49 resultados para Vega, Lope de, 1562-1635


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p63 is a master regulator of proliferation and differentiation in stratifying epithelia, and its expression is frequently altered in carcinogenesis. However, its role in maintaining proliferative capacity remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that hypoproliferation and loss of differentiation in organotypic raft cultures of primary neonatal human foreskin keratinocytes (HFKs) depleted of the a and ß isoforms of p63 result from p53-p21-mediated accumulation of retinoblastoma (Rb) family member p130. Hypoproliferation in p63-depleted HFKs can be rescued by depletion of p53, p21(CIP1) or p130. Furthermore, we identified the gene encoding S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 (Skp2), the recognition component of the SCF(Skp2) E3 ubiquitin ligase, as a novel target of p63, potentially influencing p130 levels. Expression of Skp2 is maintained by p63 binding to a site in intron 2 and mRNA levels are downregulated in p63-depleted cells. Hypoproliferation in p63-depleted cells can be restored by re-expression of Skp2. Taken together, these results indicate that p63 plays a multifaceted role in maintaining proliferation in the mature regenerating epidermis, in addition to being required for differentiation.


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The main mode of failure of the acetabular component in total hip arthroplasty is aseptic loosening. Successive generations of cementation techniques have evolved to alleviate this problem.


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Measuring neuropeptides in biological tissues by radioimmunoassay requires efficient extraction that maintains their immunoreactivity. Many different methods for extraction have been described, but there is little information on optimal extraction methods for individual neuropeptides from human dental pulp tissue. The aim was therefore to identify an effective extraction procedure for three pulpal neuropeptides: substance P. neurokinin A and calcitonin gene-related peptide. Tissue was obtained from 20 pulps taken from teeth freshly extracted for orthodontic reasons. The pulp samples were divided into four equal groups and different extraction methods were used for each group. Boiling whole pulp in acetic acid gave the highest overall yield and, in addition, offered an easy and rapid means of pulp tissue processing. The use of protease inhibitors did not increase the recovery of the immunoreactive neuropeptides but did provide the best combination of maximal recoveries and minimal variability. These results should be useful for planning the extraction of these neuropeptides from human pulp tissue in future studies. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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AIM: To understand the uniqueness of the experience of testing HIV positive from the perspective of pregnant women.

BACKGROUND: As more people learn of their HIV diagnosis through routine screening processes, it is timely to reflect on the impact of receiving an unexpected positive result.

DESIGN: A prospective qualitative study.

METHODS: This paper draws on the case studies of four women who were participating in a larger prospective qualitative study of reproductive decision-making, pregnancy and childbirth following HIV diagnosis. Multiple interviews were conducted following diagnosis during pregnancy, and, after the birth of their babies. Thematic data analysis was undertaken.

RESULTS: Drawing on Becker's theory of disruption, we document the 'sudden disjuncture' of their antenatal diagnosis and the embodied emotional struggle the women engaged in to create continuity in their lives. A diagnosis of HIV disrupted the women's biographies in terms of their health, relationships and social identity. As pregnant women, the threat of HIV was experienced most significantly in relation to their unborn child. However, their narratives also revealed how a diagnosis of HIV in the context of pregnancy, whilst traumatic, provided a focus for regaining continuity in their lives, as the baby became a metaphor for hope and orientation toward the future.

CONCLUSIONS: As HIV testing becomes more 'routine', the findings of this study serve to remind health professionals that a positive diagnosis continues to constitute a major trauma to individuals and families.

RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: We propose that appropriately educated nursing and midwifery staff could facilitate the 'meaning making' process that is required for newly diagnosed HIV positive persons to find a subjective sense of well-being in their lives.


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Purpose: To investigate the effects of radiation on the endothelial cytoskeleton and endothelial monolayer permeability and to evaluate associated signaling pathways, which could reveal potential mechanisms of known vascular effects of radiation.


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We report the occurrence of four red macroalgae new to Europe. Two species were unambiguously determined to the species level with a DNA barcoding approach, while the remaining two species could only be assigned to a genus. Gelidium vagum was found in the Oosterschelde estuary (the Netherlands). Gracilariopsis chorda, Chondracanthus sp. and Solieria sp. were found in the Gulf of Morbihan in Brittany (France); Solieria sp. was also subsequently observed in the Thau Lagoon (France). Gelidium vagum and Gracilariopsis chorda are species originating from the north-western Pacific, around the Japanese archipelago. Phylogenetic analyses also show a likely Pacific origin for Chondracanthus sp. and Solieria sp. Three of these species are likely to have been introduced after 2008, indicating some active transport pathways between the Pacific and the north-eastern Atlantic. These findings also underline the importance of consistent and continuous local expertise (versus rapid assessment) in early warning systems.


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The regulation of the small GTPases leading to their membrane localization has long been attributed to processing of their C-terminal CAAX box. As deregulation of many of these GTPases have been implicated in cancer and other disorders, prenylation and methylation of this CAAX box has been studied in depth as a possibility for drug targeting, but unfortunately, to date no drug has proved clinically beneficial. However, these GTPases also undergo other modifications that may be important for their regulation. Ubiquitination has long been demonstrated to regulate the fate of numerous cellular proteins and recently it has become apparent that many GTPases, along with their GAPs, GeFs and GDis, undergo ubiquitination leading to a variety of fates such as re-localization or degradation. in this review we focus on the recent literature demonstrating that the regulation of small GTPases by ubiquitination, either directly or indirectly, plays a considerable role in controlling their function and that targeting these modifications could be important for disease treatment.


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The phase diagram of water at negative pressures as obtained from computer simulations for two models of water, TIP4P/2005 and TIP5P is presented. Several solid structures with lower densities than ice Ih, so-called virtual ices, were considered as possible candidates to occupy the negative pressure region of the phase diagram of water. In particular the empty hydrate structures sI, sII, and sH and another, recently proposed, low-density ice structure. The relative stabilities of these structures at 0 K was determined using empirical water potentials and density functional theory calculations. By performing free energy calculations and Gibbs-Duhem integration the phase diagram of TIP4P/2005 was determined at negative pressures. The empty hydrates sII and sH appear to be the stable solid phases of water at negative pressures. The phase boundary between ice Ih and sII clathrate occurs at moderate negative pressures, while at large negative pressures sH becomes the most stable phase. This behavior is in reasonable agreement with what is observed in density functional theory calculations.


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In intelligent video surveillance systems, scalability (of the number of simultaneous video streams) is important. Two key factors which hinder scalability are the time spent in decompressing the input video streams, and the limited computational power of the processor. This paper demonstrates how a combination of algorithmic and hardware techniques can overcome these limitations, and significantly increase the number of simultaneous streams. The techniques used are processing in the compressed domain, and exploitation of the multicore and vector processing capability of modern processors. The paper presents a system which performs background modeling, using a Mixture of Gaussians approach. This is an important first step in the segmentation of moving targets. The paper explores the effects of reducing the number of coefficients in the compressed domain, in terms of throughput speed and quality of the background modeling. The speedups achieved by exploiting compressed domain processing, multicore and vector processing are explored individually. Experiments show that a combination of all these techniques can give a speedup of 170 times on a single CPU compared to a purely serial, spatial domain implementation, with a slight gain in quality.


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The genetic variation existing in a set of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) landrace samples recently collected in Morocco was estimated. Two kinds of genetic markers, seed storage proteins (hordeins) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), were used. Only six out of 31 landraces were subjected to RAPD analysis. Both kinds of markers, RAPD and storage proteins, yielded similar results, showing that the level of variation observed in Moroccan barley was high: all landraces showed variability; 808 different storage protein patterns (multilocus associations) were observed among 1897 individuals (2.32 seeds per association, on average) with an average of 43 multilocus associations per accession. In general, genetic variation within accessions was higher than between accessions. The 100 polymorphic RAPD bands generated by 21 effective primers were able to generate enough patterns to differentiate between uniform cultivars and even between individuals in variable accessions. One of the aims of this work was to compare the effectiveness of RAPD versus storage protein techniques in assessing the variability of genetic resource collections. On average hordeins were more polymorphic than RAPDs: they showed more alternatives per band on gels and a higher percentage of polymorphic bands, although RAPDs supply a higher number of bands. Although RAPD is an easy and standard technique, storage protein analysis is technically easier, cheaper and needs less sophisticated equipment. Thus, when resources are a limiting factor and considering the cost of consumables and work time, seed storage proteins must be the technique of choice for a first estimation of genetic variation in plant genetic resource collections.


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Processing of the 'CaaX' motif found on the C-termini of many proteins, including the proto-oncogene Ras, requires the ER (endoplasmic reticulum)-resident protease RCE1 (Ras-converting enzyme 1) and is necessary for the proper localization and function of many of these 'CaaX' proteins. In the present paper, we report that several mammalian species have a novel isoform (isoform 2) of RCE1 resulting from an alternate splice site and producing an N-terminally truncated protein. We demonstrate that both RCE1 isoform 1 and the newly identified isoform 2 are required to reinstate proper H-Ras processing and thus plasma membrane localization in RCE1-null cells. In addition, we show that the deubiquitinating enzyme USP17 (ubiquitin-specific protease 17), previously shown to modulate RCE1 activity, can regulate the abundance and localization of isoform 2. Furthermore, we show that isoform 2 is ubiquitinated on Lys43 and deubiquitinated by USP17. Collectively, the findings of the present study indicate that RCE1 isoform 2 is required for proper 'CaaX' processing and that USP17 can regulate this via its modulation of RCE1 isoform 2 ubiquitination.


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Previously we have shown that expression of the deubiquitinating enzyme USP17 is required for cell proliferation and motility. More recently we reported that USP17 deubiquitinates RCE1 isoform 2 and thus regulates the processing of 'CaaX' motif proteins. Here we now show that USP17 expression is induced by epidermal growth factor and that USP17 expression is required for clathrin mediated endocytosis of epidermal growth factor receptor. In addition, we show that USP17 is required for the endocytosis of transferrin, an archetypal substrate for clathrin mediated endocytosis, and that USP17 depletion impedes plasma membrane recruitment of the machinery required for clathrin mediated endocytosis. Thus, our data reveal that USP17 is necessary for epidermal growth factor receptor and transferrin endocytosis via clathrin coated pits, indicate this is mediated via the regulation of the recruitment of the components of the endocytosis machinery and suggest USP17 may play a general role in receptor endocytosis.


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Pesticide use is important in agriculture to protect crops and improve productivity. However, they have the potential to cause adverse human health or environmental effects, dependent on exposure levels. This review examines existing pesticide legislation worldwide, focusing on the level of harmonisation, and impacts of differing legislation on food safety and trade. Pesticide legislation varies greatly worldwide as countries have different requirements guidelines and legal limits for plant protection. Developed nations have more stringent regulations than developing countries, which lack the resources and expertise to adequately implement and enforce legislation. Global differences in pesticide legislation act as a technical barrier to trade. International parties such as the European Union (EU), Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex), and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) have attempted to harmonise pesticide legislation by providing maximum residue limits (MRLs), but globally these limits remain variable. Globally harmonised pesticide standards would serve to increase productivity, profits and trade, and enhance the ability to protect public health and the environment.