33 resultados para secondary school


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This study capitalises on three waves of longitudinal data from a cohort of 4351 secondary school pupils to examine the effects on individuals’ cannabis use uptake of both peer cannabis use and position within a peer network.

Both cross-sectional and individual fixed effects models are used to estimate the effect on cannabis use of nominated friends’ cannabis use, of reciprocity and transitivity of nominations across the friendship cluster, and of interactions between these nominated friends. Post hoc analyses parsed the behaviour of reciprocating and non-reciprocating friends.

Cannabis use varied depending on the stability of friendship network and the degree of reciprocity and interconnectedness within the group. Behavioural influence was strong, but interaction effects were observed between the prevalence of cannabis use among friends, the structure of the friendship group and ego’s proximity to group members. These interactions demonstrate that behavioural influence is more salient in more cohesive groups. When reciprocating and non-reciprocating friends’ mean cannabis use were separated, influence from reciprocating friends was estimated at twice the magnitude of other friends.

While preventing any one individual from using cannabis is likely to have a multiplier effect on classmates, the bonds and interactions between classmates will determine which classmates are affected by this multiplier and the salience of that effect.


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To study the associations between near work, outdoor activity, and myopia among children attending secondary school in rural China.


Among a random cluster sample of 1892 children in Xichang, China, subjects with an uncorrected acuity of 6/12 or less in either eye (n = 984) and a 25% sample of children with normal vision (n = 248) underwent measurement of refractive error. Subjects were administered a questionnaire on parental education, time spent outdoors, and weekly time spent engaged in and preferred working distance for a variety of near-work activities.


Among 1232 children with refraction data, 998 (81.0%) completed the near-work survey. Their mean age was 14.6 years (SD, 0.8 years), 55.6% were girls, and 83.1% had myopia of -0.5 diopters or less (more myopia) in both eyes. Time and diopter-hours spent on near activities did not differ between children with and without myopia. In regression models, time spent on near activities and time outdoors were unassociated with myopia, adjusting for age, sex, and parental education.


These and other recent results raise some doubts about the association between near work and myopia. Additional efforts to identify other environmental factors associated with myopia risk and that may be amenable to intervention are warranted.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the hypothesis that changes in nutritional status could be partly responsible for observed increases in myopia prevalence among Chinese children. DESIGN: Cross-sectional cohort study. METHODS: Rural Chinese secondary school children participating in a study of interventions to promote spectacle use were randomly sampled (20% of children with uncorrected vision >6/12 bilaterally, and 100% of remaining children) and underwent cycloplegic refraction with subjective refinement and measurement of height and weight. Stunting was defined according to the World Health Organization standard population. RESULTS: Among 3226 children in the sample, 2905 (90.0%) took part. Among 1477 children undergoing refraction, 1371 (92.8%) had height and weight measurements. These children had a mean age of 14.5 +/- 1.4 years, 59.8% were girls, and mean spherical equivalent refraction was -1.93 +/- 1.82 diopters. Stunting was present in 87 children (6.4%). While height was inversely associated with refractive error (RE) (taller children were more myopic) among boys (r = -0.147, P = .001), this disappeared when adjusting for age, and no such association was observed among girls. Neither girls nor boys with stunting differed significantly in refraction from children without stunting, and neither stunting nor height was associated with RE when adjusting for age, height, and parental education. The power of this study to have detected a 0.75 diopters difference in RE between children with and without stunting was 0.96. CONCLUSION: Results from this cross-sectional study are not consistent with the hypothesis that nutritional status is a determinant of RE in this setting.