63 resultados para Eigenvalue of a graph


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This paper investigates the distribution of the condition number of complex Wishart matrices. Two closely related measures are considered: the standard condition number (SCN) and the Demmel condition number (DCN), both of which have important applications in the context of multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) communication systems, as well as in various branches of mathematics. We first present a novel generic framework for the SCN distribution which accounts for both central and non-central Wishart matrices of arbitrary dimension. This result is a simple unified expression which involves only a single scalar integral, and therefore allows for fast and efficient computation. For the case of dual Wishart matrices, we derive new exact polynomial expressions for both the SCN and DCN distributions. We also formulate a new closed-form expression for the tail SCN distribution which applies for correlated central Wishart matrices of arbitrary dimension and demonstrates an interesting connection to the maximum eigenvalue moments of Wishart matrices of smaller dimension. Based on our analytical results, we gain valuable insights into the statistical behavior of the channel conditioning for various MIMO fading scenarios, such as uncorrelated/semi-correlated Rayleigh fading and Ricean fading. © 2010 IEEE.


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We consider the problem of self-healing in peer-to-peer networks that are under repeated attack by an omniscient adversary. We assume that, over a sequence of rounds, an adversary either inserts a node with arbitrary connections or deletes an arbitrary node from the network. The network responds to each such change by quick “repairs,” which consist of adding or deleting a small number of edges. These repairs essentially preserve closeness of nodes after adversarial deletions, without increasing node degrees by too much, in the following sense. At any point in the algorithm, nodes v and w whose distance would have been l in the graph formed by considering only the adversarial insertions (not the adversarial deletions), will be at distance at most l log n in the actual graph, where n is the total number of vertices seen so far. Similarly, at any point, a node v whose degree would have been d in the graph with adversarial insertions only, will have degree at most 3d in the actual graph. Our distributed data structure, which we call the Forgiving Graph, has low latency and bandwidth requirements. The Forgiving Graph improves on the Forgiving Tree distributed data structure from Hayes et al. (2008) in the following ways: 1) it ensures low stretch over all pairs of nodes, while the Forgiving Tree only ensures low diameter increase; 2) it handles both node insertions and deletions, while the Forgiving Tree only handles deletions; 3) it requires only a very simple and minimal initialization phase, while the Forgiving Tree initially requires construction of a spanning tree of the network.


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While load flow conditions vary with different loads, the small-signal stability of the entire system is closely related with to the locations, capacities and models of loads. In this paper, load impacts with different capacities and models on the small-signal stability are analysed. In the real large-scale power system case, the load sensitivity which denotes the sensitivity of the eigenvalue with respect to the load active power is introduced and applied to rank the loads. The loads with high sensitivity are also considered.


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In this paper, we investigate adaptive linear combinations of graph coloring heuristics with a heuristic modifier to address the examination timetabling problem. We invoke a normalisation strategy for each parameter in order to generalise the specific problem data. Two graph coloring heuristics were used in this study (largest degree and saturation degree). A score for the difficulty of assigning each examination was obtained from an adaptive linear combination of these two heuristics and examinations in the list were ordered based on this value. The examinations with the score value representing the higher difficulty were chosen for scheduling based on two strategies. We tested for single and multiple heuristics with and without a heuristic modifier with different combinations of weight values for each parameter on the Toronto and ITC2007 benchmark data sets. We observed that the combination of multiple heuristics with a heuristic modifier offers an effective way to obtain good solution quality. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach delivers promising results. We conclude that this adaptive linear combination of heuristics is a highly effective method and simple to implement.


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Processor architectures has taken a turn towards many-core processors, which integrate multiple processing cores on a single chip to increase overall performance, and there are no signs that this trend will stop in the near future. Many-core processors are harder to program than multi-core and single-core processors due to the need of writing parallel or concurrent programs with high degrees of parallelism. Moreover, many-cores have to operate in a mode of strong scaling because of memory bandwidth constraints. In strong scaling increasingly finer-grain parallelism must be extracted in order to keep all processing cores busy.

Task dataflow programming models have a high potential to simplify parallel program- ming because they alleviate the programmer from identifying precisely all inter-task de- pendences when writing programs. Instead, the task dataflow runtime system detects and enforces inter-task dependences during execution based on the description of memory each task accesses. The runtime constructs a task dataflow graph that captures all tasks and their dependences. Tasks are scheduled to execute in parallel taking into account dependences specified in the task graph.

Several papers report important overheads for task dataflow systems, which severely limits the scalability and usability of such systems. In this paper we study efficient schemes to manage task graphs and analyze their scalability. We assume a programming model that supports input, output and in/out annotations on task arguments, as well as commutative in/out and reductions. We analyze the structure of task graphs and identify versions and generations as key concepts for efficient management of task graphs. Then, we present three schemes to manage task graphs building on graph representations, hypergraphs and lists. We also consider a fourth edge-less scheme that synchronizes tasks using integers. Analysis using micro-benchmarks shows that the graph representation is not always scalable and that the edge-less scheme introduces least overhead in nearly all situations.


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We consider the problem of self-healing in peer-to-peer networks that are under repeated attack by an omniscient adversary. We assume that, over a sequence of rounds, an adversary either inserts a node with arbitrary connections or deletes an arbitrary node from the network. The network responds to each such change by quick "repairs," which consist of adding or deleting a small number of edges. These repairs essentially preserve closeness of nodes after adversarial deletions,without increasing node degrees by too much, in the following sense. At any point in the algorithm, nodes v and w whose distance would have been - in the graph formed by considering only the adversarial insertions (not the adversarial deletions), will be at distance at most - log n in the actual graph, where n is the total number of vertices seen so far. Similarly, at any point, a node v whose degreewould have been d in the graph with adversarial insertions only, will have degree at most 3d in the actual graph. Our distributed data structure, which we call the Forgiving Graph, has low latency and bandwidth requirements. The Forgiving Graph improves on the Forgiving Tree distributed data structure from Hayes et al. (2008) in the following ways: 1) it ensures low stretch over all pairs of nodes, while the Forgiving Tree only ensures low diameter increase; 2) it handles both node insertions and deletions, while the Forgiving Tree only handles deletions; 3) it requires only a very simple and minimal initialization phase, while the Forgiving Tree initially requires construction of a spanning tree of the network. © Springer-Verlag 2012.


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Modeling dynamical systems represents an important application class covering a wide range of disciplines including but not limited to biology, chemistry, finance, national security, and health care. Such applications typically involve large-scale, irregular graph processing, which makes them difficult to scale due to the evolutionary nature of their workload, irregular communication and load imbalance. EpiSimdemics is such an application simulating epidemic diffusion in extremely large and realistic social contact networks. It implements a graph-based system that captures dynamics among co-evolving entities. This paper presents an implementation of EpiSimdemics in Charm++ that enables future research by social, biological and computational scientists at unprecedented data and system scales. We present new methods for application-specific processing of graph data and demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods on a Cray XE6, specifically NCSA's Blue Waters system.


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We address the presence of bound entanglement in strongly interacting spin systems at thermal equilibrium. In particular, we consider thermal graph states composed of an arbitrary number of particles. We show that for a certain range of temperatures no entanglement can be extracted by means of local operations and classical communication, even though the system is still entangled. This is found by harnessing the independence of the entanglement in some bipartitions of such states with the system's size. Specific examples for one- and two-dimensional systems are given. Our results thus prove the existence of thermal bound entanglement in an arbitrary large spin system with finite-range local interactions.


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The small signal stability of interconnected power systems is one of the important aspects that need to be investigated since the oscillations caused by this kind of instability have caused many incidents. With the increasing penetration of wind power in the power system, particularly doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), the impact on the power system small signal stability performance should be fully investigated. Because the DFIG wind turbine integration is through a fast action converter and associated control, it does not inherently participate in the electromechanical small signal oscillation. However, it influences the small signal stability by impacting active power flow paths in the network and replacing synchronous generators that have power system stabilizer (PSS). In this paper, the IEEE 39 bus test system has been used in the analysis. Furthermore, four study cases and several operation scenarios have been conducted and analysed. The selective eigenvalue Arnoldi/lanczos's method is used to obtain the system eigenvalue in the range of frequency from 0.2 Hz to 2 Hz which is related to electromechanical oscillations. Results show that the integration of DFIG wind turbines in a system during several study cases and operation scenarios give different influence on small signal stability performance.


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This work presents novel algorithms for learning Bayesian networks of bounded treewidth. Both exact and approximate methods are developed. The exact method combines mixed integer linear programming formulations for structure learning and treewidth computation. The approximate method consists in sampling k-trees (maximal graphs of treewidth k), and subsequently selecting, exactly or approximately, the best structure whose moral graph is a subgraph of that k-tree. The approaches are empirically compared to each other and to state-of-the-art methods on a collection of public data sets with up to 100 variables.


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Credal networks are graph-based statistical models whose parameters take values on a set, instead of being sharply specified as in traditional statistical models (e.g., Bayesian networks). The result of inferences with such models depends on the irrelevance/independence concept adopted. In this paper, we study the computational complexity of inferences under the concepts of epistemic irrelevance and strong independence. We strengthen complexity results by showing that inferences with strong independence are NP-hard even in credal trees with ternary variables, which indicates that tractable algorithms, including the existing one for epistemic trees, cannot be used for strong independence. We prove that the polynomial time of inferences in credal trees under epistemic irrelevance is not likely to extend to more general models, because the problem becomes NP-hard even in simple polytrees. These results draw a definite line between networks with efficient inferences and those where inferences are hard, and close several open questions regarding the computational complexity of such models.


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This paper presents new results on the complexity of graph-theoretical models that represent probabilities (Bayesian networks) and that represent interval and set valued probabilities (credal networks). We define a new class of networks with bounded width, and introduce a new decision problem for Bayesian networks, the maximin a posteriori. We present new links between the Bayesian and credal networks, and present new results both for Bayesian networks (most probable explanation with observations, maximin a posteriori) and for credal networks (bounds on probabilities a posteriori, most probable explanation with and without observations, maximum a posteriori).