95 resultados para DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS


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This study evaluates the implementation of Menter's gamma-Re-theta Transition Model within the CFX12 solver for turbulent transition prediction on a natural laminar flow nacelle. Some challenges associated with this type of modeling have been identified. The computational fluid dynamics transitional flow simulation results are presented for a series of cruise cases with freestream Mach numbers ranging from 0.8 to 0.88, angles of attack from 2 to 0 degrees, and mass flow ratios from 0.60 to 0.75. These were validated with a series of wind-tunnel tests on the nacelle by comparing the predicted and experimental surface pressure distributions and transition locations. A selection of the validation cases are presented in this paper. In all cases, computational fluid dynamics simulations agreed reasonably well with the experiments. The results indicate that Menter's gamma-Re-theta Transition Model is capable of predicting laminar boundary-layer transition to turbulence on a nacelle. Nonetheless, some limitations exist in both the Menter's gamma-Re-theta Transition Model and in the implementation of the computational fluid dynamics model. The implementation of a more comprehensive experimental correlation in Menter's gamma-Re-theta Transition Model, preferably the ones from nacelle experiments, including the effects of compressibility and streamline curvature, is necessary for an accurate transitional flow simulation on a nacelle. In addition, improvements to the computational fluid dynamics model are also suggested, including the consideration of varying distributed surface roughness and an appropriate empirical correction derived from nacelle experimental transition location data.


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The Born-Oppenheimer approximation is the keystone for molecular dynamics simulations of radiation damage processes; however, actual materials response involves nonadiabatic energy exchange between nuclei and electrons. In this work, time dependent density functional theory is used to calculate the electronic excitations produced by energetic protons in Al. We study the influence of these electronic excitations on the interatomic forces and find that they differ substantially from the adiabatic case, revealing a nontrivial connection between electronic and nuclear stopping that is absent in the adiabatic case. These results unveil new effects in the early stages of radiation damage cascades.


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The effect of temperature on the structure of the ice Ih (0001) surface is considered through a series of molecular dynamics simulations on an ice slab. At relatively low temperatures (200K) a small fraction of surface self-interstitials (i.e. admolecules) appear that are formed exclusively from molecules leaving the outermost bilayer. At higher temperatures (ca. 250 K), vacancies start to appear in the inner part of the outermost bilayer exposing the underlying bilayer and providing sites with a high concentration of the dangling hydrogen bonds. Around 250-260 K aggregates of molecules formed on top of the outermost bilayer from self-interstitials become more mobile and have diffusivities approaching that of liquid water. At similar to 270-280 K the inner bilayer of one surface noticeably destructures and it appears that at above 285 K both surfaces are melting. The observed disparity in the onset of melting between the two sides of the slab is rationalised by considering the relationship between surface energy and the spatial distribution of protons at the surface; thermodynamic stability is conferred on the surface by maximising separations between dangling protons at the crystal exterior. Local hotspots associated with a high dangling proton density are suggested to be susceptible to pre-melting and may be more efficient at trapping species at the external surface than regions with low concentrations of protons thus potentially helping ice particles to catalyse reactions. A preliminary conclusion of this work is that only about 10-20 K below the melting temperature of the particular water potential employed is major disruption of the crystalline lattice noted which could be interpreted as being "liquid", the thickness of this film being about a nanometre.


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GHMP kinases are a group of structurally-related small molecule kinases. They have been found in all kingdoms of life and are mostly responsible for catalysing the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of intermediary metabolites. Although the GHMP kinases are of clinical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological importance, the mechanism of GHMP-kinases is controversial. A catalytic base mechanism was suggested for mevalonate kinase that has a structural feature of the ?-phosphate of ATP close to an aspartate residue; however, for one GHMP member, homoserine kinase, where the residue acting as general base is absent, a direct phosphorylation mechanism was suggested. Furthermore, it has been proposed by some authors that all the GHMP kinases function via the direct phosphorylation mechanism. This controversy in mechanism has limited our ability to exploit these enzymes as drug targets and in biotechnology. Here the phosphorylation reaction mechanism of the human galactokinase, a member of GHMP kinase was investigated using molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory-based QM/MM calculations (B3LYP-D/AMBER99). The reaction coordinates were localized by potential energy scan using adiabatic mapping method. Our results indicate that a highly conserved Glu174 captures Arg105 to the proximity of the a-phosphate of ATP forming a H-bond network, therefore the mobility of ATP in the large oxyanion hole is restricted. Arg228 functions to stabilize the negative charge developed at the ß,?-bridging oxygen of the ATP during bond cleavage. The reaction occurs via direct phosphorylation mechanism and the Asp186 in proximity of ATP does not directly participate in the reaction pathway. Since Arg228 is not conserved among GHMP kinases, reagents which form interactions with Arg228, and therefore can interrupt its function in phosphorylation may be developed into potential selective inhibitors for galactokinase.


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Selective polypharmacology, where a drug acts on multiple rather than single molecular targets involved in a disease, emerges to develop a structure-based system biology approach to design drugs selectively targeting a disease-active protein network. We focus on the bioaminergic receptors that belong to the group of integral membrane signalling proteins coupled to the G protein and represent targets for therapeutic agents against schizophrenia and depression. Among them, it has been shown that the serotonin (5-HT2A and 5-HT6), dopamine (D2 and D3) receptors induce a cognition-enhancing effect (group 1), while the histamine (H1) and serotonin (5-HT2C) receptors lead to metabolic side effects and the 5-HT2B serotonin receptor causes pulmonary hypertension (group 2). Thus, the problem arises to develop an approach that allows identifying drugs targeting only the disease-active receptors, i.e. group 1. The recent release of several crystal structures of the bioaminergic receptors, involving the D3 and H1 receptors provides the possibility to model the structures of all receptors and initiate a study of the structural and dynamic context of selective polypharmacology. In this work, we use molecular dynamics simulations to generate a conformational space of the receptors and subsequently characterize its binding properties applying molecular probe mapping. All-against-all comparison of the generated probe maps of the selected diverse conformations of all receptors with the Tanimoto similarity coefficient (Tc) enable to separate the receptors of group 1 from group 2. The pharmacophore built based on the Tc-selected receptor conformations, using the multiple probe maps discovers structural features that can be used to design molecules selective towards the receptors of group 1. The importance of several predicted residues to ligand selectivity is supported by the available mutagenesis and ligand structure-activity relationships studies. In addition, the Tc-selected conformations of the receptors for group 1 show good performance in isolation of known ligands from a random decoy. Our computational structure-based protocol to tackle selective polypharmacology of antipsychotic drugs could be applied for other diseases involving multiple drug targets, such as oncologic and infectious disorders.


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The viscosity of four imidazolium-based ionic liquids is analyzed as a function of pressure and temperature. Experimental measurements were carried out using an electromagnetic moving piston viscometer in the 303-353 K and 0.1-70 MPa ranges on synthesized ultrapure samples, and compared with available literature data. Molecular dynamics simulations were used to analyze the fluids' dynamic properties from a nanoscopic viewpoint, with special attention paid to self-diffusion coefficients and dynamic viscosity. Simulated properties are in excellent agreement with experimental results in spite of the glasslike dynamics of some of the studied fluids. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Enhancing sampling and analyzing simulations are central issues in molecular simulation. Recently, we introduced PLUMED, an open-source plug-in that provides some of the most popular molecular dynamics (MD) codes with implementations of a variety of different enhanced sampling algorithms and collective variables (CVs). The rapid changes in this field, in particular new directions in enhanced sampling and dimensionality reduction together with new hardware, require a code that is more flexible and more efficient. We therefore present PLUMED 2 here a,complete rewrite of the code in an object-oriented programming language (C++). This new version introduces greater flexibility and greater modularity, which both extends its core capabilities and makes it far easier to add new methods and CVs. It also has a simpler interface with the MD engines and provides a single software library containing both tools and core facilities. Ultimately, the new code better serves the ever-growing community of users and contributors in coping with the new challenges arising in the field.

Program summary

Program title: PLUMED 2

Catalogue identifier: AEEE_v2_0

Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEEE_v2_0.html

Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland

Licensing provisions: Yes

No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 700646

No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 6618136

Distribution format: tar.gz

Programming language: ANSI-C++.

Computer: Any computer capable of running an executable produced by a C++ compiler.

Operating system: Linux operating system, Unix OSs.

Has the code been vectorized or parallelized?: Yes, parallelized using MPI.

RAM: Depends on the number of atoms, the method chosen and the collective variables used.

Classification: 3, 7.7, 23. Catalogue identifier of previous version: AEEE_v1_0.

Journal reference of previous version: Comput. Phys. Comm. 180 (2009) 1961.

External routines: GNU libmatheval, Lapack, Bias, MPI. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The term fatigue loads on the Oyster Oscillating Wave Surge Converter (OWSC) is used to describe hydrostatic loads due to water surface elevation with quasi-static changes of state. Therefore a procedure to implement hydrostatic pressure distributions into finite element analysis of the structure is desired. Currently available experimental methods enable one to measure time variant water surface elevation at discrete locations either on or around the body of the scale model during tank tests. This paper discusses the development of a finite element analysis procedure to implement time variant, spatially distributed hydrostatic pressure derived from discretely measured water surface elevation. The developed method can process differently resolved (temporal and spatial) input data and approximate the elevation over the flap faces with user defined properties. The structural loads, namely the forces and moments on the body can then be investigated by post processing the numerical results. This method offers the possibility to process surface elevation or hydrostatic pressure data from computational fluid dynamics simulations and can thus be seen as a first step to a fluid-structure interaction model.


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Linear wave theory models are commonly applied to predict the performance of bottom-hinged oscillating wave surge converters (OWSC) in operational sea states. To account for non-linear effects, the additional input of coefficients not included in the model itself becomes necessary. In ocean engineering it is
common practice to obtain damping coefficients of floating structures from free decay tests. This paper presents results obtained from experimental tank tests and numerical computational fluid dynamics simulations of OWSC’s. Agreement between numerical and experimental methods is found to be very good, with CFD providing more data points at small amplitude rotations.
Analysis of the obtained data reveals that linear quadratic-damping, as commonly used in time domain models, is not able to accurately model the occurring damping over the whole regime of rotation amplitudes. The authors
conclude that a hyperbolic function is most suitable to express the instantaneous damping ratio over the rotation amplitude and would be the best choice to be used in coefficient based time domain models.


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This work examines the conformational ensemble involved in β-hairpin folding by means of advanced molecular dynamics simulations and dimensionality reduction. A fully atomistic description of the protein and the surrounding solvent molecules is used, and this complex energy landscape is sampled by means of parallel tempering metadynamics simulations. The ensemble of configurations explored is analyzed using the recently proposed sketch-map algorithm. Further simulations allow us to probe how mutations affect the structures adopted by this protein. We find that many of the configurations adopted by a mutant are the same as those adopted by the wild-type protein. Furthermore, certain mutations destabilize secondary-structure-containing configurations by preventing the formation of hydrogen bonds or by promoting the formation of new intramolecular contacts. Our analysis demonstrates that machine-learning techniques can be used to study the energy landscapes of complex molecules and that the visualizations that are generated in this way provide a natural basis for examining how the stabilities of particular configurations of the molecule are affected by factors such as temperature or structural mutations.


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The activation of oxygen molecules is an important issue in the gold-catalyzed partial oxidation of alcohols in aqueous solution. The complexity of the solution arising from a large number of solvent molecules makes it difficult to study the reaction in the system. In this work, O-2 activation on an Au catalyst is investigated using an effective approach to estimate the reaction barriers in the presence of solvent. Our calculations show that O-2 can be activated, undergoing OOH* in the presence of water molecules. The OOH* can readily be formed on Au(211) via four possible pathways with almost equivalent free energy barriers at the aqueous-solid interface: the direct or indirect activation of O-2 by surface hydrogen or the hydrolysis of O-2 following a Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism or an Eley-Rideal mechanism. Among them, the Eley-Rideal mechanism may be slightly more favorable due to the restriction of the low coverage of surface H on Au(211) in the other mechanisms. The results shed light on the importance of water molecules on the activation of oxygen in gold-catalyzed systems. Solvent is found to facilitate the oxygen activation process mainly by offering extra electrons and stabilizing the transition states. A correlation between the energy barrier and the negative charge of the reaction center is found. The activation barrier is substantially reduced by the aqueous environment, in which the first solvation shell plays the most important role in the barrier reduction. Our approach may be useful for estimating the reaction barriers in aqueous systems.


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New, automated forms of data-analysis are required in order to understand the high-dimensional trajectories that are obtained from molecular dynamics simulations on proteins. Dimensionality reduction algorithms are particularly appealing in this regard as they allow one to construct unbiased, low-dimensional representations of the trajectory using only the information encoded in the trajectory. The downside of this approach is that different sets of coordinates are required for each different chemical systems under study precisely because the coordinates are constructed using information from the trajectory. In this paper we show how one can resolve this problem by using the sketch-map algorithm that we recently proposed to construct a low-dimensional representation of the structures contained in the protein data bank (PDB). We show that the resulting coordinates are as useful for analysing trajectory data as coordinates constructed using landmark configurations taken from the trajectory and that these coordinates can thus be used for understanding protein folding across a range of systems.


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The reduction of CO2 on copper electrodes has attracted great attentions in the last decades, since it provides a sustainable approach for energy restore. During the CO2 reduction process, the electron transfer to COads is experimentally suggested to be the crucial step. In this work, we examine two possible pathways in CO activation, i.e. to generate COHads and CHOads, respectively, by performing the state-of-the-art constrained ab initio molecular dynamics simulations on the charged Cu(100) electrode under aqueous conditions, which is close to the realistic electrochemical condition. The free energy profile in the formation of COHads via the coupled proton and electron transfer is plotted. Furthermore, by Bader charge analyses, a linear relationship between C-O bond distance and the negative charge in CO fragment is unveiled. The formation of CHOads is identified to be a surface catalytic reaction, which requires the adsorption of H atom on the surface first. By comparing these two pathways, we demonstrate that kinetically the formation of COHads is more favored than that of CHOads, while CHOads is thermodynamically more stable. This work reveals that CO activation via COHads intermediate is an important pathway in electrocatalysis, which could provide some insights into CO2 electroreduction over Cu electrodes.


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We study the nonequilibrium dynamics of the linear to zigzag structural phase transition exhibited by an ion chain confined in a trap with periodic boundary conditions. The transition is driven by reducing the transverse confinement at a finite quench rate, which can be accurately controlled. This results in the formation of zigzag domains oriented along different transverse planes. The twists between different domains can be stabilized by the topology of the trap and under laser cooling the system has a chance to relax to a helical chain with nonzero winding number. Molecular dynamics simulations are used to obtain a large sample of possible trajectories for different quench rates. The scaling of the average winding number with different quench rates is compared to the prediction of the Kibble-Zurek theory, and a good quantitative agreement is found.


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The Ran GTPase protein is a guanine nucleotide-binding protein (GNBP) with an acknowledged profile in cancer onset, progression and metastases. The complex mechanism adopted by GNBPs in exchanging GDP for GTP is an intriguing process and crucial for Ran viability. The successful completion of the process is a fundamental aspect of propagating downstream signalling events. QM/MM molecular dynamics simulations were employed in this study to provide a deeper mechanistic understanding of the initiation of nucleotide exchange in Ran. Results indicate significant disruption of the metal-binding site upon interaction with RCC1 (the Ran guanine nucleotide exchange factor), overall culminating in the prominent shift of the divalent magnesium ion. The observed ion drifting is reasoned to occur as a consequence of the complex formation between Ran and RCC1 and is postulated to be a critical factor in the exchange process adopted by Ran. This is the first report to observe and detail such intricate dynamics for a protein in Ras superfamily.