139 resultados para Fortified foods


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Small changes of diet may reduce CVD risk. One example is the inclusion of nuts. They are rich in fibre, unsaturated fatty acids and phytonutrients. However, their fat content and energy density raise concerns that chronic consumption will promote weight gain. Randomised intervention studies are required to evaluate whether this concern is well founded. This study's aim was to determine if the inclusion of a 1440 kJ serving of almonds in the daily diet results in positive energy balance, and body composition change. During a 23-week cross-over design study, participants were required to consume almonds for 10 weeks and were provided no advice on how to include them in their diet. For another 10 weeks (order counter-balanced), participants followed their customary diet and there was a 3-week washout between. The study group consisted of twenty women. Potential mechanisms of energy dissipation were measured. Ten weeks of daily almond consumption did not cause a change in body weight. This was predominantly due to compensation for the energy contained in the almonds through reduced food intake from other sources. Moreover, inefficiency in the absorption of energy from almonds was documented (P <0·05). No changes in resting metabolic rate, thermic effect of food or total energy expenditure were noted. A daily 1440 kJ serving of almonds, sufficient to provide beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk factors, may be included in the diet with limited risk of weight gain. Whether this can be generalised to other high-fat energy dense foods warrants evaluation.


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Although the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) has been applied successfully in the area of food choice, it has been criticized for its pure utilitarian approach to the factors determining behaviour. Despite the increase in predictive power of the model with added components such as affective attitude and moral and ethical concerns, in most studies the elicitation process still only addresses people's utilitarian beliefs about the behaviour with little attention paid to other aspects. This study compares the traditional method of elicitation of advantages and disadvantages with two other methods (word association and open-ended) in the elicitations of beliefs, attitudes and moral concerns in relation to the consumption of organic foods. Results show the traditional method to be best for eliciting cognitive beliefs, open-ended emotion task for eliciting emotional beliefs and open-ended beliefs task best for moral concerns. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed.


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Previous studies have suggested an association between depressed mood and the dietary intake of fish. In all cases, however, dietary fish intake has been considered at the exclusion of all other aspects of the diet. This analysis investigates associations between depressed mood and dietary fish intake, while also concurrently investigating intake of a number of other dietary components. The analysis is conducted on data from 10,602 men from Northern Ireland and France screened for inclusion into the PRIME cohort study. Depressed mood was assessed using a self-report questionnaire based on the Welsh Pure Depression sub-scale of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, diet was assessed using a Food Frequency Questionnaire, and limited demographics were also measured. Using regression, depressed mood is initially inversely associated with dietary fish intake. On inclusion of all other dietary variables, the strength of this relationship reduces but remains, and significant associations with a number of other foods are also found. On additional inclusion of all demographic variables, the strength of the above relationships again reduces, and associations with various measures of socio-economic status and education are also significant. These findings suggest that depressed mood is associated with fish intake both directly, and indirectly as part of a diet that is associated with depression and as part of a lifestyle that is associated with depression. Additional support for these conclusions is also provided in the pattern of associations between depressed mood and diet in the two countries. The relative contributions of fish intake to depressed mood both directly and indirectly are yet to be determined. However, while diet is not measured and until lifestyle can be adequately measured, the potential roles of diet and lifestyle in the association between depressed mood and dietary fish intake should not be ignored.


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In vivo, advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) are linked to various diseases, particularly those associated with diabetes. AGEs are also formed when many foods are thermally processed. The extent to which dietary AGEs are absorbed by the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and their possible role in the onset and promotion of disease are currently of considerable interest. This paper reviews information that supports the argument that dietary AGEs are not a risk to human health.


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Concentrations of the coccidiostat nicarbazin as low as 2 mg/kg in feed can result in violative drug residues arising in poultry liver. A lateral flow device (LFD) was developed for the detection of contaminating concentrations of nicarbazin following solvent extraction of poultry feeds. Test results, as determined by both visual and instrumental measurement, are available within minutes. For 22 feed samples, nicarbazin-free and fortified at 2 mg/kg, the % relative inhibition ranged from 0 to 45% and from 53 to 85%, respectively. Nicarbazin contamination at the critical concentration (2 mg/kg) can be determined in all cases providing the sampling is representative. A wide range of feed samples taken at a mill that incorporated nicarbazin into poultry feed were analyzed. Data generated for these samples by both the LFDs and a mass spectrometric method were compared, and a significant correlation was achieved.


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Compounds possessing antioxidant activity play a crucial role in delaying or preventing lipid oxidation in foods and beverages during processing and storage. Such reactions lead to loss of product quality, especially as a consequence of off-flavor formation. The aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of kilned (standard) and roasted (speciality) malts in relation to phenolic compounds, sugars, amino acids, and color [assessed as European Brewing Convention units (degrees EBC) and absorbance at 420 nm]. The concentrations of sugars and amino acids decreased with the intensity of the applied heat treatment, and this was attributed to the extent of the Maillard reaction, as well as sugar caramelization, in the highly roasted malts. Proline, followed by glutamine, was the most abundant free amino/imino acid in the malt samples, except those that were highly roasted, and maltose was the most abundant sugar in all malts. Levels of total phenolic compounds decreased with heat treatment. Catechin and ferulic acid were the most abundant phenolic compounds in the majority of the malts, and amounts were highest in the kilned samples. In highly roasted malts, degradation products of ferulic acid were identified. Antioxidant activity increased with the intensity of heating, in parallel with color formation, and was significantly higher for roasted malts compared to kilned malts. In kilned malts, phenolic compounds were the main identified contributors to antioxidant activity, with Maillard reaction products also playing a role. In roasted malts, Maillard reaction products were responsible for the majority of the antioxidant activity.


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The Maillard reaction causes changes to protein structure and occurs in foods mainly during thermal treatment. Melanoidins, the final products of the Maillard reaction, may enter the gastrointestinal tract, which is populated by different species of bacteria. In this study, melanoidins were prepared from gluten and glucose. Their effect on the growth of faecal bacteria was determined in culture with genotype and phenotype probes to identify the different species involved. Analysis of peptic and tryptic digests showed that low molecular mass products are formed from the degradation of melanoidins. Results showed a change in the growth of bacteria. This in vitro study demonstrated that melanoidins, prepared from gluten and glucose, affect the growth of the gut microflora.


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About 100 million rural people in Asia are exposed to arsenic (As)-polluted drinking water and agricultural products. Total and inorganic arsenic (t-As and i-As) intake mainly depend on the quality of drinking and cooking waters, and amounts of seafood and rice consumed. The main problems occur in countries with poor water quality where the population depends on rice for their diet, and their t-As and i-As intake is high as a result of growing and cooking rice in contaminated water. Workable solutions to remove As from water and breeding rice cultivars with low As accumulation are being sought. In the meantime, simple recommendations for processing and cooking foods will help to reduce As intake. For instance, cooking using high volumes of As-free water may be a cheap way of reducing As exposure in rural populations. It is necessary to consider the effects of cooking and processing on t-As and i-As to obtain a realistic view of the risks associated with intake of As in Asendemic areas.


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The objective of the present study was to explore the impact of health-related messages on the perceived overall healthiness and consumers' likelihood to buy cereal-based products or non-cereal products containing beneficial compounds from grains, across four European countries. The data were collected from a sample of 2392 members of the public in Finland, Germany, Italy and the UK. The results from a conjoint task with a main effects additive model were reported. In general, the presence of a verbal health claim on foods had positive influence on respondents perception of healthiness and on likelihood to buy the products, whereas the pictorial health claims were found to have a weak influence on the two dependent variables. However, the findings showed that health-related information on food labels differently influenced the healthiness perception and the likelihood to buy the product across the four countries, suggesting that different cultures, traditions, and eating habits have to be taken into account before positioning cereal-based products containing beneficial compounds from grains on the market. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The present study focused on the role of the Health Belief Model (HBM) in predicting willingness to use functional breads, across four European countries: UK (N = 552), Italy (N = 504), Germany (N = 525) and Finland (N = 513). The behavioural evaluation components of the HBM (the perceived benefits and barriers conceptualized respectively as perceived healthiness and pleasantness) and the health motivation component were good predictors of willingness to use functional breads whereas threat perception components (perceived susceptibility and perceived anticipated severity) failed as predictors. This result was common in all four countries and across products. The role of 'cue to action' was marginal. On the whole the HBM fit was similar across the countries and products in terms of significant predictors (the perceived benefits, barriers and health motivation) with the exception of self-efficacy which was significant only in Finland. Young consumers seemed more interested in the functional bread with a health claim promoting health rather than in reducing risk of disease, whereas the opposite was true for older people. However, functional staple foods, such as bread in this European study, are still perceived as common foods rather than as a means of avoiding diseases. Consumers seek these foods for their healthiness (the perceived benefits) as they expect them to be healthier than regular foods and for the pleasantness (the perceived barriers) as they do not expect any change in the sensory characteristics due to the addition of the functional ingredients. The importance of health motivation in willingness to use products with health claims implies that there is an opening for developing better models for explaining health-promoting food choices that take into account both food and health-related factors without making a reference to disease-related outcome. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study examined the usefulness of integrating measures of affective and moral attitudes into the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)-model in predicting purchase intentions or organic foods. Moral attitude was operationalised Lis positive self-rewarding feelings of doing the right thing. Questionnaire data were gathered in three countries: Italy (N = 202), Finland (N = 270) and UK (N = 200) in March 2004. Questions focussed on intentions to purchase organic apples and organic ready-to-cook pizza instead of their conventional alternatives. Data were analysed using Structural Equation Modelling by simultaneous multi-group analysis of the three Countries. Along with attitudes, moral attitude and subjective norms explained considerable shares of variances in intentions. The relative influences of these variables varied between the Countries, such that in the UK and Italy moral attitude rather than subjective norms had stronger explanatory power. In Finland it was other way around. Inclusion of moral attitude improved the model fit and predictive ability of the model, although only marginally in Finland. Thus the results partially Support the usefulness of incorporating moral measures as well as affective items for attitude into the framework of TPB. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An ideal cancer chemotherapeutic prodrug is completely inactive until metabolized by a tumour-specific enzyme, or by an enzyme that is only metabolically competent towards the prodrug under physiological conditions unique to the tumour. Human cancers, including colon, breast, lung, liver, kidney and prostate, are known to express cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms including 3A and 1A subfamily members. This raises the possibility that tumour CYP isoforms could be a focus for tumour-specific prodrug activation. Several approaches are reviewed, including identification of prodrugs activated by tumour-specific polymorphic CYPs, use of CYP-gene directed enzyme prodrug therapy and CYPs acting as reductases in hypoxic tumour regions. The last approach is best exemplified by AQ4N, a chemotherapeutic prodrug that is bioreductively activated by CYP3A. This study shows that freshly isolated murine T50/80 mammary carcinoma and RIF-1 fibrosarcoma 4-electron reduces AQ4N to its cytotoxic metabolite, AQ4 (T50/80 K-m = 26.7 mu M, V-max = 0.43 mu M/mg protein/min; RIF-1 K-m = 33.5 mu M, V-max = 0.42 mu M/mg protein/min) via AQM, a mono-N-oxide intermediate (T50/80 K-m = 37.5 mu M; V-max = 1.4 mu M/mg protein/min; RIF-1 K-m = 37.5 mu M; V-max = 1.2 mu M/mg protein/min). The prodrug conversion was dependent on NADPH and inhibited by air or carbon monoxide. Cyp3A mRNA and protein were both present in T50/80 carcinoma grown in vivo (RIF-1 not measured). Exposure of isolated tumour cells to anoxia (2 h) immediately after tumour excision increased cyp3A protein 2-3-fold over a 12 h period, after which time the cyp protein levels returned to the level found under aerobic conditions. Conversely, cyp3A mRNA expression showed an initial 3-fold decrease under both oxic and anoxic conditions; this returned to near basal levels after 8-24 h. These results suggest that cyp3A protein is stabilized in the absence of air, despite a decrease in cyp3A mRNA. Such a 'stabilization factor' may decrease cyp3A protein turnover without affecting the translation efficiency of cyp3A mRNA. Confirmation of the CYP activation of AQ4N bioreduction was shown with human lymphoblastoid cell microsomes transfected with CYP3A4, but not those transfected with CYP2B6 or cytochrome P450 reductase. AQ4N is also reduced to AQ4 in NADPH-fortified human renal cell carcinoma (K-m = 4 mu M, V-max = 3.5 pmol/mg protein/min) and normal kidney (K-m = 4 mu M, V-max = 4.0 pmol/mg protein/min), both previously shown to express CYP3A. Germane to the clinical potential of AQ4N is that although both normal and tumour cells are capable of reducing AQ4N to its cytotoxic species, the process requires low oxygen conditions. Hence, AQ4N metabolism should be restricted to hypoxic tumour cells. The isoform selectivity of AQ4N reduction, in addition to its air sensitivity, indicates that AQ4N haem coordination and subsequent oxygen atom transfer from the active-site-bound AQ4N is the likely mechanism of N-oxide reduction. The apparent increase in CYP3A expression under hypoxia makes this a particularly interesting application of CYPs for tumour-specific prodrug activation.


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A rapid screening assay (9 min/sample) has been developed and validated for the detection of deoxynivalenol in durum wheat, wheat products, and maize-based baby foods using an SPA biosensor. Through a single laboratory validation, the limits of detection (LOD) for wheat, wheat-based breakfast cereal, and maize-based baby food were 57, 9, and 6 mu g/kg, respectively. Intra-assay and interassay precisions were calculated for each matrix at the maximum and half-maximum European Union regulatory limits and expressed as the coefficient of variation (CV). All CVs fell below 10% with the exception of the between-run CV for breakfast cereal. Recoveries at the concentrations tested ranged from 92 to 115% for all matrices. Action limits of 161, 348, and 1378 mu g/kg were calculated for baby food, wheat-based breakfast cereal, and wheat, respectively, and the linear range of the assay was determined as 250-2000 mu g/kg.


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The spontaneous formation of the neurotoxic carcinogen acrylamide in a wide range of cooked foods has recently been discovered, leading to dietary exposure estimates of 30.8 mu g of acrylamide day(-1) for an average 77 kg human male. This is considerably higher than the European legal limit of acrylamide in drinking water, which is approximately 0.2 mu g of acrylamide person(-1) day(-1). A recent study of 62,573 women over 11.3 years has observed an increased risk of postmenopausal endometrial and ovarian cancer (but not breast cancer) with increasing dietary acrylamide intake, demonstrating significant risk to human health. As individual acrylamide exposure is affected by dietary habits, cooking methods, and cigarette consumption; accurate extrapolation from estimated dietary exposure is extremely difficult. Quantifying biomarkers of acrylamide exposure therefore remains the most effective means of rapidly determining individual exposure to acrylamide, and correlating exposure with lifestyle choices. Current methodologies for the analysis of blood biomarkers of acrylamide are focused on expensive, slower chromatographic techniques such as GC and LC coupled to mass spectrometry. This paper describes the first successful development of two monoclonal antibodies specific to acrylamide-adducted haemoglobin (IC50 of 94 ng ml(-1) and 198 ng ml(-1)), that are suitable for use in a high-throughput biomarker immunoassay to determine individual acrylamide exposure. Further development of acrylamide-haemoglobin standards with defined levels of acrylamide adduction will enable a fully quantitative assay, and allow sensitivity comparisons with alternative chromatographic methods of analysis. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.