138 resultados para Grain orientation


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We discuss the effect of the attractive force associated with overlapping Debye spheres on the dispersion properties of the longitudinal and transverse dust lattice waves in strongly coupled dust crystals. The dust grain attraction is shown to contribute to a destabilization of the longitudinal dust lattice oscillations. The (optic-like) transverse mode dispersion law is shown to change. due to the Debye sphere dressing effect, from the known inverse-dispersive ("backward wave") form into a normal dispersive law (i.e. the group velocity changes sign). The stability of one-dimensionless bi-layers, consisting of (alternating) negatively and positively charged dust particles, is also discussed. The range of parameter values (mainly in terms of the lattice parameter kappa) where the above predictions are valid, are presented. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Within the sustainability context, this paper is extremely timely and relevant. The research focuses on broadening the use of timber structurally. The insight gained forms the basis for sustainable, fire resistant, economic and aesthetically pleasing moment resistant connections in timber.


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In migratory passerine birds, strong magnetic pulses are thought to be diagnostic of the remagnetization of iron minerals in a putative sensory system contained in the beak. Previous evidence suggests that while such a magnetic pulse affects the orientation of migratory birds in orientation cages, no effect was present when pulse-treated birds were tested in natural migration. Here we show that two migrating passerine birds treated with a strong magnetic pulse, designed to alter the magnetic sense, migrated in a direction that differed significantly from that of controls when tested in natural conditions. The orientation of treated birds was different depending on the alignment of the pulse with respect to the magnetic field. These results can aid in advancing understanding of how the putative iron-mineral-based receptors found in birds' beaks may be used to detect and signal the intensity and/or direction of the Earth's magnetic field.


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Bats have been extensively studied with regard to their ability to orient, navigate and hunt prey by means of echolocation, but almost nothing is known about how they orient and navigate in situations such as migration and homing outside the range of their echolocation system. As volant animals, bats face many of the same problems and challenges as birds. Migrating bats must relocate summer and winter home ranges over distances as far as 2,000 km. Foraging bats must be able to relocate their home roost if they range beyond a familiar area, and indeed circumstantial evidence suggests that these animals can home from more than 600 km. However, an extensive research program on homing and navigation in bats halted in the early 1970s. The field of bird navigation has advanced greatly since that time and many of the mechanisms that birds are known to use for navigation were not known or widely accepted at this time. In this paper I discuss what is known about orientation and navigation in bats and use bird navigation as a model for future research in bat navigation. Technology is advancing such that previous difficulties in studying orientation in bats in the field can be overcome and so that the mechanisms of navigation in this highly mobile animal can finally be elucidated.


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The chemistry in a protoplanetary accretion disk is modelled between a radius of 100 and 0.1 AU of the central object. We find that interaction of the gas with the dust grains is very important, both by removing a large fraction of the material from the gas in the outer regions and through the chemical reactions which can occur on the dust grain surfaces. In addition, collision with grains neutralises gaseous ions effectively and keeps the ionization fraction low. This results in a chemistry which is dominated by neutral-neutral reactions, even if ionization is provided by cosmic rays or by the decay of radioactive isotopes. We model the effects of two desorption processes with very different efficiencies and find that while these produce similar results over much of the disk for many species, some molecules are extremely sensitive to the nature of the desorption and may one day be used as an observational test for the desorption process.


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We have modeled the gas phase chemistry of warm molecular material around protostars that is seeded with evaporating grain mantles. We show that the release of simple molecules into the gas drives ion-molecule and neutral chemistries which can account for many of the complex 0-bearing and N-bearing molecules observed in hot cores. Initial grain mantle components and secondary product molecules are identified, and the observational consequences are discussed.