33 resultados para phylogenetic community structure


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There is increasing appreciation that hosts in natural populations are subject to infection by multiple parasite species. Yet the epidemiological and ecological processes determining the outcome of mixed infections are poorly understood. Here, we use two intracellular gut parasites (Microsporidia), one exotic and one co-evolved in the western honeybee (Apis mellifera), in an experiment in which either one or both parasites were administered either simultaneously or sequentially. We provide clear evidence of within-host competition; order of infection was an important determinant of the competitive outcome between parasites, with the first parasite significantly inhibiting the growth of the second, regardless of species. However, the strength of this ‘priority effect’ was highly asymmetric, with the exotic Nosema ceranae exhibiting stronger inhibition of Nosema apis than vice versa. Our results reveal an unusual asymmetry in parasite competition that is dependent on order of infection. When incorporated into a mathematical model of disease prevalence, we find asymmetric competition to be an important predictor of the patterns of parasite prevalence found in nature. Our findings demonstrate the wider significance of complex multi-host–multi-parasite interactions as drivers of host–pathogen community structure


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Most models of riverine eco-hydrology and biogeochemistry rely upon bulk parameterization of fluxes. However, the transport and retention of carbon and nutrients in headwater streams is strongly influenced by biofilms (surface-attached microbial communities), which results in strong feedbacks between stream hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry. Mechanistic understanding of the interactions between streambed biofilms and nutrient dynamics is lacking. Here we present experimental results linking microscale observations of biofilm community structure to the deposition and resuspension of clay-sized mineral particles in streams. Biofilms were grown in identical 3 m recirculating flumes over periods of 14-50 days. Fluorescent particles were introduced to each flume, and their deposition was traced over 30 minutes. Particle resuspension from the biofilms was then observed under an increased stream flow, mimicking a flood event. We quantified particle fluxes using flow cytometry and epifluorescence microscopy. We directly observed particle adhesion to the biofilm using a confocal laser scanning microscope. 3-D Optical Coherence Tomography was used to determine biofilm roughness, areal coverage and void space in each flume. These measurements allow us to link biofilm complexity to particle retention during both baseflow and floodflow. The results suggest that increased biofilm complexity favors deposition and retention of fine particles in streams.


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Strategies for mitigation of seafloor massive sulphide (SMS) extraction in the deep sea include establishment of suitable reference sites that allow for studies of natural environmental variability and that can serve as sources of larvae for re-colonisation of extracted hydrothermal fields. In this study, we characterize deep-sea vent communities in Manus Basin (Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea) and use macrofaunal data sets from a proposed reference site (South Su) and a proposed mine site (Solwara 1) to test the hypothesis that there was no difference in macrofaunal community structure between the sites. We used dispersion weighting to adjust taxa-abundance matrices to down-weight the contribution of contagious distributions of numerically abundant taxa. Faunal assemblages of 3 habitat types defined by biogenic taxa (2 provannid snails, Alviniconcha spp. and Ifremeria nautilei; and a sessile barnacle, Eochionelasmus ohtai) were distinct from one another and from the vent peripheral assemblage, but were not differentiable from mound-to-mound within a site or between sites. Mussel and tubeworm populations at South Su but not at Solwara 1 enhance the taxonomic and habitat diversity of the proposed reference site. © Inter-Research 2012.