59 resultados para experiential avoidance


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This paper presents a multiple robots formation manoeuvring and its collision avoidance strategy. The direction priority sequential selection algorithm is employed to achieve the raw path, and a new algorithm is then proposed to calculate the turning compliant waypoints supporting the multi-robot formation manoeuvre. The collision avoidance strategy based on the formation control is presented to translate the collision avoidance problem into the stability problem of the formation. The extension-decomposition-aggregation scheme is next applied to solve the formation control problem and subsequently achieve the collision avoidance during the formation manoeuvre. Simulation study finally shows that the collision avoidance problem can be conveniently solved if the stability of the constructed formation including unidentified objects can be satisfied.


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Insights into the potential for pain may be obtained from examination of behavioural responses to noxious stimuli. In particular, prolonged responses coupled with long-term motivational change and avoidance learning cannot be explained by nociceptive reflex but are consistent with the idea of pain. Here, we placed shore crabs alternately in two halves of a test area divided by an opaque partition. Each area had a dark shelter and in one repeated small electric shocks were delivered in an experimental but not in a control group. Crabs showed no specific avoidance of the shock shelter either during these trials or in a subsequent test in which both were offered simultaneously; however they often emerged from the shock shelter during a trial and thus avoided further shock. More crabs emerged in later trials and took less time to emerge than in early trials. Thus, despite the lack of discrimination learning between the two shelters they used other tactics to markedly reduce the amount of shock received. We note that a previous experiment using simultaneous presentation of two shelters demonstrated rapid discrimination and avoidance learning but the paradigm of sequential presentation appears to prevent this. Nevertheless, the data show clearly that the shock is aversive and tactics, other than discrimination learning, are used to avoid it. Thus, the behaviour is only partially consistent with the idea of pain.


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To date there has been little research on young people and sexuality in Northern Ireland. This paper draws on the first major study in this area to analyse the delivery of formal sex education in schools. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to access young people's opinions about the quality of the sex education they had received at school. Overall, they reported high levels of dissatisfaction, with notable variations in relation to both gender and religious affiliation. In one sense their opinions mesh well with those of young people in other parts of these islands. At the same time the specificity of sexuality in Ireland plays a key role in producing the moral system that underlies much of formal sex education in schools. Underpinned by a particularly traditional and conservative strain of Christian morality, sex education in Northern Ireland schools is marked by conservatism and silence and by the avoidance of opportunities for informed choice in relation to sexuality on the part of young people.


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The aim of the paper is to explore teachers’ methods of delivering an ethos of tolerance, respect
and mutual understanding in one integrated secondary school in Northern Ireland. Drawing on
interviews with teachers in the school, it is argued that most teachers make ‘critical choices’
which both reflect and reinforce a ‘culture of avoidance’, whereby politically or religiously contentious
issues are avoided rather than explored. Although teachers are well-intentioned in making
these choices, it is shown that they have the potential to create the conditions that maintain or even
harden psychological boundaries between Catholics and Protestants rather than dilute them.


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Purpose: To investigate the association of cardiovascular risk factors and inflammatory markers with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Design: Cross-sectional case-control study. Participants: Of the 410 of the =65-year-old community sample invited to attend, 205 participated (50% response rate). Of the 215 clinic attendees who were invited to participate, 212 agreed to take part (98% response rate). A diagnosis of neovascular AMD in at least one eye was made in 193 clinic attendees and 2 of the community sample. Methods: Clinic and community participants underwent a detailed ophthalmic examination with fundus imaging, were interviewed for assessment of putative risk factors, and provided a blood sample. Analysis included levels of serum lipids, intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM), vascular cellular adhesion molecule (VCAM), and C-reactive protein (CRP). All participants were classified by fundus image grading on the basis of the eye with more severe AMD features. Main Outcome Measure: Neovascular AMD. Results: There were 195 participants with choroidal neovascularization in at least one eye, 97 nonneovascular AMD participants, and 115 controls (no drusen or pigmentary irregularities in either eye). In confounder-adjusted logistic regression, a history of cardiovascular disease was strongly associated with neovascular AMD (odds ratio [OR], 7.53; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.78-20.41). Cigarette smoking (OR, 3.71; 95% CI, 1.25-11.06), being in the highest quartile of body mass index (OR, 3.82; 95% CI, 1.22-12.01), stage 2 hypertension (OR, 3.21; 95% CI, 1.14-8.98), and being in the highest quartile of serum cholesterol (OR, 4.66; 95% CI, 1.35-16.13) were positively associated with neovascular AMD. There was no association between AMD status and serum CRP, ICAM, or VCAM. Conclusions: Our results suggest that cardiovascular disease plays an etiological role in the development of choroidal neovascularization in a proportion of older adults and highlight the importance of control of blood pressure and cholesterol, avoidance of smoking, and maintenance of a normal body weight. © 2008 American Academy of Ophthalmology.


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Sustainable development is now widely held as a transcendental ideal of town and country planning, yet the way in which it is taught in planning schools remains problematic. This arises from a range of factors, including the all-persuasive nature of sustainability and the lack of solid examples of success through implementation. The issue of how best to promote learning for sustainable development in planning has arguably intensified in the last two years in the case of the Royal Town Planning Institute- sponsored ‘fast track’ one-year Masters, which has reduced the opportunities for students to engage in wider (and perhaps even deeper) concepts, including that of sustainable development. This paper explores this through discussion of a specific project developed at Queen’s University Belfast, facilitated by a grant from the UK Higher Education Academy. Working with a local community, this entailed a group of students working on their Masters thesis collectively addressing issues of sustainable regeneration in a small Irish market town. The design of the project draws heavily on the concepts of enquiry based learning, experiential learning and action competence, whichare seen as being central to improving education for sustainable development (ESD). The paper explores the benefits of such an approach and discusses the ways in which this experience can help enhance student’s experience of ESD.


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A conventional local model (LM) network consists of a set of affine local models blended together using appropriate weighting functions. Such networks have poor interpretability since the dynamics of the blended network are only weakly related to the underlying local models. In contrast, velocity-based LM networks employ strictly linear local models to provide a transparent framework for nonlinear modelling in which the global dynamics are a simple linear combination of the local model dynamics. A novel approach for constructing continuous-time velocity-based networks from plant data is presented. Key issues including continuous-time parameter estimation, correct realisation of the velocity-based local models and avoidance of the input derivative are all addressed. Application results are reported for the highly nonlinear simulated continuous stirred tank reactor process.


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Adults are proficient at reaching to grasp objects of interest in a cluttered workspace. The issue of concern, obstacle avoidance, was studied in 3 groups of young children aged 11-12, 9-10, and 7-8 years (n = 6 in each) and in 6 adults aged 18-24 years. Adults slowed their movements and decreased their maximum grip aperture when an obstacle was positioned close to a target object (the effect declined as the distance between target and obstacle increased). The children showed the same pattern, but the magnitude of the effect was quite different. In contrast to the adults, the obstacle continued to have a large effect when it was some distance from the target (and provided no physical obstruction to movement).


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This paper examines the epistemological bases for the inclusion of stakeholders in policy research. While it concedes that the input of stakeholders provides essential expert and experiential knowledge for the understanding of complex policies and programmes, it contends that the approach which assumes that all interpretations of policy including those of stakeholders should be afforded equal validity, which we term relativist perspectivism, undermines the possibility of robust research by allowing power to replace methodological rigour as the primary research dynamic. It is noted that this problem tends to be more acute when the research is qualitative. A study into the gendered effects of Common Agricultural Policy reforms is used as an illustrative example of how research can be compromised by relativist perspectivism. It is argued that realist research methodologies uniquely provide the capacity to maintain epistemological robustness, while also being able to take due account of the perspectives of stakeholders.


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This paper describes the use of a peer research methodology to explore disaffected young people’s views on alternative education. This model was adopted in order to try to ensure an equilibrium of power between interviewer and interviewee, allow marginalised young people’s voices to be heard and help generate social action. The approach is examined from the perspective of both the peer research and adult research teams. An experiential and honest account is given including the problems and successes, as well as the lessons learned. The paper concludes by considering the value of the model, whether it helps to reach those alienated from education and any evidence that it provides an opportunity for them to have a stake in their future.


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Increased productivity and improved working environment have had high priority in the development of concrete construction over the last decade. Development of a material not needing vibration for compaction—i.e. selfcompacting concrete (SCC)—has successfully met the challenge and is now increasingly being used in routine practice. The key to the improvement of fresh concrete performance has been nanoscale tailoring of molecules for surface active admixtures, as well as improved understanding of particle packing and of the role of mineral surfaces in cementitious matrixes. Fundamental studies of rheological behaviour of cementitious particle suspensions were soon expanded to extensive innovation programmes incorporating applied research, site experiments, instrumented full scale applications supporting technology, standards and guides, information efforts as well as training programmes. The major impact of the introduction of SCC is connected to the production process. The choice and handling of constituents are modified as well as mix design, batching, mixing and transporting. The productivity is drastically improved through elimination of vibration compaction and process reorganisation. The working environment is significantly enhanced through avoidance of vibration induced damages, reduced noise and improved safety. Additionally, the technology is improving performance in terms of hardened material properties like surface quality, strength and durability.


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The Labour Government in the UK has announced, as part of its launch of The Children's Plan, that it 'wants to make this country the best place in the world for children and young people to grow up' in. This latest Plan is further evidence of the surge of interest that there has been in children (and, in particular, early childhood) over the last ten years in the UK and indeed elsewhere. Many of the recent policy and practice initiatives have implications for social workers working with young children. Yet, social work as a profession, in comparison with education, has remained relatively silent on these initiatives and it is hard to find any critical analysis of these developments in terms of either their underlying discourses or their implications for social workers. This article sets out to address these gaps by providing a critical analysis of: what types of knowledge regarding the early years have gained political currency; why and how this is the case; and what the implications are for the role and practices of social workers. The article proposes that discourses of 'need' and 'provision' mask more powerful discourses of economics, social control and risk avoidance, and it concludes by advocating more critically reflexive social work practice with young children and their families.


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The relationship between PTSD and complex PTSD remains unclear. As well as further addressing this issue, the current study aimed to assess the degree to which DESNOS (complex PTSD) was related to interpersonal trauma and had relational consequences.

Eighty one treatment-receiving participants with a history of exposure to the ‘Troubles’ in Northern Ireland, were assessed on various forms of interpersonal trauma, including exposure to the Troubles, and measures of interpersonal and community connectedness.

DESNOS symptom severity was related to childhood sexual abuse and perceived psychological impact of Troubles-related exposure. A lifetime diagnosis of DESNOS was related to childhood Troubles-related experiences, while a current diagnosis of DESNOS was associated with childhood emotional neglect. PTSD avoidance predicted current DESNOS diagnosis and severity. Feeling emotionally disconnected from family and friends (i.e., interpersonal disconnectedness) was related to all three indices of DESNOS (i.e., lifetime diagnosis, current diagnosis and current symptom severity).

Sample characteristics (i.e., treatment-receiving) and size may limit the generalizability of findings.

Complex PTSD is associated with PTSD but when present should be considered a superordinate diagnosis.


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We examined the trade-off between the behaviours associated with predator avoidance and mate acquisition in the mate-guarding amphipod crustacean Gammarus duebeni. We used laboratory experiments to investigate the impact of olfactory predator cues on activity, mate choice and mate-guarding behaviour of males and females. Pair formation declined under perceived risk of predation, reflecting reduced activity of both males and females and hence a reduced likelihood of encountering a mate. We also observed a reduction in the choosiness of both males and females. Under increased perceived predation risk, assessment of the female by the male was more likely to be followed by pair formation, and males showed a nonsignificant trend towards reduced discrimination in favour of large females and were less tenacious in their pair bond when they paired during exposure to predator cues. Females also showed less resistance behaviour, suggesting that both males and females trade off the costs of maximizing current reproductive success against the benefits of predator avoidance for survival and reproduction in the future. We discuss the implications of such context-dependent mating behaviours for ecological interactions between species and suggest that predators, via the effects of perceived predation risk on mate choice and mate guarding in the prey species, induce trait-mediated indirect effects with the potential to influence population dynamics and community structure. (C) 2008 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.