137 resultados para electron probe data


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In a recent paper, Verma et al. [Eur. Phys. J. D 42, 235 (2007)] have reported results for energy levels, radiative rates, collision strengths, and effective collision strengths for transitions among the lowest 17 levels of the (1s(2)2s(2)2p(6))3s(2)3p(6), 3s(2)3p(5)3d and 3s3p(6)3d configurations of Ni XI. They adopted the CIV3 and R-matrix codes for the generation of wavefunctions and the scattering process, respectively. In this paper, through two independent calculations performed with the fully relativistic DARC (along with GRASP) and FAC codes, we demonstrate that their results are unreliable. New data are presented and their accuracy is assessed.


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The liquid structure of 1-methyl-4-cyanopyridinium bis {(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide, a prototypical ionic liquid containing an electron-withdrawing group on the cation, has been investigated at 368 K. Experimental neutron scattering combined with empirical potential structure refinement analysis of the data and classical molecular dynamics simulations have been used to probe the liquid structure in detail. Both techniques generated highly consistent results that provide valuable validation of the force fields and refinement approaches. A significant degree of apparent charge ordering is found in the liquid structure, although the nonspherical shape of the ions results in interpenetration of cations into the first shell of adjacent cations, with much shorter closest contact distances than the averaged center-of-mass cation-cation and cation-anion separations.


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We use the time-dependent R-matrix approach to investigate an ultrashort pump-probe scheme to observe collective electron dynamics in C(+). The ionization probability of a coherent superposition of the 2s2p(2) (2)D and (2)S states shows rapid modulation due to collective dynamics of the two equivalent 2p electrons, with the modulation frequency linked to the dielectronic repulsion. The best insight into this collective dynamics is achieved by a transformation from LS symmetry to the uncoupled basis. Such dynamics may be important in high-harmonic generation using open-shell atoms and ions.


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Electronprobe microanalysis is now widely adopted in tephra studies as a technique for determining the major element geochemistry of individual glass shards. Accurate geochemical characterization is crucial for enabling robust tephra-based correlations; such information may also be used to link the tephra to a specific source and often to a particular eruption. In this article, we present major element analyses for rhyolitic natural glass standards analysed on three different microprobes and the new JEOL FEGSEM 6500F microprobe at Queen’s University Belfast. Despite the scatter in some elements, good comparability is demonstrated among data yielded from this new system, the previous Belfast JEOL-733 Superprobe, the JEOL-8200 Superprobe (Copenhagen) and the existing long-established microprobe facility in Edinburgh. Importantly, our results show that major elements analysed using different microprobes and variable operating conditions allow two high-silica glasses to be discriminated accurately.


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Recent advances in the development of 2D microstrip detectors open up new possibilities for hard x-ray spectroscopy, in particular for polarization studies. These detectors make ideal Compton polarimeters, which enable us to study precisely the polarization of hard x-rays. Here, we present recent results from measurements of Radiative Electron Capture into the K-shell of highly-charged uranium ions. The experiments were performed with a novel 2D Si(Li) Compton polarimeter at the Experimental Storage Ring at GSI. Stored and cooled beams of U91+ and U92+ ions, with kinetic energies of 43 MeV/u and 96 MeV/u respectively, were crossed with a hydrogen gasjet. The preliminary data analysis shows x-rays from the K-REC process, emitted perpendicularly to the ion beam, to be strongly linearly polarized.


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We describe an experimental system designed for single-shot photoelectron spectroscopy on free atoms and molecules at the Free Electron Laser in Hamburg (FLASH at DESY). The combination of the extreme ultra-violet (EUV) Free Electron Laser and a temporally synchronized optical fs laser (Ti:Sapphire) enables a variety of two-color pump-probe experiments. The spectral, temporal and spatial characteristics of both the EUV FEL and the optical laser pulses, the experimental procedure to control their overlap as well as the performance of an electron spectrometer used to obtain single-shot photoelectron spectra are discussed. As an illustration of the capabilities of this set-up, some results on two-photon two-color ionization of rare gases are presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present comprehensive photometric and spectroscopic observations of the faint transient SN 2008S discovered in the nearby galaxy NGC 6946. SN 2008S exhibited slow photometric evolution and almost no spectral variability during the first nine months, implying a long photon diffusion time and a high-density circumstellar medium. Its bolometric luminosity (similar or equal to 10(41) erg s(-1) at peak) is low with respect to most core-collapse supernovae but is comparable to the faintest Type II-P events. Our quasi-bolometric light curve extends to 300 d and shows a tail phase decay rate consistent with that of Co-56. We propose that this is evidence for an explosion and formation of Ni-56 (0.0014 +/- 0.0003 M-circle dot). Spectra of SN 2008S show intense emission lines of H alpha, [Ca II] doublet and Ca II near-infrared (NIR) triplet, all without obvious P-Cygni absorption troughs. The large mid-infrared (MIR) flux detected shortly after explosion can be explained by a light echo from pre-existing dust. The late NIR flux excess is plausibly due to a combination of warm newly formed ejecta dust together with shock-heated dust in the circumstellar environment. We reassess the progenitor object detected previously in Spitzer archive images, supplementing this discussion with a model of the MIR spectral energy distribution. This supports the idea of a dusty, optically thick shell around SN 2008S with an inner radius of nearly 90 AU and outer radius of 450 AU, and an inferred heating source of 3000 K. The luminosity of the central star is L similar or equal to 10(4.6) L-circle dot. All the nearby progenitor dust was likely evaporated in the explosion leaving only the much older dust lying further out in the circumstellar environment. The combination of our long-term multiwavelength monitoring data and the evidence from the progenitor analysis leads us to support the scenario of a weak electron-capture supernova explosion in a super-asymptotic giant branch progenitor star (of initial mass 6-8 M-circle dot) embedded within a thick circumstellar gaseous envelope. We suggest that all of main properties of the electron-capture SN phenomenon are observed in SN 2008S and future observations may allow a definitive answer.


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Collision strengths (Ω) have been calculated for all 7750 transitions among the lowest 125 levels belonging to the View the MathML source, and 2p23ℓ configurations of boron-like krypton, Kr XXXII, for which the Dirac Atomic R -matrix Code has been adopted. All partial waves with angular momentum J⩽40 have been included, sufficient for the convergence of Ω for forbidden transitions. For allowed transitions, a top-up has been included in order to obtain converged values of Ω up to an energy of 500 Ryd. Resonances in the thresholds region have been resolved in a narrow energy mesh, and results for effective collision strengths (ϒ) have been obtained after averaging the values of Ω over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities. Values of ϒ are reported over a wide temperature range below View the MathML source, and the accuracy of the results is assessed. Values of ϒ are also listed in the temperature range View the MathML source, obtained from the nonresonant collision strengths from the Flexible Atomic Code.


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Effective collision strengths for forbidden transitions among the five energetically lowest fine-structure levels of O ii are calculated in the Breit-Pauli approximation using the R-matrix method. Results are presented for the electron temperature range 100-100 000 K. The accuracy of the calculations is evaluated via the use of different types of radial orbital sets and a different configuration expansion basis for the target wavefunctions. A detailed assessment of previous available data is given, and erroneous results are highlighted. Our results reconfirm the validity of the original Seaton and Osterbrock scaling for the optical O ii ratio, a matter of some recent controversy. Finally, we present plasma diagnostic diagrams using the best collision strengths and transition probabilities.


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Aims. In this paper we report on calculations for energy levels, radiative rates, collision strengths, and effective collision strengths for transitions among the lowest 25 levels of the n $\le$ 5 configurations of H-like Fe XXVI.
Methods. The general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package (GRASP) and Dirac atomic R-matrix code (DARC) are adopted for the calculations.
Results. Radiative rates, oscillator strengths, and line strengths are reported for all electric dipole (E1), magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2), and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions among the 25 levels. Furthermore, collision strengths and effective collision strengths are reported for all the 300 transitions among the above 25 levels over a wide energy (temperature) range up to 1500 Ryd (107.7 K). Comparisons are made with earlier available results and the accuracy of the data is assessed.


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Using two complementary experimental methods, we have measured partial (mass-resolved) cross-sections for dissociative electron attachment to the molecule trifluoromethyl sulfurpentafluoride (SF5CF3) at the gas temperature T-G = 300 K over a broad range of electron energies (E = 0.001-12 eV). The absolute scale for these cross-sections was obtained with reference to the thermal (T = 300 K) rate coefficient for anion formation (8.0(3) x 10(-8) cm(3) s(-1)). Below 1 eV, SF5- is the dominant product anion and formed through the lowest anion state which cuts the neutral SF5CF3 potential close to the S-C equilibrium distance. The highly resolved laser photoelectron attachment data exhibit a downward Wigner cusp at 86meV, indicating that the nu(4)(alpha(1)) vibrational mode is important for the primary attachment dynamics. Both SF5- and F- anions are formed with similar yields through the first excited resonance located near 3.6eV. Towards higher energies, the anions CF3-, SF4-, and SF3- are also produced. Summation of the partial cross-sections yields a total absolute cross-section for anion formation over the energy range 0.001-12 eV. This is used to calculate the dependence of the rate coefficient for dissociative electron attachment over a broad range of electron temperatures for the fixed gas temperature T-G = 300 K; good agreement is found between the calculated values and those obtained in a drift tube experiment. In addition to the experimental work, semiempirical R-matrix calculations have been Carried out for the energy dependence of the cross-section for SF5- formation. The experimental findings are semi-quantitatively recovered. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Results from a joint experimental and theoretical study of electron attachment to chloroform (CHCl3) molecules in the gas phase are reported. In an electron swarm study involving a pulsed Townsend technique with equal gas and electron temperatures, accurate attachment rate coefficients were determined over the temperature range 295-373 K; they show an Arrhenius-type rise with increasing temperature, corresponding to an activation energy of 0.11 (1) eV. In a high resolution electron beam experiment involving two versions of the laser photoelectron attachment method, the relative cross section for Cl- formation from CHCl3 over the energy range 0.001-1.25 eV at the gas temperature T-G = 300 K was measured. It exhibits clear downward cusp structure at the threshold for excitation of one quantum of the vibrational symmetric deformation mode nu(3), indicating that this mode is active in the primary attachment process. With reference to our thermal attachment rate coefficient k(T = 300 K) = 3.9(2) x 10(-9) cm(3) s(-1), a new highly resolved absolute attachment cross section for T-G = 300 K was determined. This cross section is extended to higher energies by measurements, carried out with a pulsed electron beam apparatus which also provided new data for the distinctly weaker fragment anions HCl2- and CCl2-. The resulting total absolute cross section for anion formation is used to calculate the dependence of the attachment rate coefficient k(T-e;T-G) on electron temperature T-e over the range 50-15000 K at the fixed gas temperature T-G = 300 K. In addition, we report the dependence of the relative cross section for Cl- formation on gas temperature T-G = 310-435 K). For comparison with the experimental data, R-matrix calculations have been carried out for the dominant anion channel Cl-. The results recover the main experimental observations and predict the dependence of the DEA cross section on the initial vibrational level nu(3) and on the vibrational temperature. Our results are compared with those of previous electron beam and electron swarm experiments.


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Ionic liquids are gaining attention as new solvents within the green chemistry community; however this attention has quickly outstripped current environmental and toxicological data available. In the present communication, we establish the use of Caenorhabditis elegans as a model organism for inexpensively and quickly exploring toxicological effects of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquids.


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Context. Electron-impact excitation collision strengths are required for the analysis and interpretation of stellar observations.
Aims. This calculation aims to provide effective collision strengths for the Mg V ion for a larger number of transitions and for a greater temperature range than previously available, using collision strength data that include contributions from resonances.
Methods. A 19-state Breit-Pauli R-matrix calculation was performed. The target states are represented by configuration interaction wavefunctions and consist of the 19 lowest LS states, having configurations 2s22p4, 2s2p5, 2p6, 2s22p33s, and 2s22p33p. These target states give rise to 37 fine-structure levels and 666 possible transitions. The effective collision strengths were calculated by averaging the electron collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities.
Results. The non-zero effective collision strengths for transitions between the fine-structure levels are given for electron temperatures in the range = 3.0 - 7.0. Data for transitions among the 5 fine-structure levels arising from the 2s22p4 ground state configurations, seen in the UV range, are discussed in the paper, along with transitions in the EUV range – transitions from the ground state 3P levels to 2s2p5?3P levels. The 2s22p4?1D–2s2p5?1P transition is also noted. Data for the remaining transitions are available at the CDS.


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In this paper. we present collision strengths and Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths for the electron-impact excitation of Fe II. We consider specifically the optically allowed lines for transitions from the 3d(6)4s and 3d(7) even parity configuration states to the 3d(6)4p odd parity configuration levels. The parallel suite of Breit-Pauli codes are utilized to compute the collision cross-sections where relativistic effects are included explicitly in both the target and the scattering approximation. A total of 100 LS or 262-jj levels formed from the basis configurations 3d(6)4s, 3d(7) and 3d(6)4p were included in the wave-function representation of the target, including all doublet. quartet and sextet terms. The Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths are computed across a wide range of electron temperatures from 100 to 100,000 K, temperatures of importance in astrophysical and plasma applications. A detailed comparison is made with previous works and significant differences were found to occur for some of the transitions considered. We conclude that in order to obtain converged collision strengths and effective collision strengths for these allowed transitions it is necessary to include contributions from partial waves up to L = 50 explicitly in the calculation, and in addition, account for contributions from even higher partial waves through a "top up" procedure.