77 resultados para topological soliton


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The amplitude modulation of magnetic field-aligned circularly polarized electromagnetic (CPEM) waves in a magnetized pair plasma is reexamined. The nonlinear frequency shifts include the effects of the radiation pressure driven density and compressional magnetic field perturbations as well as relativistic particle mass variations. The dynamics of the modulated CPEM wave packets is governed by a nonlinear Schrodinger equation, which has attractive and repulsive interaction potentials for fast and slow CPEM waves. The modulational stability of a constant amplitude CPEM wave is studied by deriving a nonlinear dispersion from the cubic Schrodinger equation. The fast (slow) CPEM mode is modulationally unstable (stable). Possible stationary amplitude solutions of the modulated fast (slow) CPEM mode can be represented in the form of bright and dark/gray envelope electromagnetic soliton structures. Localized envelope excitations can be associated with the microstructures in pulsar magnetospheres and in laboratory pair magnetoplasmas. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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A pair plasma consisting of two types of ions, possessing equal masses and opposite charges, is considered. The nonlinear propagation of modulated electrostatic wave packets is studied by employing a two-fluid plasma model. Considering propagation parallel to the external magnetic field, two distinct electrostatic modes are obtained, namely a quasiacoustic lower moddfe and a Langmuir-like, as optic-type upper one, in agreement with experimental observations and theoretical predictions. Considering small yet weakly nonlinear deviations from equilibrium, and adopting a multiple-scale technique, the basic set of model equations is reduced to a nonlinear Schrodinger equation for the slowly varying electric field perturbation amplitude. The analysis reveals that the lower (acoustic) mode is stable and may propagate in the form of a dark-type envelope soliton (a void) modulating a carrier wave packet, while the upper linear mode is intrinsically unstable, and may favor the formation of bright-type envelope soliton (pulse) modulated wave packets. These results are relevant to recent observations of electrostatic waves in pair-ion (fullerene) plasmas, and also with respect to electron-positron plasma emission in pulsar magnetospheres. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The nonlinear propagation of amplitude-modulated electrostatic wavepackets in an electron-positron-ion (e-p-i) plasma is considered, by employing a two-fluid plasma model. Considering propagation parallel to the external magnetic field, two distinct electrostatic modes are obtained, namely a quasi-thermal acoustic-like lower mode and a Langmuir-like optic-type upper one. These results equally apply in warm pair ion ( e. g. fullerene) plasmas contaminated by a small fraction of stationary ions ( or dust), in agreement with experimental observations and theoretical predictions in pair plasmas. Considering small yet weakly nonlinear deviations from equilibrium, and adopting a multiple-scales perturbation technique, the basic set of model equations is reduced to a nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation for the slowly varying electric field perturbation amplitude. The analysis reveals that the lower ( acoustic) mode is mostly stable for large wavelengths, and may propagate in the form of a dark-type envelope soliton ( a void) modulating a carrier wavepacket, while the upper linear mode is intrinsically unstable, and thus favours the formation of bright-type envelope soliton ( pulse) modulated wavepackets. The stability ( instability) range for the acoustic ( Langmuir-like optic) mode shifts to larger wavenumbers as the positive-to-negative ion temperature ( density) ratio increases. These results may be of relevance in astrophysical contexts, where e-p-i plasmas are encountered, and may also serve as prediction of the behaviour of doped ( or dust-contaminated) fullerene plasmas, in the laboratory.


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The reductive perturbation technique is employed to investigate the modulational instability of dust-acoustic (DA) waves propagating in a four-component dusty plasma. The dusty plasma consists of both positive- and negative-charge dust grains, characterized by a different mass, temperature and density, in addition to a background of Maxwellian electrons and ions. Relying on a multi-fluid plasma model and employing a multiple scales technique, a nonlinear Schrodinger type equation (NLSE) is obtained for the electric potential amplitude perturbation. The occurrence of localized electrostatic wavepackets is shown, in the form of oscillating structures whose modulated envelope is modelled as a soliton (or multi-soliton) solution of the NLSE. The DA wave characteristics, as well as the associated stability thresholds, are studied analytically and numerically. The relevance of these theoretical results with dusty plasmas observed in cosmic and laboratory environments is analysed in detail, by considering realistic multi-component plasma configurations observed in the polar mesosphere, as well as in laboratory experiments.


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Starting from Maxwell's equations, we use the reductive perturbation method to derive a second-order and a third-order nonlinear Schrodinger equation, describing ultrashort solitons in nonlinear left-handed metamaterials. We find necessary conditions and derive exact bright and dark soliton solutions of these equations for the electric and magnetic field envelopes.


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Velocity distribution functions with an excess of superthermal particles are commonly observed in space plasmas, and are effectively modeled by a kappa distribution. They are also found in some laboratory experiments. In this paper we obtain existence conditions for and some characteristics of ion-acoustic solitary waves in a plasma composed of cold ions and kappa-distributed electrons, where kappa>3/2 represents the spectral index. As is the case for the usual Maxwell-Boltzmann electrons, only positive potential solitons are found, and, as expected, in the limit of large kappa one recovers the usual range of possible soliton Mach numbers, viz., 1 < M < 1.58. For lower values of kappa, modeling the presence of a greater superthermal component, the range of accessible Mach numbers is reduced. It is found that the amplitude of the largest possible solitons that may be generated in a given plasma (corresponding to the highest allowed Mach number for the given plasma composition) falls off with decreasing kappa, i.e., an increasing superthermal component. On the other hand, at fixed Mach number, both soliton amplitude and profile steepness increase as kappa is decreased. These changes are seen to be important particularly for kappa < 4, i.e., when the electrons have a "hard" spectrum.


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The nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic waves is considered in a magnetized plasma, composed of kappa distributed electrons and an inertial ion fluid. The fluid-dynamical system of equations governing the dynamics of ion-acoustic waves is reduced to a pseudoenergy-balance equation. The properties of arbitrary amplitude, obliquely propagating ion-acoustic solitary waves are thus investigated via a mechanical-motion analog (Sagdeev potential) approach. The presence of excess superthermal electrons is shown to influence the nature of magnetized ion-acoustic solitons. The influence on the soliton characteristics of relevant physical parameters such as obliqueness (the angle between soliton propagation direction and magnetic field), the electron deviation from a Maxwellian ("superthermality") and the soliton speed is investigated.


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The study of non-Maxwellian plasmas is crucial to the understanding of space and astrophysical plasma dynamics. In this paper, we investigate the existence of arbitrary amplitude ion-acoustic solitary waves in an unmagnetized plasma consisting of ions and excess superthermal electrons (modelled by a kappa-type distribution), which is penetrated by an electron beam. A kappa (kappa-) type distribution is assumed for the background electrons. A (Sagdeev-type) pseudopotential formalism is employed to derive an energy-balance like equation. The range of allowed values of the soliton speed (Mach number), wherein solitary waves may exist, is determined. The Mach number range (allowed soliton speed values) becomes narrower under the combined effect of the electron beam and of the superthermal electrons, and may even be reduced to nil (predicting no solitary wave existence) for high enough beam density and low enough kappa (significant superthermality). For fixed values of all other parameters (Mach number, electron beam-to-ion density ratio and electron beam velocity), both soliton amplitude and (electric potential perturbation) profile steepness increase as kappa decreases. The combined occurrence of small-amplitude negative potential structures and larger amplitude positive ones is pointed out, while the dependence of either type on the plasma parameters is investigated.


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The expansion of a dense plasma through a more rarefied ionized medium has been studied by means of two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. The initial conditions involve a density jump by a factor of 100, located in the middle of an otherwise equally dense electron-proton plasma with uniform proton and electron temperatures of 10 eV and 1 keV, respectively. Simulations show the creation of a purely electrostatic collisionless shock together with an ion-acoustic soliton tied to its downstream region. The shock front is seen to evolve in filamentary structures consistently with the onset of the ion-ion instability. Meanwhile, an un-magnetized drift instability is triggered in the core part of the dense plasma. Such results explain recent experimental laser-plasma experiments, carried out in similar conditions, and are of intrinsic relevance to non-relativistic shock scenarios in the solar and astrophysical systems.


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The Heisenberg model for spin-1 bosons in one dimension presents many different quantum phases, including the famous topological Haldane phase. Here we study the robustness of such phases in front of a SU(2) symmetry-breaking field as well as the emergence of unique phases. Previous studies have analyzed the effect of such uniaxial anisotropy in some restricted relevant points of the phase diagram. Here we extend those studies and present the complete phase diagram of the spin-1 chain with uniaxial anisotropy. To this aim, we employ the density-matrix renormalization group together with analytical approaches. The complete phase diagram can be realized using ultracold spinor gases in the Mott insulator regime under a quadratic Zeeman effect.


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Trophic scaling models describe how topological food-web properties such as the number of predator prey links scale with species richness of the community. Early models predicted that either the link density (i.e. the number of links per species) or the connectance (i.e. the linkage probability between any pair of species) is constant across communities. More recent analyses, however, suggest that both these scaling models have to be rejected, and we discuss several hypotheses that aim to explain the scale dependence of these complexity parameters. Based on a recent, highly resolved food-web compilation, we analysed the scaling behaviour of 16 topological parameters and found significant power law scaling relationships with diversity (i.e. species richness) and complexity (i.e. connectance) for most of them. These results illustrate the lack of universal constants in food-web ecology as a function of diversity or complexity. Nonetheless, our power law scaling relationships suggest that fundamental processes determine food-web topology, and subsequent analyses demonstrated that ecosystem-specific differences in these relationships were of minor importance. As such, these newly described scaling relationships provide robust and testable cornerstones for future structural food-web models.


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Weakly nonlinear excitations in one-dimensional isotropic Heisenberg ferromagnetic chains with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor exchange interactions are considered. Based on the properties of modulational stability of corresponding linear spin waves, the existence regions of bright and dark magnetic solitons of the system are discussed in the whole Brillouin zone. The antidark soliton mode which is convex soliton super-imposed with a plane wave component is obtained near the zero-dispersion points of the spin wave frequency spectrum. The analytical results are checked by numerical simulations. [S0163;1829(98)01838-4].


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WaaL is a membrane enzyme that catalyzes a key step in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) synthesis: the glycosidic bonding of a sugar at the proximal end of the undecaprenyl-diphosphate (Und-PP) O-antigen with a terminal sugar of the lipid A-core oligosaccharide (OS). Utilizing an in vitro assay, we demonstrate here that ligation with purified Escherichia coli WaaL occurs without adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) and magnesium ions. Furthermore, E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa WaaL proteins cannot catalyze ATP hydrolysis in vitro. We also show that a lysine substitution of the arginine (Arg)-215 residue renders an active protein, whereas WaaL mutants with alanine replacements in the periplasmic-exposed residues Arg-215, Arg-288 and histidine (His)-338 and also the membrane-embedded aspartic acid-389 are nonfunctional. An in silico approach, combining predicted topological information with the analysis of sequence conservation, confirms the importance of a positive charge at the small periplasmic loop of WaaL, since an Arg corresponding to Arg-215 was found at a similar position in all the WaaL homologs. Also, a universally conserved H[NSQ]X(9)GXX[GTY] motif spanning the C-terminal end of the predicted large periplasmic loop and the membrane boundary of the transmembrane helix was identified. The His residue in this motif corresponds to His-338. A survey of LPS structures in which the linkage between O-antigen and lipid A-core OS was elucidated reveals that it is always in the beta-configuration, whereas the sugars bound to Und-PP are in the alpha-configuration. Together, our biochemical and in silico data argue that WaaL proteins use a common reaction mechanism and share features of metal ion-independent inverting glycosyltransferases.


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WecA is an integral membrane protein that initiates the biosynthesis of enterobacterial common antigen and O-antigen lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by catalyzing the transfer of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)-1-phosphate onto undecaprenyl phosphate (Und-P) to form Und-P-P-GlcNAc. WecA belongs to a large family of eukaryotic and prokaryotic prenyl sugar transferases. Conserved aspartic acids in putative cytoplasmic loops 2 (Asp90 and Asp91) and 3 (Asp156 and Asp159) were targeted for replacement mutagenesis with either glutamic acid or asparagine. We examined the ability of each mutant protein to complement O-antigen LPS synthesis in a wecA-deficient strain and also determined the steady-state kinetic parameters of the mutant proteins in an in vitro transfer assay. Apparent K(m) and V(max) values for UDP-GlcNAc, Mg(2+), and Mn(2+) suggest that Asp156 is required for catalysis, while Asp91 appears to interact preferentially with Mg(2+), possibly playing a role in orienting the substrates. Topological analysis using the substituted cysteine accessibility method demonstrated the cytosolic location of Asp90, Asp91, and Asp156 and provided a more refined overall topological map of WecA. Also, we show that cells expressing a WecA derivative C terminally fused with the green fluorescent protein exhibited a punctate distribution of fluorescence on the bacterial surface, suggesting that WecA localizes to discrete regions in the bacterial plasma membrane.


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Naturally occurring boundaries between bundles of 90° stripe domains, which form in BaTiO3 lamellae on cooling through the Curie Temperature, have been characterized using both piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Detailed interpretation of the dipole configurations present at these boundaries (using data taken from PFM) shows that in the vast majority of cases they are composed of simple zigzag 180° domain walls. Topological information from STEM shows that occasionally domain bundle boundaries can support chains of dipole flux closure and quadrupole nanostructures, but these kinds of boundaries are comparatively rare; when such chains do exist, it is notable that singularities at the cores of the dipole
structures are avoided. The symmetry of the boundary shows that diads and centers of inversion exist at positions where core singularities should have been expected.