66 resultados para Distal Limb


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Recovery of upper limb function after stroke is poor. The acute to subacute phase after stroke is the optimal time window to promote the recovery of upper limb function. The dose and content of training provided conventionally during this phase is however, unlikely to be adequate to drive functional recovery, especially in the presence of severe motor disability. The current study concerns an approach to address this shortcoming, through evaluation of the SMART Arm, a non-robotic device that enables intensive and repetitive practice of reaching by stroke survivors with severe upper limb disability, with the aim of improving upper limb function. The outcomes of SMART Arm training with or without outcome-triggered electrical stimulation (OT-stim) to augment movement and usual therapy will be compared to usual therapy alone.


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Background: Rapid compensatory arm reactions represent important response strategies following an unexpected loss of balance. While it has been assumed that early corrective actions arise largely from sub-cortical networks, recent findings have prompted speculation about the potential role of cortical involvement. To test the idea that cortical motor regions are involved in early compensatory arm reactions, we used continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) to temporarily suppress the hand area of primary motor cortex (M1) in participants prior to evoking upper limb balance reactions in response to whole body perturbation. We hypothesized that following cTBS to the M1 hand area evoked EMG responses in the stimulated hand would be diminished. To isolate balance reactions to the upper limb participants were seated in an elevated tilt-chair while holding a stable handle with both hands. The chair was held vertical by a magnet and was triggered to fall backward unpredictably. To regain balance, participants used the handle to restore upright stability as quickly as possible with both hands. Muscle activity was recorded from proximal and distal muscles of both upper limbs.

Results: Our results revealed an impact of cTBS on the amplitude of the EMG responses in the stimulated hand muscles often manifest as inhibition in the stimulated hand. The change in EMG amplitude was specific to the target hand muscles and occasionally their homologous pairs on the non-stimulated hand with no consistent effects on the remaining more proximal arm muscles.

Conclusions: Present findings offer support for cortical contributions to the control of early compensatory arm reactions following whole-body perturbation.


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The tendon of flexor pollicis longus angulates at the trapezio-metacarpal joint level. The degree of angulation varies with extent of radial/ulnar deviation (Rack and Ross [1984] J. Physiol. 351:99–110). We report a fibrous pulley at this level that helps stabilize the tendon and facilitates its action. The morphology of the pulley is described. We believe that it has an important role to play in the unique function of the tendon facilitating the movement of the thumb perpendicular to the plane of the thumbnail. Clin. Anat. 21:427–432, 2008. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc


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Dorsally displaced fractures of the distal radius fractures are one of the commonest in day-to-day practice. There is still no consensus among surgeons regarding the suitability of using volar or the dorsal cortex as basis for internal fixation for dorsally displaced fractures.


We report an anatomical study, which compares the thickness of the volar and dorsal cortices of cadaveric adult radii using digital photography.


Results of this study show that the volar cortex was statistically, significantly thicker than the dorsal cortex. We believe that the volar cortex may behave as the calcar of the distal radius and hence internal fixation devices applied to the volar cortex may provide a more stable internal fixation compared to those based on the dorsal cortex.


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Background: There has been an explosion of interest in methods of exogenous brain stimulation that induce changes in the excitability of human cerebral cortex. The expectation is that these methods may promote recovery of function following brain injury. To assess their effects on motor output, it is typical to assess the state of corticospinal projections from primary motor cortex to muscles of the hand, via electromyographic responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation. If a range of stimulation intensities is employed, the recruitment curves (RCs) obtained can, at least for intrinsic hand muscles, be fitted by a sigmoid function.

Objective/hypothesis: To establish whether sigmoid fits provide a reliable basis upon which to characterize the input–output properties of the corticospinal pathway for muscles proximal to the hand, and to assess as an alternative the area under the (recruitment) curve (AURC).

Methods: A comparison of the reliability of these measures, using RCs obtained for muscles that are frequently the targets of rehabilitation.

Results: The AURC is an extremely reliable measure of the state of corticospinal projections to hand and forearm muscles, which has both face and concurrent validity. Construct validity is demonstrated by detection of widely distributed (across muscles) changes in corticospinal excitability induced by paired associative stimulation (PAS).

Conclusion(s): The parameters derived from sigmoid fits are unlikely to provide an adequate means to assess the effectiveness of therapeutic regimes. The AURC can be employed to characterize corticospinal projections to a range of muscles, and gauge the efficacy of longitudinal interventions in clinical rehabilitation.


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Langer's axillary arch is a recognized muscular anomaly characterized by an accessory muscular band crossing the axilla that rarely causes symptoms. We describe a patient who presented with an upper limb deep vein thrombosis caused by this aberrant muscle, which we believe is the first reported case. Axillary surgery with division of the aberrant muscle relieved upper limb venous obstruction in this patient. (J Vase Surg 2012;55:234-6.)


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Far-travelled volcanic ashes (tephras) from Holocene eruptions in Alaska and the Pacific northwest have been traced to the easternmost extent of North America, providing the basis for a new high-precision geochronological framework throughout the continent through tephrochronology (the dating and correlation of tephra isochrons in sedimentary records). The reported isochrons are geochemically distinct, with seven correlated to documented sources in Alaska and the Cascades, including the Mazama ash from Oregon (w7600 years old) and the eastern lobe of the White River Ash from Alaska (~1150 years old). These findings mark the beginning of a tephrochronological framework of enhanced precision across North America, with applications in palaeoclimate, surface process and archaeological studies. The particle travel distances involved (up tow7000 km) also demonstrate the potential for continent-wide or trans-Atlantic socio-economic disruption from similar future eruptions.


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The 2010 Eyjafjallajökull lasted 39 days and had 4 different phases, of which the first and third (14–18 April and 5–6 May) were most intense. Most of this period was dominated by winds with a northerly component that carried tephra toward Europe, where it was deposited in a number of locations and was sampled by rain gauges or buckets, surface swabs, sticky-tape samples and air filtering. In the UK, tephra was collected from each of the Phases 1–3 with a combined range of latitudes spanning the length of the country. The modal grain size of tephra in the rain gauge samples was 25 um, but the largest grains were 100 um in diameter and highly vesicular. The mass loading was equivalent to 8–218 shards cm2, which is comparable to tephra layers from much larger past eruptions. Falling tephra was collected on sticky tape in the English Midlands on 19, 20 and 21st April (Phase 2), and was dominated by aggregate clasts (mean diameter 85 um, component grains <10 um). SEM-EDS spectra for aggregate grains contained an extra peak for sulphur, when compared to control samples from the volcano, indicating that they were cemented by sulphur-rich minerals e.g. gypsum (CaSO4⋅H2O). Air quality monitoring stations did not record fluctuations in hourly PM10 concentrations outside the normal range of variability during the eruption, but there was a small increase in 24-hour running mean concentration from 21–24 April (Phase 2). Deposition of tephra from Phase 2 in the UK indicates that transport of tephra from Iceland is possible even for small eruption plumes given suitable wind conditions. The presence of relatively coarse grains adds uncertainty to concentration estimates from air quality sensors, which are most sensitive to grain sizes <10 um. Elsewhere, tephra was collected from roofs and vehicles in the Faroe Islands (mean grain size 40 um, but 100 um common), from rainwater in Bergen in Norway (23–91 um) and in air filters in Budapest, Hungary (2–6 um). A map is presented summarizing these and other recently published examples of distal tephra deposition from the Eyjafjallajökull eruption. It demonstrates that most tephra deposited on mainland Europe was produced in the highly explosive Phase 1 and was carried there in 2–3 days.


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An extensive micro-tephrostratigraphic survey of three small lakes in the Scottish Inner Hebrides was conducted encompassing the Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition (LGIT). The lakes are highly contrasting in terms of lake area to catchment ratio, the presence or absence of stream inlets draining the catchment, and in the complexity of the catchment drainage network. A suite of distal Icelandic volcanic ashes was consistently detected in all three lakes, with three, namely Penifiler Tephra, Vedde Ash and Ashik Tephra, being common to all the lakes. These ashes were chosen to examine the taphonomic intercomparability of ash location and concentration among the lakes. Findings reveal that the part played by catchment inlets in determining ash concentration and within-basin location applies to microtephra layers as much as it does in studies of macrotephra layer thickness. The position of ash concentration maxima is also shown to vary significantly for different LGIT periods and may be a consequence of lake-level changes, especially during the early Holocene. High-resolution stratigraphic analysis through the Vedde Ash visible macrotephra at Loch Ashik reveals a high degree of complexity in taphonomic behaviour between the different geochemical components, with possible implications for the correct interpretation of the isochron position. The detection of multiple intact ash isochrons and the taphonomic processes responsible for their deposition should prove useful in future tephrostratigraphic surveys, as well as having applications within other palaeolimnological disciplines.


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A new Icelandic ash layer has been detected in mid-Interstadial sediments in a number of Scottish Lateglacial sequences and has been named the Penifiler Tephra. It is rhyolitic in composition and possesses a chemistry, which is similar to the Borrobol Tephra of early Lateglacial Interstadial age, which also occurs in a number of these same sequences. Where the Borrobol Tephra has been identified in these sequences it consistently exhibits a diffuse distribution accompanied in some cases by stratigraphic bimodality. A number of sedimentological and taphonomic factors are considered in order to account for this distribution. One possibility is that these distributions are produced by taphonomic factors. Another possibility is that the Borrobol Tephra may not be the product of a single Icelandic eruption, but of two events closely spaced in time. In at least two of the sequences investigated in this study, basaltic shards were found in association with the Penifiler and Borrobol tephras, suggesting either a basaltic phase associated with these eruptions, or coincident eruptions from a separate basaltic volcanic centre. The discovery of the new Penifiler Tephra makes a contribution to the regional tephrostratigraphic framework, and provides an additional isochron for assessing the synchroneity of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Interstadial. The true stratigraphic nature and age of the Borrobol Tephra, however, remains unresolved and, therefore, its use as an isochron is more problematic. The possible occurrence of basaltic populations may strengthen correlations with basaltic tephras recently detected in the NGRIP ice-core.


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Three new microtephras are reported from a number of lake sites from the Inner Hebrides and Scottish mainland. One occurs stratigrapically in the middle of Greenland Interstadial 1 (GI-1) and has been named the Penifiler Tephra. It is rhyolitic and possesses a geochemical signature that is very similar to that of the Borrobol Tephra, which also occurs in three of the sequences reported here, but which lies close to the lower boundary of GI-1. The second occurs stratigraphically in the early Holocene below the Saksunarvatn Ash and is named the Ashik Tephra. This tephra is geochemically bimodal, with a rhyolitic component comparable to the An Druim Tephra that occurs later in the Holocene, and a basaltic component which is similar to the Saksunarvatn Ash. A third tephra occurs stratigraphically above the Saksunarvatn Ash and is provisionally named the Breakish Tephra. The consistent inter-site correlation demonstrated for these new tephras at several sites enhances the regional tephrostratigraphic framework, and increases the potential for correlating palaeoenvironmental events during GI-1 and the early Holocene. However, the occurrence of multiple tephras with similar geochemistry in close stratigraphic and temporal proximity has implications for the rigour with which tephrostratigraphic investigations must be performed.


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Tephrochronology, a key tool in the correlation of Quaternary sequences, relies on the extraction of tephra shards from sediments for visual identification and high-precision geochemical comparison. A prerequisite for the reliable correlation of tephra layers is that the geochemical composition of glass shards remains unaltered by natural processes (e.g. chemical exchange in the sedimentary environment) and/or by laboratory analytical procedures. However, natural glasses, particularly when in the form of small shards with a high surface to volume ratio, are prone to chemical alteration in both acidic and basic environments. Current techniques for the extraction of distal tephra from sediments involve the ‘cleaning’ of samples in precisely such environments and at elevated temperatures. The acid phase of the ‘cleaning’ process risks alteration of the geochemical signature of the shards, while the basic phase leads to considerable sample loss through dissolution of the silica network. Here, we illustrate the degree of alteration and loss to which distal tephras may be prone, and introduce a less destructive procedure for their extraction. This method is based on stepped heavy liquid flotation and which results in samples of sufficient quality for analysis while preserving their geochemical integrity. In trials, this method out-performed chemical extraction procedures in terms of the number of shards recovered and has resulted in the detection of new tephra layers with low shard concentrations. The implications of this study are highly significant because (i) the current database of distal tephra records and their corresponding geochemical signatures may require refinement and (ii) the record of distal tephras may be incomplete due to sample loss induced by corrosive laboratory procedures. It is therefore vital that less corrosive laboratory procedures are developed to make the detection and classification of distal glass tephra more secure.


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Three distal tephra layers or cryptotephras have been detected within a sedimentary sequence from the Netherlands that spans the last glacial-interglacial transition. Geochemical analyses identify one as the Vedde Ash, which represents the southernmost discovery of this mid-Younger Dryas tephra so far. This tephra was found as a distinct horizon in three different cores sampled within the basin. The remaining two tephras have not been geochemically ‘fingerprinted’, partly due to low concentrations and uneven distributions of shards within the sequences sampled. Nevertheless, there is the potential for tracing these tephra layers throughout the Netherlands and into other parts of continental Europe. Accordingly, the possibilities for precise correlation of Dutch palaeoenvironmental records with other continental, marine and ice-core records from the North Atlantic region are highlighted.