentrations. Murine macrophages were cultured in vitro and the release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)) and interleukin-1 alpha IL-1alpha was measured following the addition of particles or monomer. Experiments revealed that both the poly(L-lactide) and poly(glycolide) particles gave rise to dose dependent increases in LDH release and an increase in IL-1alpha and PGE(2) release. Comparisons of the poly(L-lactide) particles to the poly(glycolide) particles did not reveal any differences in their stimulation of LDH, IL-1alpha and PGE(2) release. The lactate and glycolate monomers did not increase PGE(2) or IL-1alpha release above control levels. There was no difference in biocompatibility between the poly(L-lactide) and poly(glycolide) degradation products both in particulate and monomeric form. (C) 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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The short-term systemic and renal hemodynamic effects of two stroma-free hemoglobin (SFH) solutions, one unmodified and the other modified by cross-linking, were examined in anesthetized rats after hemorrhagic hypotension. Both forms of SFH increased mean arterial pressure (MAP) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) to baseline (prehemorrhage) values. The increase in MAP induced by unmodified SFH was greater than the increase in MAP caused by an albumin solution isoncotic to the unmodified SFH solution. Similarly, the increase in MAP caused by the modified SFH was also substantially greater than that induced by an albumin solution of comparable oncotic pressure to the modified SFH solution. Both unmodified and modified SFH increased GFR. As with MAP, the increase in GFR induced by both SFH solutions was greater than that associated with the oncotically matched albumin solutions. In separate experiments, the effects of nitric oxide (NO) inhibition with N omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) on MAP after hemorrhagic hypotension and subsequent infusion of unmodified SFH or albumin were also examined. In the albumin-infused rats, L-NAME increased MAP. In marked contrast, NO inhibition with L-NAME had no further effect on MAP when infused after SFH. We conclude that both unmodified and modified SFH solutions acutely improve MAP and GFR by the combined effects of intravascular volume expansion resulting from the colloid effect of the protein and by inactivation of NO.


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Erythrocytosis is present when there is an increase in the red cell mass, usually accompanied by an elevated hemoglobin and hematocrit. This occurs when there is an intrinsic defect in the erythroid component of the bone marrow or for secondary reasons when an increase in erythropoietin production drives red cell production. In normoxic conditions, HIF-alpha interacts with the other proteins in the HIF pathway and is destroyed, but in hypoxic conditions, HIF-alpha binds to HIF-beta. and alters the expression of downstream genes, including the erythropoietin gene. The end result is an increase in erythropoietin production. Mutations in any of the genes in the HIF pathway could lead to changed proteins, abnormalities in the degradation of HIF-alpha and, ultimately, result in increased erythropoietin levels. A number of mutations in the VHL, PHD2, and HIF2A genes have been identified in individuals. These mutations lead to erythrocytosis. The clinical results of these mutations may include some major thromboembolic events in young patients.


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Bioresorbable polymers such as polylactide (PIA) and polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) have been used successfully as biomaterials in a wide range of medical applications. However, their slow degradation rates and propensity to lose strength before mass have caused problems. A central challenge for the development of these materials is the assurance of consistent and predictable in vivo degradation. Previous work has illustrated the potential to influence polymer degradation using electron beam (e-beam) radiation. The work addressed in this paper investigates further the utilisation of e-beam radiation in order to achieve a more surface specific effect. Variation of e-beam energy was studied as a means to control the effective penetrative depth in poly-L-lactide (PLEA). PLEA samples were exposed to e-beam radiation at individual energies of 0.5 MeV, 0.75 MeV and 1.5 MeV. The near-surface region of the PLEA samples was shown to be affected by e-beam irradiation with induced changes in molecular weight, morphology, flexural strength and degradation profile. Moreover, the depth to which the physical properties of the polymer were affected is dependent on the beam energy used. Computer modelling of the transmission of each e-beam energy level used corresponded well with these findings. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.