67 resultados para Trafficking


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients are at great risk of opportunistic lung infection, particularly by members of the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc). This group of bacteria can cause damage to the lung tissue of infected patients and are very difficult to eradicate due to their high levels of antibiotic resistance. Though the highly virulent B. cenocepacia has been the focus of virulence research for the past decade, B. multivorans is emerging as the most prevalent Bcc species infecting CF patients in North America. Despite several studies detailing the intramacrophage trafficking and survival of B. cenocepacia, no such data exists for B. multivorans. Our results demonstrated that clinical CF isolates, C5568 and C0514, and an environmental B. multivorans isolate, ATCC17616, were able to replicate and survive within murine macrophages in a manner similar to B. cenocepacia K56-2. These strains were also able to survive but were unable to replicate within human THP-1 macrophages. Differences in macrophage uptake were observed among all three B. multivorans strains; these variances were attributed to major differences in O-antigen production. Unlike B. cenocepacia-containing vacuoles, which delay phagosomal maturation in murine macrophages by 6 h, all B. multivorans containing vacuoles co-localized with late endosome/lysosomal marker LAMP-1 and the lysosomal marker dextran within 2 h of uptake. Together, these results indicate that while both Bcc species are able to survive and replicate within macrophages, they utilize different intramacrophage survival strategies. To observe differences in virulence the strains were compared using the Galleria mellonella model. When compared to the B. multivorans strains tested, B. cenocepacia K56-2 is highly virulent in this model and killed all worms within 24 h when injected at 107 CFU. B. multivorans clinical isolates C5568 and C0514 were significantly more virulent than the soil isolate ATCC17616, which was avirulent, even when worms were injected with 107 CFU. These results suggest strain differences in the virulence of B. multivorans isolates.


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PURPOSE: The authors investigated the receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME) and intracellular trafficking of insulin and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in cultured retinal vascular endothelial cells (RVECs). METHODS: Low-density lipoprotein and insulin were conjugated to 10 nm colloidal gold, and these ligands were added to cultured bovine RVECs for 20 minutes at 4 degrees C. The cultures were then warmed to 37 degrees C and fixed after incubation times between 30 seconds and 1 hour. Control cells were incubated with unconjugated gold colloid at times and concentrations similar to those of the ligands. Additional control cells were exposed to several concentrations of anti-insulin receptor antibody or a saturating solution of unconjugated insulin before incubation with gold insulin. RESULTS: Using transmission electron microscopy, insulin gold and LDL gold were both observed at various stages of RME. Insulin-gold particles were first seen to bind to the apical plasma membrane (PM) before clustering in clathrin-coated pits and internalization in coated vesicles. Gold was later visualized in uncoated cytoplasmic vesicles, corresponding to early endosomes and multivesicular bodies (MVBs) or late endosomes. In several instances, localized regions of the limiting membrane of the MVBs appeared coated, a feature of endosomal membranes not previously described. After RME at the apical PM and passage through the endosomal system, the greater part of both insulin- and LDL-gold conjugates was seen to accumulate in large lysosome-like compartments. However, a small but significant proportion of the internalized ligands was transcytosed and released as discrete membrane-associated quanta at the basal cell surface. The uptake of LDL gold was greatly increased in highly vacuolated, late-passage RVECs. In controls, anti-insulin receptor antibody and excess unconjugated insulin caused up to 89% inhibition in gold-insulin binding and internalization. CONCLUSION: These results illustrate the internalization and intracellular trafficking by RVECs of insulin and LDL through highly efficient RME, and they provide evidence for at least two possible fates for the endocytosed ligands. This study outlines a route by which vital macromolecules may cross the inner blood-retinal barrier.


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A subset of proteins predominantly associated with early endosomes or implicated in clathrin-mediated endocytosis can shuttle between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Although the endocytic functions of these proteins have been extensively studied, much less effort has been expended in exploring their nuclear roles. Membrane trafficking proteins can affect signalling and proliferation and this can be achieved either at a nuclear or endocytic level. Furthermore, some proteins, such as Huntingtin interacting protein 1, are known as cancer biomarkers. This review will highlight the limits of our understanding of their nuclear functions and the relevance of this to signalling and oncogenesis.


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EpsinR is a clathrin-coated vesicle (CCV) enriched 70-kD protein that binds to phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate, clathrin, and the gamma appendage domain of the adaptor protein complex 1 (AP1). In cells, its distribution overlaps with the perinuclear pool of clathrin and AP1 adaptors. Overexpression disrupts the CCV-dependent trafficking of cathepsin D from the trans-Golgi network to lysosomes and the incorporation of mannose-6-phosphate receptors into CCVs. These biochemical and cell biological data point to a role for epsinR in AP1/clathrin budding events in the cell, just as epsin1 is involved in the budding of AP2 CCVs. Furthermore, we show that two gamma appendage domains can simultaneously bind to epsinR with affinities of 0.7 and 45 microM, respectively. Thus, potentially, two AP1 complexes can bind to one epsinR. This high affinity binding allowed us to identify a consensus binding motif of the form DFxDF, which we also find in gamma-synergin and use to predict that an uncharacterized EF-hand-containing protein will be a new gamma binding partner.


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Previously we have employed antibodies to the tight junction (TJ)-associated proteins ZO-1 and occludin to describe endothelial tight junction abnormalities, in lesional and normal appearing white matter, in primary and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS). This work is extended here by use of antibodies to the independent TJ-specific proteins and junctional adhesion molecule A & B (JAM-A, JAM-B). We have also assessed the expression in MS of ß-catenin, a protein specific to the TJ-associated adherens junction. Immunocytochemistry and semiquantitative confocal microscopy for JAM-A and ß-catenin was performed on snap-frozen sections from MS cases (n = 11) and controls (n = 6). Data on 1,443 blood vessels was acquired from active lesions (n = 13), inactive lesions (n = 13), NAWM (n = 20) and control white matter (n = 13). In MS abnormal JAM-A expression was found in active (46%) and inactive lesions (21%), comparable to previous data using ZO-1. However, a lower level of TJ abnormality was found in MS NAWM using JAM-A (3%) compared to ZO-1 (13%). JAM-B was strongly expressed on a small number of large blood vessels in control and MS tissues but at too low a level for quantitative analysis. By comparison with the high levels of abnormality observed with the TJ proteins, the adherens junction protein ß-catenin was normally expressed in all MS and control tissue categories. These results confirm, by use of the independent marker JAM-A, that TJ abnormalities are most frequent in active white matter lesions. Altered expression of JAM-A, in addition to affecting junctional tightness may also both reflect and affect leukocyte trafficking, with implications for immune status within the diseased CNS. Conversely, the adherens junction component of the TJ, as indicated by ß-catenin expression is normally expressed in all MS and control tissue categories.


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The purpose of this article is to analyse the illicit cycle of narcotics within a human rights framework. It begins by illustrating the benefits of adopting a human rights framework, such as its ability to promote victim-centred and holistic approaches. The article then identifies key human rights issues such as poverty, forced labour, law enforcement practices and addiction to narcotics. It continues with an analysis of the nature and the extent of obligations imposed upon States. This article focuses on three categories of human rights obligations to address: 1) the supply of narcotics; 2) narcotics trafficking; and 3) the demand for narcotics. The main conclusion reached is that a human rights framework can strengthen the global action against the illicit cycle of narcotics.


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Members of the evolutionarily conserved septin family of genes are emerging as key components of several cellular processes including membrane trafficking, cytokinesis, and cell-cycle control events. SEPT9 has been shown to have a complex genomic architecture, such that up to 15 different isoforms are possible by the shuffling of five alternate amino termini and three alternate carboxy termini. Genomic and transcriptional alterations of SEPT9 have been associated with neoplasia. The present study has used a Sept9-specific antibody to determine the pattern of isoform expression in a range of tumour cell lines. Western blot analysis indicated considerable variation in the relative amounts and isoform content of Sept9. Immunofluorescence studies showed a range of patterns of cytoplasmic localization ranging from mainly particulate to mainly filamentous. Expression constructs were also generated for each amino terminal isoform to investigate the patterns of localization of individual isoforms and the effects on cells of ectopic expression. The present study shows that the epsilon isoform appears filamentous in this overexpression system while the remaining isoforms are particulate and cytoplasmic. Transient transfection of individual constructs into tumour cell lines results in cell-cycle perturbation with a G2/M arrest and dramatic growth suppression, which was greatest in cell lines with the lowest amounts of endogenous Sept9. Similar phenotypic observations were made with GTP-binding mutants of all five N-terminal variants of Sept9. However, dramatic differences were observed in the kinetics of accumulation of wild-type versus mutant septin protein in transfected cells. In conclusion, the present study shows that the expression patterns of Sept9 protein are very varied in a panel of tumour cell lines and the functional studies are consistent with a model of septin function as a component of a molecular scaffold that contributes to diverse cellular functions. Alterations in the levels of Sept9 protein by overexpression of individual isoforms can clearly perturb cellular behaviour and may thus provide a mechanistic explanation for observations of deranged septin expression in neoplasia. Copyright © 2004 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We investigated the role of p53 and the signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) in regulating Fas-mediated apoptosis in response to chemotherapies used to treat colorectal cancer. We found that 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and oxaliplatin only sensitized p53 wild-type (WT) colorectal cancer cell lines to Fas-mediated apoptosis. In contrast, irinotecan (CPT-11) and tomudex sensitized p53 WT, mutant, and null cells to Fas-mediated cell death. Furthermore, CPT-11 and tomudex, but not 5-FU or oxaliplatin, up-regulated Fas cell surface expression in a p53-independent manner. In addition, increased Fas cell surface expression in p53 mutant and null cell lines in response to CPT-11 and tomudex was accompanied by only a slight increase in total Fas mRNA and protein expression, suggesting that these agents trigger p53-independent trafficking of Fas to the plasma membrane. Treatment with CPT-11 or tomudex induced STAT1 phosphorylation (Ser727) in the p53-null HCT116 cell line but not the p53 WT cell line. Furthermore, STAT1-targeted small interfering RNA (siRNA) inhibited up-regulation of Fas cell surface expression in response to CPT-11 and tomudex in these cells. However, we found no evidence of altered Fas gene expression following siRNA-mediated down-regulation of STAT1 in drug-treated cells. This suggests that STAT1 regulates expression of gene(s) involved in cell surface trafficking of Fas in response to CPT-11 or tomudex. We conclude that CPT-11 and tomudex may be more effective than 5-FU and oxaliplatin in the treatment of p53 mutant colorectal cancer tumors by sensitizing them to Fas-mediated apoptosis in a STAT1-dependent manner.


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Septins are an evolutionarily conserved group of GTP-binding and filament-forming proteins that belong to the large superclass of P-loop GTPases. While originally discovered in yeast as cell division cycle mutants with cytokinesis defects, they are now known to have diverse cellular roles which include polarity determination, cytoskeletal reorganization, membrane dynamics, vesicle trafficking, and exocytosis. Septin proteins form homo- and hetero-oligomeric polymers which can assemble into higher-order filaments. They are also known to interact with components of the cytoskeleton, ie actin and tubulin. The precise role of GTP binding is not clear but a current model suggests that it is associated with conformational changes which alter binding to other proteins. There are at least 12 human septin genes, and although information on expression patterns is limited, most undergo complex alternative splicing with some degree of tissue specificity. Nevertheless, an increasing body of data implicates the septin family in the pathogenesis of diverse disease states including neoplasia, neurodegenerative conditions, and infections. Here the known biochemical properties of mammalian septins are reviewed in the light of the data from yeast and other model organisms. The data implicating septins in human disease are considered and a model linking these data is proposed. It is posited that septins can act as regulatable scaffolds where the stoichiometry of septin associations, modifications, GTP status, and the interactions with other proteins allow the regulation of key cellular processes including polarity determination. Derangements of such septin scaffolds thus explain the role of septins in disease states. Copyright © 2004 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.


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The following study considers the fragmentation of law which occurred in 1956 with regard to the law on servitude. As States were unwilling to go as far as the Universal Declaration on Human in establishing that "no one shall be held in [...] servitude", the negotiators of the 1956 Supplementary Conventions moved to expunge the very term 'servitude' from the text and to replace it with the phrase 'institutions and practices similar to slavery' which could then be abolished 'progressively and as soon as possible'. The negotiation history of the 1956 Convention clear demonstrate that the Universal Declaration on Human was the elephant in the room and that it ultimately lead to a fragmentation of the law as between general international law manifest in the 1956 Supplementary Convention on the one hand and international human rights law on the other. It is for this reason that, for instance the 2001 UN and 2005 Council of Europe trafficking conventions mention both 'practices similar to slavery' and 'servitude' as types of human exploitation to be suppressed in their definition of 'trafficking in persons'.