123 resultados para Energy Density


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Arguments are given that lead to a formalism for calculating near K-edge structure in electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). This is essentially a one electron picture, while many body effects may be introduced at different levels, such as the local density approximation to density functional theory or the GW approximation to the electron self-energy. Calculations are made within the all electron LMTO scheme in crystals with complex atomic and electronic structures, and these are compared with experiment. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the ability of the local density approximation (LDA) in density functional theory to predict the near-edge structure in electron energy-loss spectroscopy in the dipole approximation. We include screening of the core hole within the LDA using Slater's transition state theory. We find that anion K-edge threshold energies are systematically overestimated by 4.22 +/- 0.44 eV in twelve transition metal carbides and nitrides in the rock-salt (B1) structure. When we apply this 'universal' many-electron correction to energy-loss spectra calculated within the transition state approximation to LDA, we find quantitative agreement with experiment to within one or two eV for TiC, TiN and VN. We compare our calculations to a simpler approach using a projected Mulliken density which honours the dipole selection rule, in place of the dipole matrix element itself. We find remarkably close agreement between these two approaches. Finally, we show an anomaly in the near-edge structure in CrN to be due to magnetic structure. In particular, we find that the N K edge in fact probes the magnetic moments and alignments of ther sublattice.


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Density functional calculations have been performed for ring isomers of sulfur with up to 18 atoms, and for chains with up to ten atoms. There are many isomers of both types, and the calculations predict the existence of new forms. Larger rings and chains are very flexible, with numerous local energy minima. Apart from a small, but consistent overestimate in the bond lengths, the results reproduce experimental structures where known. Calculations are also performed on the energy surfaces of S8 rings, on the interaction between a pair of such rings, and the reaction between one S8 ring and the triplet diradical S8 chain. The results for potential energies, vibrational frequencies, and reaction mechanisms in sulfur rings and chains provide essential ingredients for Monte Carlo simulations of the liquid–liquid phase transition. The results of these simulations will be presented in Part II.


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The equilibrium polymerization of sulfur is investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. The potential energy model is based on density functional results for the cohesive energy, structural, and vibrational properties as well as reactivity of sulfur rings and chains [Part I, J. Chem. Phys. 118, 9257 (2003)]. Liquid samples of 2048 atoms are simulated at temperatures 450less than or equal toTless than or equal to850 K and P=0 starting from monodisperse S-8 molecular compositions. Thermally activated bond breaking processes lead to an equilibrium population of unsaturated atoms that can change the local pattern of covalent bonds and allow the system to approach equilibrium. The concentration of unsaturated atoms and the kinetics of bond interchanges is determined by the energy DeltaE(b) required to break a covalent bond. Equilibrium with respect to the bond distribution is achieved for 15less than or equal toDeltaE(b)less than or equal to21 kcal/mol over a wide temperature range (Tgreater than or equal to450 K), within which polymerization occurs readily, with entropy from the bond distribution overcompensating the increase in enthalpy. There is a maximum in the polymerized fraction at temperature T-max that depends on DeltaE(b). This fraction decreases at higher temperature because broken bonds and short chains proliferate and, for Tless than or equal toT(max), because entropy is less important than enthalpy. The molecular size distribution is described well by a Zimm-Schulz function, plus an isolated peak for S-8. Large molecules are almost exclusively open chains. Rings tend to have fewer than 24 atoms, and only S-8 is present in significant concentrations at all T. The T dependence of the density and the dependence of polymerization fraction and degree on DeltaE(b) give estimates of the polymerization temperature T-f=450+/-20 K. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Density functional calculations of the structure, potential energy surface and reactivity for organic systems closely related to bisphenol-A-polycarbonate (BPA-PC) provide the basis for a model describing the ring-opening polymerization of its cyclic oligomers by nucleophilic molecules. Monte Carlo simulations using this model show a strong tendency to polymerize that is increased by increasing density and temperature, and is greater in 3D than in 2D. Entropy in the distribution of inter-particle bonds is the driving force for chain formation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Epoxides and phosphites are often used as additives to stabilize the properties of polymers, including bisphenol A polycarbonate (BPA-PC). We describe density functional (DF) calculations of the reactions of cyclohexene oxide (CHO, cyclohexane epoxide) and phosphites with chain segments of BPA-PC, with the aim of identifying possible reaction paths and energy barriers. The reactions of CHO with the OH-terminated PC chains and with the carbonate group are exothermic, although there is an energy barrier in each case of more than 10 kcal/mol. A comparison of results for different CHO isomers demonstrates the importance of steric effects. The reactions between the same groups of the PC chain and the phosphites 2-[2,4-bis(tert-butyl)phenoxy]-5,5-dimethyl-1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinane] (BPDD) and trimethyl phosphite (TMP), and their phosphonate isomers are characterized by large energy barriers.


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Hydrogen bonding in clusters and extended layers of squaric acid molecules has been investigated by density functional computations. Equilibrium geometries, harmonic vibrational frequencies, and energy barriers for proton transfer along hydrogen bonds have been determined using the Car-Parrinello method. The results provide crucial parameters for a first principles modeling of the potential energy surface, and highlight the role of collective modes in the low-energy proton dynamics. The importance of quantum effects in condensed squaric acid systems has been investigated, and shown to be negligible for the lowest-energy collective proton modes. This information provides a quantitative basis for improved atomistic models of the order-disorder and displacive transitions undergone by squaric acid crystals as a function of temperature and pressure. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Density functional calculations with simulated annealing have been used to study the reactions of chains of bisphenol A polycarbonate (BPA-PC) with sodium phenoxide (NaOPh), diphenyl carbonate (DPC), and tetraphenylphosphonium phenoxide (PPh4OPh). These calculations extend our work on the reactions of LiOPh, NaOPh, and phenol with the cyclic tetramer of BPA-PC. We study, in particular, chain growth catalyzed by NaOPh and PPh4OH. The energy barriers for reactions with PPh4OPh are somewhat larger than those involving LiOPh and NaOPh, but they are significantly lower than those involving phenol (HOPh), due in part to the collective rearrangement of phenyl groups in the reacting molecules. We discuss in the Appendix the bonds between alkali metal atoms (Na in the present calculations) and other atoms (here oxygen) that are analogous to the more familiar "hydrogen bonds".


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ate studies(2) and fusion energy research(3,4). Laser-driven implosions of spherical polymer shells have, for example, achieved an increase in density of 1,000 times relative to the solid state(5). These densities are large enough to enable controlled fusion, but to achieve energy gain a small volume of compressed fuel (known as the 'spark') must be heated to temperatures of about 10(8) K (corresponding to thermal energies in excess of 10 keV). In the conventional approach to controlled fusion, the spark is both produced and heated by accurately timed shock waves(4), but this process requires both precise implosion symmetry and a very large drive energy. In principle, these requirements can be significantly relaxed by performing the compression and fast heating separately(6-10); however, this 'fast ignitor' approach(7) also suffers drawbacks, such as propagation losses and deflection of the ultra-intense laser pulse by the plasma surrounding the compressed fuel. Here we employ a new compression geometry that eliminates these problems; we combine production of compressed matter in a laser-driven implosion with picosecond-fast heating by a laser pulse timed to coincide with the peak compression. Our approach therefore permits efficient compression and heating to be carried out simultaneously, providing a route to efficient fusion energy production.


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The mechanism of the dehydrogenation of tetrahydrocarbazole to carbazole over palladium has been examined for the first time. By use of a combination of deuterium exchange experiments and density functional theory calculations, a detailed reaction profile for the aromatization of tetrahydrocarbazole has been identified and validated by experiment. As with many dehydrogenation reactions, the initial hydrogen abstraction is found to have the highest reaction barrier. Tetrahydrocarbazole has four hydrogens which can, in principle, be cleaved initially; however, the theory and experiment show that the reaction is dominated by the cleavage of the carbon hydrogens at the carbon atoms in positions 1 and 4. The two pathways originating from these two C-H bond cleavage processes are found to have similar reaction energy profiles and both contribute to the overall reaction.


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We studied the alpha-olefin selectivity in Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis using density functional theory (131717) calculations. We calculated the relevant elementary steps from C-2 to C-6 species. Our results showed that the barriers of hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions were constant with different chain lengths, and the chemisorption energies of alpha-olefins from DFT calculations also were very similar, except for C-2 species. A simple expression of the paraffin/olefin ratio was obtained based on a kinetic model. Combining the expression of the paraffin/olefin ratio and our calculation results, experimental findings are satisfactorily explained. We found that the physical origin of the chain length dependence of paraffin/olefin ratio is the chain length dependence of both the van der Waals interaction between adsorbed alpha-olefins and metal surfaces and the entropy difference between adsorbed and gaseous alpha-olefins, and that the greater chemisorption energy of ethylene is the main reason for the abnormal ethane/ethylene ratio. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Au catalysis has been one of the hottest topics in chemistry in the last 10 years or so. How O-2 is supplied and what role water plays in CO oxidation are the two challenging issues in the field at the moment. In this study, using density functional theory we show that these two issues are in fact related to each other. The following observations are revealed: (i) water that can dissociate readily into OH groups can facilitate O-2 adsorption on TiO2; (ii) the effect of OH group on the O-2 adsorption is surprisingly long-ranged; and (iii) O-2 can also diffuse along the channel of Ti (5c) atoms on TiO2(1 10), and this may well be the rate-limiting step for the CO oxidation. We provide direct evidence that O-2 is supplied by O-2 adsorption on TiO2 in the presence of OH and can diffuse to the interface of Au/TiO2 to participate in CO oxidation. Furthermore, the physical origin of the water effects on Au catalysis has been identified by electronic structure analyses: There is a charge transfer from TiO2 in the presence of OH to O-2, and the O-2 adsorption energy depends linearly on the 02 charge. These results are of importance to understand water effects in general in heterogeneous catalysis.


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An understanding of surface hydrogenation reactivity is a prevailing issue in chemistry and vital to the rational design of future catalysts. In this density-functional theory study, we address hydrogenation reactivity by examining the reaction pathways for N+H -> NH and NH+H -> NH2 over the close-packed surfaces of the 4d transition metals from Zr-Pd. It is found that the minimum-energy reaction pathway is dictated by the ease with which H can relocate between hollow-site and top-site adsorption geometries. A transition state where H is close to a top site reduces the instability associated with bond sharing of metal atoms by H and N (NH) (bonding competition). However, if the energy difference between hollow-site and top-site adsorption energies (Delta E-H) is large this type of transition state is unfavorable. Thus we have determined that hydrogenation reactivity is primarily controlled by the potential-energy surface of H on the metal, which is approximated by Delta E-H, and that the strength of N (NH) chemisorption energy is of less importance. Delta E-H has also enabled us to make predictions regarding the structure sensitivity of these reactions. Furthermore, we have found that the degree of bonding competition at the transition state is responsible for the trend in reaction barriers (E-a) across the transition series. When this effect is quantified a very good linear correlation is found with E-a. In addition, we find that when considering a particular type of reaction pathway, a good linear correlation is found between the destabilizing effects of bonding competition at the transition state and the strength of the forming N-H (HN-H) bond. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Hydrogenation is an important process in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. In this work, all the elementary steps of the hydrogenation from C to CH4 are studied on both flat and stepped Co(0001) using density functional theory (DFT). We found that (i) CH3 hydrogenation (CH3+H-->CH4) is the most difficult one among all the elementary reactions on both surfaces, possessing barriers of around 1.0 eV; (ii) the other elementary reactions have the barriers below 0.9 eV on the flat and stepped surfaces; (iii) CH2 is the least stable species among all the CHx(x=1-3) species on both surfaces; and (iv) surface restructuring may have little effect on the CHx(x=0-3) hydrogenation. The barriers of each elementary step on both flat and stepped surfaces are similar and energy profiles are also similar. The reason as to why CHx hydrogenation is not structure-sensitive is also discussed. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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CO oxidation on PtO2(110) has been studied using density functional theory calculations. Four possible reaction mechanisms were investigated and the most feasible one is the following: (i) the O at the bridge site of PtO2(110) reacts with CO on the coordinatively unsaturated site (CUS) with a negligible barrier; (ii) O-2 adsorbs on the bridge site and then interacts with CO on the CUS to form an OO-CO complex; (iii) the bond of O-OCO breaks to produce CO2 with a small barrier (0.01 eV). The CO oxidation mechanisms on metals and metal oxides are rationalized by a simple model: The O-surface bonding determines the reactivity on surfaces; it also determines whether the atomic or molecular mechanism is preferred. The reactivity on metal oxides is further found to be related to the 3rd ionization energy of the metal atom.