89 resultados para Wireless Networks


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Cognitive radio (CR) with spectrum-sharing has been envisioned as emerging technology for the next generation of mobile and wireless networks by allowing the unlicensed customers simultaneously utilize the licensed radio frequency spectrums. However, the CR has faced some practical challenges due to its deduced system performance as compared to non spectrum-sharing counterpart. In this paper, we therefore consider the potential of incorporating the cooperative communications into CR by introducing the concept of reactive multiple decode-and-forward (DF) relays. In particular, we derive new results for exact and asymptotic expressions for the performance of cognitive relay networks with K-th best relay selection. Our novel results have exhibited the significance of using relay networks to enhance the system performance of CR.


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To cope with the rapid growth of multimedia applications that requires dynamic levels of quality of service (QoS), cross-layer (CL) design, where multiple protocol layers are jointly combined, has been considered to provide diverse QoS provisions for mobile multimedia networks. However, there is a lack of a general mathematical framework to model such CL scheme in wireless networks with different types of multimedia classes. In this paper, to overcome this shortcoming, we therefore propose a novel CL design for integrated real-time/non-real-time traffic with strict preemptive priority via a finite-state Markov chain. The main strategy of the CL scheme is to design a Markov model by explicitly including adaptive modulation and coding at the physical layer, queuing at the data link layer, and the bursty nature of multimedia traffic classes at the application layer. Utilizing this Markov model, several important performance metrics in terms of packet loss rate, delay, and throughput are examined. In addition, our proposed framework is exploited in various multimedia applications, for example, the end-to-end real-time video streaming and CL optimization, which require the priority-based QoS adaptation for different applications. More importantly, the CL framework reveals important guidelines as to optimize the network performance


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The papers in this special issue focus on the topic of location awareness for radio and networks. Localization-awareness using radio signals stands to revolutionize the fields of navigation and communication engineering. It can be utilized to great effect in the next generation of cellular networks, mining applications, health-care monitoring, transportation and intelligent highways, multi-robot applications, first responders operations, military applications, factory automation, building and environmental controls, cognitive wireless networks, commercial and social network applications, and smart spaces. A multitude of technologies can be used in location-aware radios and networks, including GNSS, RFID, cellular, UWB, WLAN, Bluetooth, cooperative localization, indoor GPS, device-free localization, IR, Radar, and UHF. The performances of these technologies are measured by their accuracy, precision, complexity, robustness, scalability, and cost. Given the many application scenarios across different disciplines, there is a clear need for a broad, up-to-date and cogent treatment of radio-based location awareness. This special issue aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in technology, regulation, and theory. It also presents a holistic view of research challenges and opportunities in the emerging areas of localization.


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While WiFi monitoring networks have been deployed in previous research, to date none have assessed live network data from an open access, public environment. In this paper we describe the construction of a replicable, independent WLAN monitoring system and address some of the challenges in analysing the resultant traffic. Analysis of traffic from the system demonstrates that basic traffic information from open-access networks varies over time (temporal inconsistency). The results also show that arbitrary selection of Request-Reply intervals can have a significant effect on Probe and Association frame exchange calculations, which can impact on the ability to detect flooding attacks.


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Fixed and wireless networks are increasingly converging towards common connectivity with IP-based core networks. Providing effective end-to-end resource and QoS management in such complex heterogeneous converged network scenarios requires unified, adaptive and scalable solutions to integrate and co-ordinate diverse QoS mechanisms of different access technologies with IP-based QoS. Policy-Based Network Management (PBNM) is one approach that could be employed to address this challenge. Hence, a policy-based framework for end-to-end QoS management in converged networks, CNQF (Converged Networks QoS Management Framework) has been proposed within our project. In this paper, the CNQF architecture, a Java implementation of its prototype and experimental validation of key elements are discussed. We then present a fuzzy-based CNQF resource management approach and study the performance of our implementation with real traffic flows on an experimental testbed. The results demonstrate the efficacy of our resource-adaptive approach for practical PBNM systems


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In wireless networks, the broadcast nature of the propagation medium makes the communication process vulnerable to malicious nodes (e.g. eavesdroppers) which are in the coverage area of the transmission. Thus, security issues play a vital role in wireless systems. Traditionally, information security has been addressed in the upper layers (e.g. the network layer) through the design of cryptographic protocols. Cryptography-based security aims to design a protocol such that it is computationally prohibitive for the eavesdropper to decode the information. The idea behind this approach relies on the limited computational power of the eavesdroppers. However, with advances in emerging hardware technologies, achieving secure communications relying on protocol-based mechanisms alone become insufficient. Owing to this fact, a new paradigm of secure communications has been shifted to implement the security at the physical layer. The key principle behind this strategy is to exploit the spatial-temporal characteristics of the wireless channel to guarantee secure data transmission without the need of cryptographic protocols.


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We consider a collision-sensitive secondary system that intends to opportunistically aggregate and utilize spectrum of a primary system to achieve higher data rates. In such opportunistic spectrum access, secondary transmission can collide with primary transmission. When the secondary system aggregates more channels for data transmission, more frequent collisions may occur, limiting the performance obtained by the opportunistic spectrum aggregation. In this context, dynamic spectrum aggregation problem is formulated to maximize the ergodic channel capacity under the constraint of collision tolerable level. To solve the problem, we develop the optimal spectrum aggregation approach, deriving closed-form expressions for the collision probability in terms of primary user traffic load, secondary user transmission interval, and the random number of sub-channels aggregated. Our results show that aggregating only a subset of sub-channels will be a better choice, depending on the ratio of collision sensitivity requirement to the primary user traffic.


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Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) are known to enhance the bandwidth efficiency and throughput of wireless networks by more effectively utilizing the network resources. However, the higher density of users and access points in HetNets introduces significant inter-user interference that needs to be mitigated through complex and sophisticated interference cancellation schemes. Moreover, due to significant channel attenuation and presence of hardware impairments, e.g., phase noise and amplifier nonlinearities, the vast bandwidth in the millimeter-wave band has not been fully utilized to date. In order to enable the development of multi-Gigabit per second wireless networks, we introduce a novel millimeter-wave HetNet paradigm, termed hybrid HetNet, which exploits the vast bandwidth and propagation characteristics in the 60 GHz and 70–80 GHz bands to reduce the impact of interference in HetNets. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the performance advantage of hybrid HetNets with respect to traditional networks. Next, two specific transceiver structures that enable hand-offs from the 60 GHz band, i.e., the V-band to the 70–80 GHz band, i.e., the E-band, and vice versa are proposed. Finally, the practical and regulatory challenges for establishing a hybrid HetNet are outlined.


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In this paper, we investigate an amplify-and-forward (AF) multiple-input multiple-output - spatial division multiplexing (MIMO-SDM) cooperative wireless networks, where each network node is equipped with multiple antennas. In order to deal with the problems of signal combining at the destination and cooperative relay selection, we propose an improved minimum mean square error (MMSE) signal combining scheme for signal recovery at the destination. Additionally, we propose two distributed relay selection algorithms based on the minimum mean squared error (MSE) of the signal estimation for the cases where channel state information (CSI) from the source to the destination is available and unavailable at the candidate nodes. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed combiner together with the proposed relay selection algorithms achieve higher diversity gain than previous approaches in both flat and frequency-selective fading channels.


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We present a fully-distributed self-healing algorithm dex that maintains a constant degree expander network in a dynamic setting. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm provides the first efficient distributed construction of expanders—whose expansion properties holddeterministically—that works even under an all-powerful adaptive adversary that controls the dynamic changes to the network (the adversary has unlimited computational power and knowledge of the entire network state, can decide which nodes join and leave and at what time, and knows the past random choices made by the algorithm). Previous distributed expander constructions typically provide only probabilistic guarantees on the network expansion whichrapidly degrade in a dynamic setting; in particular, the expansion properties can degrade even more rapidly under adversarial insertions and deletions. Our algorithm provides efficient maintenance and incurs a low overhead per insertion/deletion by an adaptive adversary: only O(logn)O(log⁡n) rounds and O(logn)O(log⁡n) messages are needed with high probability (n is the number of nodes currently in the network). The algorithm requires only a constant number of topology changes. Moreover, our algorithm allows for an efficient implementation and maintenance of a distributed hash table on top of dex  with only a constant additional overhead. Our results are a step towards implementing efficient self-healing networks that have guaranteed properties (constant bounded degree and expansion) despite dynamic changes.

Gopal Pandurangan has been supported in part by Nanyang Technological University Grant M58110000, Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) Academic Research Fund (AcRF) Tier 2 Grant MOE2010-T2-2-082, MOE AcRF Tier 1 Grant MOE2012-T1-001-094, and the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) Grant 2008348. Peter Robinson has been supported by Grant MOE2011-T2-2-042 “Fault-tolerant Communication Complexity in Wireless Networks” from the Singapore MoE AcRF-2. Work done in part while the author was at the Nanyang Technological University and at the National University of Singapore. Amitabh Trehan has been supported by the Israeli Centers of Research Excellence (I-CORE) program (Center No. 4/11). Work done in part while the author was at Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at the Technion and supported by a Technion fellowship.


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This letter analyzes the performance of a low complexity detection scheme for a multi-carrier index keying (MCIK) with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system over two-wave with diffused power (TWDP) fading channels. A closed-form expression for the average pairwise error probability (PEP) over TWDP fading channels is derived. This expression is used to analyze the performance of MCIK-OFDM in moderate, severe and extreme fading conditions. The presented results provide an insight on the performance of MCIK-OFDM for wireless communication systems that operate in enclosed metallic structures such as in-vehicular device-to-device (D2D) wireless networks.


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One of the most important factors that affects the performance of energy detection (ED) is the fading channel between the wireless nodes. This article investigates the performance of ED-based spectrum sensing, for cognitive radio (CR), over two-wave with diffuse power (TWDP) fading channels. The TWDP fading model characterizes a variety of fading channels, including well-known canonical fading distributions, such as Rayleigh and Rician, as well as worse than Rayleigh fading conditions modeled by the two-ray fading model. Novel analytic expressions for the average probability of detection over TWDP fading that account for single-user and cooperative spectrum sensing as well as square law selection diversity reception are derived. These expressions are used to analyze the behavior of ED-based spectrum sensing over moderate, severe and extreme fading conditions, and to investigate the use of cooperation and diversity as a means of mitigating the fading effects. Our results indicate that TWDP fading conditions can significantly degrade the sensing performance; however, it is shown that detection performance can be improved when cooperation and diversity are employed. The presented outcomes enable us to identify the limits of ED-based spectrum sensing and quantify the trade-offs between detection performance and energy efficiency for cognitive radio systems deployed within confined environments such as in-vehicular wireless networks.


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This paper presents a new encryption scheme implemented at the physical layer of wireless networks employing orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). The new scheme obfuscates the subcarriers by randomly reserving several subcarriers for dummy data and resequences the training symbol by a new secure sequence. Subcarrier obfuscation renders the OFDM transmission more secure and random, while training symbol resequencing protects the entire physical layer packet, but does not affect the normal functions of synchronization and channel estimation of legitimate users while preventing eavesdroppers from performing these functions. The security analysis shows the system is robust to various attacks by analyzing the search space using an exhaustive key search. Our scheme is shown to have a better performance in terms of search space, key rate and complexity in comparison with other OFDM physical layer encryption schemes. The scheme offers options for users to customize the security level and key rate according to the hardware resource. Its low complexity nature also makes the scheme suitable for resource limited devices. Details of practical design considerations are highlighted by applying the approach to an IEEE 802.11 OFDM system case study.