36 resultados para one-dimensional hydrogen atom


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We present a one-dimensional scattering theory which enables us to describe a wealth of effects arising from the coupling of the motional degree of freedom of scatterers to the electromagnetic field. Multiple scattering to all orders is taken into account. The theory is applied to describe the scheme of a Fabry-Perot resonator with one of its mirrors moving. The friction force, as well as the diffusion, acting on the moving mirror is derived. In the limit of a small reflection coefficient, the same model provides for the description of the mechanical effect of light on an atom moving in front of a mirror.


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We introduce a general scheme for sequential one-way quantum computation where static systems with long-living quantum coherence (memories) interact with moving systems that may possess very short coherence times. Both the generation of the cluster state needed for the computation and its consumption by measurements are carried out simultaneously. As a consequence, effective clusters of one spatial dimension fewer than in the standard approach are sufficient for computation. In particular, universal computation requires only a one-dimensional array of memories. The scheme applies to discrete-variable systems of any dimension as well as to continuous-variable ones, and both are treated equivalently under the light of local complementation of graphs. In this way our formalism introduces a general framework that encompasses and generalizes in a unified manner some previous system-dependent proposals. The procedure is intrinsically well suited for implementations with atom-photon interfaces.


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Levoglucosan (1,6-anhydro-β-d-glucopyranose) decomposition is an important step during cellulose pyrolysis and for secondary tar reactions. The mechanism of levoglucosan thermal decomposition was studied in this paper using density functional theory methods. The decomposition included direct CO bond breaking, direct CC bond breaking, and dehydration. In total, 9 different pathways, including 16 elementary reactions, were studied, in which levoglucosan serves as a reactant. The properties of the reactants, transition states, intermediates, and products for every elementary reaction were obtained. It was found that 1-pentene-3,4-dione, acetaldehyde, 2,3-dihydroxypropanal, and propanedialdehyde can be formed from the CO bond breaking decomposition reactions. 1,2-Dihydroxyethene and hydroxyacetic acid vinyl ester can be formed from the CC bond breaking decomposition reactions. It was concluded that CO bond breaking is easier than CC bond breaking due to a lower activation energy and a higher released energy. During the 6 levoglucosan dehydration pathways, one water molecule which composed of a hydrogen atom from C3 and a hydroxyl group from C2 is the preferred pathway due to a lower activation energy and higher product stability. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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(Chemical Equation Presented) The mechanisms and kinetics studies of the levoglucosan (LG) primary decomposition during cellulose pyrolysis have been carried out theoretically in this paper. Three decomposition mechanisms (C-O bond scission, C-C bond scission, and LG dehydration) including nine pathways and 16 elementary reactions were studied at the B3LYP/6-31 + G(D,P) level based on quantum mechanics. The variational transi-tion- state rate constants for every elementary reaction and every pathway were calculated within 298-1550 K. The first-order Arrhenius expressions for these 16 elementary reactions and nine pathways were suggested. It was concluded that computational method using transition state theory (TST) without tunneling correction gives good description for LG decomposition by comparing with the experimental result. With the temperature range of 667-1327 K, one dehydration pathway, with one water molecule composed of a hydrogen atom from C3 and a hydroxyl group from C2, is a preferred LG decomposition pathway by fitting well with the experimental results. The calculated Arrhenius plot of C-O bond scission mechanism is better agreed with the experimental Arrhenius plot than that of C-C bond scission. This C-O bond scission mechanism starts with breaking of C1-O5 and C6-O1 bonds with formation of CO molecule (C1-O1) simultaneously. C-C bond scission mechanism is the highest energetic barrier pathway for LG decomposition. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A counterintuitive scheme to produce ultracold hydrogen via fragmentation of laser cooled diatomic hydrides is presented where the final atomic H temperature is inversely proportional to the mass of the molecular parent. In addition, the critical density for formation of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) at a fixed temperature is reduced by a factor (mH/mMH)3/2 over directly cooled hydrogen atoms. The narrow Feshbach resonances between a S01 atom and hydrogen are well suited to a tiny center of mass energy release necessary during fragmentation. With the support of ab initio quantum chemistry, it is demonstrated that BaH is an ideal diatomic precursor that can be laser cooled to a Doppler temperature of ∼26μK with just two rovibronic transitions, the simplest molecular cooling scheme identified to date. Preparation of a hydrogen atom gas below the critical BEC temperature Tc is feasible with present cooling technology, with optical pulse control of the condensation process.


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Tanpura string vibrations have been investigated previously using numerical models based on energy conserving schemes derived from a Hamiltonian description in one-dimensional form. Such time-domain models have the property that, for the lossless case, the numerical Hamiltonian (representing total energy of the system) can be proven to be constant from one time step
to the next, irrespective of any of the system parameters; in practice the Hamiltonian can be shown to be conserved within machine precision. Models of this kind can reproduce a jvari effect, which results from the bridge-string interaction. However the one-dimensional formulation has recently been shown to fail to replicate the jvaris strong dependence on the thread placement. As a first step towards simulations which accurately emulate this sensitivity to the thread placement, a twodimensional model is proposed, incorporating coupling of controllable level between the two string polarisations at the string termination opposite from the barrier. In addition, a friction force acting when the string slides across the bridge in horizontal direction is introduced, thus effecting a further damping mechanism. In this preliminary study, the string is terminated at the position of the thread. As in the one-dimensional model, an implicit scheme has to be used to solve the system, employing Newton's method to calculate the updated positions and momentums of each string segment. The two-dimensional model is proven to be energy conserving when the loss parameters are set to zero, irrespective of the coupling constant. Both frequency-dependent and independent losses are then added to the string, so that the model can be compared to analogous instruments. The influence of coupling and the bridge friction are investigated.