154 resultados para femtosecond laser pulse


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Efficient guiding of 1-ps infrared laser pulses with power exceeding 10 TW has been demonstrated through hollow capillary tubes with 40- and 100-mu m internal diameters and lengths up to 10 mm, with transmission greater than 80% of the incident energy coupled into the capillary. The beam is guided via multiple reflections off a plasma formed on the walls of the guide by the pulse's rising edge, as inferred from optical probe measurements.


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Relativistic self-channeling of a picosecond laser pulse in a preformed plasma near critical density has been observed both experimentally and in 3D particle-in-cell simulations. Optical probing measurements indicate the formation of a single pulsating propagation channel, typically of about 5 mu m in diameter. The computational results reveal the importance in the channel formation of relativistic electrons traveling with the light pulse and of the corresponding self-generated magnetic field.


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Two spatially separated toroidal magnetic fields in the megagauss range have been detected with Faraday rotation during and after propagation of a relativistically intense laser pulse through preionized plasmas. Besides a field in the outer region of the plasma oriented as a conventional thermoelectric field, a field with the opposite orientation closely surrounding the propagation axis is observed, in conditions under which relativistic channeling occurs. A 3D particle-in-cell code was used to simulate the interaction under the conditions of the experiment.


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The spatial and temporal evolution of spontaneous megagauss magnetic fields, generated during the interaction of a picosecond pulse with solid targets at irradiances above 5 x 10(18) W/cm(2) have been measured using Faraday rotation with picosecond resolution. A high density plasma jet has been observed simultaneously with the magnetic fields by interferometry and optical emission. Two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations reproduced the main features of the experiment and showed that the jet formation is due to pinching by the magnetic fields.


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We apply the time-dependent R-matrix method to investigate harmonic generation from Ne+ at a wavelength of 390 nm and intensities up to 1015 W cm−2. The 1s22s22p4 (3Pe,1De, and 1Se) states of Ne2+ are included as residual-ion states to assess the influence of interference between photoionization channels associated with these thresholds. The harmonic spectrum is well approximated by calculations in which only the 3Pe and 1De thresholds are taken into account, but no satisfactory spectrum is obtained when a single threshold is taken into account. Within the harmonic plateau, extending to about 100 eV, individual harmonics can be suppressed at particular intensities when all Ne2+ thresholds are taken into account. The suppression is not observed when only a single threshold is accounted for. Since the suppression is dependent on intensity, it may be difficult to observe experimentally.


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The energy transfer by stimulated Brillouin backscatter from a long pump pulse (15 ps) to a short seed pulse (1 ps)has been investigated in a proof-of-principle demonstration experiment. The two pulses were both amplified in differentbeamlines of a Nd:glass laser system, had a central wavelength of 1054 nm and a spectral bandwidth of 2 nm, and crossedeach other in an underdense plasma in a counter-propagating geometry, off-set by 10◦. It is shown that the energy transferand the wavelength of the generated Brillouin peak depend on the plasma density, the intensity of the laser pulses, and thecompetition between two-plasmon decay and stimulated Raman scatter instabilities. The highest obtained energy transferfrom pump to probe pulse is 2.5%, at a plasma density of 0.17ncr, and this energy transfer increases significantly withplasma density. Therefore, our results suggest that much higher efficiencies can be obtained when higher densities (above0.25ncr) are used.


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We present a new regime to generate high-energy quasimonoenergetic proton beams in a "slow-pulse" regime, where the laser group velocity vg<c is reduced by an extended near-critical density plasma. In this regime, for properly matched laser intensity and group velocity, ions initially accelerated by the light sail (LS) mode can be further trapped and reflected by the snowplough potential generated by the laser in the near-critical density plasma. These two acceleration stages are connected by the onset of Rayleigh-Taylor-like (RT) instability. The usual ion energy spectrum broadening by RT instability is controlled and high quality proton beams can be generated. It is shown by multidimensional particle-in-cell simulation that quasimonoenergetic proton beams with energy up to hundreds of MeV can be generated at laser intensities of 1021W/cm2.


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The accurate control of the relative phase of multiple distinct sources of radiation produced by high harmonic generation is of central importance in the continued development of coherent extreme UV (XUV) and attosecond sources. Here, we present a novel approach which allows extremely accurate phase control between multiple sources of high harmonic radiation generated within the Rayleigh range of a single-femtosecond laser pulse using a dualgas, multi-jet array. Fully ionized hydrogen acts as a purely passive medium and allows highly accurate control of the relative phase between each harmonic source. Consequently, this method allows quantum path selection and rapid signal growth via the full coherent superposition of multiple HHG sources (the so-called quasi-phase-matching). Numerical simulations elucidate the complex interplay between the distinct quantum paths observed in our proof-of-principle experiments.


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The authors present experimental results showing how the use of a high contrast femtosecond laser system allows better optimization of K emission from a Cu target. The shorter scale-length preformed plasma is better optimized for resonance absorption of the laser light when the laser is moved away from best focus. The experimental data show a central peak of K emission at tight focus with strong secondary peaks at large offset. The use of these secondary peaks results in a much reduced hard x-ray background and should lead to shorter K pulses than at tight focus.