105 resultados para restriction of parameter space


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Dust ion acoustic solitons in an unmagnetized dusty plasma comprising cold dust particles, adiabatic fluid ions, and electrons satisfying a kappa distribution are investigated using both small amplitude and arbitrary amplitude techniques. Their existence domain is discussed in the parameter space of Mach number M and electron density fraction f over a wide range of values of kappa. For all kappa > 3/2, including the Maxwellian distribution, negative dust supports solitons of both polarities over a range in f. In that region of parameter space solitary structures of finite amplitude can be obtained even at the lowest Mach number, the acoustic speed, for all kappa. These cannot be found from small amplitude theories. This surprising behavior is investigated, and it is shown that f(c), the value of f at which the KdV coefficient A vanishes, plays a critical role. In the presence of positive dust, only positive potential solitons are found. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3400229]


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What if the traditional relationship between touch and music was essentially turned upside down, making the tactile sensation the aesthetic end? This paper presents a novel coupling of haptics technology and music, introducing the notion of tactile composition or aesthetic composition for the sense of touch. A system that facilitates the composition and perception of intricate, musically structured spatio-temporal patterns of vibration on the surface of the body is described. Relevant work from disciplines including sensory substitution, electronic musical instrument design, simulation design, entertainment technology, and visual music is considered. The psychophysical parameter space for our sense of touch is summarized and the building blocks of a compositional language for touch are explored. A series of concerts held for the skin and ears is described, as well as some of the lessons learned along the way. In conclusion, some potential evolutionary branches of tactile composition are posited.


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There is a perception that teaching space in universities is a rather scarce resource. However, some studies have revealed that in many institutions it is actually chronically under-used. Often, rooms are occupied only half the time, and even when in use they are often only half full. This is usually measured by the ‘utilization’ which is defined as the percentage of available ‘seat-hours’ that are employed. Within real institutions, studies have shown that this utilization can often take values as low as 20–40%. One consequence of such a low level of utilization is that space managers are under pressure to make more efficient use of the available teaching space. However, better management is hampered because there does not appear to be a good understanding within space management (near-term planning) of why this happens. This is accompanied, within space planning (long-term planning) by a lack of experise on how best to accommodate the expected low utilizations. This motivates our two main goals: (i) To understand the factors that drive down utilizations, (ii) To set up methods to provide better space planning. Here, we provide quantitative evidence that constraints arising from timetabling and location requirements easily have the potential to explain the low utilizations seen in reality. Furthermore, on considering the decision question ‘Can this given set of courses all be allocated in the available teaching space?’ we find that the answer depends on the associated utilization in a way that exhibits threshold behaviour: There is a sharp division between regions in which the answer is ‘almost always yes’ and those of ‘almost always no’. Through analysis and understanding of the space of potential solutions, our work suggests that better use of space within universities will come about through an understanding of the effects of timetabling constraints and when it is statistically likely that it will be possible for a set of courses to be allocated to a particular space. The results presented here provide a firm foundation for university managers to take decisions on how space should be managed and planned for more effectively. Our multi-criteria approach and new methodology together provide new insight into the interaction between the course timetabling problem and the crucial issue of space planning.


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To date, estrogen receptor, progestogen receptor, and HER2/neu represent molecular biomarkers currently used in routine clinical practice to aid treatment decisions. Over the last few years, a large body of preclinical and retrospective clinical data has accumulated that suggests that BRCA1 mutation functions as a novel predictive marker of response to chemotherapy. This article reviews the role of BRCA1 as a predictive marker of chemotherapy response in breast cancer and examines the link between BRCA1 deficiency and the basal-like phenotype. Search strategy. Data for this article were identified through MEDLINE and PubMed searches for published reports using the terms BRCA1, breast cancer, basal-like, chemotherapy, prognosis, and predictive markers. In some cases, due to the restriction of space, readers are referred to review articles to allow further reading. Only articles published in English were included.


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Most of our knowledge of extrasolar planets rests on precise radial-velocity measurements, either for direct detection or for confirmation of the planetary origin of photometric transit signals. This has limited our exploration of the parameter space of exoplanet hosts to solar- and later-type, sharp-lined stars. Here we extend the realm of stars with known planetary companions to include hot, fast-rotating stars. Planet-like transits have previously been reported in the light curve obtained by the SuperWASP survey of the A5 star HD15082 (WASP-33 V = 8.3, v sini = 86 km s-1). Here we report further photometry and time-series spectroscopy through three separate transits, which we use to confirm the existence of a gas-giant planet with an orbital period of 1.22d in orbit around HD15082. From the photometry and the properties of the planet signal travelling through the spectral line profiles during the transit, we directly derive the size of the planet, the inclination and obliquity of its orbital plane and its retrograde orbital motion relative to the spin of the star. This kind of analysis opens the way to studying the formation of planets around a whole new class of young, early-type stars, hence under different physical conditions and generally in an earlier stage of formation than in sharp-lined late-type stars. The reflex orbital motion of the star caused by the transiting planet is small, yielding an upper mass limit of 4.1MJupiter on the planet. We also find evidence of a third body of substellar mass in the system, which may explain the unusual orbit of the transiting planet. In HD 15082, the stellar line profiles also show evidence of non-radial pulsations, clearly distinct from the planetary transit signal. This raises the intriguing possibility that tides raised by the close-in planet may excite or amplify the pulsations in such stars.


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The identification of nonlinear dynamic systems using radial basis function (RBF) neural models is studied in this paper. Given a model selection criterion, the main objective is to effectively and efficiently build a parsimonious compact neural model that generalizes well over unseen data. This is achieved by simultaneous model structure selection and optimization of the parameters over the continuous parameter space. It is a mixed-integer hard problem, and a unified analytic framework is proposed to enable an effective and efficient two-stage mixed discrete-continuous; identification procedure. This novel framework combines the advantages of an iterative discrete two-stage subset selection technique for model structure determination and the calculus-based continuous optimization of the model parameters. Computational complexity analysis and simulation studies confirm the efficacy of the proposed algorithm.


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This paper examines relevant characteristics of the ‘contested city’ and the concept of ‘public space’ in that problematic context. It offers an appraisal of the historical and contemporary role of urban design in shaping social space and interrogates the feasibility of using urban design to facilitate more integrated cityscapes. It presents detailed case studies of two ‘contested cities’, Nicosia and Belfast, based on content analysis of policy and planning documents, extensive site analyses in both places, interviews and seminar discussions with policy makers, planners, community and civic leaders. The paper comprises four dimensions—conceptual, descriptive, analytical and prescriptive—and in its final section identifies core values and relevant policies for the potential achievement of shared space in contested cities.


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The finite state Markov-chain approximation methods developed by Tauchen (1986) and Tauchen and Hussey (1991) are widely used in economics, finance and econometrics to solve functional equations in which state variables follow autoregressive processes. For highly persistent processes, the methods require a large number of discrete values for the state variables to produce close approximations which leads to an undesirable reduction in computational speed, especially in a multivariate case. This paper proposes an alternative method of discretizing multivariate autoregressive processes. This method can be treated as an extension of Rouwenhorst's (1995) method which, according to our finding, outperforms the existing methods in the scalar case for highly persistent processes. The new method works well as an approximation that is much more robust to the number of discrete values for a wide range of the parameter space.


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Biomedical researchers are now often faced with situations where it is necessary to test a large number of hypotheses simultaneously, eg, in comparative gene expression studies using high-throughput microarray technology. To properly control false positive errors the FDR (false discovery rate) approach has become widely used in multiple testing. The accurate estimation of FDR requires the proportion of true null hypotheses being accurately estimated. To date many methods for estimating this quantity have been proposed. Typically when a new method is introduced, some simulations are carried out to show the improved accuracy of the new method. However, the simulations are often very limited to covering only a few points in the parameter space.


Here I have carried out extensive in silico experiments to compare some commonly used methods for estimating the proportion of true null hypotheses. The coverage of these simulations is unprecedented thorough over the parameter space compared to typical simulation studies in the literature. Thus this work enables us to draw conclusions globally as to the performance of these different methods. It was found that a very simple method gives the most accurate estimation in a dominantly large area of the parameter space. Given its simplicity and its overall superior accuracy I recommend its use as the first choice for estimating the proportion of true null hypotheses in multiple testing.


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Architecture, whether in the foreground or background, is an intrinsic part of any film, and cinema holds a position as a transformative reference in contemporary architecture. This book addresses the role of architecture in cinema, and through a focus on the use of space, it presents a critical overview of the relation between the two. Through framing, flattening and editing, cinematic space, as the representation of architectural space, focuses on its certain qualities, while eliminating others. Thus, cinema emphasizes individual aspects of space that may be overlooked when the whole context is considered. Space 'acts' in the foreground rather than simply filling the background in the films of Peter Greenaway and Wim Wenders, which are used to analyze two significant cinematic approaches to space, space as form and space as symbol. The detailed analysis of Greenaway's The Belly of an Architect and Wenders' Der Himmel über Berlin (Wings of Desire) offers an innovative and original perspective on space to those interested in both fields of architecture and film studies.


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Using recently proposed measures for non-Markovianity [H.-P. Breuer, E. M. Laine, and J. Piilo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 210401 (2009)], we study the dynamics of a qubit coupled to a spin environment via an energy-exchange mechanism. We show the existence of a point, in the parameter space of the system, where the qubit dynamics is effectively Markovian and that such a point separates two regions with completely different dynamical behaviors. Indeed, our study demonstrates that the qubit evolution can in principle be tuned from a perfectly forgetful one to a deep non-Markovian regime where the qubit is strongly affected by the dynamical backaction of the environmental spins. By means of a theoretical quantum process tomography analysis, we provide a complete and intuitive characterization of the qubit channel.


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The motivation for this paper is to present an approach for rating the quality of the parameters in a computer-aided design model for use as optimization variables. Parametric Effectiveness is computed as the ratio of change in performance achieved by perturbing the parameters in the optimum way, to the change in performance that would be achieved by allowing the boundary of the model to move without the constraint on shape change enforced by the CAD parameterization. The approach is applied in this paper to optimization based on adjoint shape sensitivity analyses. The derivation of parametric effectiveness is presented for optimization both with and without the constraint of constant volume. In both cases, the movement of the boundary is normalized with respect to a small root mean squared movement of the boundary. The approach can be used to select an initial search direction in parameter space, or to select sets of model parameters which have the greatest ability to improve model performance. The approach is applied to a number of example 2D and 3D FEA and CFD problems.


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This chapter examines Cairo’s path towards reassembling a modern spatial order in one of its oldest quarters, Bulaq Abul Ela, and the implications of this on the spatial experience of its inhabitants. The ambitions of space reproduction in Cairo are revealed during the attempt to engender a debate as to how this vision affected Bulaq’s riverfront zone as its periphery; how it was spatialised and to what extent the planners’ conception of urban space actually responded to the people’s needs when creating a new spatial reality. It uncovers the peripheral/central position that residents assume with regards to their living spaces to reveal new meanings, images, stories and places to replace the increasingly undesirable authentic fabric of Bulaq.


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Throughout design development of satellite structure, stress engineer is usually challenged with randomness in applied loads and material properties. To overcome such problem, a risk-based design is applied which estimates satellite structure probability of failure under static and thermal loads. Determining probability of failure can help to update initially applied factors of safety that were used during structure preliminary design phase. These factors of safety are related to the satellite mission objective. Sensitivity-based analysis is to be implemented in the context of finite element analysis (probabilistic finite element method or stochastic finite element method (SFEM)) to determine the probability of failure for satellite structure or one of its components.


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Ultraviolet and X-ray observations show evidence of outflowing gas around many active galactic nuclei. It has been proposed that some of these outflows are driven off gas infalling towards the central supermassive black hole. We perform radiative transfer calculations to compute the gas ionization state and the emergent X-ray spectra for both two- and three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamical simulations of this outflow-from-inflow scenario. By comparison with observations, our results can be used to test the theoretical models and guide future numerical simulations. We predict both absorption and emission features, most of which are formed in a polar funnel of relatively dense (10 -10 g cm ) outflowing gas. This outflow causes strong absorption for observer orientation angles of ?35°. Particularly in 3D, the strength of this absorption varies significantly for different lines of sight owing to the fragmentary structure of the gas flow. Although infalling material occupies a large fraction of the simulation volume, we do not find that it imprints strong absorption features in the X-ray spectra since the ionization state is predicted to be very high. Thus, an absence of observed inflow absorption features does not exclude the models. The main spectroscopic consequence of the infalling gas is a Compton-scattered continuum component that partially re-fills the absorption features caused by the outflowing polar funnel. Fluorescence and scattering in the outflow are predicted to give rise to several emission features including a multicomponent Fe Ka emission complex for all observer orientations. For the hydrodynamical simulations considered, we predict both ionization states and column densities for the outflowing gas that are too high to be quantitatively consistent with well-observed X-ray absorption systems. Nevertheless, our results are qualitatively encouraging and further exploration of the model parameter space is warranted. Higher resolution hydrodynamic simulations are needed to determine whether the outflows fragment on scales unresolved in our current study, which may yield the denser lower ionization material that could reconcile the models and the observations. © 2012 The Authors Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2012 RAS.