105 resultados para performance data


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In this article, we have prepared hot-melt-extruded solid dispersions of bicalutamide (BL) using poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) as a matrix platform. Prior to preparation, miscibility of PEO and BL was assessed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The onset of BL melting was signi?cantly depressed in the presence of PEO, and using Flory– Huggins (FH) theory, we identi?ed a negative value of -3.4, con?rming miscibility. Additionally, using FH lattice theory, we estimated the Gibbs free energy of mixing which was shown to be negative, passing through a minimum at a polymer fraction of 0.55. Using these data, solid dispersions at drug-to-polymer ratios of 1:10, 2:10 and 3:10 were prepared via hot-melt extrusion. Using a combination of DSC, powder X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron
microscopy, amorphous dispersions of BL were con?rmed at the lower two drug loadings. At the 3:10 BL to PEO ratio, crystalline BL was detected. The percent crystallinity of PEO was reduced by approximately 10% in all formulations following extrusion. The increased amorphous content within PEO following extrusion accommodated amorphous BL at drug to polymer loadings up to 2:10; however, the increased amorphous domains with PEO following extrusion were not suf?cient to fully accommodate BL at drug-to-polymer ratios of 3:10.


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Recent years have witnessed an incredibly increasing interest in the topic of incremental learning. Unlike conventional machine learning situations, data flow targeted by incremental learning becomes available continuously over time. Accordingly, it is desirable to be able to abandon the traditional assumption of the availability of representative training data during the training period to develop decision boundaries. Under scenarios of continuous data flow, the challenge is how to transform the vast amount of stream raw data into information and knowledge representation, and accumulate experience over time to support future decision-making process. In this paper, we propose a general adaptive incremental learning framework named ADAIN that is capable of learning from continuous raw data, accumulating experience over time, and using such knowledge to improve future learning and prediction performance. Detailed system level architecture and design strategies are presented in this paper. Simulation results over several real-world data sets are used to validate the effectiveness of this method.


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Seasonal and day-to-day variations in travel behaviour and performance of private passenger vehicles can be partially explained by changes in weather conditions. Likewise, in the electricity sector, weather affects energy demand. The impact of weather conditions on private passenger vehicle performance, usership statistics and travel behaviour has been studied for conventional, internal combustion engine, vehicles. Similarly, weather-driven variability in electricity demand and generation has been investigated widely. The aim of these analyses in both sectors is to improve energy efficiency, reduce consumption in peak hours and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, the potential effects of seasonal weather variations on electric vehicle usage have not yet been investigated. In Ireland the government has set a target requiring 10% of all vehicles in the transport fleet to be powered by electricity by 2020 to meet part of its European Union obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy efficiency. This paper fills this knowledge gap by compiling some of the published information available for internal combustion engine vehicles and applying the lessons learned and results to electric vehicles with an analysis of historical weather data in Ireland and electricity market data in a number of what-if scenarios. Areas particularly impacted by weather conditions are battery performance, energy consumption and choice of transportation mode by private individuals.


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Multicore computational accelerators such as GPUs are now commodity components for highperformance computing at scale. While such accelerators have been studied in some detail as stand-alone computational engines, their integration in large-scale distributed systems raises new challenges and trade-offs. In this paper, we present an exploration of resource management alternatives for building asymmetric accelerator-based distributed systems. We present these alternatives in the context of a capabilities-aware framework for data-intensive computing, which uses an enhanced implementation of the MapReduce programming model for accelerator-based clusters, compared to the state of the art. The framework can transparently utilize heterogeneous accelerators for deriving high performance with low programming effort. Our work is the first to compare heterogeneous types of accelerators, GPUs and a Cell processors, in the same environment and the first to explore the trade-offs between compute-efficient and control-efficient accelerators on data-intensive systems. Our investigation shows that our framework scales well with the number of different compute nodes. Furthermore, it runs simultaneously on two different types of accelerators, successfully adapts to the resource capabilities, and performs 26.9% better on average than a static execution approach.


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Computing has recently reached an inflection point with the introduction of multicore processors. On-chip thread-level parallelism is doubling approximately every other year. Concurrency lends itself naturally to allowing a program to trade performance for power savings by regulating the number of active cores; however, in several domains, users are unwilling to sacrifice performance to save power. We present a prediction model for identifying energy-efficient operating points of concurrency in well-tuned multithreaded scientific applications and a runtime system that uses live program analysis to optimize applications dynamically. We describe a dynamic phase-aware performance prediction model that combines multivariate regression techniques with runtime analysis of data collected from hardware event counters to locate optimal operating points of concurrency. Using our model, we develop a prediction-driven phase-aware runtime optimization scheme that throttles concurrency so that power consumption can be reduced and performance can be set at the knee of the scalability curve of each program phase. The use of prediction reduces the overhead of searching the optimization space while achieving near-optimal performance and power savings. A thorough evaluation of our approach shows a reduction in power consumption of 10.8 percent, simultaneous with an improvement in performance of 17.9 percent, resulting in energy savings of 26.7 percent.


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The performance of the surface zone of concrete is acknowledged as a major factor governing the rate of deterioration of reinforced concrete structures as it provides the only barrier to the ingress of water containing dissolved ionic species such as chlorides which, ultimately, initiate corrosion of the reinforcement. In-situ monitoring of cover-zone concrete is therefore critical in attempting to make realistic predictions as to the in-service performance of the structure. To this end, this paper presents developments in a remote interrogation system to allow continuous, real-time monitoring of the cover-zone concrete from an office setting. Use is made of a multi-electrode array embedded within cover-zone concrete to acquire discretized electrical resistivity and temperature measurements, with both parameters monitored spatially and temporally. On-site instrumentation, which allows remote interrogation of concrete samples placed at a marine exposure site, is detailed, together with data handling and processing procedures. Site-measurements highlight the influence of temperature on electrical resistivity and an Arrhenius-based temperature correction protocol is developed using on-site measurements to standardize resistivity data to a reference temperature; this is an advancement over the use of laboratory-based procedures. The testing methodology and interrogation system represents a robust, low-cost and high-value technique which could be deployed for intelligent monitoring of reinforced concrete structures.


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In ultra-low data rate wireless sensor networks (WSNs) waking up just to listen to a beacon every superframe can be a major waste of energy. This study introduces MedMAC, a medium access protocol for ultra-low data rate WSNs that achieves significant energy efficiency through a novel synchronisation mechanism. The new draft IEEE 802.15.6 standard for body area networks includes a sub-class of applications such as medical implantable devices and long-term micro miniature sensors with ultra-low power requirements. It will be desirable for these devices to have 10 years or more of operation between battery changes, or to have average current requirements matched to energy harvesting technology. Simulation results are presented to show that the MedMAC allows nodes to maintain synchronisation to the network while sleeping through many beacons with a significant increase in energy efficiency during periods of particularly low data transfer. Results from a comparative analysis of MedMAC and IEEE 802.15.6 MAC show that MedMAC has superior efficiency with energy savings of between 25 and 87 for the presented scenarios. © 2011 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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In this paper, the results of computational fluid dynamics simulations of flow, temperature, and concentration distributions used in the design of a microreactor for the high-throughput screening of catalytic coatings (Mies et al., Chem. Eng. J. 2004, 101, 225) are compared with experimental data, and good agreement is obtained in all cases. The experimental results on flow distribution were obtained from laser Doppler anemometry measurements in the range of Reynolds numbers from 6 to 113. The measured flow nonuniformity in the separate reactor compartments was below 2%. The temperature distribution was obtained from thermocouple measurements. The temperature nonuniformity between the reactor compartments was below 3 K at a maximum heat production rate of 1.3 W in ethylene oxidation at 425 degrees C over CuO/Al2O3/Al coatings. With respect to concentration gradients, a deviation from the average rate of reaction of only 2.3% was obtained at realistic process conditions in the ethylene ammoxidation process over identical Co-ZSM-5 coatings in all reactor compartments. The cross talking noise between separate compartments does not exceed 0.1% when the reactor parts have a smooth surface finish. This illustrates the importance of ultraprecision machining of surfaces in microtechnology, when interfaces cannot be avoided.


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The present work is focused on the demonstration of the advantages of miniaturized reactor systems which are essential for processes where potential for considerable heat transfer intensification exists as well as for kinetic studies of highly exothermic reactions at near-isothermal conditions. The heat transfer characteristics of four different cross-flow designs of a microstructured reactor/heat-exchanger (MRHE) were studied by CFD simulation using ammonia oxidation on a platinum catalyst as a model reaction. An appropriate distribution of the nitrogen flow used as a coolant can decrease drastically the axial temperature gradient in the reaction channels. In case of a microreactor made of a highly conductive material, the temperature non-uniformity in the reactor is strongly dependent on the distance between the reaction and cooling channels. Appropriate design of a single periodic reactor/heat-exchanger unit, combined with a non-uniform inlet coolant distribution, reduces the temperature gradients in the complete reactor to less than 4degreesC, even at conditions corresponding to an adiabatic temperature rise of about 1400degreesC, which are generally not accessible in conventional reactors because of the danger of runaway reactions. To obtain the required coolant flow distribution, an optimization study was performed to acquire the particular geometry of the inlet and outlet chambers in the microreactor/heat-exchanger. The predicted temperature profiles are in good agreement with experimental data from temperature sensors located along the reactant and coolant flows. The results demonstrate the clear potential of microstructured devices as reliable instruments for kinetic research as well as for proper heat management in the case of highly exothermic reactions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we present a novel method for performing speaker recognition with very limited training data and in the presence of background noise. Similarity-based speaker recognition is considered so that speaker models can be created with limited training speech data. The proposed similarity is a form of cosine similarity used as a distance measure between speech feature vectors. Each speech frame is modelled using subband features, and into this framework, multicondition training and optimal feature selection are introduced, making the system capable of performing speaker recognition in the presence of realistic, time-varying noise, which is unknown during training. Speaker identi?cation experiments were carried out using the SPIDRE database. The performance of the proposed new system for noise compensation is compared to that of an oracle model; the speaker identi?cation accuracy for clean speech by the new system trained with limited training data is compared to that of a GMM trained with several minutes of speech. Both comparisons have demonstrated the effectiveness of the new model. Finally, experiments were carried out to test the new model for speaker identi?cation given limited training data and with differing levels and types of realistic background noise. The results have demonstrated the robustness of the new system.


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Coxian phase-type distributions are becoming a popular means of representing survival times within a health care environment. They are favoured as they show a distribution as a system of phases and can allow for an easy visual representation of the rate of flow of patients through a system. Difficulties arise, however, in determining the parameter estimates of the Coxian phase-type distribution. This paper examines ways of making the fitting of the Coxian phase-type distribution less cumbersome by outlining different software packages and algorithms available to perform the fit and assessing their capabilities through a number of performance measures. The performance measures rate each of the methods and help in identifying the more efficient. Conclusions drawn from these performance measures suggest SAS to be the most robust package. It has a high rate of convergence in each of the four example model fits considered, short computational times, detailed output, convergence criteria options, along with a succinct ability to switch between different algorithms.


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This paper proposes max separation clustering (MSC), a new non-hierarchical clustering method used for feature extraction from optical emission spectroscopy (OES) data for plasma etch process control applications. OES data is high dimensional and inherently highly redundant with the result that it is difficult if not impossible to recognize useful features and key variables by direct visualization. MSC is developed for clustering variables with distinctive patterns and providing effective pattern representation by a small number of representative variables. The relationship between signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and clustering performance is highlighted, leading to a requirement that low SNR signals be removed before applying MSC. Experimental results on industrial OES data show that MSC with low SNR signal removal produces effective summarization of the dominant patterns in the data.


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The relationships among organisms and their surroundings can be of immense complexity. To describe and understand an ecosystem as a tangled bank, multiple ways of interaction and their effects have to be considered, such as predation, competition, mutualism and facilitation. Understanding the resulting interaction networks is a challenge in changing environments, e.g. to predict knock-on effects of invasive species and to understand how climate change impacts biodiversity. The elucidation of complex ecological systems with their interactions will benefit enormously from the development of new machine learning tools that aim to infer the structure of interaction networks from field data. In the present study, we propose a novel Bayesian regression and multiple changepoint model (BRAM) for reconstructing species interaction networks from observed species distributions. The model has been devised to allow robust inference in the presence of spatial autocorrelation and distributional heterogeneity. We have evaluated the model on simulated data that combines a trophic niche model with a stochastic population model on a 2-dimensional lattice, and we have compared the performance of our model with L1-penalized sparse regression (LASSO) and non-linear Bayesian networks with the BDe scoring scheme. In addition, we have applied our method to plant ground coverage data from the western shore of the Outer Hebrides with the objective to infer the ecological interactions. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper the authors propose a new technique for determining a confidence factor applied to the performance prediction of individual luminaires within an overall pattern of luminaires. This work has relevance to any application where it is necessary to determine the performance of a lighting pattern e.g. street lighting, signal lighting etc. In this paper we apply our technique to a transportation application, namely, an airport landing lighting pattern. In the aviation industry it is imperative that the landing lighting pattern at individual airports performs according to standards. We have developed an automated technique which can be used to access the performance of luminaires within this pattern. We extend this work to also derive a confidence factor related to this prediction based on the quality of the data being utilised. ©2010 IEEE.


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Many of the most interesting questions ecologists ask lead to analyses of spatial data. Yet, perhaps confused by the large number of statistical models and fitting methods available, many ecologists seem to believe this is best left to specialists. Here, we describe the issues that need consideration when analysing spatial data and illustrate these using simulation studies. Our comparative analysis involves using methods including generalized least squares, spatial filters, wavelet revised models, conditional autoregressive models and generalized additive mixed models to estimate regression coefficients from synthetic but realistic data sets, including some which violate standard regression assumptions. We assess the performance of each method using two measures and using statistical error rates for model selection. Methods that performed well included generalized least squares family of models and a Bayesian implementation of the conditional auto-regressive model. Ordinary least squares also performed adequately in the absence of model selection, but had poorly controlled Type I error rates and so did not show the improvements in performance under model selection when using the above methods. Removing large-scale spatial trends in the response led to poor performance. These are empirical results; hence extrapolation of these findings to other situations should be performed cautiously. Nevertheless, our simulation-based approach provides much stronger evidence for comparative analysis than assessments based on single or small numbers of data sets, and should be considered a necessary foundation for statements of this type in future.