40 resultados para Titanium(IV) oxide modified silica


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NO (nitric oxide) can affect mitochondrial function by interacting with the cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV) of the electron transport chain in a manner that is reversible and in competition with oxygen. Concentrations of NO too low to inhibit respiration can trigger cell defence response mechanisms involving reactive oxygen species and various signalling molecules such as nuclear factor kappa B and AMP kinase. Inhibition of mitochondrial respiration by NO at low oxygen concentrations can cause so-called metabolic hypoxia and divert oxygen towards other oxygen-dependent systems. Such a diversion reactivates prolyl hydroxylases and thus accounts for the prevention by NO of the stabilization of hypoxia-inducible transcription factor. In certain circumstances NO interacts with superoxide radical to form peroxynitrite, which can affect the action of key enzymes, such as mitochondrial complex I, by S-nitrosation. This chapter discusses the physiological and pathophysiological implications of the interactions of NO with the cytochrome c oxidase.


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Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP) is an important insulin-releasing hormone of the enteroinsular axis which is rapidly inactivated by the exopeptidase dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP) IV. The present study has examined the ability of Tyr(1)-glucitol GIP to be protected from plasma degradation and to enhance insulin-releasing and antihyperglycaemic activity in 20- to 25-week-old obese diabetic ob/ob mice. Degradation of GIP by incubation at 37 degrees C with obese mouse plasma was clearly evident after 3 h (35% degraded). After 6 h, more than 61% of GIP was converted to GIP(3-42) whereas N-terminally modified Tyr(1)-glucitol GIP was resistant to degradation in plasma (>99% intact after 6 h). The formation of GIP(3-42) was almost completely abolished by inhibition of plasma DPP IV with diprotin A. Effects of GIP and Tyr(1)-glucitol GIP were examined in overnight-fasted obese mice following i.p. injection of either peptide (20 nmol/kg) together with glucose (18 mmol/kg) or in association with feeding. Most prominent effects were observed in the former group where plasma glucose values at 60 min together with the area under the curve (AUC) for glucose were significantly lower following GIP (AUC, 874 +/- 72 mmol/l.min; P


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Glucagon-like peptide-1 (7-36)amide (tGLP-1) is inactivated by dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP) IV by removal of the NH2-terminal dipeptide His(7)-Ala(8). We examined the degradation of NH2-terminally modified His(7)-glucitol tGLP-1 and its insulin-releasing and antihyperglycaemic activity in vivo, tGLP-1 was degraded by purified DPP IV after 4 h (43% intact) and after 12 hi 89% was converted to GLP-1(9-36)amide. In contrast > 99% of His(7)-glucitol tGLP-1 remained intact at 12 h. His(7)-glucitol tGLP-1 was similarly resistant to plasma degradation in vitro. His7-glucitol tGLP-1 showed greater resistance to degradation in vivo (92% intact) compared to tGLP-1 (27% intact) 10 min after i.p. administration to Wistar rats. Glucose homeostasis was examined following i.p. injection of both peptides (12 nmol/kg) together with glucose (18 mmol/kg). Plasma glucose concentrations were significantly reduced and insulin concentrations elevated following peptides administration compared with glucose alone. The area under the curve (AUC) for glucose for controls (AUC 691 +/- 35 mM/min) was significantly lower after administration of tGLP-1 and His7-glucitol tGLP-1 (36 and 49% less; AUC; 440 +/- 40 and 353 +/- 31 mM/min, respectively; P


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The short-term systemic and renal hemodynamic effects of two stroma-free hemoglobin (SFH) solutions, one unmodified and the other modified by cross-linking, were examined in anesthetized rats after hemorrhagic hypotension. Both forms of SFH increased mean arterial pressure (MAP) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) to baseline (prehemorrhage) values. The increase in MAP induced by unmodified SFH was greater than the increase in MAP caused by an albumin solution isoncotic to the unmodified SFH solution. Similarly, the increase in MAP caused by the modified SFH was also substantially greater than that induced by an albumin solution of comparable oncotic pressure to the modified SFH solution. Both unmodified and modified SFH increased GFR. As with MAP, the increase in GFR induced by both SFH solutions was greater than that associated with the oncotically matched albumin solutions. In separate experiments, the effects of nitric oxide (NO) inhibition with N omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) on MAP after hemorrhagic hypotension and subsequent infusion of unmodified SFH or albumin were also examined. In the albumin-infused rats, L-NAME increased MAP. In marked contrast, NO inhibition with L-NAME had no further effect on MAP when infused after SFH. We conclude that both unmodified and modified SFH solutions acutely improve MAP and GFR by the combined effects of intravascular volume expansion resulting from the colloid effect of the protein and by inactivation of NO.


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Mesoporous silica grown using [3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]octadecyldimethylammonium chloride as the mesoporogen in the presence of Fe and Al is X-ray amorphous, but contains very small domains with features of MFI zeolite as evidenced by IR and Raman spectroscopy. When applied as a catalyst, this amorphous sample shows good performance in the selective oxidation of benzene using nitrous oxide. Addition of tetrapropylammonium as structure directing agent to the as-synthesized mesoporous silica and subsequent dry gel conversion results in the formation of hierarchical Fe/ZSM-5 zeolite. During dry gel conversion the wormhole mesostructure of the initial material is completely lost. A dominant feature of the texture after crystallization is the high interconnectivity of micropores and mesopores. Substantial redistribution of low-dispersed Fe takes place during dry gel conversion towards highly dispersed isolated Fe species outside the zeolite framework. The catalytic performance in the oxidation of benzene to phenol of these highly mesoporous zeolites is appreciably higher than that of the parent material.


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The selective hydrogenation of ,-unsaturated aldehydes and ketones has been studied using ketoisophorone and cinnamaldehyde as model substrates using manganese oxide octahedral molecular sieve (OMS-2) based catalysts. For the first time, OMS-2 has been shown to be an efficient and selective hydrogenation catalyst. High selectivities for either the CC or CO double bond at approximate to 100% conversion were achieved by using OMS-2 and platinum supported on OMS-2 catalysts. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations showed that the dissociation of H2 on OMS-2 was water assisted and occurred on the surface Mn of OMS-2(001) that had been modified by an adsorbed H2O molecule. The theoretically calculated activation barrier was in good agreement with the experimentally determined value for the hydrogenation reactions, indicating that H2 dissociation on OMS-2 is likely to be the rate-determining step. A significant increase in the rate of reaction was observed in the presence of Pt as a result of the enhancement of H2 dissociative adsorption and subsequent reaction on the Pt or spillover of the hydrogen to the OMS-2 support. The relative adsorption strengths of ketoisophorone and cinnamaldehyde on the OMS-2 support compared with the Pt were found to determine the product selectivity.


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The relationship between the biological activity of NO and its chemistry is complex. The objectives of this study were to investigate the influence of oxygen tension on the cytotoxicity of the NO• donor DETA/NO and to determine the effects of oxygen tension on the key RNS (reactive nitrogen species) responsible for any subsequent toxicity. The findings presented in this study indicate that the DETA/NO-mediated cytotoxic effects were enhanced under hypoxic conditions. Further investigations revealed that neither ONOO⁻ (peroxynitrite) nor nitroxyl was generated. Fluorimetric analysis in the presence of scavengers suggest for the first time that another RNS, dinitrogen trioxide may be responsible for the cytotoxicity with DETA/NO. Results showed destabilization of HIF (hypoxia inducible factor)-1α and depletion of GSH levels following the treatment with DETA/NO under hypoxia, which renders cells more susceptible to DETA/NO cytotoxicity, and could account for another mechanism of DETA/NO cytotoxicity under hypoxia. In addition, there was significant accumulation of nuclear p53, which showed that p53 itself might be a target for S-nitrosylation following the treatment with DETA/NO. Both the intrinsic apoptotic pathway and the Fas extrinsic apoptotic pathway were also activated. Finally, GAPDH (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) is another important S-nitrosylated protein that may possibly play a key role in DETA/NO-mediated apoptosis and cytotoxicity. Therefore this study elucidates further mechanisms of DETA/NO mediated cytotoxicity with respect to S-nitrosylation that is emerging as a key player in the signalling and detection of DETA/NO-modified proteins in the tumour microenvironment.


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In the preparation of silica-supported nickel oxide from nickel nitrate impregnation and drying, the replacement of the traditional air calcination step by a thermal treatment in 1% NO/Ar prevents agglomeration, resulting in highly dispersed NiO. The mechanism by which NO prevents agglomeration was investigated by using combined in situ diffuse reflectance infrared fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (MS). After impregnation and drying, a supported nickel hydroxynitrate phase with composition Ni(3)(NO(3))(2)(OH)(4) had been formed. Comparison of the evolution of the decomposition gases during the thermal decomposition of Ni(3)(NO(3))(2)(OH)(4) in labeled and unlabeled NO and O(2) revealed that NO scavenges oxygen radicals, forming NO(2). The DRIFT spectra revealed that the surface speciation evolved differently in the presence of NO as compared with in O(2) or Ar. It is proposed that oxygen scavenging by NO depletes the Ni(3)(NO(3))(2)(OH)(4) phase of nitrate groups, creating nucleation sites for the formation of NiO, which leads to very small (similar to 4 nm) NiO particles and prevents agglomeration.


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This work presents the possibility of optimising 3D Organised Mesoporous Silica (OMS) coated with both iron and aluminium oxides for the optimal removal of As(III) and As(V) from synthetic contaminated water. The materials developed were fully characterised and were tested for removing arsenic in batch experiments. The effect of total Al to Fe oxides coating on the selective removal of As(III) and As(V) was studied. It was shown that 8% metal coating was the optimal configuration for the coated OMS materials in removing arsenic. The effect of arsenic initial concentration and pH, kinetics and diffusion mechanisms was studied, modelled and discussed. It was shown that the advantage of an organised material over an un-structured sorbent was very limited in terms of kinetic and diffusion under the experimental conditions. It was shown that physisorption was the main adsorption process involved in As removal by the coated OMS. Maximum adsorption capacity of 55 mg As(V).g-1 was noticed at pH 5 for material coated with 8% Al oxides while 35 mg As(V).g-1 was removed at pH 4 for equivalent material coated with Fe oxides.


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It is widely accepted that silicon-substituted materials enhance bone formation, yet the mechanism by which this occurs is poorly understood. This work investigates the potential of using diatom frustules to answer on fundamental questions surrounding the role of silica in bone healing. Biosilica with frustules 20m were isolated from Cyclotella meneghiniana a unicellular microalgae that was sourced from the Mississippi River, USA. Silanisation chemistry was used to modify the surface of C. meneghiniana with amine (–NH2) and thiol (–SH) terminated silanes. Untreated frustules and both functionalised groups were soaked in culture medium for 24hrs. Following the culture period, frustules were separated from the conditioned medium by centrifugation and both were tested separately in vitro for cytotoxicity using murine-monocyte macrophage (J774) cell line. Cytotoxicity was measured using LDH release to measure damage to cell membrane, MTS to measure cell viability and live-dead staining. The expression and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and TNF) were measured using ELISA. Our results found that diatom frustules and those functionalised with amino groups showed no cytotoxicity or elevated cytokine release. Diatom frustules functionalised with thiol groups showed higher levels of cytotoxicity. Diatom frustules and those functionalised with amino groups were taken forward to an in vivo mouse toxicity model, whereby the immunological response, organ toxicity and route of metabolism/excretion of silica were investigated. Histological results showed no organ toxicity in any of the groups relative to control. Analysis of blood Si levels suggests that modified frustules are metabolised quicker than functionalised frustules, suggesting that physiochemical attributes influence their biodistribution. Our results show that diatom frustules are non cytotoxic and are promising materials to better understand the role of silica in bone healing.