69 resultados para Tail-approximation


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In this paper, we show how interacting and occluding targets can be tackled successfully within a Gaussian approximation. For that purpose, we develop a general expansion of the mean and covariance of the posterior and we consider a first order approximation of it. The proposed method differs from EKF in that neither a non-linear dynamical model nor a non-linear measurement vector to state relation have to be defined, so it works with any kind of interaction potential and likelihood. The approach has been tested on three sequences (10400, 2500, and 400 frames each one). The results show that our approach helps to reduce the number of failures without increasing too much the computation time with respect to methods that do not take into account target interactions.


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The treatment of the Random-Phase Approximation Hamiltonians, encountered in different frameworks, like time-dependent density functional theory or Bethe-Salpeter equation, is complicated by their non-Hermicity. Compared to their Hermitian Hamiltonian counterparts, computational methods for the treatment of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians are often less efficient and less stable, sometimes leading to the breakdown of the method. Recently [Gruning et al. Nano Lett. 8 (2009) 28201, we have identified that such Hamiltonians are usually pseudo-Hermitian. Exploiting this property, we have implemented an algorithm of the Lanczos type for Random-Phase Approximation Hamiltonians that benefits from the same stability and computational load as its Hermitian counterpart, and applied it to the study of the optical response of carbon nanotubes. We present here the related theoretical grounds and technical details, and study the performance of the algorithm for the calculation of the optical absorption of a molecule within the Bethe-Salpeter equation framework. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Within the Tamm-Dancoff approximation, ab initio approaches describe excitons as packets of electron-hole pairs propagating only forward in time. However, we show that in nanoscale materials excitons and plasmons hybridize, creating exciton-plasmon states where the electron-hole pairs oscillate back and forth in time. Then, as exemplified by the trans-azobenzene molecule and the carbon nanotubes, the Tamm-Dancoff approximation yields errors larger than the accuracy claimed in ab initio calculations. Instead, we propose a general and efficient approach that avoids the Tamm-Dancoff approximation, correctly describes excitons, plasmons, and exciton-plasmon states, and provides a good agreement with experimental results.


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An approximate Kohn-Sham (KS) exchange potential v(xsigma)(CEDA) is developed, based on the common energy denominator approximation (CEDA) for the static orbital Green's function, which preserves the essential structure of the density response function. v(xsigma)(CEDA) is an explicit functional of the occupied KS orbitals, which has the Slater v(Ssigma) and response v(respsigma)(CEDA) potentials as its components. The latter exhibits the characteristic step structure with "diagonal" contributions from the orbital densities \psi(isigma)\(2), as well as "off-diagonal" ones from the occupied-occupied orbital products psi(isigma)psi(j(not equal1)sigma). Comparison of the results of atomic and molecular ground-state CEDA calculations with those of the Krieger-Li-Iafrate (KLI), exact exchange (EXX), and Hartree-Fock (HF) methods show, that both KLI and CEDA potentials can be considered as very good analytical "closure approximations" to the exact KS exchange potential. The total CEDA and KLI energies nearly coincide with the EXX ones and the corresponding orbital energies epsilon(isigma) are rather close to each other for the light atoms and small molecules considered. The CEDA, KLI, EXX-epsilon(isigma) values provide the qualitatively correct order of ionizations and they give an estimate of VIPs comparable to that of the HF Koopmans' theorem. However, the additional off-diagonal orbital structure of v(xsigma)(CEDA) appears to be essential for the calculated response properties of molecular chains. KLI already considerably improves the calculated (hyper)polarizabilities of the prototype hydrogen chains H-n over local density approximation (LDA) and standard generalized gradient approximations (GGAs), while the CEDA results are definitely an improvement over the KLI ones. The reasons of this success are the specific orbital structures of the CEDA and KLI response potentials, which produce in an external field an ultranonlocal field-counteracting exchange potential. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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We report extensive observational data for five of the lowest redshift Super-Luminous Type Ic Supernovae (SL-SNe Ic) discovered to date, namely, PTF10hgi, SN2011ke, PTF11rks, SN2011kf, and SN2012il. Photometric imaging of the transients at +50 to +230 days after peak combined with host galaxy subtraction reveals a luminous tail phase for four of these SL-SNe. A high-resolution, optical, and near-infrared spectrum from xshooter provides detection of a broad He I ?10830 emission line in the spectrum (+50 days) of SN2012il, revealing that at least some SL-SNe Ic are not completely helium-free. At first sight, the tail luminosity decline rates that we measure are consistent with the radioactive decay of 56Co, and would require 1-4 M ? of 56Ni to produce the luminosity. These 56Ni masses cannot be made consistent with the short diffusion times at peak, and indeed are insufficient to power the peak luminosity. We instead favor energy deposition by newborn magnetars as the power source for these objects. A semi-analytical diffusion model with energy input from the spin-down of a magnetar reproduces the extensive light curve data well. The model predictions of ejecta velocities and temperatures which are required are in reasonable agreement with those determined from our observations. We derive magnetar energies of 0.4 <~ E(1051 erg) lsim 6.9 and ejecta masses of 2.3 <~ M ej(M ?) lsim 8.6. The sample of five SL-SNe Ic presented here, combined with SN 2010gx—the best sampled SL-SNe Ic so far—points toward an explosion driven by a magnetar as a viable explanation for all SL-SNe Ic.


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The research aims to carry out a detailed analysis of the loads applied by the ambulance workers when loading/unloading ambulance stretchers. The forces required of the ambulance workers for each system are measured using a load cell in a force handle arrangement. The process of loading and unloading is video recorded for all the systems to register the posture of the ambulance workers in different stages of the process. The postures and forces exerted by the ambulance workers are analyzed using biomechanical assessment software to examine if the work loads at any stage of the process are harmful. Kinetic analysis of each stretcher loading system is performed. Comparison of the kinetic analysis and measurements shows very close agreement for most of the cases. The force analysis results are evaluated against derived failure criteria. The evaluation is extended to a biomechanical failure analysis of the ambulance worker's lower back using 3DSSPP software developed at the Centre for Ergonomics at the University of Michigan. The critical tasks of each ambulance worker during the loading and unloading operations for each system are identified. Design recommendations are made to reduce the forces exerted based on loading requirements from the kinetic analysis. © 2006 IPEM.