72 resultados para Biology, Bioinformatics|Computer Science


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We present a Spatio-temporal 2D Models Framework (STMF) for 2D-Pose tracking. Space and time are discretized and a mixture of probabilistic "local models" is learnt associating 2D Shapes and 2D Stick Figures. Those spatio-temporal models generalize well for a particular viewpoint and state of the tracked action but some spatio-temporal discontinuities can appear along a sequence, as a direct consequence of the discretization. To overcome the problem, we propose to apply a Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter (RBPF) in the 2D-Pose eigenspace, thus interpolating unseen data between view-based clusters. The fitness to the images of the predicted 2D-Poses is evaluated combining our STMF with spatio-temporal constraints. A robust, fast and smooth human motion tracker is obtained by tracking only the few most important dimensions of the state space and by refining deterministically with our STMF.


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The physical periphery of a biological cell is mainly described by signaling pathways which are triggered by transmembrane proteins and receptors that are sentinels to control the whole gene regulatory network of a cell. However, our current knowledge about the gene regulatory mechanisms that are governed by extracellular signals is severely limited.Results: The purpose of this paper is three fold. First, we infer a gene regulatory network from a large-scale B-cell lymphoma expression data set using the C3NET algorithm. Second, we provide a functional and structural analysis of the largest connected component of this network, revealing that this network component corresponds to the peripheral region of a cell. Third, we analyze the hierarchical organization of network components of the whole inferred B-cell gene regulatory network by introducing a new approach which exploits the variability within the data as well as the inferential characteristics of C3NET. As a result, we find a functional bisection of the network corresponding to different cellular components.

Overall, our study allows to highlight the peripheral gene regulatory network of B-cells and shows that it is centered around hub transmembrane proteins located at the physical periphery of the cell. In addition, we identify a variety of novel pathological transmembrane proteins such as ion channel complexes and signaling receptors in B-cell lymphoma. © 2012 Simoes et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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This paper proposes an optimisation of the adaptive Gaussian mixture background model that allows the deployment of the method on processors with low memory capacity. The effect of the granularity of the Gaussian mean-value and variance in an integer-based implementation is investigated and novel updating rules of the mixture weights are described. Based on the proposed framework, an implementation for a very low power consumption micro-controller is presented. Results show that the proposed method operates in real time on the micro-controller and has similar performance to the original model. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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FastFlow is a structured parallel programming framework targeting shared memory multi-core architectures. In this paper we introduce a FastFlow extension aimed at supporting also a network of multi-core workstations. The extension supports the execution of FastFlow programs by coordinating-in a structured way-the fine grain parallel activities running on a single workstation. We discuss the design and the implementation of this extension presenting preliminary experimental results validating it on state-of-the-art networked multi-core nodes. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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We describe an approach aimed at addressing the issue of joint exploitation of control (stream) and data parallelism in a skeleton based parallel programming environment, based on annotations and refactoring. Annotations drive efficient implementation of a parallel computation. Refactoring is used to transform the associated skeleton tree into a more efficient, functionally equivalent skeleton tree. In most cases, cost models are used to drive the refactoring process. We show how sample use case applications/kernels may be optimized and discuss preliminary experiments with FastFlow assessing the theoretical results. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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The use of efficient synchronization mechanisms is crucial for implementing fine grained parallel programs on modern shared cache multi-core architectures. In this paper we study this problem by considering Single-Producer/Single- Consumer (SPSC) coordination using unbounded queues. A novel unbounded SPSC algorithm capable of reducing the row synchronization latency and speeding up Producer-Consumer coordination is presented. The algorithm has been extensively tested on a shared-cache multi-core platform and a sketch proof of correctness is presented. The queues proposed have been used as basic building blocks to implement the FastFlow parallel framework, which has been demonstrated to offer very good performance for fine-grain parallel applications. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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FastFlow is a programming framework specifically targeting cache-coherent shared-memory multi-cores. It is implemented as a stack of C++ template libraries built on top of lock-free (and memory fence free) synchronization mechanisms. Its philosophy is to combine programmability with performance. In this paper a new FastFlow programming methodology aimed at supporting parallelization of existing sequential code via offloading onto a dynamically created software accelerator is presented. The new methodology has been validated using a set of simple micro-benchmarks and some real applications. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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We describe a lightweight prototype framework (LIBERO) designed for experimentation with behavioural skeletons-components implementing a well-known parallelism exploitation pattern and a rule-based autonomic manager taking care of some non-functional feature related to pattern computation. LIBERO supports multiple autonomic managers within the same behavioural skeleton, each taking care of a different non-functional concern. We introduce LIBERO-built on plain Java and JBoss-and discuss how multiple managers may be coordinated to achieve a common goal using a two-phase coordination protocol developed in earlier work. We present experimental results that demonstrate how the prototype may be used to investigate autonomic management of multiple, independent concerns. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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We report some existing work, inspired by analogies between human thought and machine computation, showing that the informational state of a digital computer can be decoded in a similar way to brain decoding. We then discuss some proposed work that would leverage this analogy to shed light on the amount of information that may be missed by the technical limitations of current neuroimaging technologies. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Bayesian probabilistic analysis offers a new approach to characterize semantic representations by inferring the most likely feature structure directly from the patterns of brain activity. In this study, infinite latent feature models [1] are used to recover the semantic features that give rise to the brain activation vectors when people think about properties associated with 60 concrete concepts. The semantic features recovered by ILFM are consistent with the human ratings of the shelter, manipulation, and eating factors that were recovered by a previous factor analysis. Furthermore, different areas of the brain encode different perceptual and conceptual features. This neurally-inspired semantic representation is consistent with some existing conjectures regarding the role of different brain areas in processing different semantic and perceptual properties. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Multi-core and many-core platforms are becoming increasingly heterogeneous and asymmetric. This significantly increases the porting and tuning effort required for parallel codes, which in turn often leads to a growing gap between peak machine power and actual application performance. In this work a first step toward the automated optimization of high level skeleton-based parallel code is discussed. The paper presents an abstract annotation model for skeleton programs aimed at formally describing suitable mapping of parallel activities on a high-level platform representation. The derived mapping and scheduling strategies are used to generate optimized run-time code. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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The management of non-functional features (performance, security, power management, etc.) is traditionally a difficult, error prone task for programmers of parallel applications. To take care of these non-functional features, autonomic managers running policies represented as rules using sensors and actuators to monitor and transform a running parallel application may be used. We discuss an approach aimed at providing formal tool support to the integration of independently developed autonomic managers taking care of different non-functional concerns within the same parallel application. Our approach builds on the Behavioural Skeleton experience (autonomic management of non-functional features in structured parallel applications) and on previous results on conflict detection and resolution in rule-based systems. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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In distributed networks, it is often useful for the nodes to be aware of dense subgraphs, e.g., such a dense subgraph could reveal dense substructures in otherwise sparse graphs (e.g. the World Wide Web or social networks); these might reveal community clusters or dense regions for possibly maintaining good communication infrastructure. In this work, we address the problem of self-awareness of nodes in a dynamic network with regards to graph density, i.e., we give distributed algorithms for maintaining dense subgraphs that the member nodes are aware of. The only knowledge that the nodes need is that of the dynamic diameter D, i.e., the maximum number of rounds it takes for a message to traverse the dynamic network. For our work, we consider a model where the number of nodes are fixed, but a powerful adversary can add or remove a limited number of edges from the network at each time step. The communication is by broadcast only and follows the CONGEST model. Our algorithms are continuously executed on the network, and at any time (after some initialization) each node will be aware if it is part (or not) of a particular dense subgraph. We give algorithms that (2 + e)-approximate the densest subgraph and (3 + e)-approximate the at-least-k-densest subgraph (for a given parameter k). Our algorithms work for a wide range of parameter values and run in O(D log n) time. Further, a special case of our results also gives the first fully decentralized approximation algorithms for densest and at-least-k-densest subgraph problems for static distributed graphs. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.