126 resultados para cutaneous wound


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Efficient formation of early GCs depends on the close interaction between GC B cells and antigen-primed CD4+ follicular helper T cells (TFH). A tight and stable formation of TFH/B cell conjugates is required for cytokine-driven immunoglobulin class switching and somatic hypermutation of GC B cells. Recently, it has been shown that the formation of TFH/B cell conjugates is crucial for B-cell differentiation and class switch following infection with Leishmania major parasites. However, the subtype of DCs responsible for TFH-cell priming against dermal antigens is thus far unknown. Utilizing a transgenic C57BL/6 mouse model designed to trigger the ablation of Langerin+ DC subsets in vivo, we show that the functionality of TFH/B cell conjugates is disturbed after depletion of Langerhans cells (LCs): LC-depleted mice show a reduction in somatic hypermutation in B cells isolated from TFH/B cell conjugates and markedly reduced GC reactions within skin-draining lymph nodes. In conclusion, this study reveals an indispensable role for LCs in promoting GC B-cell differentiation following cutaneous infection with Leishmania major parasites. We propose that LCs are key regulators of GC formation and therefore have broader implications for the development of allergies and autoimmunity as well as for future vaccination strategies.


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Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients on dialysis are prone to vitamin D insufficiency despite oral vitamin D supplementation. Here, we studied whether narrow-band ultraviolet B (NB-UVB) exposures improve vitamin D balance.

Methods: 14 haemodialysis patients and 15 healthy subjects receiving oral cholecalciferol 20 µg daily got nine NB-UVB exposures on the entire body. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) was measured by radioimmunoassay. Cutaneous mRNA expression levels of CYP27A1 and CYP27B1, two enzymes required for hydroxylation of vitamin D into its active metabolite, were also measured.

Results: The baseline serum 25(OH)D concentration was 57.6 ± 18.2 nmol/l in the CKD patients and 74.3 ± 14.8 nmol/l in the healthy subjects. The NB-UVB course increased serum 25(OH)D by 14.0 nmol/l (95% CI 8.7-19.5) and 17.0 nmol/l (CI 13.7-20.2), respectively. At baseline the CKD patients showed significantly increased CYP27B1 levels compared to the healthy subjects.

Conclusions: A short NB-UVB course is an efficient way to improve vitamin D balance in CKD patients on dialysis who are receiving oral vitamin D supplementation. The increased cutaneous CYP27B1 levels in the CKD patients suggest that the loss of renal activity of this enzyme is at least partially compensated for by the skin.


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Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are effectors of cutaneous innate immunity and protect primarily against microbial infections. An array of AMPs can be found in and on the skin. Those include peptides that were first discovered for their antimicrobial properties but also proteins with antimicrobial activity first characterized for their activity as chemokines, enzymes, enzyme inhibitors and neuropeptides. Cathelicidins were among the first families of AMPs discovered in skin. They are now known to exert a dual role in innate immune defense: they have direct antimicrobial activity and will also initiate a host cellular response resulting in cytokine release, inflammation and angiogenesis. Altered cathelicidin expression and function was observed in several common inflammatory skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, rosacea and psoriasis. Until recently the molecular mechanisms underlying cathelicidin regulation were not known. Lately, vitamin D3 was identified as the major regulator of cathelicidin expression and entered the spotlight as an immune modulator with impact on both, innate and adaptive immunity. Therapies targeting vitamin D3 signalling may provide novel approaches for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory skin diseases by affecting both innate and adaptive immune functions through AMP regulation.


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Constant exposure to a wide variety of microbial pathogens represents a major challenge for our skin. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are mediators of cutaneous innate immunity and protect primarily against microbial infections. Cathelicidins were among the first AMPs identified in human skin and recent evidence suggests that they exert a dual role in innate immune defense: At first, due to their antimicrobial activity they kill pathogens directly. In addition, these peptides initiate a potent host response to infection resulting in cytokine release, inflammation and a cellular response. Disturbed cathelicidin expression and function was observed in several common inflammatory skin diseases, such as psoriasis where cathelicidin peptide converts inert self-DNA and self-RNA into an autoimmune stimulus. In atopic dermatitis decreased levels of cathelicidin facilitating microbial superinfections have been discussed. Furthermore, abnormally processed cathelicidin peptides induce inflammation and a vascular response in rosacea. Until recently, the molecular mechanisms underlying cathelicidin regulation were unknown. Recently, the vitamin D3 pathway was identified as the major regulator of cathelicidin expression. Consequently, vitamin D3 entered the spotlight as an immune modulator with impact on both innate and adaptive immunity. Therapies targeting vitamin D3 signaling may provide new approaches for infectious and inflammatory skin diseases by affecting both innate and adaptive immune functions.


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The pleiotropic effects of host defence peptides (HDPs), including the ability to kill microorganisms, enhance re-epithelialisation and increase angiogenesis, indicates a role for these important peptides as potential therapeutic agents in the treatment of chronic, non-healing wounds. However, the maintenance of peptide integrity, through resistance to degradation by the array of proteinases present at the wound site, is a prerequisite for clinical success. In this study we explored the degradation of exogenous LL-37, one such HDP, by wound fluid from diabetic foot ulcers to determine its susceptibility to proteolytic degradation. Our results suggest that LL-37 is unstable in the diabetic foot ulcer microenvironment. Following overnight treatment with wound fluid, LL-37 was completely degraded. Analysis of cleavage sites suggested potential involvement of both host- and bacterial-derived proteinases. The degradation products were shown to retain some antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa but were inactive against Staphylococcus aureus. In conclusion, our data suggest that stabilising selected peptide bonds within the sequence of LL-37 would represent an avenue for future research prior to clinical studies to address its potential as an exogenously-applied therapeutic in diabetic wounds. 


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Whilst there have been a number of insights into the subsets of CD4+ T cells induced by pathogenicBacillus anthracis infections in animal models, how these findings relate to responses generated in naturally infected and vaccinated humans has yet to be fully established. We describe the cytokine profile produced in response to T cell stimulation with a previously defined immunodominant antigen of anthrax, lethal factor (LF), domain IV, in cohorts of individuals with a history of cutaneous anthrax, compared with vaccinees receiving the U.K. licenced Anthrax Vaccine Precipitated (AVP) vaccine.


We found that immunity following natural cutaneous infection was significantly different from that seen after vaccination. AVP vaccination was found to result in a polarized IFNγ CD4+ T cell response, while the individuals exposed to B. anthracis by natural infection mounted a broader cytokine response encompassing IFNγ, IL-5, −9, −10, −13, −17, and −22.


Vaccines seeking to incorporate the robust, long-lasting, CD4 T cell immune responses observed in naturally acquired cutaneous anthrax cases may need to elicit a similarly broad spectrum cellular immune response.


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Interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) therapy is commonly used in the treatment of neoplastic and autoimmune diseases, including cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL). However, the IFN-alpha response is unpredictable, and the IFN-alpha cell targets and pathways are only partially understood. To delineate the molecular mechanisms of IFN-alpha activity, gene expression profiling was performed in a time-course experiment of both IFN-alpha sensitive and IFN-alpha-resistant variants of a CTCL cell line. These experiments revealed that IFN-alpha is responsible for the regulation of hundreds of genes in both variants and predominantly involves genes implicated in signal transduction, cell cycle control, apoptosis, and transcription regulation. Specifically, the IFN-alpha response of tumoral T cells is due to a combination of induction of apoptosis in which TNFSF10 and HSXIAPAF1 may play an important role and cell cycle arrest achieved by downregulation of CDK4 and CCNG2 and upregulation of CDKN2C and tumor suppressor genes (TSGs). Resistance to IFN-alpha appears to be associated with failure to induce IRF1 and IRF7 and deregulation of the apoptotic signals of HSXIAPAF1, TRADD, BAD, and BNIP3. Additionally, cell cycle progression is heralded by upregulation of CDC25A and CDC42. A critical role of NF-kappaB in promoting cell survival in IFN-alpha-resistant cells is indicated by the upregulation of RELB and LTB.


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Introduction: As a result of chronic inflammation during periodontal disease the junctional epithelium becomes micro-ulcerated. The inflammatory process is mediated by both bacterial and host cell products. Host defence peptides such as defensins, secretory leucocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) and the sole human cathelicidin, LL-37, are secreted by both periodontal cells and neutrophils into gingival crevicular fluid (GCF). They have the ability to modulate the immune response in periodontitis and are thought to have a potential role in periodontal wound healing. Objectives: The aims of this study were to determine the role of LL-37 in the production of Interleukin (IL)-8, IL-6, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and basic-fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) by gingival fibroblasts. The role of LL-37 in modulating total matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity and expression of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 and -2 by gingival fibroblasts was also investigated. Methods: Primary gingival fibroblasts were co-cultured with concentrations of LL-37 (1, 5 and 10µg/ml) for 24 hours and their supernatants tested for levels of IL-8 and IL-6, HGF, bFGF, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 by ELISA. Rates of MMP turnover in the supernatants were tested by fluorogenic assay using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) peptide substrates. Cytotoxicity was measured by MTT assay. Statistical significance was measured using the independent t-test and p<0.05 was considered significant. Results: LL-37 significantly upregulated levels of IL-8, IL-6, HGF, bFGF and TIMP-1 (p<0.05) in a dose-dependent fashion. LL-37 significantly decreased the total MMP activity (p<0.05). None of the LL-37 concentrations tested were cytotoxic to gingival fibroblasts. Conclusion: These results indicate that LL-37 is involved in periodontal wound healing. LL-37 increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines and increased levels of growth factors involved in re-epithelialisation. LL-37 has the ability to regulate remodelling of the periodontium by controlling MMP overactivity both directly and by stimulating production of inhibitors by gingival fibroblasts.


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Fibrosis is a progressive and potentially fatal process that can occur in numerous organ systems. Characterised by the excessive deposition of extracellular matrix proteins such as collagens and fibronectin, fibrosis affects normal tissue architecture and impedes organ function. Although a considerable amount of research has focused on the mechanisms underlying disease pathogenesis, current therapeutic options do not directly target the pro-fibrotic process. As a result, there is a clear unmet clinical need to develop new agents. Novel findings implicate a role for epigenetic modifications contributing to the progression of fibrosis by alteration of gene expression profiles. This review will focus on DNA methylation; its association with fibroblast differentiation and activation and the consequent buildup of fibrotic scar tissue. The potential use of therapies that modulate this epigenetic pathway for the treatment of fibrosis in several organ systems is also discussed.


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Aminolevulinic acid (ALA) stability within topical formulations intended for photodynamic therapy (PDT) is poor due to dimerisation to pyrazine-2,5-dipropionic acid (PY). Most strategies to improve stability use low pH vehicles, which can cause cutaneous irritancy. To overcome this problem, a novel approach is investigated that uses a non-aqueous vehicle to retard proton-induced charge separation across the 4-carbonyl group on ALA and lessen nucleophilic attack that leads to condensation dimerisation. Bioadhesive anhydrous vehicles based on methylvinylether-maleic anhydride copolymer patches and poly(ethyleneglycol) or glycerol thickened poly(acrylic acid) gels were formulated. ALA stability fell below pharmaceutically acceptable levels after 6 months, with bioadhesive patches stored at 5°C demonstrating the best stability by maintaining 86.2% of their original loading. Glycerol-based gels maintained 40.2% in similar conditions. However, ALA loss did not correspond to expected increases in PY, indicating the presence of another degradative process that prevented dimerisation. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis was inconclusive in respect of the mechanism observed in the patch system, but showed clearly that an esterification reaction involving ALA and both glycerol and poly(ethyleneglycol) was occurring. This was especially marked in the glycerol gels, where only 2.21% of the total expected PY was detected after 204 days at 5°C. Non-specific esterase hydrolysis demonstrated that ALA was recoverable from the gel systems, further supporting esterified binding within the gel matrices. It is conceivable that skin esterases could duplicate this finding upon topical application of the gel and convert these derivatives back to ALA in situ, provided skin penetration is not affected adversely.


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Although the ancient practice of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) utilizes predominantly herbal ingredients, many of which are now the subject of intense scientific scrutiny, significant quantities of animal tissue-derived materials are also employed. Here we have used contemporary molecular techniques to study the material known as lin wa pi, the dried skin of the Heilongjiang brown frog, Rana amurensis, that is used commonly as an ingredient of many medicines, as a general tonic and as a topical antimicrobial/wound dressing. Using a simple technology that has been developed and validated over several years, we have demonstrated that components of both the skin granular gland peptidome and transcriptome persist in this material. Interrogation of the cDNA library constructed from the dried skin by entrapment and amplification of polyadenylated mRNA, using a "shotgun" primer approach and 3'-RACE, resulted in the cloning of cDNAs encoding the precursors of five putative antimicrobial peptides. Two (ranatuerin-2AMa and ranatuerin-2AMb) were obvious homologs of a previously described frog skin peptide family, whereas the remaining three were of sufficient structural novelty to be named amurins 1-3. Mature peptides were each identified in reverse phase HPLC fractions of boiling water extracts of skin and their structures confirmed by MS/MS fragmentation sequencing. Components of traditional Chinese medicines of animal tissue origin may thus contain biologically active peptides that survive the preparation procedures and that may contribute to therapeutic efficacy.


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Purpose: A number of cytotoxic chemotherapy agents tested at low concentrations show antiangiogenic properties with limited cytotoxicity, e.g., cyclophosphamide, tirapazamine, and mitoxantrone. AQ4N is a bioreductive alkylaminoanthraquinone that is cytotoxic when reduced to AQ4; hence, it can be used to target hypoxic tumor cells. AQ4N is structurally similar to mitoxantrone and was evaluated for antiangiogenic properties without the need for bioreduction.

Experimental Design:The effect of AQ4N and fumagillin on human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1) was measured using a variety ofin vitro assays, i.e., 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)- 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide, wound scrape, tubule formation, rat aortic ring, and invasion assays. Low-dose AQ4N (20 mg/kg) was also given in vivo to mice bearing a tumor in a dorsal skin flap.

Results:AQ4N (10-11to10-5mol/L) hadno effect on HMEC-1viability. AQ4N (10-9to10-5mol/L) caused a sigmoidal dose-dependent inhibition of endothelial cell migration in the wound scrape model. Fumagillin showed a similar response over a lower dose range (10-13 to 10-9 mol/L); however, the maximal inhibition was less (25% versus 43% for AQ4N). AQ4N inhibited HMEC-1 cell contacts on Matrigel (10-8 to 10-5 mol/L), HMEC-1 cell invasion, and sprouting in rat aorta explants. Immunofluorescence staining with tubulin, vimentim, dynein, and phalloidin revealed that AQ4N caused disruption to the cell cytoskeleton. When AQ4N (20 mg/kg) was given in vivo for 5 days, microvessels disappeared in LNCaP tumors grown in a dorsal skin flap.

Conclusions:This combination of assays has shown that AQ4N possesses antiangiogenic effects in normoxic conditions, which could potentially contribute to antitumor activity