80 resultados para Fungal contamination


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One of the most important bird breeding and over wintering sites in the west of Europe, the Coto Doñana, was severely impacted by the release of 5 million cubic meters of acid waste from the processing of pyrite ore. The waste entered ecologically sensitive areas of the park (including breeding areas for internationally endangered bird species) causing sustained pH decreases from pH 8.5 to 4.5 and resulting in massive metal contamination of the impacted ecosystem. The contaminating sludge waste contained arsenic at 0.6%, lead at 1.2% and zinc at 0.8% on a dry weight basis. The acid conditions facilitated the solubilization of these metals, leading to water concentrations lethal for aquatic wildlife. The accident caused considerable fish and invertebrate kills and has severe consequences for the protected bird species dependent on the impacted habitats and adjacent areas.


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Subsistence farming communities with low socio-economic status reliant on a mono cereal maize diet are exposed to fumonisin levels that exceed the provisional maximum tolerable daily intake of 2 mu g kg(-1) body weight day(-1) recommended by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. In the rural Centane magisterial district, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, it is customary during food preparation to sort visibly infected maize kernels from good maize kernels and to wash the good kernels prior to cooking. However, this customary practice seems not to sufficiently reduce the fumonisin levels. This is the first study to optimise the reduction of fumonisin mycotoxins in home-grown maize based on customary methods of a rural population, under laboratory-controlled conditions. Maize obtained from subsistence farmers was analysed for the major naturally occurring fumonisins (FB1, FB2 and FB3) by fluorescence HPLC. Large variations were observed in the unsorted and the experimental maize batches attributable to the non-homogeneous distribution of fumonisin contamination in maize kernels. Optimised hand-sorting of maize kernels by removing the visibly infected/damaged kernels (fumonisins, 53.7 +/- 15.0 mg kg(-1), 2.5% by weight) reduced the mean fumonisins from 2.32 +/- 1.16 mg kg(-1) to 0.68 +/- 0.42 mg kg(-1). Hand washing of the sorted good maize kernels for a period of 10 min at 25 degrees C resulted in optimal reduction with no additional improvement for wash periods up to 15 h. The laboratory optimised sorting reduced the fumonisins by 71 +/- 18% and an additional 13 +/- 12% with the 10 min wash. Based on these results and on local practices and practicalities the protocol that would be recommended to subsistence farmers consists of the removal of the infected/damaged kernels from the maize followed by a 10 min ambient temperature water wash. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aflatoxins are a family of fungal toxins that are carcinogenic to man and cause immunosuppression, cancer and growth reduction in animals. We conducted a cross-sectional study among 480 children (age 9 months to 5 years) across 4 agroecological zones (SS, NGS, SGS and CS) in Benin and Togo to identify the effect of aflatoxin exposure on child growth and assess the pattern of exposure. Prior reports on this study [Gong, Y.Y., Cardwell, K., Hounsa, A., Egal, S., Turner, Hall, A.J., Wild, C.P., 2002. Dietary aflatoxin exposure and impaired growth in young children from Benin and Togo: cross sectional study. British Medical Journal 325, 20-21, Gong, Y.Y., Egal, S., Hounsa, A., Turner, P.C., Hall, A.J., Cardwell, K., Wild, C.P., 2003. Determinants of aflatoxin exposure in young children from Benin and Togo, West Africa: the critical role of weaning and weaning foods. International Journal of Epidemiology, 32, 556-562] showed that aflatoxin exposure among these children is widespread (99%) and that growth faltering is associated with high blood aflatoxinalbumin adducts (AF-alb adducts), a measure of recent past exposure. The present report demonstrates that consumption of maize is an important source of aflatoxin exposure for the survey population. Higher AF-alb adducts were correlated with higher A. flavus (CFU) infestation of maize (p=0.006), higher aflatoxin contamination (ppb) of maize (p<0.0001) and higher consumption frequencies of maize (p=0.053). The likelihood of aflatoxin exposure from maize was particularly high in agro-ecological zones where the frequency of maize consumption (SGS and CS), the presence of allatoxin in maize (SGS) or the presence of A. flavus on maize (NGS and SGS) was relatively high. Socio-economic background did not affect the presence of A. flavus and aflatoxin in maize, but better maternal education was associated with lower frequencies of maize consumption among children from the northernmost agro-ecological zone (SS) (p=0.001). The impact of groundinit consumption on aflatoxin exposure was limited in this population. High AF-alb adduct levels were correlated with high prevalence of A. flavus and aflatoxin in groundinit, but significance was weak after adjustment for weaning status, agro-ecological zone and maternal socio-economic status (resp. p = 0.091 and p = 0.083). Ingestion of A. flavus and aflatoxin was high in certain agro-ecological zones (SS and SGS) and among the higher socio-economic strata due to higher frequencies of groundnut consumption. Contamination of groundnuts was similar across socio-economic and agroecological boundaries.

In conclusion, dietary exposure to aflatoxin from groundnut was less than from maize in young children from Benin and Togo. Intervention strategies that aim to reduce dietary exposure in this population need to focus on maize consumption in particular, but they should not ignore consumption of groundnuts. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background Aflatoxins are fungal metabolites that frequently contaminate staple foods in much of sub-Saharan Africa, and are associated with increased risk of liver cancer and impaired growth in young children. We aimed to assess whether postharvest measures to restrict aflatoxin contamination of groundnut crops could reduce exposure in west African villages.

Methods We undertook an intervention study at subsistence farms in the lower Kindia region of Guinea. Farms from 20 villages were included, ten of which implemented a package of postharvest measures to restrict aflatoxin contamination of the groundnut crop; ten controls followed usual postharvest practices. We measured the concentrations of blood aflatoxin-albumin adducts from 600 people immediately after harvest and at 3 months and 5 months postharvest to monitor the effectiveness of the intervention.

Findings In control villages mean aflatoxin-albumin concentration increased postharvest (from 5.5 pg/mg [95% CI 4.7-6.1] immediately after harvest to 18.7 pg/mg [17.0-20.6] 5 months later). By contrast, mean aflatoxin-albumin concentration in intervention villages after 5 months of groundnut storage was much the same as that immediately postharvest (7.2 pg/mg [6.2-8.4] vs 8.0 pg/mg [7.0-9.2]). At 5 months, mean adduct concentration in intervention villages was less than 50% of that in control villages (8.0 pg/mg [7.2-9.2] vs 18.7 pg/mg [17.0-20.6], p<0.0001). About a third of the number of people had non-detectable aflatoxin-albumin concentrations at harvest. At 5 months, five (2%) people in the control villages had non-detectable adduct concentrations compared with 47 (20%) of those in the intervention group (p<0.0001). Mean concentrations of aflatoxin B1 in groundnuts in household stores in intervention and control villages were consistent with measurements of aflatoxin-albumin adducts.

Interpretation Use of low-technology approaches at the subsistence-farm level in sub-Saharan Africa could substantially reduce the disease burden caused by aflatoxin exposure.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the contamination of used disposable soft contact lenses with Acanthamoeba. Methods: We evaluated 51 consecutive disposable soft contact lens wearers in a prospective study. Before their check-up visits, patients were offered a free new contact lens in exchange for donating their old one. The used contact lenses (n=102) were then removed and placed in culture medium for Acanthamoeba. We subsequently investigated patterns of wear and hygiene habits. Results: The mean age of this population was 32.6±11.0 years. The average time of disposable soft contact lens wear was 13.7 hours per day. The contact lenses were disinfected daily with commercial solutions. Twenty-five (49.0%) subjects did not clean their lens cases properly. Acanthamoeba was not isolated from any of the 102 lenses. Conclusions: There were no cases of Acanthamoeba contamination in a small population of disposable soft contact lens wearers who regularly disinfected their lenses with standard commercially available contact lens solutions.


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Plant roots can establish associations with neutral, beneficial and pathogenic groups of soil organisms. Although it has been recognized from the study of individual isolates that these associations are individually important for plant growth, little is known about interactions of whole assemblages of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms associating with plants. We investigated the influence of an interaction between local arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal and pathogenic/saprobic microbial assemblages on the growth of two different plant species from semi-arid grasslands in NE Germany (Mallnow near Berlin). In a greenhouse experiment each plant species was grown for six months in either sterile soil or in sterile soil with one of three different treatments: 1) an AM fungal spore fraction isolated from field soil from Mallnow; 2) a soil pathogen/saprobe fraction consisting of a microbial community prepared with field soil from Mallnow and; 3) the combined AM fungal and pathogen/saprobe fractions. While both plant species grew significantly larger in the presence of AM fungi, they responded negatively to the pathogen/saprobe treatment. For both plant species, we found evidence of pathogen protection effects provided by the AM fungal assemblages. These results indicate that interactions between assemblages of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms can influence the growth of host plants, but that the magnitude of these effects is plant species-specific.


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In spite of the controversy that they have generated, neutral models provide ecologists with powerful tools for creating dynamic predictions about beta-diversity in ecological communities. Ecologists can achieve an understanding of the assembly rules operating in nature by noting when and how these predictions are met or not met. This is particularly valuable for those groups of organisms that are challenging to study under natural conditions (e.g., bacteria and fungi). Here, we focused on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) communities and performed an extensive literature search that allowed us to synthesize the information in 19 data sets with the minimal requisites for creating a null hypothesis in terms of community dissimilarity expected under neutral dynamics. In order to achieve this task, we calculated the first estimates of neutral parameters for several AMF communities from different ecosystems. Communities were shown either to be consistent with neutrality or to diverge or converge with respect to the levels of compositional dissimilarity expected under neutrality. These data support the hypothesis that divergence occurs in systems where the effect of limited dispersal is overwhelmed by anthropogenic disturbance or extreme biological and environmental heterogeneity, whereas communities converge when systems have the potential for niche divergence within a relatively homogeneous set of environmental conditions. Regarding the study cases that were consistent with neutrality, the sampling designs employed may have covered relatively homogeneous environments in which the effects of dispersal limitation overwhelmed minor differences among AMF taxa that would lead to environmental filtering. Using neutral models we showed for the first time for a soil microbial group the conditions under which different assembly processes may determine different patterns of beta-diversity. Our synthesis is an important step showing how the application of general ecological theories to a model microbial taxon has the potential to shed light on the assembly and ecological dynamics of communities.


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Winter deicing operations occur extensively in mid- to high-latitude metropolitan regions around the world and result in a significant reduction in road accidents. Deicing salts can, however, pose a major threat to water quality and aquatic organisms. In this paper we examine the utility of Arcellacea (testate amoebae) for monitoring lakes that have become contaminated by winter deicing salts, particularly sodium chloride. We analysed 50 sediment samples and salt-related water-property variables (chloride concentrations; conductivity) from 15 lakes in the Greater Toronto Area and adjacent areas of southern Ontario, Canada. The sampled lakes included lakes in proximity to major highways and suburban roads, and control lakes in forested settings away from road influences. Samples from the most contaminated lakes, with chloride concentrations in excess of 400 mg/l and conductivities of >800 μS/cm, were dominated by species typically found in brackish and/or inhospitable lake environments and by lower faunal diversities (lowest Shannon Diversity Index values) than samples with lower readings. Q-R-mode cluster analysis and Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) resulted in the recognition of four assemblage groupings. These reflect varying levels of salt contamination in the study lakes, along with other local influences, including nutrient loading. The response to nutrients can, however, be isolated if the planktic eutrophic indicator species Cucurbitella tricuspis is removed from the counts. The findings show that the group have considerable potential for biomonitoring in salt-contaminated lakes, and through application to lake sediment cores, may provide significant insights into long-term benthic community health, which is integral for remedial efforts.


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1.While plant–fungal interactions are important determinants of plant community assembly and ecosystem functioning, the processes underlying fungal community composition are poorly understood.
2.Here, we studied for the first time the root-associated eumycotan communities in a set of co-occurring plant species of varying relatedness in a species-rich, semi-arid grassland in Germany. The study system provides an opportunity to evaluate the importance of host plants and gradients in soil type and landscape structure as drivers of fungal community structure on a relevant spatial scale. We used 454 pyrosequencing of the fungal internal transcribed spacer region to analyse root-associated eumycotan communities of 25 species within the Asteraceae, which were sampled at different locations within a soil type gradient. We partitioned the variance accounted for by three predictors (host plant phylogeny, spatial distribution and soil type) to quantify their relative roles in determining fungal community composition and used null model analyses to determine whether community composition was influenced by biotic interactions among the fungi.
3.We found a high fungal diversity (156 816 sequences clustered in 1100 operational taxonomic units (OTUs)). Most OTUs belonged to the phylum Ascomycota (35.8%); the most abundant phylotype best-matched Phialophora mustea. Basidiomycota were represented by 18.3%, with Sebacina as most abundant genus. The three predictors explained 30% of variation in the community structure of root-associated fungi, with host plant phylogeny being the most important variance component. Null model analysis suggested that many fungal taxa co-occurred less often than expected by chance, which demonstrates spatial segregation and indicates that negative interactions may prevail in the assembly of fungal communities.
4.Synthesis. The results show that the phylogenetic relationship of host plants is the most important predictor of root-associated fungal community assembly, indicating that fungal colonization of host plants might be facilitated by certain plant traits that may be shared among closely related plant species.


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Next-generation sequencing technologies with markers covering the full Glomeromycota phylum were used to uncover phylogenetic community structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) associated with Festuca brevipila. The study system was a semi-arid grassland with high plant diversity and a steep environmental gradient in pH, C, N, P and soil water content. The AMF community in roots and rhizosphere soil were analyzed separately and consisted of 74 distinct operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in total. Community-level variance partitioning showed that the role of environmental factors in determining AM species composition was marginal when controlling for spatial autocorrelation at multiple scales. Instead, phylogenetic distance and spatial distance were major correlates of AMF communities: OTUs that were more closely related (and which therefore may have similar traits) were more likely to co-occur. This pattern was insensitive to phylogenetic sampling breadth. Given the minor effects of the environment, we propose that at small scales closely related AMF positively associate through biotic factors such as plant-AMF filtering and interactions within the soil biota.


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Fungal growth inhibition by ethanol was compared with that caused by five other agents of water stress (at 25, 40 and 42.5°C), using Aspergillus oryzae. Ethanol, KCl, glycerol, glucose, sorbitol, and polyethylene glycol 400 were incorporated into media at concentrations corresponding to water activity (a(w)) values in the range 1 to 0.75. Generally, as temperature increased there was a decrease in the a(w) value at which optimum growth occurred. The a(w) limit for growth on KCl, glycerol, glucose, sorbitol, or polyethylene glycol 400 media was about 0.85, regardless of temperature. However, the a(w) limit for growth on ethanol media varied between 0.97 and 0.99 a(w) and was temperature-dependent. Water stress accounted for up to 31, 18 and 6% of growth inhibition by ethanol at 25, 40, and 42.5°C, respectively. For media containing ethanol, the decrease in growth rate per unit of a(w) reduction was greater as temperature increased. However, ethanol-induced water stress remained constant regardless of temperature, suggesting that other inhibitory effects of ethanol are closely temperature- dependent. Water stress may account for considerably more than 30% of growth inhibition by ethanol in cells that remain metabolically active at higher ethanol concentrations.