176 resultados para Emission-line Spectra


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We report on the observation of fast hydrogen atoms in a capacitively coupled RF reactor by optical emission spectroscopy. For the analysis we use the prominent H-alpha emission line of atomic hydrogen in combination with other lines from molecular hydrogen and argon. Several chaxacteristic emission structures can be identified. One of these structures is related to fast hydrogen atoms traveling from the surface of the powered electrode to the plasma bulk. From the appearance time within the RF period we conclude that this feature originates from ion bombardment of the electrode surface. Measured pressure dependencies and a simple model for the ion dynamics support this assumption.


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Spectroscopic measurements of NOAA AR 10871, obtained with the Extreme Ultraviolet Normal Incidence Spectrograph (EUNIS) sounding rocket instrument on 2006 April 12, reveal velocity oscillations in the He II 303.8 angstrom emission line formed at T approximate to 5; 10(4) K. The oscillations appear to arise in a bright active region loop arcade about 25 '' wide which crosses the EUNIS slit. The period of these transition region oscillations is 26 +/- 4 s, coupled with a velocity amplitude of +/- 10 km s(-1), detected over four complete cycles. Similar oscillations are observed in lines formed at temperatures up to T approximate to 4; 10(5) K, but we find no evidence for the coupling of these velocity oscillations with corresponding phenomena in the corona. We interpret the detected oscillations as originating from an almost purely adiabatic plasma, and infer that they are generated by the resonant transmission of MHD waves through the lower active region atmospheres. Through the use of seismological techniques, we establish that the observed velocity oscillations display wave properties most characteristic of fast body global sausage modes.


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We present Roche tomograms of the G5-G8 IV/V secondary star in the long-period cataclysmic variable BV Cen reconstructed from Magellan Inamori Kyocera Echelle spectrograph echelle data taken on the Magellan Clay 6.5-m telescope. The tomograms show the presence of a number of large, cool star-spots on BV Cen for the first time. In particular, we find a large high-latitude spot which is deflected from the rotational axis in the same direction as seen on the K3-K5 IV/V secondary star in the cataclysmic variable AE Aqr. BV Cen also shows a similar relative paucity of spots at latitudes between 40° and 50° when compared with AE Aqr. Furthermore, we find evidence for an increased spot coverage around longitudes facing the white dwarf which supports models invoking star-spots at the L1 point to explain the low states observed in some cataclysmic variables. In total, we estimate that some 25 per cent of the Northern hemisphere of BV Cen is spotted. We also find evidence for a faint, narrow, transient emission line with characteristics reminiscent of the peculiar low-velocity emission features observed in some outbursting dwarf novae. We interpret this feature as a slingshot prominence from the secondary star and derive a maximum source size of 75000 km and a minimum altitude of 160000 km above the orbital plane for the prominence. The entropy landscape technique was applied to determine the system parameters of BV Cen. We find M1 = 1.18 +/-0.280.16Msolar and M2 = 1.05 +/-0.230.14Msolar and an orbital inclination of i = 53° +/- 4° at an optimal systemic velocity of ? = -22.3 km s-1. Finally, we also report on the previously unknown binarity of the G5IV star HD 220492.


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We present high-speed, three-colour photometry of the eclipsing cataclysmic variable SDSS J150722.30+523039.8 (hereafter SDSS J1507). This system has an orbital period of 66.61 min, placing it below the observed `period minimum' for cataclysmic variables. We determine the system parameters via a parametrized model of the eclipse fitted to the observed lightcurve by ?2 minimization. We obtain a mass ratio of q = 0.0623 +/- 0.0007 and an orbital inclination . The primary mass is Mw = 0.90 +/- 0.01Msolar. The secondary mass and radius are found to be Mr = 0.056 +/- 0.001Msolar and Rr = 0.096 +/- 0.001Rsolar, respectively. We find a distance to the system of 160 +/- 10pc. The secondary star in SDSS J1507 has a mass substantially below the hydrogen burning limit, making it the second confirmed substellar donor in a cataclysmic variable. The very short orbital period of SDSS J1507 is readily explained if the secondary star is nuclearly evolved, or if SDSS J1507 formed directly from a detached white dwarf/brown dwarf binary. Given the lack of any visible contribution from the secondary star, the very low secondary mass and the low HeI ?6678/Ha emission-line ratio, we argue that SDSS J1507 probably formed directly from a detached white dwarf/brown dwarf binary. If confirmed, SDSS J1507 will be the first such system identified. The implications for binary star evolution, the brown dwarf desert and the common envelope phase are discussed.


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A single layer, frequency selective surface based, sub-millimeter wave transmission polarizer is presented that converts incident slant linear 45° polarization into circular polarization upon transmission. The polarization convertor consists of a 30 mm diameter 10 thick silicon reinforced metalized screen containing 2700 resonator cells and perforated with nested split ring slot apertures. The screen was designed and optimized using CST Microwave Studio and predictions were validated experimentally by transmission measurements over the 250-365 GHz frequency range. This frequency range is used for remote environmental monitoring and 325 GHz represents a molecular emission line for H2O. The results obtained show good agreement between measured and modeled predictions. The measured 3 dB axial ratio bandwidth was 11.75%, measured minimum Axial Ratio was 0.19 dB and the measured insertion loss of the single layer screen was 3.38 dB


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The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey (VFTS) is an ESO Large Programme that has obtained multi-epoch optical spectroscopy of over 800 massive stars in the 30 Doradus region of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Here we introduce our scientific motivations and give an overview of the survey targets, including optical and near-infrared photometry and comprehensive details of the data reduction. One of the principal objectives was to detect massive binary systems via variations in their radial velocities, thus shaping the multi-epoch observing strategy. Spectral classifications are given for the massive emission-line stars observed by the survey, including the discovery of a new Wolf-Rayet star (VFTS 682, classified as WN5h), 2' to the northeast of R136. To illustrate the diversity of objects encompassed by the survey, we investigate the spectral properties of sixteen targets identified by Gruendl & Chu from Spitzer photometry as candidate young stellar objects or stars with notable mid-infrared excesses. Detailed spectral classification and quantitative analysis of the O- and B-type stars in the VFTS sample, paying particular attention to the effects of rotational mixing and binarity, will be presented in a series of future articles to address fundamental questions in both stellar and cluster evolution.


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Maps are presented of J=2-1 and J=3-2 (CO)-O-18 emission from the molecular environment of the bipolar nebula S106, together with complementary observations of the P-3(1)-P-3(0), C I emission. Line splitting observed extensively over the E molecular cloud suggests that it is best explained as the expanding remnant of a thick toroid surrounding the optical lobes. The poor correlation between the observed molecular line emission and dust continuum emission in the E cloud is probably due to a large temperature gradient. Strong C I emission from the protostellar candidate S106 FIR suggests the nearby presence of a powerful source of far-UV radiation, whose energy supply is unlikely to arise from gravitational contraction of a protostar. It is probable that this source is the star S106 LR, which also heats S106 FIR. There is evidence, in both C I and (CO)-O-18, for a predominantly blueshifted outflow from S106 IR, best interpreted as a stellar wind-driven shock into the toroidal remnant. (CO)-O-18 and (CO)-C-13 appear to be depleted, relative to canonical values for their abundances, in S106 FIR, despite its high optical extinction, which should discourage selective photodissociation. Elsewhere in the cloud the C I line profiles show a resemblance to those of (CO)-O-18, with intensity equivalent to a few photodissociation regions (PDRs) along the line of sight.


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The emission measure distribution in the upper transition region and corona of e Eri is derived from observed emission-line fluxes. Theoretical emission measure distributions are calculated assuming that the radiation losses are balanced by the net conductive flux. We discuss how the area factor of the emitting regions as a function of temperature can be derived from a comparison between these emission measure distributions. It is found that the filling factor varies from ~0.2 in the mid-transition region to ~1.0 in the inner corona. The sensitivity of these results to the adopted ion fractions, the iron abundance and other parameters is discussed. The area factors found are qualitatively similar to the observed structure of the solar atmosphere, and can be used to constrain two-component models of the chromosphere. Given further observations, the method could be applied to investigate the trends in filling factors with indicators of stellar activity.


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We report extensive observational data for five of the lowest redshift Super-Luminous Type Ic Supernovae (SL-SNe Ic) discovered to date, namely, PTF10hgi, SN2011ke, PTF11rks, SN2011kf, and SN2012il. Photometric imaging of the transients at +50 to +230 days after peak combined with host galaxy subtraction reveals a luminous tail phase for four of these SL-SNe. A high-resolution, optical, and near-infrared spectrum from xshooter provides detection of a broad He I ?10830 emission line in the spectrum (+50 days) of SN2012il, revealing that at least some SL-SNe Ic are not completely helium-free. At first sight, the tail luminosity decline rates that we measure are consistent with the radioactive decay of 56Co, and would require 1-4 M ? of 56Ni to produce the luminosity. These 56Ni masses cannot be made consistent with the short diffusion times at peak, and indeed are insufficient to power the peak luminosity. We instead favor energy deposition by newborn magnetars as the power source for these objects. A semi-analytical diffusion model with energy input from the spin-down of a magnetar reproduces the extensive light curve data well. The model predictions of ejecta velocities and temperatures which are required are in reasonable agreement with those determined from our observations. We derive magnetar energies of 0.4 <~ E(1051 erg) lsim 6.9 and ejecta masses of 2.3 <~ M ej(M ?) lsim 8.6. The sample of five SL-SNe Ic presented here, combined with SN 2010gx—the best sampled SL-SNe Ic so far—points toward an explosion driven by a magnetar as a viable explanation for all SL-SNe Ic.


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Context. Protoplanetary disks are vital objects in star and planet formation, possessing all the material, gas and dust, which may form a planetary system orbiting the new star. Small, simple molecules have traditionally been detected in protoplanetary disks; however, in the ALMA era, we expect the molecular inventory of protoplanetary disks to significantly increase.

Aims. We investigate the synthesis of complex organic molecules (COMs) in protoplanetary disks to put constraints on the achievable chemical complexity and to predict species and transitions which may be observable with ALMA.

Methods. We have coupled a 2D steady-state physical model of a protoplanetary disk around a typical T Tauri star with a large gas-grain chemical network including COMs. We compare the resulting column densities with those derived from observations and perform ray-tracing calculations to predict line spectra. We compare the synthesised line intensities with current observations and determine those COMs which may be observable in nearby objects. We also compare the predicted grain-surface abundances with those derived from cometary comae observations.

Results. We find COMs are efficiently formed in the disk midplane via grain-surface chemical reactions, reaching peak grain-surface fractional abundances similar to 10(-6)-10(-4) that of the H nuclei number density. COMs formed on grain surfaces are returned to the gas phase via non-thermal desorption; however, gas-phase species reach lower fractional abundances than their grain-surface equivalents, similar to 10(-12)-10(-7). Including the irradiation of grain mantle material helps build further complexity in the ice through the replenishment of grain-surface radicals which take part in further grain-surface reactions. There is reasonable agreement with several line transitions of H2CO observed towards T Tauri star-disk systems. There is poor agreement with HC3(N) lines observed towards LkCa 15 and GO Tau and we discuss possible explanations for these discrepancies. The synthesised line intensities for CH3OH are consistent with upper limits determined towards all sources. Our models suggest CH3OH should be readily observable in nearby protoplanetary disks with ALMA; however, detection of more complex species may prove challenging, even with ALMA "Full Science" capabilities. Our grain-surface abundances are consistent with those derived from cometary comae observations providing additional evidence for the hypothesis that comets (and other planetesimals) formed via the coagulation of icy grains in the Sun's natal disk.


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We present optical spectroscopy and optical/near-IR photometry of 31 host galaxies of hydrogen-poor superluminous supernovae (SLSNe), including 15 events from the Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey. Our sample spans the redshift range 0.1 ≲ z ≲ 1.6, and is the first comprehensive host galaxy study of this specific subclass of cosmic explosions. Combining the multi-band photometry and emission-line measurements, we determine the luminosities, stellar masses, star formation rates, and metallicities. We find that, as a whole, the hosts of SLSNe are a low-luminosity (〈MB 〉 ≈ -17.3 mag), low stellar mass (〈M〉 ≈ 2 × 108 M) population, with a high median specific star formation rate (〈sSFR〉 ≈ 2 Gyr-1). The median metallicity of our spectroscopic sample is low, 12 + log (O/H) ≈ 8.35 ≈ 0.45 Z, although at least one host galaxy has solar metallicity. The host galaxies of H-poor SLSNe are statistically distinct from the hosts of GOODS core-collapse SNe (which cover a similar redshift range), but resemble the host galaxies of long-duration gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) in terms of stellar mass, SFR, sSFR, and metallicity. This result indicates that the environmental causes leading to massive stars forming either SLSNe or LGRBs are similar, and in particular that SLSNe are more effectively formed in low metallicity environments. We speculate that the key ingredient is large core angular momentum, leading to a rapidly spinning magnetar in SLSNe and an accreting black hole in LGRBs.


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We present the Pan-STARRS1 discovery and light curves, and follow-up MMT and Gemini spectroscopy of an ultraluminous supernova (ULSN; dubbed PS1-11bam) at a redshift of z = 1.566 with a peak brightness of M UV ≈ -22.3 mag. PS1-11bam is one of the highest redshift spectroscopically confirmed SNe known to date. The spectrum exhibits broad absorption features typical of previous ULSNe (e.g., C II, Si III), and strong and narrow Mg II and Fe II absorption lines from the interstellar medium (ISM) of the host galaxy, confirmed by an [O II]λ3727 emission line at the same redshift. The equivalent widths of the Fe II λ2600 and Mg II λ2803 lines are in the top quartile of the quasar intervening absorption system distribution, but are weaker than those of gamma-ray burst intrinsic absorbers (i.e., GRB host galaxies). We also detect the host galaxy in pre-explosion Pan-STARRS1 data and find that its UV spectral energy distribution is best fit with a young stellar population age of τ* ≈ 15-45 Myr and a stellar mass of M * ≈ (1.1-2.6) × 109 M ⊙ (for Z = 0.05-1 Z ⊙). The star formation rate inferred from the UV continuum and [O II]λ3727 emission line is ≈10 M ⊙ yr-1, higher than in previous ULSN hosts. PS1-11bam provides the first direct demonstration that ULSNe can serve as probes of the ISM in distant galaxies. The depth and red sensitivity of PS1 are uniquely suited to finding such events at cosmologically interesting redshifts (z ~ 1-2); the future combination of LSST and 30 m class telescopes promises to extend this technique to z ~ 4.


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Aims: We report simultaneous observations of the nearby flare star Proxima Centauri with VLT/UVES and XMM-Newton over three nights in March 2009. Our optical and X-ray observations cover the star's quiescent state, as well as its flaring activity and allow us to probe the stellar atmospheric conditions from the photosphere into the chromosphere, and then the corona during its different activity stages. Methods: Using the X-ray data, we investigate variations in coronal densities and abundances and infer loop properties for an intermediate-sized flare. The optical data are used to investigate the magnetic field and its possible variability, to construct an emission line list for the chromosphere, and use certain emission lines to construct physical models of Proxima Centauri's chromosphere. Results: We report the discovery of a weak optical forbidden Fe xiii line at 3388 Å during the more active states of Proxima Centauri. For the intermediate flare, we find two secondary flare events that may originate in neighbouring loops, and discuss the line asymmetries observed during this flare in H i, He i, and Ca ii lines. The high time-resolution in the Hα line highlights strong temporal variations in the observed line asymmetries, which re-appear during a secondary flare event. We also present theoretical modelling with the stellar atmosphere code PHOENIX to construct flaring chromospheric models. Based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, Paranal, Chile, 082.D-0953A and on observations obtained with XMM-Newton, an ESA science mission with instruments and contributions directly funded by ESA Member states and NASA.Full Table 6 is only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/534/A133


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We report the discovery of the B[e] star VFTS 822 in the 30 Doradus star-forming region of the Large Magellanic Cloud, classified by optical spectroscopy from the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey and complementary infrared photometry. VFTS 822 is a relatively low-luminosity (log L = 4.04 ± 0.25 L·) B8[e] star. In this Letter, we evaluate the evolutionary status of VFTS 822 and discuss its candidacy as a Herbig B[e] star. If the object is indeed in the pre-main sequence phase, it would present an exciting opportunity to spectroscopically measure mass accretion rates at low metallicity, to probe the effect of metallicity on accretion rates. 


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We describe the design, construction and commissioning of LOTUS; a simple, low-cost long-slit spectrograph for the Liverpool Telescope. The design is optimized for near-UV and visible wavelengths and uses all transmitting optics. It exploits the instrument focal plane field curvature to partially correct axial chromatic aberration. A stepped slit provides narrow (2.5x95 arcsec) and wide (5x25 arcsec) options that are optimized for spectral resolution and flux calibration respectively. On sky testing shows a wavelength range of 3200-6300 Angstroms with a peak system throughput (including detector quantum efficiency) of 15 per cent and wavelength dependant spectral resolution of R=225-430. By repeated observations of the symbiotic emission line star AG Peg we demonstrate the wavelength stability of the system is less than 2 Angstroms rms and is limited by the positioning of the object in the slit. The spectrograph is now in routine operation monitoring the activity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko during its current post-perihelion apparition.