130 resultados para Charter of Rights and Freedoms


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It is standard clinical practice to use a combination of two or more antimicrobial agents to treat an infection caused by Pseudonionas aeruginosa. The antibiotic combinations are usually selected empirically with methods to determine the antimicrobial effect of the combination such as the time-kill assay rarely used as they are time-consuming and labour intensive to perforin. Here, we report a modified time-kill assay, based on the reduction of the tetrazolium salt, 2,3-bis[2-methyloxy-4-nitro-5-sulfopheny1]-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide (XTT), that allows simple, inexpensive and more rapid determination of the in vitro activity of antibiotic combinations against P aeruginosa. The assay was used to determine the in vitro activity of ceftazidime and tobramycin in combination against P. aertiginosa isolates from cystic fibrosis patients and the results obtained compared with those from conventional viable count time-kill assays. There was good agreement in interpretation of results obtained by the XTT and conventional viable count assays, with similar growth curves apparent and the most effective concentration combinations determined by both methods identical for all isolates tested. The XTT assay clearly indicated whether an antibiotic combination had a synergistic, indifferent or antagonistic effect and could, therefore, provide a useful method for rapidly determining the activity of a large number of antibiotic combinations against clinical isolates. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The idea of participation is becoming increasingly important in international human rights law and recent political and constitutional theory. There is an emerging international law right of minorities to participate in public life. There are many problems though with putting this right into practice. It is not enough to offer formal opportunities for representation or even to facilitate more participatory processes. This article explores how participation is more easily proclaimed than practised by examining the position of one ethnic minority, Travellers, in a liberal democracy, Ireland. While there are many formal opportunities for participation, these do not necessarily result in effective participation on a basis of equality, and may still result in decisions which fail to consider the Traveller culture and identity. Travellers still suffer from an imbalance of power in these arrangements. There are hopeful avenues to pursue in improving participation, the role of civil society and the use of a dialogue between non-governmental organisations and international organisations to put pressure on a national government, including special representation to offset the disadvantages of traditional representative democracy and emphasising the role of special parliamentary bodies; and the need to address the politics of recognition so as to strengthen the hand of disadvantaged groups such as Travellers.


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With the advent of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), there is an increasing requirement that schools ensure children and young people's views are voiced, listened to and taken seriously on matters of significance. Encouraging these shifts by law is one thing; changing the culture in schools is another. For a significant proportion of schools, actively engaging students' voices on how they experience education poses a significant challenge and crucial gaps may exist between the rhetoric espoused and a school's readiness for genuine student involvement. This ethnographic study illuminates tensions that persist between headteachers' espoused views of how students are valued and students' creative images of their actual post-primary schooling experience. If cultures of schooling are to nurture the true spirit of democratic pupil participation implied by changes in the law, there is a need to develop genuine processes of student engagement in which students and staff can collaborate towards greater shared understandings of a school's priorities.


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This article describes the development of SPE and HPLC methods for the simultaneous determination of metformin and glipizide, gliclazide, glibenclamide or glimperide in plasma. Several extraction and HPLC methods have been described previously for the determination of each of these analytes in plasma separately. The simultaneous determination of these analytes is important for the routine monitoring of diabetic patients who take combination medications and for studying the pharmacokinetics of the combined dosage forms. In addition this developed method can serve as a standard method for the plasma determination of these analytes therefore saving time, effort and money. The recoveries of the developed methods were found to be between 76.3% and 101.9%. The limits of quantification were between 5 and 22.5 ng/ml. The intraday and interday precision (measured by coefficient of variation, CV%) was always less than 9%. The accuracy (measured by relative error %) was always less than 12%. Stability analysis showed that all analytes are stable for at least 3 months when stored at -70degreesC. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The view that states which claim sovereign status must comply with the responsibility to protect their own citizens is gaining ground in international politics. When a state is unable or unwilling to meet this responsibility, the international community is justified in intervening militarily to end widespread human rights violations. This article argues that a diffuse responsibility to protect, as currently conceived, may have important negative consequences. By using the ongoing tragedy of Darfur as an example, the article argues that the responsibility to protect is reactive and focused on the short term, contributes to the outbreak of violence and perversely provides repressed groups with a further incentive to continue their armed struggle after war breaks out. The tragedy of Darfur shows that effective protection requires case-specific policies aimed at prevention, democratization and economic and political development.


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A new generation of water soluble tetrazolium salts have recently become available and in this study we compared a colorimetric assay developed using one of these salts, 2-(2-methoxy-4-nitrophenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-(2, 4-disulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium, monosodium salt (WST-8), with a previously developed 2,3-bis[2-methyloxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl]-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide(XTT) colorimetric assay to determine which agent is most suitable for use as a colorimetric indicator in susceptibility testing. The MICs of 6 antibiotics were determined for 33 staphylococci using both colorimetric assays and compared with those obtained using the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy reference broth microdilution method. Absolute categorical agreement between the reference and test methods ranged from 79% (cefuroxime) to 100% (vancomycin) for both assays. No minor or major errors occurred using either assay with very major errors ranging from zero (vancomycin) to seven (cefuroxime). Analysis of the distribution of differences in the 1092 dilution MIC results revealed overall agreement, within the accuracy limits of the standard test ( 1 1092 dilution), using the XTT and WST-8 assays of 98% and 88%, respectively. Further studies on 31 ESBL-producing isolates were performed using the XTT method with absolute categorical agreement ranging from 87% (nitrofurantoin) to 100% (ofloxacin and meropenem). No errors were noted for either ofloxacin or meropenem with overall agreement of 91%. The data suggests that XTT is more reliable and accurate than WST-8 for use in a rapid antimicrobial susceptibility test. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bees are believed to be in decline across many of the world's ecosystems. Recent studies on British bumblebees proposed alternative theories to explain declines. One study suggested that greater dietary specialization among the rarer bumblebee species makes them more susceptible to decline. A second study disputed this theory and found that declines in British bumblebees were correlated with the size of species' European ranges, leading to the suggestion that climate and habitat specialization may be better indicators of the risk of decline. Here we use a new and independent dataset based on Irish bumblebees to test the generality of these theories. We found that most of the same bumblebee species are declining across the British Isles, but that, within Ireland, a simple food-plant specialization model is inadequate to explain these declines. Furthermore, we found no evidence of a relationship between declines in Irish bumblebees and the size of species' European ranges. However, we demonstrate that the late emerging species have declined in Ireland (and in Britain), and that these species show a statistically significant westward shift to the extremity of their range, probably as a result of changing land use. Irish data support the finding that rare and declining bumblebees are later nesting species, associated with open grassy habitats. We suggest that the widespread replacement of hay with silage in the agricultural landscape, which results in earlier and more frequent mowing and a reduction in late summer wildflowers, has played a major role in bumblebee declines. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We compared body temperature (T-b) daily rhythms in two populations of common spiny mice, Acomys cahirinus, during summer and winter months in relation to increasing dietary salt content. Mice were collected from the North and South facing slopes (NFS and SFS) of the same valley, that are exhibiting mesic and xeric habitats, respectively. During the summer, whilst mice were offered a water source containing 0.9% NaCl, SFS individuals had T-b peak values at 24:00, whereas NFS individuals had peak values at 18:00. When the salinity of the water source was increased, from 0.9 to 2.5% and then 3.5%, the difference between maximal and minimal T-b of both populations increased. In addition, with increased salinity, the T-b daily peak of SFS mice shifted to 18:00. During the winter, the mean daily T-b values of both populations of mice were lower than during the summer. At 0.9% salinity, the NFS mice exhibited a daily T-b variation with a peak at the beginning of the night. However, we did not detect any significant variation in daily T-b in the SFS mice. At 2.5% salinity, the difference between the mean daily T-b of mice from the two slopes increased. In winter we were unable to increase the salinity to 3.5% as the animals began to lose weight rapidly. We suggest that common spiny mice that inhabit these two micro-habitats axe forming two discrete populations that respond differently to the environmental pressures prevailing in each habitat, by evolving different physiological capacities. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Several novel phosphoramidites have been prepared by reaction of the primary amines para-vinylaniline, ortho-anisidine, 2-methoxyphenyl(4-vinylbenzyl)amine, 8-aminoquinoline and 3-vinyl-8-aminoquinoline with (S)-1,1'-bi-2-naphthylchlorophosphite, in the presence of base. Rhodium(l) complexes of these phosphoramidites catalyse the asymmetric hydrogenation of dimethylitaconate and dehydroamino acids and esters giving ee values up to 95%. Soluble non-cross linked polymers of the para-vinylaniline and 3-vinyl-8-aminoquinoline-based phosphoramidites have been prepared by free radical co-polymerisation with styrene in the presence of AIBN as initiator. The corresponding [Rh(COD)](+) complexes serve as recyclable catalysts for the asymmetric hydrogenation dimethylitaconate and dehydroamino acids and esters to give ee values up to 80%. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Here we consider the role of abstract models in advancing our understanding of movement pathology. Models of movement coordination and control provide the frameworks necessary for the design and interpretation of studies of acquired and developmental disorders. These models do not however provide the resolution necessary to reveal the nature of the functional impairments that characterise specific movement pathologies. In addition, they do not provide a mapping between the structural bases of various pathologies and the associated disorders of movement. Current and prospective approaches to the study and treatment of movement disorders are discussed. It is argued that the appreciation of structure-function relationships, to which these approaches give rise, represents a challenge to current models of interlimb coordination, and a stimulus for their continued development. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Based on primary research and consultations conducted over the last four years in the north of Ireland, this article considers the lives and experiences of children and young people in communities where the legacy of conflict and economic deprivation are most marked. It explores the reality of differential policing in communities where paramilitaries filled the policing deficit during the Conflict through informal 'justice' and punishment beatings. Finally, it considers the potential for change in a climate increasingly hostile towards children and young people, and the realisation of their rights.