56 resultados para hazardous


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The nuclear accident in Chernobyl in 1986 is a dramatic example of the type of incidents that are characteristic of a risk society. The consequences of the incident are indeterminate, the causes complex and future developments unpredictable. Nothing can compensate for its effects and it affects a broad population indiscriminately. This paper examines the lived experience of those who experienced biographical disruption as residents of the region on the basis of qualitative case studies carried out in 2003 in the Chernobyl regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Our analysis indicates that informants tend to view their future as highly uncertain and unpredictable; they experience uncertainty about whether they are already contaminated, and they have to take hazardous decisions about where to go and what to eat. Fear, rumours and experts compete in supplying information to residents about the actual and potential consequences of the disaster, but there is little trust in, and only limited awareness of, the information that is provided. Most informants continue with their lives and do what they must or even what they like, even where the risks are known. They often describe their behaviour as being due to economic circumstances; where there is extreme poverty, even hazardous food sources are better than none. Unlike previous studies, we identify a pronounced tendency among informants not to separate the problems associated with the disaster from the hardships that have resulted from the break-up of the USSR, with both events creating a deep-seated sense of resignation and fatalism. Although most informants hold their governments to blame for lack of information, support and preventive measures, there is little or no collective action to have these put in place. This contrasts with previous research which has suggested that populations affected by disasters attribute crucial significance to that incident and, as a consequence, become increasingly politicized with regard to related policy agendas.


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Heavy metals, primarily zinc, copper, lead, and chromium, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are the main hazardous constituents of road runoff. The main sources of these contaminants are vehicle emission, mostly through wear and leakage, although erosion of the road surface and de-icing salts are also recognised pollution sources. The bioavailability of these toxic compounds, and more importantly their potential biomagnification along food chains, could affect aquatic communities persistently exposed to road runoff. Several internationally approved abatement technologies are available for the management of road runoff on new motorway schemes. Recent studies conducted in Cork and Dublin, Ireland demonstrated the efficacy of infiltration trenches as abatement technologies in the removal of both heavy metals and PAHs prior to discharge; the technology was however inefficient in mitigating first flush events. Gully traps with sedimentation chambers, another technology investigated, demonstrated to have a substantially lower removal potential but appeared to be more effective in attenuating surges of contaminants attributed to first flush events. Consequently the employment of combined abatement techniques could efficiently minimise deviations from required effluent concentrations. The studies determined a relatively stationary accumulation of heavy metals and PAHs in sediments close to the point of discharge with a rapid decline in concentration in nearby downstream sediments (<50m). Further, Microtox® Solid Phase testing reported a negligible impact on assemblages exposed to contaminated sediments for all sites investigated. This paper describes pollutant loading from road runoff and mitigation measures from a freshwater deterioration in a water quality perspective. The results and analysis of field samples collected adjacent to a number of roads and motorways in Ireland is also presented. Finally sustainable drainage systems, abatement techniques and technologies available for onsite treatment of runoff are presented to improve and mitigate impacts of vehicular transport on the environment.


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Geoscience methods are increasingly being utilised in criminal, environmental and humanitarian forensic investigations, and the use of such methods is supported by a growing body of experimental and theoretical research. Geoscience search techniques can complement traditional methodologies in the search for buried objects, including clandestine graves, weapons, explosives, drugs, illegal weapons, hazardous waste and vehicles. This paper details recent advances in search and detection methods, with case studies and reviews. Relevant examples are given, together with a generalised workflow for search and suggested detection technique(s) table. Forensic geoscience techniques are continuing to rapidly evolve to assist search investigators to detect hitherto difficult to locate forensic targets.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify, clarify and tabulate the various managerial issues encountered, to aid in the management of the complex health and safety concerns which occur within a confined construction site environment.

Design/methodology/approach – This is achieved through conducting extensive qualitative and qualitative research in the form of case studies, interviews and questionnaire survey.

Findings – The leading managerial issues in the management of health and safety on a confined construction site are found to be: “Difficulty to move materials around site safely”; “Lack of adequate room for the effective handling of materials”; “Difficulty in ensuring site is tidy and all plant and materials are stored safely”; “Close proximity of individuals to operation of large plant and machinery”; and joint fifth “Difficulty in ensuring proper arrangement and collection of waste materials on-site” along with “Difficulty in controlling hazardous materials and equipment on site”.

Practical implications – The resulting implication for practice of these results can be summarised by identifying that with sustained development of urban centres on a global scale, coupled with the increasing complexity of architectural designs, the majority of on-site project management professionals are faced with the onerous task of completing often intricate designs within a limited spatial environment, under strict health and safety parameters.

Originality/value – The subsequent value of the findings are such that just as on-site management professionals successfully identify the various managerial issues highlighted, the successful management of health and safety on a confined construction site is attainable.


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The rapid proliferation of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) into geomorphologic mapping has increased the objectivity and efficiency of landform segmentation, measurement, and classification. The near ubiquitous presence of Earth-observing satellites provides an array of perspectives to visualize the biophysical characteristics of landscapes, access inhospitable terrain on a predictable schedule, and study landscape processes when conditions are hazardous. GIS technology has altered the analysis, visualization, and dissemination of landform data due to the shared theoretical concepts that are fundamental to geomorphology and GIScience. The authors review geospatial technology applications in landform mapping (including emerging issues) within glacial, volcanic, landslide, and fluvial research.


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Conventional water purification and disinfection generally involve potentially hazardous substances, some of which known to be carcinogenic in nature. Titanium dioxide photocatalytic processes provide an effective route to destroy hazardous organic contaminants. This present work explores the possibility of the removal of organic pollutants (phenol) by the application of TiO2 based photocatalysts. The production of series of metal ions doped or undoped TiO2 were carried out via a sol–gel method and a wet impregnation method. Undoped TiO2 and Cu doped TiO2 showed considerable phenol degradation. The efficiency of photocatalytic reaction largely depends on the photocatalysts and the methods of preparation the photocatalysts. The doping of Fe, Mn, and humic acid at 1.0 M% via sol–gel methods were detrimental for phenol degradation. The inhibitory effect of initial phenol concentration on initial phenol degradation rate reveals that photocatalytic decomposition of phenol follows pseudo zero order reaction kinetics. A concentration of > 1 g/L TiO2 and Cu doped TiO2 is required for the effective degradation of 50 mg/L of phenol at neutral pH. The rise in OH- at a higher pH values provides more hydroxyl radicals which are beneficial of phenol degradation. However, the competition among phenoxide ion, Cl- and OH- for the limited number of reactive sites on TiO2 will be a negative influence in the generation of hydroxyl radical. The dependence of phenol degradation rate on the light intensity was observed, which also implies that direct sunlight can be a substitute for the UV lamps and that photocatalytic treatment of organic pollutants using this technique shows some promise.


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Anthelmintic drugs are widely used to control parasitic infections in cattle. The ProSafeBeef project addressed the need for data on the exposure of European consumers of beef to potentially harmful drug residues. A novel analytical method based on matrix solid-phase dispersive extraction and ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was validated for 37 anthelmintic drugs and metabolites in muscle (assay decision limits, CCa, = 0.15-10.2 µg kg -1). Seven European countries (France, Spain, Slovenia, Ireland, Italy, Belgium and Portugal) participated in a survey of retail beef purchased in local shops. Of 1061 beef samples analysed, 26 (2.45%) contained detectable residues of anthelmintic drugs (0.2-171 µg kg -1), none above its European Union maximum residue limit (MRL) or action level. Residues detected included closantel, levamisole, doramectin, eprinomectin, moxidectin, ivermectin, albendazole and rafoxanide. In a risk assessment applied to mean residue concentrations across all samples, observed residues accounted for less than 0.1% of the MRL for each compound. An exposure assessment based on the consumption of meat at the 99th percentile of consumption of adults in 14 European countries demonstrated that beef accounted for less than 0.02% of the acceptable daily intake for each compound in each country. This study is the first of its kind to apply such a risk-based approach to an extensive multi-residue survey of veterinary drug residues in food. It has demonstrated that the risk of exposure of the European consumer to anthelmintic drug residues in beef is negligible, indicating that regulation and monitoring is having the desired effect of limiting residues to non-hazardous concentrations. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Ecotoxicological screening of dust sampled throughout a Kenyan tannery was conducted using a luminescence (lux)-based bacterial biosensor for both solid and liquid assays. This was complemented by chemical analysis in an attempt to identify possible causative toxic components. The biosensor results showed a highly significant (p <0.001) difference in both solid and liquid phase toxicity in samples collected from various identified sampling points in the tannery. A positive correlation was observed between results of the solid and liquid phase techniques, for most of the sampling points indicating that the toxic contaminants were bioavailable both in the solid and liquid state. However, the results generally indicated toxicity associated with liquid phase except certain areas in solid phase such as chemical handling, buffing area and weighing. The most toxic tannery area identified was the weighing area (p <0.001), showing the lowest bioluminescence for both the solid (0.38 +/- 2.21) and liquid phases (0.01 +/- 0.001). Chromium was the metal present in the highest concentration indicating levels higher than the stipulated regulatory requirement of 0.5 mg Cr/m3 for total Cr (highest Cr concentration was at chemical handling at 209.24 mg l(-1)) in all dust samples. The weighing area had the highest Ni concentration (1.87 mg l(-1)) and the chemical handling area showed the highest Zn concentration (31.9 mg l(-1)). These results raise environmental health concerns, as occupational exposure to dust samples from this site has been shown to give rise to elevated concentrations (above the stipulated levels) of chromium in blood, urine and some body tissues, with inhalation being the main route. Health and Safety Executive (HSE), UK, and American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH) and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), USA stipulates an occupational exposure limit of 0.5 mg Cr/m3 (8 h TWA) for total chromium. However, schedule 1 of Controls of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) regulations developed by HSE, indicate 0.05 mg m3 (8 h TWA reference periods) to be the limit for Cr (VI) exposure. The exposure limit for individual (e.g., Cr, Zn, Ni etc.) contaminants (homogeneity) was not exceeded, but potential impact of heterogeneity (multi-element synergistic effect) on toxicity requires application of the precautionary principle.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the occupational hazards within the tanning industry caused by contaminated dust. A qualitative assessment of the risk of human exposure to dust was made throughout a commercial Kenyan tannery. Using this information, high-risk points in the processing line were identified and dust sampling regimes developed. An optical set-up using microscopy and digital imaging techniques was used to determine dust particle numbers and size distributions. The results showed that chemical handling was the most hazardous (12 mg m(-3)). A Monte Carlo method was used to estimate the concentration of the dust in the air throughout the tannery during an 8 h working day. This showed that the high-risk area of the tannery was associated with mean concentrations of dust greater than the UK Statutory Instrument 2002 No. 2677. stipulated limits (exceeding 10 mg m(-3) (Inhalable dust limits) and 4 mg m(-3) (Respirable dust limits). This therefore has implications in terms of provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) to the tannery workers for the mitigation of occupational risk.


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Arsenic (As) contamination of communal tubewells in Prey Vêng, Cambodia, has been observed since 2000. Many of these wells exceed the WHO As in drinking water standard of 10 µg/L by a factor of 100. The aim of this study was to assess how cooking water source impacts dietary As intake in a rural community in Prey Vêng. This aim was fulfilled by (1) using geostatistical analysis techniques to examine the extent of As contaminated groundwater in Prey Vêng and identify a suitable study site, (2) conducting an on-site study in two villages to measure As content in cooked rice prepared with water collected from tubewells and locally harvested rainwater, and (3) determining the dietary intake of As from consuming this rice. Geostatistical analysis indicated that high risk tubewells (>50 µg As/L) are concentrated along the Mekong River's east bank. Participants using high risk tubewells are consuming up to 24 times more inorganic As daily than recommended by the previous FAO/WHO provisional tolerable daily intake value (2.1 µg/kgBW/day). However, As content in rice cooked in rainwater was significantly reduced, therefore, it is considered to be a safer and more sustainable option for this region.


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With the increase in construction in dense urban environments, the delays associated with managing the material supply chain to site is called into question. Purpose: The aim of this investigation is to gain the perspective of construction contractors operating in a dense urban environment and the resulting strategies adopted to reduce delays in the delivery of materials to site. Methodology: This is achieved through incorporating a comprehensive literature review on the subject in conjunction with industry interviews with construction professionals in the identification of various management issues and corresponding strategies in the reduction of delays in the delivery of materials to site. Findings: The key issue which emerges is the lack of space for unloading bays while the corresponding key strategy is to schedule deliveries outside peak congestion times. Practical Implication: With confined site construction evident throughout the industry and the noted importance of an effective supply chain, the findings here in further assist on-site management in the daily task of ensuring the effective delivery and off-loading of materials in a complex and hazardous environment. Originality/Value: This research aids on-site management of confined site environments in the coordination of the material supply chain to site.


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The Niger Coal Society (Societé Nigérienne de Charbon – SONICHAR) produces electricity for local consumption in Tefereyre, 75 km north-west from Agadez, Niger. The coal combustion residuals production is about 150,000 tons per year. In order to reduce this environmental burden and to valorize these by-products, a study focusing on their physical and chemical features as well as on the mechanical resistance of compressed brick has been undertaken. Physical characterization of coal slag, chemical and lixiviation tests have been carried out, assessing the material main parameters, verifying the presence of hazardous composites and elements and comparing the obtained results with the findings of an in-deep literary review. Cement powder has been chosen as stabilizing agent as a preliminary option. Four different dosages have been tested and bricks have been produced with a hand-operated press. Compressive strength has been tested at different days of curing. Results show remarkable uniaxial compressive strengths (UCS) for all the mixes after cure, ranging from 4MPa up to more than 20MPa for the highest stabilization ratio. UCS higher than 5MPa have been observed for 20% and 30% cement stabilization ratios after only 7 days of cure, reaching respectively about 11MPa and 13MPa after 45 days. In conclusion obtained bricks show good mechanical resistance and low weight. No health threat has been detected from the obtained sample. Study developments are oriented towards the feasibility of the utilization of low-cost, locally available stabilization means, notably clay and cohesive soils, and on thermal properties assessment.


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Methods to control the dispersion of gold in supported heterogeneous catalysts are very valuable due to the strong nanoparticle size dependence on their activity and selectivity towards many reactions. Additionally, the ability to disperse large, inactive gold nanoparticles to smaller nanoparticles provides an opportunity to reactivate, stabilise and increase the lifetime of gold catalysts making them more practical for industrial applications. Previously it has been demonstrated that the use of gas phase iodomethane (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 6973; Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 8912) was able to re-disperse gold from >20 nm particles to dimers and trimers. In the current work, we show that this technique can be applied using less hazardous halohydrocarbons treatments, both in the gas phase and the liquid phase. The ability of these individual halohydrocarbons to re-disperse gold as well as the extent to which leaching occurs is assessed.


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Soils and saprolites developed from interbedded shales and limestones of the Conasauga Group are widespread in the Valley and Ridge Province of East Tennessee. Thin sections from four soil profiles were examined by petrographic and scanning electron microscopy including backscatter electron and energy-dispersive X-ray analyses. Iron and manganese released by weathering had migrated differentially downward and precipitated as crystalline and noncrystalline oxides. Oxides were observed as nodules, granular particulates, pore fillings, and coatings on other minerals, packing voids, vesicles, channels, and chambers. Iron oxides formed predominantly as coatings on packing-void walls and on laminated clays in vesicles and channels. Manganese oxides occurred as an early replacement phase of packing voids and of fracture-filling carbonate minerals. Iron oxides were dominant in moderately well-drained and oxidized horizons of the soil solum, whereas manganese oxides were abundant in the oxidized and moderately leached saprolite zone where the water table fluctuates seasonally. Therefore, a manganese enrichment zone, on a bulk soil basis, occurred generally below the iron oxide zone in the soil profile. Such differential migration and accumulation of iron and manganese have been controlled by localized soil microenvironments. Micromorphologic features observed in this study are important in land-use evaluation for hazardous waste disposal. © 1990.