61 resultados para CEMENTO PORTLAND


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Chloride-induced corrosion of steel is one of the most commonly found problems affecting the durability of reinforced concrete structures in both marine environment and where de-icing salt is used in winter. As the significance of micro-cracks on chloride induced corrosion is not well documented, 24 reinforced concrete beams (4 different mixes - one containing Portland cement and another containing 35% ground granulated blastfurnace slag at 0.45 and 0.65 water-binder ratios) were subjected to three levels of sustained lateral loading (0%, 50% and 100% of the load that can induce 0.1 mm wide cracks on the tension surface of beam - F0.1) in this work. The beams were then subjected to weekly cycles of wetting with 10% NaCl solution for 1 day followed by 6 days of drying at 20 (±1) °C up to an exposure period of 60 weeks. The progress of corrosion of steel was monitored using half-cell potential apparatus and linear polarisation resistance (LPR) test. These results have shown that macro-cracks (at load F0.1) and micro-cracks (at 50% of F0.1) greatly accelerated both the initiation and propagation stages of the corrosion of steel in the concrete beams. Lager crack widths for the F0.1 load cases caused higher corrosion rates initially, but after about 38 weeks of exposure, there was a decrease in the rate of corrosion. However, such trends could not be found in 50% F 0.1 group of beams. The extent of chloride ingress also was influenced by the load level. These findings suggest that the effect of micro-cracking at lower loads are very important for deciding the service life of reinforced concrete structures in chloride exposure environments. © 2014 4th International Conference on the Durability of Concrete Structures.


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Alkali activated slag (AAS) is an alternative cementitious material. Sodium silicate solution is usually used to activate ground granulated blast furnace slag to produce AAS. As a consequence, the pore solution chemistry of AAS differs from that of Portland cement (PC). Although AAS offers many advantages over PC, such as higher strength, superior resistance to acid and sulphate environments and lower embodied carbon due to 100% PC replacement, there is a need to assess its performance against chloride induced corrosion duo to its different pore solution chemistry. For PC systems, resistivity measurement, as a type of nondestructive test, is usually used to evaluate its chloride diffusivity and the corrosion rate of the embedded steel. However, due to the different pore solution chemistry present in the different AAS systems, the application of this test in AAS concretes would be questionable as the resistivity of concrete is highly dependent on its conductivity of the pore solution. Therefore, a study was carried out using twelve AAS concretes mixes, the results of which are reported in this paper. The AAS mixes were designed with alkali concentration of 4%, 6% and 8% (Na2O% of the mass of slag) and modulus (Ms) of sodium silicate solution of 0.75, 1.00, 1.50 and 2.00. A PC concrete with the same binder content as the AAS concretes was also studied as a reference. The chloride diffusion coefficient was determined using a non-steady state chloride diffusion test (NT BUILD 443). The resistivity of the concretes before the diffusion test was also measured. Macrocell corrosion current (corrosion rate) for steel rods embedded in the concretes was measured whilst subjecting the concretes to a cyclic chloride ponding regime (1 day ponded with salt solution and 6 days drying). The results showed that the AAS concretes had lower chloride diffusivity with associated higher resistivity than the PC concrete. The measured corrosion rate was also lower for the AAS concretes. However, unlike the PC, in which a higher resistivity yields a lower diffusivity and corrosion rate, there was no relationship apparent between the resistivity and either the diffusivity or the corrosion rate of steel for the AAS concretes. This is assigned to the variation of the pore solution composition of the AAS concretes. This also means that resistivity measurements cannot be depended on for assessing the chloride induced corrosion resistance of AAS concretes.


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Alkali activated slag (AAS) is a credible alternative to Portland cement (PC) based binder systems. The superior strength gain and low embodied carbon make it a potential binder for next generation concretes. However there is little known about the long term durability of AAS systems, especially the chloride transport and subsequent corrosion of reinforcing steel.
In this study, chloride transport through 12 AAS concretes with different alkali concentrations (Na2O% of mass of slag) and different modulus (Ms) of sodium silicate solution activator was investigated. A non-steady state chloride diffusion test was used for this study due to its similarity to the real exposure environment in terms of chloride transport through concrete. The results showed that the chloride concentration at the surface (Cs) of AAS concretes was higher than that for PC concrete.
However, lower non-steady state chloride diffusion coefficient (Dnssd) was obtained for the AAS concretes. The Dnssd of the AAS concretes decreased with the increase of Na2O% and Ms of 1.50 gave the lowest Dnssd. The results are encouraging and it can be concluded that AAS concrete offers a superior performance in terms of chloride transport.


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This report surveys the legislative and judicial developments in human rights law within Northern Ireland in the years 2009 and 2010, highlighting the respects in which the law was or was not in compliance with international human rights standards, in particular those laid down in the European Convention on Human Rights.


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This chapter examines who and what brought about the transformation in the criminal justice system of Northern Ireland between 1998 and 2015, seeking to pinpoint the critical moments which stimulated the reforms, how they were delivered, and through what processes they are now being maintained. It seeks to identify the key agents of change and considers whether it is possible to generalise from Northern Ireland’s experience so that other conflicted societies might benefit from the lessons learned.


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The growth of the construction industry worldwide poses a serious concern on the sustainability of the building material production chain, mainly due to the carbon emissions related to the production of Portland cement. On the other hand, valuable materials from waste streams, particularly from the metallurgical industry, are not used at their full potential. Alkali activated concrete (AAC) has emerged in the last years as a promising alternative to traditional Portland cement based concrete for some applications. However, despite showing remarkable strength and durability potential, its utilisation is not widespread, mainly due to the lack of broadly accepted standards for the selection of suitable mix recipes fulfilling design requirements, in particular workability, setting time and strength. In this paper, a contribution towards the design development of AAC synthetized from pulverised fuel ash (60%) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (40%) activated with a solution of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate is proposed. Results from a first batch of mixes indicated that water content influences the setting time and that paste content is a key parameter for controlling strength development and workability. The investigation indicated that, for the given raw materials and activator compositions, a minimum water to solid (w/s) ratio of 0.37 was needed for an initial setting time of about 1 hour. Further work with paste content in the range of 30% to 33% determined the relationship between workability and strength development and w/s ratio and paste content. Strengths in the range of 50 - 60 MPa were achieved.


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Worldwide, the building sector requires the production of 4 billion tonnes of cement annually, consuming more than 40% of global energy. Alkali activated “cementless” binders have recently emerged as a novel eco-friendly construction material with a promising potential to replace ordinary Portland cement. These binders consist of a class of inorganic polymer formed mainly by the reaction between an alkaline solution and an aluminosilicate source. Precursor materials for this reaction can be found in secondary material streams from different industrial sectors, from energy to agro-alimentary. However, the suitability of these materials in developing the polymerisation reaction must be assessed through a detailed chemical and physical characterisation, ensuring the availability of required chemical species in the appropriate quantity and physical state. Furthermore, the binder composition needs to be defined in terms of proper alkali activation dosages, water content in the mix, and curing conditions. The mix design must satisfy mechanical requirements and compliance to desired engineering properties (workability, setting time) for ensuring the suitability of the binder in replacing Portland cement in concrete applications. This paper offers a structured approach for the development of secondary material-based binders, from their identification to mix design and production procedure development. Essential features of precursor material can be determined through chemical and physical characterisation methods and advanced microscope techniques. Important mixing parameters and binder properties requirements are examined and some examples of developed binders are reported.


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Alkali activated binders, based on ash and slag, also known as geopolymers, can play a key role in reducing the carbon footprint of the construction sector by replacing ordinary Portland cement in some concretes. Since 1970s, research effort has been ongoing in many research institutions. In this study, pulverized fuel ash (pfa) from a UK power plant, ground granulated blast furnace slag (ggbs) and combinations of the two have been investigated as geopolymer binders for concrete applications. Activators used were sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate solutions. Mortars with sand/binder ratio of 2.75 with several pfa and ggbs combinations have been mixed and tested. The optimization of alkali dosage (defined as the Na2O/binder mass ratio) and modulus (defined as the Na2O/SiO2 mass ratio) resulted in strengths in excess of 70 MPa for tested mortars. Setting time and workability have been considered for the identification of the best combination of pfa/ggbs and alkali activator dosage for different precast concrete products. Geopolymer concrete building blocks have been replicated in laboratory and a real scale factory trial has been successfully carried out. Ongoing microstructural characterization is aiming to identify reaction products arising from pfa/ggbs combinations.


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This piece contemplates whether the common law could fill the gaps in human rights protection if the UK's Human Rights Act 1998 were to be repealed. It looks at how the common law protected human rights before the Act came into force, what difference the Act has made, how the common law has become side-lined as a result, how in recent cases it has begun to play a more central role, and what more more needs to be done to develop it in ways which ensure that if the Human Rights Act were to be repealed it would not be particularly missed.


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As the relative performance of alkali activated slag (AAS) concretes in comparison to Portland cement (PC) counterparts for chloride transport and resulting corrosion of steel bars is not clear, an investigation was carried out and the results are reported in this paper. The effect of alkali concentration and modulus of sodium silicate solution used in AAS was studied. Chloride transport and corrosion properties were assessed with the help of electrical resistivity, non-steady state chloride diffusivity, onset of corrosion, rate of corrosion and pore solution chemistry. It was found that: (i) although chloride content at surface was higher for the AAS concretes, they had lower chloride diffusivity than PC concrete; (ii) pore structure, ionic exchange and interaction effect of hydrates strongly influenced the chloride transport in the AAS concretes; (iii) steel corrosion resistance of the AAS concretes was comparable to that of PC concrete under intermittent chloride ponding regime, with the exception of 6% Na2O and Ms of 1.5; (iv) the corrosion behaviour of the AAS concretes was significantly influenced by ionic exchange, carbonation and sulphide concentration; (v) the increase of alkali concentration of the activator generally increased the resistance of AAS concretes to chloride transport and reduced its resulting corrosion, and a value of 1.5 was found to be an optimum modulus for the activator for improving the chloride transport and the corrosion resistance.


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This is a report of the variety of developments in human rights law in Northern Ireland during the calendar year 2013. It pays particular attention to references to human rights issues in judicial decisions taken within Northern Ireland.


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The studies on chloride induced corrosion of steel bars in alkali activated slag (AAS) concretes are scarcely reported in the past. In order to make this issue clearer and compare the corrosion performance of AAS with Portland cement (PC) counterpart, an investigation was carried out and the results are reported in this paper. Corrosion properties were assessed with the help of rate of corrosion, electrical resistivity and pore solution chemistry. It was found that: (i) steel corrosion resistance of the AAS concretes was comparable or in some cases even worse than that of Portland cement (PC) concrete under intermittent chloride ponding regime; (ii) the corrosion behaviour of the AAS concretes was significantly influenced by ionic exchange, carbonation and sulphide concentration; (iii) the increase of alkali concentration of the activator generally reduced chloride resulting corrosion, and a value of 1.5 was found to be an optimum modulus for the activator for improving the corrosion resistance.


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Online forums are becoming a popular way of finding useful
information on the web. Search over forums for existing discussion
threads so far is limited to keyword-based search due
to the minimal effort required on part of the users. However,
it is often not possible to capture all the relevant context in a
complex query using a small number of keywords. Examplebased
search that retrieves similar discussion threads given
one exemplary thread is an alternate approach that can help
the user provide richer context and vastly improve forum
search results. In this paper, we address the problem of
finding similar threads to a given thread. Towards this, we
propose a novel methodology to estimate similarity between
discussion threads. Our method exploits the thread structure
to decompose threads in to set of weighted overlapping
components. It then estimates pairwise thread similarities
by quantifying how well the information in the threads are
mutually contained within each other using lexical similarities
between their underlying components. We compare our
proposed methods on real datasets against state-of-the-art
thread retrieval mechanisms wherein we illustrate that our
techniques outperform others by large margins on popular
retrieval evaluation measures such as NDCG, MAP, Precision@k
and MRR. In particular, consistent improvements of
up to 10% are observed on all evaluation measures