53 resultados para The Well-Tempered Clavier


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To assess the efficiency of different agro-environmental strategies used to reduce groundwater pollution by nitrates, transport modelling in soils and groundwater has been carried out on two withdrawal areas in an alluvial plain. In a first time, the agro-environmental model AgriFlux allowed the simulation of water and nitrates fluxes flowing to groundwater. This model was calibrated for each agro-pedological unit of the studied territory. In a second time, the application of the hydrogeological model MODFLOW-MT3D allowed the simulation of nitrate transport in groundwater for the 1980-2004 period. This soil-groundwater coupled modelling has shown that soil nature is the first factor that conditions the vulnerability to nitrates. Thus, nitrate leaching occurs preferentially under sandy soils. Efficiency of different agro-environmental operations for groundwater quality recovery was quantified. The best results are obtained by combination of (1) grassland re-installation on sandy agricultural lots located in near well protection perimeter and (2) fertilization reduction on sandy agricultural lots located in the well alimentation area upstream the near protection perimeter. On other soils, the effect of grassland on groundwater quality improvement is more limited. Nevertheless, the control of nitrate fertilisation remains essential and is justified in both near and far well protection perimeters. Modelling thus allows optimising and priorizing agro-environmental actions in alluvial agricultural zones. [Comte J.-C., Banton O., Kockmann F., Villard A., Creuzot G. (2006), Assessment of groundwater quality recovery strategies using nitrate transport modelling. Application to the Saône alluvial formations (Tournus, Saône-et-Loire), Ingénieries Eau-Agriculture-Territoires, 45, 15-28]


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The well-known shock solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation are revisited, together with their limitations in the context of plasma (astro)physical applications. Although available in the literature for a long time, it seems to have been forgotten in recent papers that such shocks are monotonic and unique, for a given plasma configuration, and cannot show oscillatory or bell-shaped features. This uniqueness is contrasted to solitary wave solutions of the two parent equations (Korteweg-de Vries and Burgers), which form a family of curves parameterized by the excess velocity over the linear phase speed.


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The association of invertebrate communities with macroalgae rafts has received much attention over recent decades, yet significant gaps in our knowledge remain with respect to the colonization process. Using laboratory-based experiments and in situ field trials in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, this study investigated whether members of the known rafting genus Idotea (sub-phylum Crustacea; order Isopoda) could effectively colonize rafts after shore seaweed detachment, or if their presence merely reflected a passive marooning process. Test tank arenas were used to identify traits that may influence the rafting potential of the dominant shore species Idotea granulosa and the well known rafter Idotea baltica. When released mid-water, I. granulosa initially ascended and associated with floating seaweed whereas I. baltica tended to descend with no clear habitat association. These findings conflict with the differential distribution of these Idotea species among rafts and shore algae, thus highlighting the complex nature of the potential of organisms to raft. In the field we considered the relative ability of different Idotea species to colonize tethered rafts composed of Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus, cleaned of all vagile organisms and deployed at locations adjacent to established intertidal Idotea species populations. At the end of the experiment (after 44 days) rafts were inhabited by known rafting and shoreline species, confirming that colonization can occur after algal detachment. Previously considered shoreline species on occasion outnumbered well known rafters suggesting that a wide range of Idotea species can readily avail of macroalgal rafts as a potential dispersal mechanism or alternative habitat. © 2012 Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.


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In this paper we employ Erikson and Goldthorpe's core model of social fluidity and a 'measured variable' approach to analyse trends in social mobility among men in the Republic of Ireland. Our analyses provide no evidence that the changes associated with industrialization have led to the increases in social fluidity predicted by the liberal theory of industrialism. The measured-variable approach we employ consistently provides a better fit to the Irish data than the core model. The application of the former model points to a degree of importance of the hierarchy dimension which is not captured adequately by the core model. It also suggests that the well-known distinctiveness of the Irish social mobility regime is open to explanation in terms of general dimensions rather than the peculiarities of the Irish case.


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Many-body effects are known to play a crucial role in the electronic and optical properties of solids and nanostructures. Nevertheless, the majority of theoretical and numerical approaches able to capture the influence of Coulomb correlations are restricted to the linear response regime. In this work, we introduce an approach based on a real-time solution of the electronic dynamics. The proposed approach reduces to the well-known Bethe-Salpeter equation in the linear limit regime and it makes it possible, at the same time, to investigate correlation effects in nonlinear phenomena. We show the flexibility and numerical stability of the proposed approach by calculating the dielectric constants and the effect of a strong pulse excitation in bulk h-BN.


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Objectives: (1) To determine informal caregivers perceptions about place of care and place of death; and (2) to identify variables associated with a home death among terminally ill individuals who received in-home support services in a publicly funded home care system. Participants and design: A total of 216 informal caregivers participated in a bereavement interview. Data collection included care recipient and informal caregiver characteristics, the use of and satisfaction with community services, and preferences about place of death. Results: Most caregivers reported that they and the care recipient had a preferred place of death (77 and 68%, respectively) with over 63% reporting home as the preferred place of death. Caregivers had a greater preference for an institutional death (14%) than care recipients (4.7%). While 30% of care recipients did not die in their preferred location, most caregivers (92%) felt, in retrospect, that where the care recipient died was the appropriate place of death. Most caregivers reported being satisfied with the care that was provided. The odds of dying at home were greater when the care recipient stated a preference for place of death (OR: 2.92; 95% CI: 1.25, 6.85), and the family physician made home visits during the care recipients last month of life (Univariate odds ratios (OR): 4.42; 95% CI: 1.46, 13.36). Discussion: The ethic of self-control and choice for the care recipient must be balanced with consideration for the well being of the informal caregiver and responsiveness of the community service system. © 2005 Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd.


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The efficiency of fuel cells and metal-air batteries is significantly limited by the activation of oxygen reduction and evolution reactions. Despite the well-recognized role of oxygen reaction kinetics on the viability of energy technologies, the governing mechanisms remain elusive and until now have been addressable only by macroscopic studies. This lack of nanoscale understanding precludes optimization of material architecture. Here, we report direct measurements of oxygen reduction/evolution reactions and oxygen vacancy diffusion on oxygen-ion conductive solid surfaces with sub-10 nm resolution. In electrochemical strain microscopy, the biased scanning probe microscopy tip acts as a moving, electrocatalytically active probe exploring local electrochemical activity. The probe concentrates an electric field in a nanometre-scale volume of material, and bias-induced, picometre-level surface displacements provide information on local electrochemical processes. Systematic mapping of oxygen activity on bare and platinum-functionalized yttria-stabilized zirconia surfaces is demonstrated. This approach allows direct visualization of the oxygen reduction/evolution reaction activation process at the triple-phase boundary, and can be extended to a broad spectrum of oxygen-conductive and electrocatalytic materials.


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This article critically assesses the criminal law on consensual harm through an examination of the legality of fighting sports. The article begins by considering fighting sports such as bare-fisted prize fighting (dominant in the nineteenth century). It then, in historical chronology, examines the legality of professional boxing with gloves (dominant in the twentieth century). Doctrinally, the article reviews why and how, in a position adopted by the leading common law jurisdictions, fighting sports benefit from an application of the “well-established” category-based exceptions to the usual bodily harm threshold of consent in the criminal law. Centrally, fighting sports and doctrinal law on offenses against the person are juxtaposed against the theoretical boundaries of consent in the criminal law to examine whether and where the limit of the “right to be hurt” might lie. In sum, this article uses fighting sports as a case study to assess whether the criminal law generally can or should accommodate the notion of a fair fight, sporting or otherwise, predicated on the consent of the participants to the point that the individuals involved might be said, pithily, to have extended an open invite to harm.


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This article provides a reflection on my past practice as Creative Director of The Mixed Peppers Theatre Arts Training Programme. Drawing upon discourses of Disability Studies it considers how this ostensibly emancipatory project that sought to provide access to theatre activity for young people with physical disabilities living in Northern Ireland was flawed, and was eventually disbanded, partly due to a failure on the part of its non-disabled leadership to address imbalances of power in its relationship with its young disabled constituency. The article is framed within a survey of recent debates that focus upon the historical lack of a sustained, indigenous, disability-led theatre activity in Northern Ireland and the recent efforts by non-disabled professional arts practitioners to establish such activity in the region. It offers, as an exemplar to current discussion, an analysis of how the choice and agency of the young members of The Mixed Peppers were compromised by the well-meaning but potentially oppressive practices of its leadership. It questions whether the project was unduly influenced by parental desire to see their disabled children `normalized' in a high-profile theatrical production. Finally, it considers how The Mixed Peppers' institutional situation, as a project controlled and administered by a disability charity, was implicated in the premature demise of the initiative.


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We analyze the production of defects during the dynamical crossing of a mean-field phase transition with a real order parameter. When the parameter that brings the system across the critical point changes in time according to a power-law schedule, we recover the predictions dictated by the well-known Kibble-Zurek theory. For a fixed duration of the evolution, we show that the average number of defects can be drastically reduced for a very large but finite system, by optimizing the time dependence of the driving using optimal control techniques. Furthermore, the optimized protocol is robust against small fluctuations.


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We analyzed subfossil chironomids, sediment organic matter and sediment particle size data from a 1.11-m-long freeze core collected from Carleton Lake (unofficial name), located approximately 120 km north of the modern treeline. This well-dated core spans the last ca. 6,500 years. Two chironomid transfer functions were applied to infer mean July air temperatures. Our results indicated that the chironomid-inferred temperatures from this lake sediment record did not pass a significance test, suggesting that other factors in addition to temperature may have been important in structuring the chironomid community through time. Although not statistically significant, the chironomid-inferred temperatures from this site do follow a familiar pattern, with highest inferred temperatures occurring during the Holocene Thermal Maximum (~6–4 cal kyr BP), followed by a long-term cooling trend, which is reversed during the last 600 years. The largest change in the chironomid assemblage, which occurred between ca. 4,600 and 3,900 cal yr BP is possibly related to the well-documented northward advance and subsequent retreat of treeline in this region.


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The recent decision of the European Court of Human Rights in Ahmad v UK dangerously undermines the well-established case law of the Court on counter-terrorism and non-refoulement towards torture, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment. Although ostensibly rejecting the ‘relativist’ approach to Article 3 ECHR adopted by the House of Lords in Wellington v Secretary of State for the Home Department, the Court appeared to accept that what is a breach of Article 3 in a domestic context may not be a breach in an extradition or expulsion context. This statement is difficult to reconcile with the jurisprudence constante of the Court in the last fifteen years, according to which Article 3 ECHR is an absolute right in all its applications, including non-refoulement, regardless of who the potential victim of torture, inhuman or degrading treatment is, what she may have done, or where the treatment at issue would occur.


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he double-detonation explosion scenario of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) has gained increased support from the SN Ia community as a viable progenitor model, making it a promising candidate alongside the well-known single degenerate and double degenerate scenarios. We present delay times of double-detonation SNe, in which a sub-Chandrasekhar mass carbon–oxygen white dwarf (WD) accretes non-dynamically from a helium-rich companion. One of the main uncertainties in quantifying SN rates from double detonations is the (assumed) retention efficiency of He-rich matter. Therefore, we implement a new prescription for the treatment of accretion/accumulation of He-rich matter on WDs. In addition, we test how the results change depending on which criteria are assumed to lead to a detonation in the helium shell. In comparing the results to our standard case (Ruiter et al.), we find that regardless of the adopted He accretion prescription, the SN rates are reduced by only ∼25 per cent if low-mass He shells (≲0.05 M⊙) are sufficient to trigger the detonations. If more massive (0.1 M⊙) shells are needed, the rates decrease by 85 per cent and the delay time distribution is significantly changed in the new accretion model – only SNe with prompt (<500 Myr) delay times are produced. Since theoretical arguments favour low-mass He shells for normal double-detonation SNe, we conclude that the rates from double detonations are likely to be high, and should not critically depend on the adopted prescription for accretion of He.


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Initial results are presented on the elastic scattering of electrons by argon atoms in the neighbourhood of the well known ((3p) (4s)) resonances. An R-matrix calculation is employed to investigate how the resonance characteristics change as the spin-orbit interaction is switched on.


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The signing of the Ulster Covenant on 28 September 1912 by almost 450,000 men and women was a powerful act of defiance on the part of Unionists in the context of what they perceived as the threat to their way of life represented by the Liberal Government's policy of Irish Home Rule. This article attempts to look beyond the well-studied leadership figures of Carson and Craig in order to fashion insights into the way Ulster Protestant society was mobilised around the Covenant and opposition to Home Rule. It draws attention to hitherto over-shadowed personalities who can be said to have exerted crucial local influence. It also contends that although pan-Protestant denominational unity provided the basis for the success of the Covenant, the Presbyterian community was particularly cohesive and purposeful in the campaign. The article further argues that the risk-taking defiance that came more easily to the Presbyterians, on account of a troubled history, largely evaporated in the new political circumstances of Northern Ireland when it became a separate devolved political entity within the UK from 1921.