50 resultados para Systemic blood pressure


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Background: Prospective investigations of the association between impaired orthostatic blood pressure (BP) regulation and cognitive decline in older adults are limited, and findings to-date have been mixed. The aim of this study was to determine whether impaired recovery of orthostatic BP was associated with change in cognitive function over a 2-year period, in a population based sample of community dwelling older adults. 

Methods: Data from the first two waves of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing were analysed. Orthostatic BP was measured during a lying to standing orthostatic stress protocol at wave 1 using beat-to-beat digital plethysmography, and impaired recovery of BP at 40 s post stand was investigated. Cognitive function was assessed at wave 1 and wave 2 (2 years later) using the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE), verbal fluency and word recall tasks. 

Results: After adjustment for measured, potential confounders, and multiple imputation for missing data, the change in the number of errors between waves on the MMSE was 10 % higher [IRR (95 % CI) = 1.10 (0.96, 1.26)] in those with impaired recovery at 40 s. However, this was not statistically significant (p = 0.17). Impaired BP recovery was not associated with change in performance on any of the other cognitive measures. 

Conclusions: There was no clear evidence for an association between impaired recovery of orthostatic BP and change in cognition over a 2-year period in this nationally representative cohort of older adults. Longer follow-up and more detailed cognitive testing would be advantageous to further investigate the relationship between orthostatic BP and cognitive decline.


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Aim - To evaluate the comparative efficacy and tolerance of latanoprost versus timolol through a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Methods - Systematic retrieval of RCTs of latanoprost versus timolol to allow pooling of results from head to head comparison studies. Quality of trials was assessed based on randomisation, masking, and withdrawal. Sensitivity analyses were used to estimate the effects of quality of study on outcomes. The data sources were Medline, Embase, Scientific Citation Index, Merck Glaucoma, and Pharmacia and Upjohn ophthalmology databases. There were 1256 patients with open angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension reported in 11 trials of latanoprost versus timolol. The main outcome measures were (i) percentage intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction for efficacy; (ii) relative risk, risk difference, and number needed to harm for side effects such as hyperaemia, conjunctivitis, increased pigmentation, hypotension, and bradycardia expressed as dichotomous outcomes; and (iii) reduction in systemic blood pressure and heart rate as side effects. Results - Both 0.005% latanoprost once daily and 0.5% timolol twice daily reduced IOP. The percentage reductions in IOP from baseline (mean (SE)) produced by latanoprost and timolol were 30.2 (2.3) and 26.9 (3.4) at 3 months. The difference in IOP reduction between the two treatments were 5.0 (95% confidence intervals 2.8, 7.3). However, latanoprost caused iris pigmentation in more patients than timolol (relative risk = 8.01, 95% confidence intervals 1.87, 34.30). The 2 year risk with latanoprost reached 18% (51/277). Hyperaemia was also more often observed with latanoprost (relative risk = 2.20, 95% confidence intervals 1.33, 3.64). Timolol caused a significant reduction in heart rate of 4 beats/minute (95% confidence interval 2, 6). Conclusion - This meta-analysis suggests that latanoprost is more effective than timolol in lowering IOP. However, it often causes iris pigmentation. While current evidence suggests that this pigmentation is benign, careful lifetime evaluation of patients is still justified.


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The defensive skin secretions of many amphibians are a rich source of bradykinins and bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs). Members of this peptide group are also common components of reptile and arthropod venoms due to their multiple biological functions that include induction of pain, effects on many smooth muscle types, and lowering systemic blood pressure. While most BRPs are bradykinin receptor agonists, some have curiously been found to be exquisite antagonists, such as the maximakinin gene-related peptide, kinestatin—a specific bradykinin B2-receptor antagonist from the skin of the giant fire-bellied toad, Bombina maxima. Here, we describe the identification, structural and functional characterization of a heptadecapeptide (DYTIRTRLHQGLSRKIV), named ranakinestatin-PPF, from the skin of the Chinese ranid frog, Pelophylax plancyi fukienensis, representing a prototype of a novel class of bradykinin B2-receptor specific antagonist. Using a preconstricted preparation of rat tail arterial smooth muscle, a single dose of 10−6 M of the peptide effectively inhibited the dose-dependent relaxation effect of bradykinin between 10−11 M and 10−5 M and subsequently, this effect was pharmacologically-characterized using specific bradykinin B1- (desArg-HOE140) and B2-receptor (HOE140) antagonists; the data from which demonstrated that the antagonism of the novel peptide was mediated through B2-receptors. Ranakinestatin—PPF—thus represents a prototype of an amphibian skin peptide family that functions as a bradykinin B2-receptor antagonist herein demonstrated using mammalian vascular smooth muscle.


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Chronic inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis is associated with hypertension, myocardial ischemia, oxidative stress and hypertrophy; expression of the vasodilator peptide, adrenomedullin (AM) and its receptors is augmented in cardiomyocytes, indicating that the myocardial AM system may be activated in response to pressure loading and ischemic insult to serve a counter-regulatory, cardio-protective role. The study examined the hypothesis that oxidative stress and hypertrophic remodeling in NO-deficient cardiomyocytes are attenuated by adenoviral vector-mediated delivery of the human adrenomedullin (hAM) gene in vivo.

The NO synthesis inhibitor, N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 15mg . kg(-1) . day(-1)) was given to rats for 4 weeks following systemic administration via the tail vein of a single injection of either adenovirus harbouring hAM cDNA under the control of the cytomegalovirus promoter-enhancer (Ad.CMV-hAM-4F2), or for comparison, adenovirus alone (Ad.Null) or saline. Cardiomyocytes were subsequently isolated for assessment of the influence of each intervention on parameters of oxidative stress and hypertrophic remodelling.

RESULTS: Cardiomyocyte expression of the transgene persisted for > or =4 weeks following systemic administration of adenoviral vector. In L-NAME treated rats, relative to Ad.Null or saline administration, Ad.CMV-hAM-4F2 (i) reduced augmented cardiomyocyte membrane protein oxidation and mRNA expression of pro-oxidant (p22phox) and anti-oxidant (SOD-3, GPx) genes; (ii) attenuated increased cardiomyocyte width and mRNA expression of hypertrophic (sk-alpha-actin) and cardio-endocrine (ANP) genes; (iii) did not attenuate hypertension.

CONCLUSIONS: Adenoviral vector mediated delivery of hAM resulted in attenuation of myocardial oxidative stress and hypertrophic remodelling in the absence of blood pressure reduction in this model of chronic NO-deficiency. These findings are consistent with a direct cardio-protective action in the myocardium of locally-derived hAM which is not dependant on NO generation.


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The central and peripheral cardiovascular effects of synthetic trout urotensin II (UII) were investigated in the conscious rainbow trout. Intracerebroventricular injection of 50 pmol UII produced a slight (3%) but significant (P < 0.05) increase in heart rate but had no effect on mean arterial blood pressure. Injection of 500 pmol UII icy produced a significant (P < 0.05) rise (8%) in blood pressure with no change in heart rate. In contrast to the weak presser effect of centrally administered UII, intra-arterial injection of UII produced a dose-dependent increase in arterial blood pressure and decrease in heart rate with significant (P < 0.05) effects on both parameters observed at a dose of 25 pmol. Higher doses of the peptide produced a sustained decrease in cardiac output that accompanied the bradycardia and rise in arterial blood pressure. The UII-induced bradycardia, but not the increase in pressure, was abolished by pretreatment with phentolamine. Trout UII produced a sustained and dose-dependent contraction of isolated vascular rings prepared from trout efferent branchial [-log 50% of the concentration producing maximal contraction (pD(2)) = 8.30] and celiacomesenteric (pD(2) = 8.22) arteries but was without effects on vascular rings from the anterior cardinal vein. The data indicate that the presser effect of UII in trout is mediated predominantly, if not exclusively, by an increase in systemic vascular resistance. The UII-induced hypertensive response does not seem to involve release of catecholamines, but the bradycardia may arise from adrenergic-mediated activation of cardioinhibitory baroreflexes.


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Experiments were undertaken to determine if nitric oxide (NO) plays a role in regulation of basal blood flow in the oral cavity of pentobarbital anesthetized cats and, if so, to quantify this effect using dose-response relationships. Blood flow was continuously measured from the surface of the tongue and mandibular gingiva (laser-Doppler flowmetry) and from the lingual artery (ultrasonic flowmetry). Cardiovascular parameters also were recorded. Administration of the nonselective inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), L-NAME (0.08-20 mg/kg i.v.), produced a dose-related increase of blood pressure associated with decreases of blood flow at all three measurement sites. Maximal blood flow depression of 50-60% was seen 30-60 min after administration of 1.25 mg/kg of L-NAME. D-NAME (1.25 mg/kg i.v.) was inactive at all sites. Subsequent administration of L-arginine partially reversed effects of L-NAME in the lingual artery and tongue, but not in the gingival circulation. The neuronally selective NOS inhibitor, 7-nitroindazole (7-NI, 30 mg/kg i.p.), was devoid of effect on any of the measured parameters. These results suggest that endothelial (but not neuronally derived) NO plays an important role in control of basal blood flow in oral tissues of the cat.