63 resultados para 730212 Disease distribution and transmission


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Geologic and environmental factors acting over varying spatial scales can control
trace element distribution and mobility in soils. In turn, the mobility of an element in soil will affect its oral bioaccessibility. Geostatistics, kriging and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to explore factors and spatial ranges of influence over a suite of 8 element oxides, soil organic carbon (SOC), pH, and the trace elements nickel (Ni), vanadium (V) and zinc (Zn). Bioaccessibility testing was carried out previously using the Unified BARGE Method on a sub-set of 91 soil samples from the Northern Ireland Tellus1 soil archive. Initial spatial mapping of total Ni, V and Zn concentrations shows their distributions are correlated spatially with local geologic formations, and prior correlation analyses showed that statistically significant controls were exerted over trace element bioaccessibility by the 8 oxides, SOC and pH. PCA applied to the geochemistry parameters of the bioaccessibility sample set yielded three principal components accounting for 77% of cumulative variance in the data
set. Geostatistical analysis of oxide, trace element, SOC and pH distributions using 6862 sample locations also identified distinct spatial ranges of influence for these variables, concluded to arise from geologic forming processes, weathering processes, and localised soil chemistry factors. Kriging was used to conduct a spatial PCA of Ni, V and Zn distributions which identified two factors comprising the majority of distribution variance. This was spatially accounted for firstly by basalt rock types, with the second component associated with sandstone and limestone in the region. The results suggest trace element bioaccessibility and distribution is controlled by chemical and geologic processes which occur over variable spatial ranges of influence.


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In this paper we extend the derivation of the modified form Snells's law that occurs when an additional phase profile is introduced at the material interface. We show that this permits electromagnetic (EM) beam steering, negative refraction and retrodirective action opportunities for such engineered surfaces even if they are immersed in a uniform dielectric. Simple expressions for the retrodirected and negatively refracted beams are derived along with the propagation conditions that occur at the boundary interface inside the critical angle range. It is also demonstrated how the transmission and reflected power levels are affected by the additional phase taper introduced at the surface.


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Carbon nanotubes can be grown as forests of aligned fibers on a substrate with a catalyst coated prior to or added during synthesis. A major process interruption can initiate the growth of second and successive layers of forest on top or at the base of the existing layers which are thereby lifted up. We report on the generation of multilayer CNT forests where the first forest is generated either by catalyst coinjection (CCI) of ferrocene with hydrocarbon (xylene) or by catalyst predeposition (CPD) of iron followed with hydrocarbon (acetylene). Subsequent layers are then produced by CCI alone to give uniform (all CCI) or mixed (CPD and CCI) structures to study the distribution of the iron catalyst and CNT morphology and to determine whether the CPD forest templates or otherwise influences the growth of subsequent CCI forests. The bottom-up base growth of second and subsequent CCI forests is reaction rate controlled. CCI multilayer forests accumulate catalyst (iron) in a variety of distinct locations. A pre-existing CPD forest modifies subsequent CCI forest initiation, morphology, and catalyst distribution but does not itself accumulate catalyst or change appearance. © 2009 American Chemical Society.


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Geogenic nickel (Ni), vanadium (V) and chromium (Cr) are present at elevated levels in soils in Northern Ireland. Whilst Ni, V and Cr total soil concentrations share common geological origins, their respective levels of oral bioaccessibility are influenced by different soil-geochemical factors. Oral bioaccessibility extractions were carried out on 145 soil samples overlying 9 different bedrock types to measure the bioaccessible portions of Ni, V and Cr. Principal component analysis identified two components (PC1 and PC2) accounting for 69% of variance across 13 variables from the Northern Ireland Tellus Survey geochemical data. PC1 was associated with underlying basalt bedrock, higher bioaccessible Cr concentrations and lower Ni bioaccessibility. PC2 was associated with regional variance in soil chemistry and hosted factors accounting for higher Ni and V bioaccessibility. Eight per cent of total V was solubilised by gastric extraction on average across the study area. High median proportions of bioaccessible Ni were observed in soils overlying sedimentary rock types. Whilst Cr bioaccessible fractions were low (max = 5.4%), the highest measured bioaccessible Cr concentration reached 10.0 mg kg-1, explained by factors linked to PC1 including high total Cr concentrations in soils overlying basalt bedrock.


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The accurate definition of the extreme wave loads which act on offshore structures represents a significant challenge for design engineers and even with decades of empirical data to base designs upon there are still failures attributed to wave loading. The environmental conditions which cause these loads are infrequent and highly non-linear which means that they are not well understood or simple to describe. If the structure is large enough to affect the incident wave significantly further non-linear effects can influence the loading. Moreover if the structure is floating and excited by the wave field then its responses, which are also likely to be highly non-linear, must be included in the analysis. This makes the description of the loading on such a structure difficult to determine and the design codes will often suggest employing various tools including small scale experiments, numerical and analytical methods, as well as empirical data if available.
Wave Energy Converters (WECs) are a new class of offshore structure which pose new design challenges, lacking the design codes and empirical data found in other industries. These machines are located in highly exposed and energetic sites, designed to be excited by the waves and will be expected to withstand extreme conditions over their 25 year design life. One such WEC is being developed by Aquamarine Power Ltd and is called Oyster. Oyster is a buoyant flap which is hinged close to the seabed, in water depths of 10 to 15m, piercing the water surface. The flap is driven back and forth by the action of the waves and this mechanical energy is then converted to electricity.
It has been identified in previous experiments that Oyster is not only subject to wave impacts but it occasionally slams into the water surface with high angular velocity. This slamming effect has been identified as an extreme load case and work is ongoing to describe it in terms of the pressure exerted on the outer skin and the transfer of this short duration impulsive load through various parts of the structure.
This paper describes a series of 40th scale experiments undertaken to investigate the pressure on the face of the flap during the slamming event. A vertical array of pressure sensors are used to measure the pressure exerted on the flap. Characteristics of the slam pressure such as the rise time, magnitude, spatial distribution and temporal evolution are revealed. Similarities are drawn between this slamming phenomenon and the classical water entry problems, such as ship hull slamming. With this similitude identified, common analytical tools are used to predict the slam pressure which is compared to that measured in the experiment.


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We report the experimental reconstruction of the nonequilibrium work probability distribution in a closed quantum system, and the study of the corresponding quantum fluctuation relations. The experiment uses a liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance platform that offers full control on the preparation and dynamics of the system. Our endeavors enable the characterization of the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of a quantum spin from a finite-time thermodynamics viewpoint.


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It has long been recognized that the byre-house or longhouse, in which animals and humans lived in the same building and with direct contact, was a distinctive building plan. Earlier interpretations have seen it as a ubiquitous house type found throughout Britain, but gradually replaced by separate buildings for keeping animals and accommodating humans. More recent work has suggested that it was a regional variant of the common late medieval domestic plan. The use of this building type was restricted to parts of Wales, and northern and western areas of England. It is argued that the introduction of the byre-house occurs mainly in the thirteenth century as part of a wider trend to provide accommodation for livestock during the winter months. The byre-house was a one response to this need, and its adoption was not due to climatic or geographical factors. Instead, it is interpreted as reflecting localized cultural attitudes to the relationship between humans and animals.


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Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) is considered to be one of the most significant causes of economic loss in cattle worldwide. The disease has multifactorial aetiology, where viral induced respiratory damage can predispose animals to developing secondary bacterial infections. Accurate identification of viral infected animals prior to the onset of bacterial infection is necessary to reduce the overuse of antimicrobial treatments and minimize further economic losses from reduced production capacity and death. This research focuses on Bovine Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 (BPIV-3), one of the viruses involved in generating BRD. Vaccination measures for BPIV-3 can induce a level of immunity preventing disease progression, however, not all animals respond equally and immunization can complicate disease diagnosis. Alternative diagnostic approaches are required to identify animals which fail to respond to vaccination during infection outbreaks and are therefore likely to be more susceptible to secondary bacterial infections. Mass spectrometry based metabolomics was employed to identify plasma markers capable of differentiating between vaccinated and non-vaccinated calves after challenge with BPIV-3. Differentiation of vaccinated and non-vaccinated study groups (n=6) was possible as early as day 2 post-BPIV-3 challenge up until day 20 using a panel of potential metabolite markers. This study illustrates the potential for metabolomics to provide more detailed information on animal vaccination status that could be used to develop tools for improved herd health management, reduce economic loss through rapid identification and isolation of animals without immune protection (improving herd level immunity) and help reduce the usage of antimicrobial therapeutic treatments in animals.


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1. The population density and age structure of two species of heather psyllid Strophingia ericae and Strophingia cinereae, feeding on Calluna vulgaris and Erica cinerea, respectively, were sampled using standardized methods at locations throughout Britain. Locations were chosen to represent the full latitudinal and altitudinal range of the host plants.

2. The paper explains how spatial variation in thermal environment, insect life-history characteristics and physiology, and plant distribution, interact to provide the mechanisms that determine the range and abundance of Strophingia spp.

3. Strophingia ericae and S. cinereae, despite the similarity in the spatial distribution patterns of their host plants within Britain, display strongly contrasting geographical ranges and corresponding life-history strategies. Strophingia ericae is found on its host plant throughout Britain but S. cinereae is restricted to low elevation sites south of the Mersey-Humber line and occupies only part of the latitudinal and altitudinal range of its host plant. There is no evidence to suggest that S. ericae has reached its potential altitudinal or latitudinal limit in the UK, even though its host plant appears to reach its altitudinal limit.

4. There was little difference in the ability of the two Strophingia spp. to survive shortterm exposure to temperatures as low as - 15 degrees C and low winter temperatures probably do not limit distribution in S. cinereae.

5. Population density of S. ericae was not related to altitude but showed a weak correlation with latitude. The spread of larval instars present at a site, measured as an index of instar homogeneity, was significantly correlated with a range of temperature related variables, of which May mean temperature and length of growing season above 3 degrees C (calculated using the Lennon and Turner climatic model) were the most significant. Factor analysis did not improve the level of correlation significantly above those obtained for single climatic variables. The data confirmed that S. ericae has a I year life cycle at the lowest elevations and a 2 year life cycle at the higher elevations. However, there was no evidence, as previously suggested, for an abrupt change from a one to a 2 year life cycle in S. ericae with increasing altitudes or latitudes.

6. By contrast with S. ericae, S. cinereae had an obligatory 1 year life cycle, its population decreased with altitude and the index of instar homogeneity showed little correlation with single temperature variables. Moreover, it occupied only part of the range of its host plant and its spatial distribution in the UK could be predicted with 96% accuracy using selected variables in discriminant analysis.

7. The life histories of the congeneric heather psyllids reflect adaptations that allow them to exploit host plants with different distributions in climatic and thereby geographical space. Strophingia ericae has the flexible life history that enables it to exploit C. vulgaris throughout its European boreal temperate range. Strophingia cinereae has a less flexible life history and is adapted for living on an oceanic temperate host. While the geographic ranges of the two Strophingia spp. overlap within the UK, the psyllids appear to respond differently to variation in their thermal environment.