79 resultados para Binding Sites


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The community-wide GPCR Dock assessment is conducted to evaluate the status of molecular modeling and ligand docking for human G protein-coupled receptors. The present round of the assessment was based on the recent structures of dopamine D3 and CXCR4 chemokine receptors bound to small molecule antagonists and CXCR4 with a synthetic cyclopeptide. Thirty-five groups submitted their receptor-ligand complex structure predictions prior to the release of the crystallographic coordinates. With closely related homology modeling templates, as for dopamine D3 receptor, and with incorporation of biochemical and QSAR data, modern computational techniques predicted complex details with accuracy approaching experimental. In contrast, CXCR4 complexes that had less-characterized interactions and only distant homology to the known GPCR structures still remained very challenging. The assessment results provide guidance for modeling and crystallographic communities in method development and target selection for further expansion of the structural coverage of the GPCR universe.


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A series of imprinted polymers targeting nucleoside metabolites, prepared using a template analogue approach, are presented. These were prepared following selection of the optimum functional monomer by solution association studies using 1H-NMR titrations whereby methacrylic acid was shown to be the strongest receptor with and affinity constant of 621 ± 51 L mol-1 vs. 110 ± 16 L mol-1 for acrylamide. The best performing polymers were prepared using methanol as porogenic co-solvent and although average binding site affinities were marginally reduced, 2.3×104 L mol-1 vs. 2.7×104 L mol-1 measured for a polymer prepared in acetonitrile, these polymers contained the highest number of binding sites, 5.27 μmol g-1¬¬ vs. 1.64 μmol g-1, while they also exhibited enhanced selectivity for methylated guanosine derivatives. When applied as sorbents in the extraction of nucleoside derivative cancer biomarkers from synthetic urine samples, significant sample clean-up and recoveries of up to 90% for 7-methylguanosine were achieved.


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Here, we show for the first time that the familial breast/ovarian cancer susceptibility gene, BRCA1, along with interacting ΔNp63 proteins, transcriptionally upregulate the putative tumour suppressor protein, S100A2. Both BRCA1 and ΔNp63 proteins are required for S100A2 expression. BRCA1 requires ΔNp63 proteins for recruitment to the S100A2 proximal promoter region, while exogenous expression of individual ΔNp63 proteins cannot activate S100A2 transcription in the absence of a functional BRCA1. Consequently, mutation of the ΔNp63/p53 response element within the S100A2 promoter completely abrogates the ability of BRCA1 to upregulate S100A2. S100A2 shows growth control features in a range of cell models. Transient or stable exogenous S100A2 expression inhibits the growth of BRCA1 mutant and basal-like breast cancer cell lines, while short interfering RNA (siRNA) knockdown of S100A2 in non-tumorigenic cells results in enhanced proliferation. S100A2 modulates binding of mutant p53 to HSP90, which is required for efficient folding of mutant p53 proteins, by competing for binding to HSP70/HSP90 organising protein (HOP). HOP is a cochaperone that is required for the efficient transfer of proteins from HSP70 to HSP90. Loss of S100A2 leads to an HSP90-dependent stabilisation of mutant p53 with a concomitant loss of p63. Accordingly, S100A2-deficient cells are more sensitive to the HSP-90 inhibitor, 17-N-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin, potentially representing a novel therapeutic strategy for S100A2- and BRCA1-deficient cancers. Taken together, these data demonstrate the importance of S100A2 downstream of the BRCA1/ΔNp63 signalling axis in modulating transcriptional responses and enforcing growth control mechanisms through destabilisation of mutant p53.


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In response to genotoxic stress the TP53 tumour suppressor activates target gene expression to induce cell cycle arrest or apoptosis depending on the extent of DNA damage. These canonical activities can be repressed by TP63 in normal stratifying epithelia to maintain proliferative capacity or drive proliferation of squamous cell carcinomas, where TP63 is frequently overexpressed/amplified. Here we use ChIP-sequencing, integrated with microarray analysis, to define the genome-wide interplay between TP53 and TP63 in response to genotoxic stress in normal cells. We reveal that TP53 and TP63 bind to overlapping, but distinct cistromes of sites through utilization of distinctive consensus motifs and that TP53 is constitutively bound to a number of sites. We demonstrate that cisplatin and adriamycin elicit distinct effects on TP53 and TP63 binding events, through which TP53 can induce or repress transcription of an extensive network of genes by direct binding and/or modulation of TP63 activity. Collectively, this results in a global TP53-dependent repression of cell cycle progression, mitosis and DNA damage repair concomitant with activation of anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic canonical target genes. Further analyses reveal that in the absence of genotoxic stress TP63 plays an important role in maintaining expression of DNA repair genes, loss of which results in defective repair.


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Objective: Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a microvascular complication of diabetes. Members of the WNT/ β-catenin pathways have been implicated in interstitial fibrosis and glomerular sclerosis, characteristic hallmarks of DN. These processes are controlled, in part, by transcription factors (TFs), proteins which bind to gene promoter regions attenuating their regulation. We sought to identify predicted cis-acting transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) over-represented within the promoter regions of WNT pathway members compared to genes across the genome.Methods: We assessed the frequency of 62 TFBS motifs from the JASPAR databases on 65 WNT pathway genes. P-values were estimated on the hypergeometric distribution for each TF. Gene expression profiles of enriched motifs were examined from DN-related datasets to assess clinical significance.Results: TFBS motifs transcription factor AP-2 alpha (TFAP2A), myeloid zinc finger 1 (MZF1), and specificity protein 1 (SP1) were significantly enriched within WNT pathway genes (P-values<6.83x10-29, 1.34x10-11 and 3.01x10-6 respectively). MZF1 gene expression was significantly increased in DN in a whole kidney dataset (fold change = 1.16; 16% increase; P = 0.03). TFAP2A gene expression was decreased in an independent dataset (fold change = -1.02; P = 0.03). SP1 was not differentially expressed in any datasets examined.Conclusions: Three TFBS profiles are significantly enriched within the WNT pathway genes examined highlighting the use of in silico analyses for identifying key regulators of this pathway. Modification of TF binding to gene promoter regions involved in DN pathology may limit progression, making refinement of targeted therapeutic strategies possible through clearer delineation of their role.


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Reproductive disorders that are common/increasing in prevalence in human males may arise because of deficient androgen production/action during a fetal 'masculinization programming window'. We identify a potentially important role for Chicken Ovalbumin Upstream Promoter-Transcription Factor II (COUP-TFII) in Leydig cell (LC) steroidogenesis that may partly explain this. In rats, fetal LC size and intratesticular testosterone (ITT) increased ~3-fold between e15.5-e21.5 which associated with a progressive decrease in the percentage of LC expressing COUP-TFII. Exposure of fetuses to dibutyl phthalate (DBP), which induces masculinization disorders, dose-dependently prevented the age-related decrease in LC COUP-TFII expression and the normal increases in LC size and ITT. We show that nuclear COUP-TFII expression in fetal rat LC relates inversely to LC expression of steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1)-dependent genes (StAR, Cyp11a1, Cyp17a1) with overlapping binding sites for SF-1 and COUP-TFII in their promoter regions, but does not affect an SF-1 dependent LC gene (3β-HSD) without overlapping sites. We also show that once COUP-TFII expression in LC has switched off, it is re-induced by DBP exposure, coincident with suppression of ITT. Furthermore, other treatments that reduce fetal ITT in rats (dexamethasone, diethylstilbestrol (DES)) also maintain/induce LC nuclear expression of COUP-TFII. In contrast to rats, in mice DBP neither causes persistence of fetal LC COUP-TFII nor reduces ITT, whereas DES-exposure of mice maintains COUP-TFII expression in fetal LC and decreases ITT, as in rats. These findings suggest that lifting of repression by COUP-TFII may be an important mechanism that promotes increased testosterone production by fetal LC to drive masculinization. As we also show an age-related decline in expression of COUP-TFII in human fetal LC, this mechanism may also be functional in humans, and its susceptibility to disruption by environmental chemicals, stress and pregnancy hormones could explain the origin of some human male reproductive disorders.


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Secretory Leukocyte Protease Inhibitor (SLPI) is a serine protease inhibitor produced by epithelial and myeloid cells with anti-inflammatory properties. Research has shown that SLPI exerts its anti-inflammatory activity by directly binding to NF-κB DNA binding sites and, in so doing, prevents binding and subsequent transcription of proinflammatory gene expression. In the current study, we demonstrate that SLPI can inhibit TNF-α-induced apoptosis in U937 cells and peripheral blood monocytes. Specifically, SLPI inhibits TNF-α-induced caspase-3 activation and DNA degradation associated with apoptosis. We go on to show that this ability of SLPI to inhibit apoptosis is not dependent on its antiprotease activity as antiprotease deficient variants of SLPI can also inhibit TNF-α-induced apoptosis. This reduction in monocyte apoptosis may preserve monocyte function during inflammation resolution and promote infection clearance at mucosal sites.


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Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) is an important respiratory tract host defense protein, which is proteolytically inactivated by excessive neutrophil elastase (NE) during chronic Pseudomonas infection in the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung. We generated two putative NE-resistant variants of SLPI by site-directed mutagenesis, SLPI-A16G and SLPI-S15G-A16G, with a view to improving SLPI’s proteolytic stability. Both variants showed enhanced resistance to degradation in the presence of excess NE as well as CF patient sputum compared with SLPI-wild type (SLPI-WT). The ability of both variants to bind bacterial lipopolysaccharides and interact with nuclear factor-κB DNA binding sites was also preserved. Finally, we demonstrate increased anti-inflammatory activity of the SLPI-A16G protein compared with SLPI-WT in a murine model of pulmonary Pseudomonas infection. This study demonstrates the increased stability of these SLPI variants compared with SLPI-WT and their therapeutic potential as a putative anti-inflammatory treatment for CF lung disease.


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The characterization of complex cellular responses to diverse stimuli can be studied by the use of emerging chip-based technologies.

The p53 pathway is critical to maintaining the integrity of the genome in multicellular organisms. The p53gene is activated in response to DNA damage and encodes a transcription factor [1], which in turn activates genes that arrest cell growth and induce apoptosis, thereby preventing the propagation of genetically damaged cells. It is the most important known tumor suppressor gene: perhaps half of all human neoplasms have mutations in p53, and there is a remarkable concordance between oncogenic mutation and the loss of p53 transcriptional activity [2]. There is also compelling experimental evidence that loss of p53 function (by whatever means) is one of the key oncogenic steps in human cells, along with altered telomerase activity and expression of mutant ras [3]. So far, however, relatively few of the genes regulated by p53 have been identified and it is not even known how many binding sites there are for p53 in the genome, although an estimate based on the incidence of the canonical p53 consensus binding site (four palindromic copies of the sequence 5'-PuPuPuGA/T-3', where Pu is either purine) in a limited region suggests there may be as many as 200 to 300, possibly representing the same number of p53-responsive genes [4]. This makes the p53 response an attractive target for the emerging techniques for global analysis of gene expression, and two recent reports [5,6] illustrate the ways in which these techniques can be used to elucidate the spectrum of genes regulated by this key transcription factor. Vogelstein and colleagues [5] have used serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) to identify 34 genes that exhibit at least a 10-fold upregulation in response to inducible expression of p53; Tanaka et al. [6] have used differential display to identify p53R2, a homolog of ribonuclease reductase small subunit (R2) as a target gene, thereby for the first time implicating p53 directly in the repair of DNA damage.


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The Wilms tumor suppressor WT1 encodes a zinc finger transcription factor that is expressed in glomerular podocytes during a narrow window in kidney development. By immunoprecipitation and protein microsequencing analysis, we have identified a major cellular protein associated with endogenous WT1 to be the inducible chaperone Hsp70. WT1 and Hsp70 are physically associated in embryonic rat kidney cells, in primary Wilms tumor specimens and in cultured cells with inducible expression of WT1. Colocalization of WT1 and Hsp70 is evident within podocytes of the developing kidney, and Hsp70 is recruited to the characteristic subnuclear clusters that contain WT1. The amino-terminal transactivation domain of WT1 is required for binding to Hsp70, and expression of that domain itself is sufficient to induce expression of Hsp70 through the heat shock element (HSE). Substitution of a heterologous Hsp70-binding domain derived from human DNAJ is sufficient to restore the functional properties of a WT1 protein with an amino-terminal deletion, an effect that is abrogated by a point mutation in DNAJ that reduces binding to Hsp70. These observations indicate that Hsp70 is an important cofactor for the function of WT1, and suggest a potential role for this chaperone during kidney differentiation.


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Voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) are key elements in epileptogenesis. There are several binding-sites linked to calmodulin (CaM) and several potential CaM-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII)-mediated phosphorylation sites in CaV1.2. The tremor rat model (TRM) exhibits absence‑like seizures from 8 weeks of age. The present study was performed to detect changes in the Ca2+/CaV1.2/CaM/CaMKII pathway in TRMs and in cultured hippocampal neurons exposed to Mg2+‑free solution. The expression levels of CaV1.2, CaM and phosphorylated CaMKII (p‑CaMKII; Thr‑286) in these two models were examined using immunofluorescence and western blotting. Compared with Wistar rats, the expression levels of CaV1.2 and CaM were increased, and the expression of p‑CaMKII was decreased in the TRM hippocampus. However, the expression of the targeted proteins was reversed in the TRM temporal cortex. A significant increase in the expression of CaM and decrease in the expression of CaV1.2 were observed in the TRM cerebellum. In the cultured neuron model, p‑CaMKII and CaV1.2 were markedly decreased. In addition, neurons exhibiting co‑localized expression of CaV1.2 and CaM immunoreactivities were detected. Furthermore, intracellular calcium concentrations were increased in these two models. For the first time, o the best of our knowledge, the data of the present study suggested that abnormal alterations in the Ca2+/CaV1.2/CaM/CaMKII pathway may be involved in epileptogenesis and in the phenotypes of TRMs and cultured hippocampal neurons exposed to Mg2+‑free solution.


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We have demonstrated previously that certain members of a series of novel pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine (PBOX) compounds potently induce apoptosis in a variety of human chemotherapy-resistant cancer cell lines and in primary ex vivo material derived from cancer patients. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the apoptotic effects of these PBOX compounds is essential to their development as antineoplastic therapeutic agents. This study sought to test the hypothesis that proapoptotic PBOX compounds target the microtubules. We show that a representative proapoptotic PBOX compound, PBOX-6, induces apoptosis in both the MCF-7 and K562 cell lines. An accumulation of cells in G2/M precedes apoptosis in response to PBOX-6. PBOX-6 induces prometaphase arrest and causes an accumulation of cyclin B1 levels and activation of cyclin B1/CDK1 kinase in a manner similar to that of two representative antimicrotubule agents, nocodazole and paclitaxel. Indirect immunofluorescence demonstrates that both PBOX-6 and another pro-apoptotic PBOX compound, PBOX-15, cause microtubule depolymerization in MCF-7 cells. They also inhibit the assembly of purified tubulin in vitro, whereas a nonapoptotic PBOX compound (PBOX-21) has no effect on either the cellular microtubule network or on the assembly of purified tubulin. This suggests that the molecular target of the pro-apoptotic PBOX compounds is tubulin. PBOX-6 does not bind to either the vinblastine or the colchicine binding site on tubulin, suggesting that it binds to an as-yet-uncharacterised novel site on tubulin. The ability of PBOX-6 to bind tubulin and cause microtubule depolymerization confirms it as a novel candidate for antineoplastic therapy.


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Significant evidence has accumulated indicating that certain genes are induced by ionising radiation. An implication of this observation is that their promoter regions include radiation-responsive sequences. These sequences have been isolated in the promoter of several genes including Erg-1, p21/WAF-1, GADD45alpha and t-PA. The mechanism by which radiation induces gene expression remains unclear but involves putative binding sites for selected transcription factors and/or p53. Consensus CC(A/T)6GG sequences have been localized in the Erg-1 promoter and are referred to as serum response elements or CArG elements. The tandem combination of CArG elements has been shown to improve gene expression levels, with a 9-copy motif conferring maximum inducibility. The response of these genes to ionising radiation appears to follow a sigmoid relationship with time and dose. Therapeutic induction of suicide genes and significant cytotoxicity can be achieved at clinically relevant x-rays doses both in vitro and in vivo but was found to be cell-type dependent. Radiation-inducible gene therapy can be potentially enhanced by exploiting hypoxia through the inclusion of hypoxia-response element motifs in the expression cassette, the use of the anaerobic bacteria or the use of neutron irradiation. These results are encouraging and provide significant evidence that gene therapy targeted to the radiation field is a reasonably attractive therapeutic option and could help overcome hypoxic radioresistant tumors.


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Glibenclamide (GLIB), an oral antidiabetic medication of the sulphonylurea drugs family, was stoichiometrically imprinted using tetrabutylammonium methacrylate as the functional monomer, for the first time in molecular imprinting, and utilising the sulphonylurea affinity for carboxylate anions. Solution association between the drug and the novel functional monomer was studied by 1H-NMR titrations, whereby evidence of sulphonylurea deprotonation followed by the formation of “narcissistic” GLIB dimers was found when tested in CDCl3, while an affinity constant in excess of 105 L mol-1 was measured in DMSO-d6. Detailed analysis of GLIB binding on the subsequently prepared imprinted and non-imprinted polymers confirmed deactivation of binding sites by exchange of a proton between GLIB and methacrylate, followed by extraction of the tetrabutylammonium counterion from the polymer matrix, resulting in overall reduced binding capacities and affinities by the imprinted material under equilibrium conditions. An optimised MI-SPE protocol, which included a binding site re-activation step, was developed for the extraction of GLIB from blood serum, whereby recoveries of up to 92.4% were obtained with exceptional sample clean-up.


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Enhancer-dependent transcription involving the promoter specificity factor σ54 is widely distributed amongst bacteria and commonly associated with cell envelope function. For transcription initiation, σ54-RNA polymerase yields open promoter complexes through its remodelling by cognate AAA+ ATPase activators. Since activators can be bypassed in vitro, bypass transcription in vivo could be a source of emergent gene expression along evolutionary pathways yielding new control networks and transcription patterns. At a single test promoter in vivo bypass transcription was not observed. We now use genome-wide transcription profiling, genome-wide mutagenesis and gene over-expression strategies in Escherichia coli, to (i) scope the range of bypass transcription in vivo and (ii) identify genes which might alter bypass transcription in vivo. We find little evidence for pervasive bypass transcription in vivo with only a small subset of σ54 promoters functioning without activators. Results also suggest no one gene limits bypass transcription in vivo, arguing bypass transcription is strongly kept in check. Promoter sequences subject to repression by σ54 were evident, indicating loss of rpoN (encoding σ54) rather than creating rpoN bypass alleles would be one evolutionary route for new gene expression patterns. Finally, cold-shock promoters showed unusual σ54-dependence in vivo not readily correlated with conventional σ54 binding-sites.