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This study explored how fathers of children diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) perceived and understood the roles they had within their family over the course of their child’s illness and treatment. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with five fathers. Transcripts were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). The major themes that emerged were: adjusting to the diagnosis; the experience of maternal gate-keeping; striving for normalization; experiences of giving and receiving support. Overall, the fathers perceived themselves as having significant responsibility in helping their child and family cope with the illness experience. Clinical implications, including the need for professionals to recognize and more openly acknowledge the father’s position, are considered.


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We examined whether individual differences in shyness and context influenced the amount of computer-mediated self-disclosure and use of affective language during an unfamiliar dyadic social interaction. Unfamiliar young adults were selected for high and low self-reported shyness and paired in mixed dyads (one shy and one nonshy). Each dyad was randomly assigned to either a live webcam or no webcam condition. Participants then engaged in a 20-minute online free chat over the Internet in the laboratory. Free chat conversations were archived, and the transcripts were objectively coded for traditional communication variables, conversational style, and the use of affective language. As predicted, shy adults engaged in significantly fewer spontaneous self-disclosures than did their nonshy counterparts only in the webcam condition. Shy versus nonshy adults did not differ on spontaneous self-disclosures in the no webcam condition. However, context did not influence the use of computer-mediated affective language. Although shy adults used significantly less active and pleasant words than their nonshy counterparts, these differences were not related to webcam condition. The present findings replicate and extend earlier work on shyness, context, and computer-mediated communication to a selected sample of shy adults. Findings suggest that context may influence some, but not all, aspects of social communication in shy adults.


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The Internet provides a new tool to investigate old questions in experimental social psychology regarding Person x Context interaction. We examined the interaction of self-reported shyness and context on computer-mediated communication measures. Sixty female undergraduates unfamiliar were paired in dyads and engaged in a 10 min free chat conversation on the Internet with and without a live webcam. Free chat conversations were archived, transcripts were objectively coded for communication variables, and a linear mixed model used for data analysis of dyadic interaction was performed on each communication measure. As predicted, increases in self-reported shyness were significantly related to decreases in the number of prompted self-disclosures (after controlling for the number of opportunities to self-disclose) only in the webcam condition. Self-reported shyness was not related to the number of prompted self-disclosures in the no webcam condition, suggesting that shyness was context dependent. The present study appears to be the first to objectively code measures of Internet behaviour in relation to the study of personality in general and shyness in particular. Theoretical and clinical implications for understanding the contextual nature of shyness are discussed. (C) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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University Science Park incubators (USIs) have emerged as a means by which Government, academia and business can develop high technology business firms (spin out HTBFs) from initial conception through to becoming established small firms, which are ready to move beyond the Science Park confines. Although there is considerable literature on how USIs can be improved and developed there is a paucity of studies, which explore how lifecycle development within HTBFs in USIs can affect how they use the unique resources and opportunities of the USI. Moreover, there is a focus on single point in time studies, which do not adequately investigate the longitudinal dynamics of HTBF lifecycle development within USIs. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explore the longitudinal use of the unique resources of the USI by HTBFs at different lifecycle stages. The research methodology involved 18 HTBFs within two separate USIs. A series of longitudinal interviews and focus groups were conducted with HTBFs and USI staff over a 36-month period. NUD*IST software was used in developing the coding and analysis of transcripts. The results show that a HTBF's propensity to make effective use of the USI's resources and support increases as the lifecycle stage of the company increases and the small-firm searches for independence and autonomy. Therefore, further research is required to investigate the following two outstanding questions; firstly, which usage pattern is associated with the HTBF's ultimate success or failure in the marketplace? And secondly, are there any services missing from the observed array that the USI could provide to enhance the HTBF's degree of ultimate success? © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study reports the identification of nematode neuropeptide-like protein (nlp) sequelogs from the GenBank expressed sequence tag (EST) database, using BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) search methodology. Search strings derived from peptides encoded by the 45 known Caenorhabatitis elegans nlp genes were used to identify more than 1000 ESTs encoding a total of 26 multi-species nlp sequelogs. The remaining 18 nlps (nlp-4, -16, -24 through -36, -39, -41 and -45) were identified only in C elegans, while the sole EST representative of nlp-23 was from Caenorhabditis remanei. Several ESTs encoding putative antibacterial peptides similar to those encoded by the C elegans genes nlp-24-33 were observed in several parasite species. A novel gene (nlp-46) was identified, encoding a single, amidated dodecapeptide (NIA[I/T]GR[G/A]DG[F/L]RPG) in eight species. Secretory signal peptides were identified in at least one species representing each nlp sequelog, confirming that all 46 nematode nlp genes encode secretory peptides. A random sub-set of C elegans NLPs was tested physiologically in Ascaris suum ovijector and body wall muscle bioassays. None of the peptides tested were able to modulate ovijector activity, while only three displayed measurable myoactivity on somatic body wall muscle. AFAAGWNRamide (from nlp-23) and AVNPFLDSIamide (nlp-3) both produced a relaxation of body wall muscle, while AIPFNGGMYamide (nlp-10) induced a transient contraction. Numerical analyses of nip-encoding ESTs demonstrate that nlp-3, -13, -14, -15 and -18 are amongst the most highly represented transcripts in the dataset. Using available bioinformatics resources, this study delineates the nlp complement of phylum Nematoda, providing a rich source of neuropeptide ligands for deorphanisation of nematode neuropeptide receptors. (C) 2008 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: The term endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) is currently used to refer to cell populations which are quite dissimilar in terms of biological properties. This study provides a detailed molecular fingerprint for two EPC subtypes: early EPCs (eEPCs) and outgrowth endothelial cells (OECs). METHODS: Human blood-derived eEPCs and OECs were characterised by using genome-wide transcriptional profiling, 2D protein electrophoresis, and electron microscopy. Comparative analysis at the transcript and protein level included monocytes and mature endothelial cells as reference cell types. RESULTS: Our data show that eEPCs and OECs have strikingly different gene expression signatures. Many highly expressed transcripts in eEPCs are haematopoietic specific (RUNX1, WAS, LYN) with links to immunity and inflammation (TLRs, CD14, HLAs), whereas many transcripts involved in vascular development and angiogenesis-related signalling pathways (Tie2, eNOS, Ephrins) are highly expressed in OECs. Comparative analysis with monocytes and mature endothelial cells clusters eEPCs with monocytes, while OECs segment with endothelial cells. Similarly, proteomic analysis revealed that 90% of spots identified by 2-D gel analysis are common between OECs and endothelial cells while eEPCs share 77% with monocytes. In line with the expression pattern of caveolins and cadherins identified by microarray analysis, ultrastructural evaluation highlighted the presence of caveolae and adherens junctions only in OECs. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence that eEPCs are haematopoietic cells with a molecular phenotype linked to monocytes; whereas OECs exhibit commitment to the endothelial lineage. These findings indicate that OECs might be an attractive cell candidate for inducing therapeutic angiogenesis, while eEPC should be used with caution because of their monocytic nature.


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The analysis of gene function through RNA interference (RNAi)-based reverse genetics in plant parasitic nematodes (PPNs) remains inexplicably reliant on the use of long double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) silencing triggers; a practice inherently disadvantageous due to the introduction of superfluous dsRNA sequence. increasing chances of aberrant or off-target gene silencing through interactions between nascent short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and non-cognate mRNA targets. Recently, we have shown that non-nematode, long dsRNAs have a propensity to elicit profound impacts on the phenotype and migrational abilities of both root knot and cyst nematodes. This study presents, to our knowledge for the first time, gene-specific knockdown of FMRFamide-like peptide (flp) transcripts, using discrete 21 bp siRNAs in potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida, and root knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita infective (J2) stage juveniles. Both knockdown at the transcript level through quantitative (q)PCR analysis and functional data derived from migration assay, indicate that siRNAs targeting certain areas of the FMRFamide-like peptide (FLP) transcripts are potent and specific in the silencing of gene function. In addition, we present a method of manipulating siRNA activity through the management of strand thermodynamics. Initial evaluation of strand thermodynamics as a determinant of RNA-induced Silencing Complex (RISC) strand selection (inferred from knockdown efficacy) in the siRNAs presented here suggested that the purported influence of 5' stand stability on guide incorporation may be somewhat promiscuous. However, we have found that on strategically incorporating base mismatches in the sense strand of a G. pallida-specific siRNA we could specifically increase or decrease the knockdown of its target (specific to the antisense strand), presumably through creating more favourable thermodynamic profiles for incorporation of either the sense (non-target-specific) or antisense (target-specific) strand into a cleavage-competent RISC. Whilst the efficacy of similar approaches to siRNA modification has been demonstrated in the context of Drosophila whole-cell lysate preparations and in mammalian cell cultures, it remained to be seen how these sense strand mismatches may impact on gene silencing in vivo, in relation to different targets and in different sequence contexts. This work presents the first application of such an approach in a whole organism; initial results show promise. (C) 2009 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bradykinin and related peptides are found in the defensive skin secretions of many frogs and toads. While the physiological roles of bradykinin-related peptides in sub-mammalian vertebrates remains obscure, in mammals, including humans, canonical bradykinin mediates a multitude of biological effects including the proliferation of many types of cancer cell. Here we have examined the effect of the bradykinin B2 receptor antagonist peptide, kinestatin, originally isolated by our group from the skin secretion of the giant fire-bellied toad, Bombina maxima, on the proliferation of the human prostate cancer cell lines, PC3, DU175 and LnCAP. The bradykinin receptor status of all cell lines investigated was established through PCR amplification of transcripts encoding both B1 and B2 receptor subtypes. Following this demonstration, all cell lines were grown in the presence or absence of kinestatin and several additional bradykinin receptor antagonists of amphibian skin origin and the effects on proliferation of the cell lines was investigated using the MTT assay and by counting of the cells in individual wells of 96-well plates. All of the amphibian skin secretion-derived bradykinin receptor antagonists inhibited proliferation of all of the prostate cancer lines investigated in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, following incubation of peptides with each cell line and analysis of catabolites by mass spectrometry, it was found that bradykinin was highly labile and each antagonist was highly stable under the conditions employed. Bradykinin signalling pathways are thus worthy of further investigation in human prostate cancer cell lines and the evidence presented here would suggest the testing of efficacy in animal models of prostate cancer as a positive outcome could lead to a drug development programme for the treatment of this disease.


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The antimicrobial peptides of amphibian skin secretions are proposed to aid survival in microbe-rich environments. While many amphibians inhabit such environments, other such as the Wuyi Mountain torrent frog, Amolops wuyiensis, live in pristine waters flowing from underground mountain springs. This species thus represents an interesting model in which to study antimicrobial peptides. “Shotgun” cloning of a skin-derived cDNA library from this species identified transcripts encoding a brevinin-1 and a ranatuerin-2. Peptides with coincident molecular masses to both predicted mature peptides were identified in HPLC fractions of skin secretion. Synthetic replicates of both peptides were generated by solid-phase peptide synthesis and tested for activity using Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans. The brevinin was found to be broad-spectrum and potent with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 24 µM (Sa), 5 µM (Ec) and 20 µM (Ca). In contrast, the ranatuerin was less effective and of narrower spectrum with an MIC > 200 µM for Sa, 40 µM (Ec) and 120 µM (Ca). Thus this species of amphibian that lives in a pristine environment does indeed possess at least one potent and broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptide in its skin secretion arsenal. This phenomenon could be explained in several ways. Firstly, it may represent an ancestral peptide required when the stem species inhabited microbe-rich environments. However, there is mounting evidence for the second reason, that suggests the function of such peptides is not primarily in antimicrobial defence.


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Suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) proteins are a family of proteins that are able to act in a classic negative feedback loop to regulate cytokine signal transduction. The regulation of the immune response by SOCS proteins may contribute to persistent infection or even a fatal outcome. In this study, we have investigated the induction of SOCS 1-3 after peripheral infection with West Nile virus (WNV) or tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) in the murine model. We have shown that the cytokine response after infection of mice with WNV or TBEV induces an upregulation in the brain of mRNA transcripts for SOCS 1 and SOCS 3, but not SOCS 2. We hypothesize that SOCS proteins may play a role in limiting cytokine responses in the brain as a neuroprotective mechanism, which may actually enhance the ability of neuroinvasive viruses such as WNV and TBEV to spread and cause disease.


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Micro-(mi)RNAs play a pivotal role in the developmental regulation of plants and animals. We reasoned that disruption of normal heterochronic activity in differentiating Meloidogyne incognita eggs may lead to irregular development, lethality and by extension, represent a novel target for parasite control On silencing the nuclear RNase III enzyme drosha, a critical effector of miRNA maturation in animals, we found a significant inhibition of normal development and hatching in short interfering (sORNA-soaked M incognita eggs Developing juveniles presented with highly irregular tissue patterning within the egg, and we found that unlike our previous gene silencing efforts focused on FMRFamide (Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2)-like peptides (FLPs), there was no observable phenotypic recovery following removal of the environmental siRNA. Aberrant phenotypes were exacerbated over time, and drosha knockdown proved embryonically lethal Subsequently, we identified and silenced the drosha cofactor pasha, revealing a comparable inhibition of normal embryonic development within the eggs to that of drosha-silenced eggs, eventually leading to embryonic lethality To further probe the link between normal embryonic development and the M. incognita RNA interference (RNAi) pathway, we attempted to examine the impact of silencing the cytosolic RNase III enzyme dicer. Unexpectedly, we found a substantial up-regulation of dicer transcript abundance, which did not impact on egg differentiation or hatching rates. Silencing of the individual transcripts in hatched J2s was significantly less successful and resulted in temporary phenotypic aberration of the J2s. which recovered within 24 h to normal movement and posture on washing out the siRNA. Soaking the J2s in dicer siRNA resulted in a modest decrease in dicer transcript abundance which had no observable impact on phenotype or behaviour within 48 h of initial exposure to siRNA. We propose that drosha, pasha and their ancillary factors may represent excellent targets for novel nematicides and/or in planta controls aimed at M incognita, and potentially other parasitic nematodes, through disruption of miRNA-directed developmental pathways. In addition, we have identified a putative Mi-en-I transcript which encodes an RNAi-inhibiting siRNA exonuclease We observe a marked up-regulation of MI-en-I transcript abundance in response to exogenously introduced siRNA, and reason that this may impact on the interpretation of RN/NI-based reverse genetic screens in plant parasitic nematodes. (C) 2010 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We introduced a targeted single base deletion at codon 307 of the rds-peripherin gene in mice, similar mutations being known to cause autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (RP) in man. Histopathological and electroretinographic analysis indicate that the retinopathy in mice homozygous for the codon 307 mutation appears more rapid than that in the naturally occurring null mutant, the rds(-/-) mouse, suggesting that the rds-307 mutation displays a dominant negative phenotype in combination with that due to haplosufficiency. RP is the most prevalent cause of registered visual handicap in those of working age in developed countries, the 50 or so mutations so far identified within the RDS-peripherin gene accounting for up to 10% of dominant cases of the disease. Given the sequence homologies that exist between the murine rds-peripherin and the human RDS-peripherin gene, this disease model, the first to be generated for peripherin-based RP using gene targeting techniques, should in principle be of value in the work-up in mice of therapeutics capable of targeting transcripts derived from the human gene.


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We discuss the limitations and rights which may affect the researcher’s access to and use of digital, court and administrative tribunal based information. We suggest that there is a need for a European-wide investigation of the legal framework which affects the researcher who might wish to utilise this form of information. A European-wide context is required because much of the relevant law is European rather than national, but much of the constraints are cultural. It is our thesis that research improves understanding and then improves practice as that understanding becomes part of public debate. If it is difficult to undertake research, then public debate about the court system – its effectiveness, its biases, its strengths – becomes constrained. Access to court records is currently determined on a discretionary basis or on the basis of interpretation of rules of the court where these are challenged in legal proceedings. Anecdotal evidence would suggest that there are significant variations in the extent to which court documents such as pleadings, transcripts, affidavits etc are made generally accessible under court rules or as a result of litigation in different jurisdictions or, indeed, in different courts in the same jurisdiction. Such a lack of clarity can only encourage a chilling of what might otherwise be valuable research. Courts are not, of course, democratic bodies. However, they are part of a democratic system and should, we suggest – both for the public benefit and for their proper operation – be accessible and criticisable by the independent researcher. The extent to which the independent researcher is enabled access is the subject of this article. The rights of access for researchers and the public have been examined in other common law countries but not, to date, in the UK or Europe.


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In this study, we investigated whether (a) carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), cytokeratin-20 (CK-20) and guanylyl cyclase C (GCC) are clinically useful markers for the molecular detection of submicroscopic metastases in colorectal cancer (CRC) and (b) whether overexpression of CEA, CK-20 and GCC can be reliably detected in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues as well as frozen lymph nodes. We studied 175 frozen lymph nodes and 158 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded lymph nodes from 28 cases of CRC. CEA or CK-20 or GCC-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out on mRNA transcripts extracted from the nodal tissues. Ten out of I I Dukes' B CRC cases had detectable CEA and CK-20 while 6 out of 11 Dukes' B CRC cases had detectable GCC. In general, the difference of re-staged cases when comparing frozen and paraffin-embedded samples was marked; the only statistically significant correlation between frozen and paraffin tissue was for the CEA marker. Our results indicated a high incidence (>50%) of detecting micrometastases in histologically-negative lymph nodes at the molecular level. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: To date, there are no clinically reliable predictive markers of response to the current treatment regimens for advanced colorectal cancer. The aim of the current study was to compare and assess the power of transcriptional profiling using a generic microarray and a disease-specific transcriptome-based microarray. We also examined the biological and clinical relevance of the disease-specific transcriptome.

METHODS: DNA microarray profiling was carried out on isogenic sensitive and 5-FU-resistant HCT116 colorectal cancer cell lines using the Affymetrix HG-U133 Plus2.0 array and the Almac Diagnostics Colorectal cancer disease specific Research tool. In addition, DNA microarray profiling was also carried out on pre-treatment metastatic colorectal cancer biopsies using the colorectal cancer disease specific Research tool. The two microarray platforms were compared based on detection of probesets and biological information.

RESULTS: The results demonstrated that the disease-specific transcriptome-based microarray was able to out-perform the generic genomic-based microarray on a number of levels including detection of transcripts and pathway analysis. In addition, the disease-specific microarray contains a high percentage of antisense transcripts and further analysis demonstrated that a number of these exist in sense:antisense pairs. Comparison between cell line models and metastatic CRC patient biopsies further demonstrated that a number of the identified sense:antisense pairs were also detected in CRC patient biopsies, suggesting potential clinical relevance.

CONCLUSIONS: Analysis from our in vitro and clinical experiments has demonstrated that many transcripts exist in sense:antisense pairs including IGF2BP2, which may have a direct regulatory function in the context of colorectal cancer. While the functional relevance of the antisense transcripts has been established by many studies, their functional role is currently unclear; however, the numbers that have been detected by the disease-specific microarray would suggest that they may be important regulatory transcripts. This study has demonstrated the power of a disease-specific transcriptome-based approach and highlighted the potential novel biologically and clinically relevant information that is gained when using such a methodology.