41 resultados para upland steppes


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Rhizosphere microorganisms play an important role in soil carbon flow, through turnover of root exudates, but there is little information on which organisms are actively involved or on the influence of environmental conditions on active communities. In this study, a (CO2)-C-13 pulse labelling field experiment was performed in an upland grassland soil, followed by RNA-stable isotope probing (SIP) analysis, to determine the effect of liming on the structure of the rhizosphere microbial community metabolizing root exudates. The lower limit of detection for SIP was determined in soil samples inoculated with a range of concentrations of C-13-labelled Pseudomonas fluorescens and was found to lie between 10(5) and 10(6) cells per gram of soil. The technique was capable of detecting microbial communities actively assimilating root exudates derived from recent photo-assimilate in the field. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles of bacteria, archaea and fungi derived from fractions obtained from caesium trifluoroacetate (CsTFA) density gradient ultracentrifugation indicated that active communities in limed soils were more complex than those in unlimed soils and were more active in utilization of recently exuded C-13 compounds. In limed soils, the majority of the community detected by standard RNA-DGGE analysis appeared to be utilizing root exudates. In unlimed soils, DGGE profiles from C-12 and C-13 RNA fractions differed, suggesting that a proportion of the active community was utilizing other sources of organic carbon. These differences may reflect differences in the amount of root exudation under the different conditions.


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The concentrations of a range of micro-organic compounds in the Humber rivers have been measured at weekly intervals over a period of 1 year. The compounds include the triazine herbicides (simazine, atrazine, propazine, desmetryn and prometryn), selected organophosphorus insecticides (fenitrothion, malathion and parathion), phenylurea (chlorotoluron, diuron, isoproturon and linuron) and phenoxyacid herbicides (2,4-D, MCPA, MCPB and mecoprop), phenol derivatives (phenol, 2-ethylphenol, 2-chlorophenol, 4-nitrophenol, 2-methylphenol, 4-ethylphenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol), organochlorine insecticides (HEOD, DDT, TDE, DDE, HCB, alpha-BHC and lindane), PCB's and some synthetic pyrethroid insecticides (cis/trans-permethrin, fenvalerate and cypermethrin). The results indicate the high frequency of occurrence of many compounds in the southern Humber rivers Aire, Calder, Trent and Don compared with the more occasional concentrations found in the upland rivers with catchments dominated by low intensity agriculture. The more water soluble herbicides, atrazine, simazine, isoproturon and diuron are detected frequently in the southern rivers with the highest concentrations and abundance in the rivers Aire, Calder and Trent. The most abundant phenolic compound is 2,4-dichlorophenol usually occurring at concentrations <1 mu g/l. The organochlorine insecticides and PCB's are generally at concentrations <0.01 mu g/l, cis/trans-permethrin are the only synthetic pyrethroids detected and these are found in the rivers Aire and Calder at about equal concentrations of between 0.01 and 0.11 mu g/l. The results of the occurrence of simazine and atrazine in the rivers Trent, Don and Aire illustrate peaks in concentration in the spring and then later in the year during the early autumn coinciding with the first major storm after the summer. In the rivers Trent and Don, the annual exports (March 1994-95) of atrazine are lower than for simazine whereas in the R. Calder the yield of atrazine is higher than for simazine suggesting differences in use in these catchments. The maximum triazine concentration observed, i.e. 8 mu g/l of atrazine in the R. Calder, could have inhibiting effects on the phytoplankton and algal growth, although because of the transient nature of the peaks, recovery is expected to be rapid. The only other compounds measured at concentrations likely to produce detrimental ecotoxicological effects are cis/trans permethrin in the rivers Aire and Calder. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The biogeochemical cycle of arsenic (As) has been extensively studied over the past decades because As is an environmentally ubiquitous, nonthreshold carcinogen, which is often elevated in drinking water and food. It has been known for over a century that micro-organisms can volatilize inorganic As salts to arsines (arsine AsH(3), mono-, di-, and trimethylarsines, MeAsH(2), Me(2)AsH, and TMAs, respectively), but this part of the As cycle, with the exception of geothermal environs, has been almost entirely neglected because of a lack of suited field measurement approaches. Here, a validated, robust, and low-level field-deployable method employing arsine chemotrapping was used to quantify and qualify arsines emanating from soil surfaces in the field. Up to 240 mg/ha/y arsines was released from low-level polluted paddy soils (11.3 ± 0.9 mg/kg As), primarily as TMAs, whereas arsine flux below method detection limit was measured from a highly contaminated mine spoil (1359 ± 212 mg/kg As), indicating that soil chemistry is vital in understanding this phenomenon. In microcosm studies, we could show that under reducing conditions, induced by organic matter (OM) amendment, a range of soils varied in their properties, from natural upland peats to highly impacted mine-spoils, could all volatilize arsines. Volatilization rates from 0.5 to 70 µg/kg/y were measured, and AsH(3), MeAsH(2), Me(2)AsH, and TMAs were all identified. Addition of methylated oxidated pentavalent As, namely monomethylarsonic acid (MMAA) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA), to soil resulted in elevated yearly rates of volatilization with up to 3.5% of the total As volatilized, suggesting that the initial conversion of inorganic As to MMAA limits the rate of arsine and methylarsines production by soils. The nature of OM amendment altered volatilization quantitatively and qualitatively, and total arsines release from soil showed correlation between the quantity of As and the concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the soil porewater. The global flux of arsines emanating from soils was estimated and placed in the context of As atmospheric inputs, with arsines contributing from 0.9 to 2.6% of the global budget.


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The bones (humerus and/or femur) of 229 birds of prey from 11 species were analyzed for Pb and As to evaluate their exposure to Pb shot. The species with the highest mean Pb levels were red kite (Milvus milvus) and Eurasian griffon (Gyps fulvus), and the species with the lowest levels were Eurasian buzzard (Buteo buteo) and booted eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus). Red kite also had the highest mean As level, an element present in small amounts in Pb shot. Elevated bone Pb concentrations (>10 microg/g dry weight) were found in 10 birds from six species. Clinical signs compatible with lethal Pb poisoning and/or excessive bone Pb concentrations (>20 microg/g) were observed in one Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo), one red kite, and one Eurasian griffon. Pb poisoning has been diagnosed in eight upland raptor species in Spain to date.


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This article deals with one of the most common elements in names of Irish hills and mountains. The grammar, phonology, etymology, semantic range and chronology of the element are examined. Sliabh is particularly complex in terms of its semantic range, which includes the following senses: 1) a mountain or hill (standing alone or forming part of a range); 2) a range of hills or mountains; 3) an moor or area of upland. The word is present in the earliest attested stages of the Irish language, and there is some evidence for all three meanings in Old Irish, though senses 1 and 2 are best attested. It is suggested that the view advanced by MacBain and Thurneysen that sliabh is etymologically related to Eng. slope and that this reflects its original meaning is open to some doubt in view of the lack of evidence for this sense in early Irish and the lack of clear cognates in other branches of Celtic and Indo-European languages.


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Correlation analyses were conducted on nickel (Ni), vanadium (V) and zinc (Zn) oral bioaccessible fractions (BAFs) and selected geochemistry parameters to identify specific controls exerted over trace element bioaccessibility. BAFs were determined by previous research using the unified BARGE method. Total trace element concentrations and soil geochemical parameters were analysed as part of the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland Tellus Project. Correlation analysis included Ni, V and Zn BAFs against their total concentrations, pH, estimated soil organic carbon (SOC) and a further eight element oxides. BAF data were divided into three separate generic bedrock classifications of basalt, lithic arenite and mudstone prior to analysis, resulting in an increase in average correlation coefficients between BAFs and geochemical parameters. Sulphur trioxide and SOC, spatially correlated with upland peat soils, exhibited significant positive correlations with all BAFs in gastric and gastro-intestinal digestion phases, with such effects being strongest in the lithic arenite bedrock group. Significant negative relationships with bioaccessible Ni, V and Zn and their associated total concentrations were observed for the basalt group. Major element oxides were associated with reduced oral trace element bioaccessibility, with Al2O3 resulting in the highest number of significant negative correlations followed by Fe2O3. spatial mapping showed that metal oxides were present at reduced levels in peat soils. The findings illustrate how specific geology and soil geochemistry exert controls over trace element bioaccessibility, with soil chemical factors having a stronger influence on BAF results than relative geogenic abundance. In general, higher Ni, V and Zn bioaccessibility is expected in peat soil types.


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We report the results of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of 354 human and faunal samples from five archaeological cultures of the Minusinsk Basin, Southern Siberia – Afanasyevo, Okunevo, Andronovo, Karasuk and Tagar (ca. 2700–1 BC) – a key location in Eurasia due to its position on a northern corridor linking China and central Eurasia. The results indicate that the diet of Eneolithic to Middle Bronze Age (Afanasyevo to Andronovo) populations was primarily C3-based, with C4 plants only becoming an important component of the diet in the Late Bronze Age Karasuk and Early Iron Age Tagar cultures. Freshwater fish seems to have been an important constituent of the diets in all groups. The findings constitute the earliest concrete evidence for the substantial use of millet in the eastern Eurasian steppe. We propose that it was probably introduced from Northwestern China during the Karasuk culture at the start of the Late Bronze Age, ca. 1500 BC. We conclude with a discussion of the implications for the nature of pastoralist economies on the steppes.


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This paper presents findings based on a palynological investigation of artificially accreting (plaggen) soils from the settlement of Village Bay, Hirta, in the St Kilda archipelago, which was perhaps the most distant and inhospitable outpost of sustained human habitation in the British Isles. The soils were developed principally through the addition of turf ash and seabird waste, although some ash may have been derived from upland peats. It is assumed that the woodland pollen signal (much lower in the soils than in an upland peat site nearby) represents off-island sources. Corylus avellana-type pollen (frequent in upland sites), along with Potentilla-type, may provide markers in the Village Bay profiles for the addition of ashed hillside turf, and possibly peat, to the plaggen soils. Cereal-type pollen is well represented through the profiles and is often strongly associated with the record for Chrysanthemum segetum (corn marigold), a frequent indicator of arable land. The Brassicaceae signal may partly reflect the cultivation of cabbages; Chelidonium majus (greater celandine) may have been grown for medicinal use. Soil mixing has rendered radiocarbon dating meaningless at this site, but the establishment of a change in cultivation regime before AD 1830 may have been identified from the patterns of pollen concentration and preservation in the profiles. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hosted in a wide depression within the Berici Hills (Venetian Plain), outside the maximum extent reached by LGM glaciers, Lake Fimon preserves an almost continuous archive of landscape and climate changes from the penultimate glacial maximum onwards. The stratigraphic succession deposited at the lake bottom has been investigated in three deep cores by means of pollen analysis, petrographic composition, magnetic susceptibility, LOI, and geochronology. Tephra layers have been identified and are currently under study.
Pollen data provide the first continuous vegetation record in northern Italy for the last 150 ky. Terrestrial vegetation varied from interglacial warm-temperate broad leaved to oceanic mixed forests, from boreal conifer forests to open forest-steppes of colder climate. Phases of major forest expansion and reduction have been correlated to isotopic events described in ice (NGRIP), stalagmite (Antro del Corchia) and marine records. Persistent afforestation recorded in northern Italy even during cold phases of the full pleniglacial is consistent with mesoscale paleoclimate simulations suggesting that a sharp rainfall gradient across the Alps enabled the survival of woody species in the southern alpine foreland.
Integrating litho- and biostratigraphical data, we identified sedimentation regìmes, accumulation rates, sediment sources and supply both for the Lake Fimon cores and the adjacent Venetian Plain, allowing a direct comparison with major glacial advances in the Alpine area, deglaciation pulses, and glacio-eustatic displacements of the northern Adriatic shoreline.


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Questions - Are the germinable seed banks of upland heath and blanket bog reduced following wildfires? Are some species at particular risk? Do the impacts of wildfires on seed banks differ between heathlands and blanket bog?

Location - Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.

Methods - Vegetation surveys and seed bank sampling were conducted in 2012 at burned and unburned areas within six upland sites where large wildfires had occurred during spring 2011. Differences in seedling abundance, species richness and Jaccard similarity indices between burned and unburned areas were compared using GLMMs. Differences in the community composition were examined using pRDA.

Results - In total, 24 of the 51 species in the vegetation were detected in the germinable seed bank. Species richness and the abundance of seedlings other than Calluna vulgaris were lower in areas where wildfires had occurred. Species composition of both germinable seed banks and vegetation differed between burned and unburned areas within sites; with negative associations between burned areas and some key indicator species including Drosera rotundifolia, Eriophorum vaginatum, Empetrum nigrum, Narthecium ossifragum and Trichophorum germanicum. We did not find any evidence of significant interactions between burning and habitat, suggesting that wildfires had similar impacts on each species regardless of the habitat in which they occurred.

Conclusions - This study differs from other UK studies in that it examines impacts of wildfires at sites that have not been previously intensively managed by burning. In particular, we highlight potential impacts on N. ossifragum and D. rotundifolia, which are key components of the upland flora and, to our knowledge, were not present in previous UK studies.


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Abandonment of farming systems on upland areas in southwest Britain during the Late Bronze Age – some 3000 years ago – is widely considered a ‘classic’ demonstration of the impact of deteriorating climate on the vulnerability of populations in such marginal environments. Here we test the hypothesis that climate change drove the abandonment of upland areas by developing new chronologies for human activity on upland areas during the Bronze Age across southwest Britain (Dartmoor, Exmoor and Bodmin Moor). We find Bronze Age activity in these areas spanned 3900–2950 calendar years ago with abandonment by 2900 calendar years ago. Holocene Irish bog and lake oak tree populations provide evidence of major shifts in hydroclimate across western Britain and Ireland, coincident with ice rafted debris layers recognized in North Atlantic marine sediments, indicating significant changes in the latitude and intensity of zonal atmospheric circulation across the region. We observe abandonment of upland areas in southwest Britain coinciding with a sustained period of extreme wet conditions that commenced 3100 calendar years ago. Our results are consistent with the view that climate change increased the vulnerability of these early farming communities and led to a less intensive use of such marginal environments across Britain.