535 resultados para Foules -- Irlande -- Dublin (Irlande)
The School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Queen’s University Belfast started BEng and MEng degree programmes in Product Design and Development (PDD) in 2004. Intended from the outset to be significantly different from the existing programmes within the School the PDD degrees used the syllabus and standards defined by the CDIO Initiative as the basis for an integrated curriculum. Students are taught in the context of conceiving, designing, implementing and operating a product. Fundamental to this approach is a core sequence of Design-Build-Test (DBT) experiences which facilitates the development of a range of professional skills as well as the immediate application of technical knowledge gained in strategically aligned supporting modules.
The key objective of the degree programmes is to better prepare students for professional practice. PDD graduates were surveyed using a questionnaire developed by the CDIO founders and interviewed to examine the efficacy of these degree programmes, particularly in this key objective. Graduate employment rates, self assessment of graduate attributes and examples of work produced by MEng graduates provided positive evidence that their capabilities met the requirements of the profession. The 24% questionnaire response rate from the 96 graduates to date did not however facilitate statistically significant conclusions to be drawn and particularly not for BEng graduates who were under represented in the response group. While not providing proof of efficacy the investigation did provide a good amount of useful data for consideration as part of a continuous improvement process.
Featuring contributions from leading Irish academics Strategic HRM: Research and Practice in Ireland brings together a wealth of evidence on SHRM in Ireland. An invaluable resource for undergraduates and Masters students specialising in SHRM, it also serves as a reflective resource for experienced executives.
Variations in the phase angle difference between a remote 11kV connected wind farm and the centre of Belfast during a typical working day are investigated in the paper. The results obtained using phasor measurement units (PMUs) are compared with the data generated using a PSS/E simulator configured to model the N.Ireland network. The study investigates the effect of changes in the load demand and the wind farm output power on the phase angles at various locations on the network. The paper finally describes how a major system disturbance on the All-Ireland network was monitored and analysed using PMUs located at Queen's University, Belfast and University College Dublin. ©2007 IEEE.