80 resultados para auction aggregation protocols


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Chemical degradations often induce changes in protein conformation and thus influence protein activity and protein stability in solutions. One difficulty in studying of chemical degradations on protein aqueous properties is to obtain sufficient amount of chemically degraded protein which is well characterized. Chemical degradation protocols that are often used may induce also conformation changes and aggregation of the protein. In this article we studied the effect of methionine oxidation on the conformation of recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH). In literature it is reported that oxidation of methionine residues induces conformation changes on r-hGH. In our study, oxidation of r-hGH was performed by incubation with hydrogen peroxide under mild conditions. Mass spectrometry and chromatographic analysis revealed that oxidation with hydrogen peroxide resulted in more than 90% of oxidized r-hGH. By extensive spectroscopic characterizations no detectable change in conformation and aggregation of r-hGH after oxidation was found. In conclusion, mild oxidation conditions led to selective oxidation of the two more accessible methionine residues of r-hGH (Met(14) and Met(125)) and did not results in any conformation change of the protein. These findings prove that oxidation of human growth hormone does not influence protein conformation and demonstrate the importance of employing mild conditions during production of oxidized protein. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 100:110-122, 2011


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The aggregation behavior in aqueous solution of a number of ionic liquids was investigated at ambient conditions by using three techniques: fluorescence, interfacial tension, and H-1 NMR spectroscopy. For the first time, the fluorescence quenching effect has been used for the determination of critical micelle concentrations. This study focuses on the following ionic liquids: [C(n)mpy]Cl (1-alkyl-3-methylpyridinium chlorides) with different linear alkyl chain lengths (n = 4, 10, 12, 14, 16, or 18), [C(12)mpip]Br (1-dodecyl-1-methylpiperidinium bromide), [C(12)mpy]Br (1-dodecyl-3-methylpyridinium bromide), and [C(12)mpyrr]Br (1-dodecyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bromide). Both the influence of the alkyl side-chain length and the type of ring in the cation (head) on the CMC were investigated. A comparison of the self-aggregation behavior of ionic liquids based on 1-alkyl-3-methylpyridinium and 1-alkyl-3-methylpyridinium cations is provided. It was observed that 1-alkyl-3-methylpyridinium ionic liquids could be used as quenchers for some fluorescence probes (fluorophores). As a consequence, a simple and convenient method to probe early evidence of aggregate formation was established.


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A novel class of anionic surfactants was prepared through the neutralization of pyrrolidine or imidazole by alkylcarboxylic acids. The compounds, namely the pyrrolidinium alkylcarboxylates ([Pyrr][CnH2n+1COO]) and imidazolium alkylcarboxylates ([Im][CnH2n+1COO]), were obtained as ionic liquids at room temperature. Their aggregation behavior has been examined as a function of the alkyl chain length (from n = 5 to 8) by surface tensiometry and conductivity. Decreases in the critical micelle concentration (cmc) were obtained, for both studied PIL families, when increasing the anionic alkyl chain length (n). Surprisingly, a large effect of the alkyl chain length was observed on the minimum surface area per surfactant molecule (Amin) and, hence the maximum surface excess concentration (Gmax) when the counterion was the pyrrolidinium cation. This unusual comportment has been interpreted in term of a balance between van der Waals and coulombic interactions. Conductimetric measurements permit determination of the degree of ionization of the micelle (a) and the molar conductivity (?M) of these surfactants as a function of n. The molar conductivities at infinite dilution in water (?8) of the [Pyrr]+ and [Im]+ cations have been then determined by using the classical Kohlraush equation. Observed change in the physicochemical, surface, and micellar properties of these new protonic ionic liquid surfactants can be linked to the nature of the cation. By comparison with classical anionic surfactants having inorganic counterions, pyrrolidinium alkylcarboxylates and imidazolium alkylcarboxylates exhibit a higher ability to aggregate in aqueous solution, demonstrating their potential applicability as surfactant.


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The limitations of classical diagnostic methods for invasive Candida infections have led to the development of molecular techniques such as real-time PCR to improve diagnosis. However, the detection of low titres of Candida DNA in blood from patients with candidaemia requires the use of extraction methods that efficiently lyse yeast cells and recover small amounts of DNA suitable for amplification. In this study, a Candida-specific real-time PCR assay was used to detect Candida albicans DNA in inoculated whole blood specimens extracted using seven different extraction protocols. The yield and quality of total nucleic acids were estimated using UV absorbance, and specific recovery of C. albicans genomic DNA was estimated quantitatively in comparison with a reference (Qiagen kit/lyticase) method currently in use in our laboratory. The extraction protocols were also compared with respect to sensitivity, cost and time required for completion. The TaqMan PCR assay used to amplify the DNA extracts achieved high levels of specificity, sensitivity and reproducibility. Of the seven extraction protocols evaluated, only the MasterPure yeast DNA extraction reagent kit gave significantly higher total nucleic acid yields than the reference method, although nucleic acid purity was highest using either the reference or YeaStar genomic DNA kit methods. More importantly, the YeaStar method enabled C. albicans DNA to be detected with highest sensitivity over the entire range of copy numbers evaluated, and appears to be an optimal method for extracting Candida DNA from whole blood.


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This paper studies the impact of belief elicitation on informational efficiency and individual behavior in experimental parimutuel betting markets. In one treatment, groups of eight participants, who possess a private signal about the eventual outcome, play a sequential betting game. The second treatment is identical, except that bettors are observed by eight other participants who submit incentivized beliefs about the winning probabilities of each outcome. In the third treatment, the same individuals make bets and assess the winning probabilities of the outcomes. Market probabilities more accurately reflect objective probabilities in the third than in the other two treatments. Submitting beliefs reduces the favorite-longshot bias and making bets improves the accuracy of elicited beliefs. A level-k framework provides some insights about why belief elicitation improves the capacity of betting markets to aggregate information. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Belief merging is an important but difficult problem in Artificial Intelligence, especially when sources of information are pervaded with uncertainty. Many merging operators have been proposed to deal with this problem in possibilistic logic, a weighted logic which is powerful for handling inconsistency and deal-ing with uncertainty. They often result in a possibilistic knowledge base which is a set of weighted formulas. Although possibilistic logic is inconsistency tolerant, it suffers from the well-known "drowning effect". Therefore, we may still want to obtain a consistent possibilistic knowledge base as the result of merging. In such a case, we argue that it is not always necessary to keep weighted information after merging. In this paper, we define a merging operator that maps a set of possibilistic knowledge bases and a formula representing the integrity constraints to a classical knowledge base by using lexicographic ordering. We show that it satisfies nine postulates that generalize basic postulates for propositional merging given in [11]. These postulates capture the principle of minimal change in some sense. We then provide an algorithm for generating the resulting knowledge base of our merging operator. Finally, we discuss the compatibility of our merging operator with propositional merging and establish the advantage of our merging operator over existing semantic merging operators in the propositional case.