67 resultados para Excited states


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Naphthalenic compounds are a rich resource for designers of fluorescent sensing/switching/logic systems. The degree of internal charge transfer (ICT) character in the fluorophore excited states can vary from negligible to substantial. Naphthalene-1,8;4,5-diimides (11–13), 1,8-naphthalimides (16) and 4-chloro-1,8-naphthalimides (15) are of the former type. The latter type is represented by the 4-alkylamino-1,8-naphthalimides (1). Whether ICT-based or not, these serve as the fluorophore in ‘fluorophore-spacer-receptor’ switching systems where PET holds sway until the receptor is bound to H+. On the other hand, 4-dialkylamino-1,8-naphthalimides (3–4) show modest H+-induced fluorescence switching unless the 4-dialkylamino group is a part of a small ring (5). Electrostatic destabilization of a non-emissive twisted internal charge transfer (ICT) excited state is the origin of this behaviour. An evolution to the non-emissive twisted ICT excited state is responsible for the weak emission of the model compound 6 (and related structures 7 and 8) across the pH range. Twisted ICT excited states are also implicated in the switch 9 and its model compound 10, which are based on the 6-dialkylamino-3H-benzimidazo[2,1-a]benz[d,e]isoquinolin-3-one fluorophore.


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We report on the UV photodissociation of specific vibrational states (v = 2–45) of ClO+ using velocity map
ion imaging. The high vibrational states of ClO+ are prepared via a double resonant scheme through the
ClO (A 2P) state and ion-pair states followed by photoionization with a third photon. The absorption of a
fourth photon results in photodissociation of the ClO+ into two dominant asymptotic channels. The Cl+
and O+ fragment ion images reveal information on both the energetics of high-lying cation vibrational
states and the low-lying dissociative electronic states that correlate to Cl+(3P) + O(3P) and Cl(2P) + O+(4S)
asymptotic channels. We also report ab initio potentials for the bound ClO+ and ion-pair states as well as
calculations of the ClO+ excited states relevant to the photodissociation process.


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It is well known that shape corrections have to be applied to the local-density (LDA) and generalized gradient (GGA) approximations to the Kohn-Sham exchange-correlation potential in order to obtain reliable response properties in time dependent density functional theory calculations. Here we demonstrate that it is an oversimplified view that these shape corrections concern primarily the asymptotic part of the potential, and that they affect only Rydberg type transitions. The performance is assessed of two shape-corrected Kohn-Sham potentials, the gradient-regulated asymptotic connection procedure applied to the Becke-Perdew potential (BP-GRAC) and the statistical averaging of (model) orbital potentials (SAOP), versus LDA and GGA potentials, in molecular response calculations of the static average polarizability alpha, the Cauchy coefficient S-4, and the static average hyperpolarizability beta. The nature of the distortions of the LDA/GGA potentials is highlighted and it is shown that they introduce many spurious excited states at too low energy which may mix with valence excited states, resulting in wrong excited state compositions. They also lead to wrong oscillator strengths and thus to a wrong spectral structure of properties like the polarizability. LDA, Becke-Lee-Yang-Parr (BLYP), and Becke-Perdew (BP) characteristically underestimate contributions to alpha and S-4 from bound Rydberg-type states and overestimate those from the continuum. Cancellation of the errors in these contributions occasionally produces fortuitously good results. The distortions of the LDA, BLYP, and BP spectra are related to the deficiencies of the LDA/GGA potentials in both the bulk and outer molecular regions. In contrast, both SAOP and BP-GRAC potentials produce high quality polarizabilities for 21 molecules and also reliable Cauchy moments and hyperpolarizabilities for the selected molecules. The analysis for the N-2 molecule shows, that both SAOP and BP-GRAC yield reliable energies omega(i) and oscillator strengths f(i) of individual excitations, so that they reproduce well the spectral structure of alpha and S-4.(C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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The photoelectrochemistry of quinone radical anions has been demonstrated qualitatively by the photoassisted reduction of methyl viologen with benzoquinone and of neutral red with chloranil. Data were then collected for the estimation of quenching rate constants using Marcus-Weller theory. Reduction potentials of seven quinones were obtained in four solvents (and two aqueous mixtures) by cyclic voltammetry. The solvent effects on these potentials were studied by fitting them to the Taft relationship. The effects of proton donors were also noted. Absorption spectra of the radical anions were measured and the solvent effects noted and commented upon. From the molar absorption coefficients of the radical anions, the mean lifetimes of the excited states were estimated. Fluorescence spectra were obtained for anthraquinone and naphthaquinone radical anions and excitation energies were calculated. These values were estimated for the other quinones. Values of redox potentials for the excited radical anions were thence obtained. The Gibbs energies of the electron transfers between the excited quinone radical anions and the various substrates were obtained and hence the Gibbs energies of activation were calculated using the Marcus equation. The quenching rate constants were calculated using the Rehm-Weller equation and plotted vs. ΔG giving a characteristic Marcus plot including some data in the inverted region. The significance of the inverted region is discussed.


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The scenario of "electron-capture and -loss" was recently proposed for the formation of negative ion and neutral atom beams with MeV kinetic energies. However, it does not explain why the formation of negative ions in a liquid spray is much more efficient than with an isolated atom. The role of atomic excited states in the charge-exchange processes is considered, and it is shown that it cannot account for the observed phenomena. The processes are more complex than the single electron-capture and -loss approach. It is suggested that the shell effects in the electronic structure of the projectile ion and/or target atoms may influence the capture/loss probabilities.


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Noncollinear four-wave-mixing (FWM) techniques at near-infrared (NIR), visible, and ultraviolet frequencies have been widely used to map vibrational and electronic couplings, typically in complex molecules. However, correlations between spatially localized inner-valence transitions among different sites of a molecule in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectral range have not been observed yet. As an experimental step toward this goal, we perform time-resolved FWM spectroscopy with femtosecond NIR and attosecond XUV pulses. The first two pulses (XUV-NIR) coincide in time and act as coherent excitation fields, while the third pulse (NIR) acts as a probe. As a first application, we show how coupling dynamics between odd- and even-parity, inner-valence excited states of neon can be revealed using a two-dimensional spectral representation. Experimentally obtained results are found to be in good agreement with ab initio time-dependent R-matrix calculations providing the full description of multielectron interactions, as well as few-level model simulations. Future applications of this method also include site-specific probing of electronic processes in molecules.


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Experimental and theoretical results are reported for photoionization of Ta-like (W+) tungsten ions. Absolute cross sections were measured in the energy range 16–245 eV employing the photon–ion merged-beam setup at the advanced light source in Berkeley. Detailed photon-energy scans at 100 meV bandwidth were performed in the 16–108 eV range. In addition, the cross section was scanned at 50 meV resolution in regions where fine resonance structures could be observed. Theoretical results were obtained from a Dirac–Coulomb R-matrix approach. Photoionization cross section calculations were performed for singly ionized atomic tungsten ions in their 5s25p65d4(5D)6s 6Dj.  J = 1/2, ground level and the associated excited metastable levels with J = 3/2, 5/2, 7/2 and 9/2. Since the ion beams used in the experiments must be expected to contain long-lived excited states also from excited configurations, additional cross-section calculations were performed for the second-lowest term, 5d56Sj, J = 5/2, and for the 4F term, 5d36s2 4Fj, with J = 3/2, 5/2, 7/2 and 9/2. Given the complexity of the electronic structure of W+ the calculations reproduce the main features of the experimental cross section quite well.


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R-matrix with time-dependence theory is applied to electron-impact ionisation processes for He in the S-wave model. Cross sections for electron-impact excitation, ionisation and ionisation with excitation for impact energies between 25 and 225 eV are in excellent agreement with benchmark cross sections. Ultra-fast dynamics induced by a scattering event is observed through time-dependent signatures associated with autoionisation from doubly excited states. Further insight into dynamics can be obtained through examination of the spin components of the time-dependent wavefunction.


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The spectroscopy and metastability of the carbon dioxide doubly charged ion, the CO 2 2+ dication, have been studied with photoionization experiments: time-of-flight photoelectron photoelectron coincidence (TOF-PEPECO), threshold photoelectrons coincidence (TPEsCO), and threshold photoelectrons and ion coincidence (TPEsCO ion coincidence) spectroscopies. Vibrational structure is observed in TOF-PEPECO and TPEsCO spectra of the ground and first two excited states. The vibrational structure is dominated by the symmetric stretch except in the TPEsCO spectrum of the ground state where an antisymmetric stretch progression is observed. All three vibrational frequencies are deduced for the ground state and symmetric stretch and bending frequencies are deduced for the first two excited states. Some vibrational structure of higher electronic states is also observed. The threshold for double ionization of carbon dioxide is reported as 37.340±0.010 eV. The fragmentation of energy selected CO 2 2+ ions has been investigated with TPEsCO ion coincidence spectroscopy. A band of metastable states from ∼38.7 to ∼41 eV above the ground state of neutral CO 2 has been observed in the experimental time window of ∼0.1-2.3 μs with a tendency towards shorter lifetimes at higher energies. It is proposed that the metastability is due to slow spin forbidden conversion from bound excited singlet states to unbound continuum states of the triplet ground state. Another result of this investigation is the observation of CO ++O + formation in indirect dissociative double photoionization below the threshold for formation of CO 2 2+. The threshold for CO ++O + formation is found to be 35.56±0.10 eV or lower, which is more than 2 eV lower than previous measurements.


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We have investigated inner-shell excitation of the LiH + molecular ion by electron impact within several different collision models to delineate Rydberg autoionizing resonance structure associated with the LiH + (1σ2σ 2 2 Σ + ) core-excited threshold. The minimal representation requires only the retention of the 1σ and 2σ molecular orbitals, in which the core-excited state involves the promotion of a single electron into the 2σ orbital. This model is extended to include two further representations, in which both the 3σ and 4σ orbitals obtained from a self-consistent field calculation improve target representation, correlation and support additional autoionization channels. This affects the autoionization widths and to a lesser degree the positions of the LiH (1σ2σ 2 n s, n p 1,3 Σ + ) resonance series. Comparing our work with calculations on the counterpart atomic Be system assists in the assignment of the core-excited molecular resonance states. The results from our investigation provide helpful insights into the study of inner-shell transitions produced by electron or photon impact in more complex diatomic molecules.


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The total cross sections for photodetachment of the metastable 1s 22p3 4S° and 1s2s2p3 6excited bound states of the negative ion of beryllium are presented for a range of initial photon energies across and beyond the 1s detachment threshold. A multichannel close-coupling R-matrix approximation is used to compute the cross sections, with sophisticated configuration-interaction wavefunctions being used to represent the initial and final states. At present there are no other theoretical or experimental data available with which to compare the cross sections for these two photodetachment processes.


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We show that a dense spectrum of chaotic multiply excited eigenstates can play a major role in collision processes involving many-electron multicharged ions. A statistical theory based on chaotic properties of the eigenstates enables one to obtain relevant energy-averaged cross sections in terms of sums over single-electron orbitals. Our calculation of low-energy electron recombination of Au25+ shows that the resonant process is 200 times more intense than direct radiative recombination, which explains the recent experimental results of Hoffknecht [J. Phys. B 31, 2415 (1998)].


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We report on time-dependent population distributions of excited rotational states of hydrogen in a capacitively coupled RF discharge. The common model to obtain the gas temperature from the rotational distribution is not applicable at all times during the discharge cycle due to the time dependence of the EEDF. The apparent temperature within a cycle assumes values between 350 K and 450 K for the discharge parameters of this experiment. We discuss the optimum time window within the discharge cycle that yields the best approximation to the actual temperature. Erroneous results can be obtained, in principle, with time-integrated measurements; we find, however, that in the present case the systematic error amounts to only approximately 20 K. This is due to the fact that the dominant contribution to the average intensity arises during that time window for which the assumptions underlying the analysis are best fulfilled. A similar analysis can be performed for N+2 rotational bands with a small amount of nitrogen added to the discharge gas. These populations do not exhibit the time variations found in the case of H2.