201 resultados para Stone masonry


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Vibrated stone columns are frequently used as a method of reinforcing soft ground as they provide increased bearing capacity and reduce foundation settlements. Their performance in relation to bearing capacity is well documented, but there is also a need for enhanced understanding of their settlement characteristics, particularly in relation to small-group configurations. This paper presents results obtained from physical model tests on triaxial specimens 300 mm in diameter and 400 mm high. Parameters investigated include column length to diameter ratio, area replacement ratio and single/group configuration. The findings of the work are as follows. The design is flexible: settlement can equally be controlled using short columns at relatively high area replacement ratios, or longer columns at smaller area replacement ratios. An optimum area replacement ratio of 30-40% exists for the control of settlement. The settlement performance of a small column group is highly influenced by inter-column and footing interaction effects.


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The mechanism whereby the foundation loading is transmitted through stone the column (included in soft clay) has received less attention from researchers. This paper reports on some interesting findings obtained from a laboratory-based model study in respect of this issue. The stone column, included in the soft clay bed was subjected to foundation loading under drained conditions. The results show, probably for the first time, how the foundation loadings are transmitted through the column and indeed the existence of “negative skin friction” (a widely accepted phenomena in solid piles) in granular columns in soft clays.


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The ability to predict the behavior of masonry materials is crucial to conserve building stone. Natural stone, such as sandstone, is not immune from the processes of weathering in the built environment and suffers from decay by granular disintegration, contour scaling, and multiple flaking. Spatial variation of rock properties is a major contributing factor to inconsistent responses to weathering. This has implications for moisture movement and salt input and output and storage, and results in unpredictability in the decay dynamics of masonry materials. This article explores the use of variography and kriging to investigate the spatial interactions between the trigger factors of stone decay, in particular, permeability and its effect on salt penetration. Sandstone blocks were used to represent fresh building stones from a weathering perspective and gave baseline characteristics for the interpretation of subsequent deterioration and decay pathways. Simulated weathering trials involved preloading a sandstone block with salt and subjecting a separate block to 20 cycles of a weathering trial designed to simulate a temperate weathering regime. Geostatistical analysis indicated differences in the spatial variation of permeability of the fresh rock and that subjected to the weathering regimes. Spatial prediction and visualization showed differences in the spatial continuity of permeability in a horizontal and vertical direction through the preloaded block after salt weathering. Continual wetting with salt and alternate heating increased permeability in a vertical direction, enabling the ingress and movement of salt and moisture more effectively through the stone.


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Environmental controls on stone decay processes are rapidly changing as a result of changing climate. UKCP09 projections for the 2020s (2010–2039) indicate that over much of the UK seasonality of precipitation will increase. Summer dryness and winter wetness are both set to increase, the latter linked to projected precipitation increases in autumn and spring months. If so, this could increase the time that stone structures remain wet and possibly the depth of moisture penetration, and it appears that building stone in Northern Ireland has already responded through an increased incidence of algal ‘greening’.This paper highlights the need for understanding the effects of climate change through a series of studies of largely sandstone structures. Current and projected climatic trends are therefore considered to have aesthetic, physical and chemical implications that are not currently built into our models of sandstone decay, especially with respect to the role played by deep-seated wetness on sandstone deterioration and decay progression and the feedbacks associated with, for example surface algal growth. In particular,it is proposed that algal biofilms will aid moisture retention and further facilitate moisture and dissolved salt penetration to depth. Thus, whilst the outer surface of stone may continue to experience frequent wetting and drying associated with individual precipitation events, the latter is less likely to be complete, and the interiors of building blocks may only experience wetting/drying in response to seasonal cycling. A possible consequence of deeper salt penetration could be a delay in the onset of surface deterioration,but more rapid and effective retreat once it commences as decay mechanisms ‘tap into a reservoir of deep salt’.


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The problem of the decay and conservation of stone-built heritage is a complex one, requiring input across many disciplines to identify appropriate remedial steps and management strategies. Over the past few decades, earth scientists have brought a unique perspective to this challenging area, drawing on traditions and knowledge obtained from research into landscape development and the natural environment. This paper reviews the crucial themes that have arisen particularly, although not exclusively, from the work of physical geographers — themes that have sought to correct common misconceptions held by the public, as well as those directly engaged in construction and conservation, regarding the nature, causes and controls of building stone decay. It also looks to the future, suggesting how the behaviour of building stones (and hence the work of stone decay scientists) might alter in response to the looming challenge of climate change.


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Beds of nonattached coralline algae (maerl or rhodoliths) are widespread and considered relatively species rich. This habitat is generally found in areas where there is chronic physical disturbance such that maerl thalli are frequently moved. Little is known, however, about how natural disturbance regimes affect the species associated with maerl. This study compared the richness, animal abundance, and algal biomass of maerl-associated species over a two-year period in a wave-disturbed bed and a sheltered maerl bed. Changes in associated species over time were assessed for departures from a neutral model in which the dissimilarity between samples reflects random sampling from a common species pool. Algal biomass and species richness at the wave-exposed site and on stabilized maerl at the sheltered site were reduced at times of higher wind speeds. The changes in species richness were not distinguishable from a neutral model, implying that algal species were added at random to the assemblage as the level of disturbance lessened. Results for animal species were more mixed. Although mobile species were less abundant during windy periods at the exposed site, both neutral and non-neutral patterns were evident in the assemblages. Artificial stabilization of maerl had inconsistent effects on the richness of animals but always resulted in more attached algal species. While the results show that the response of a community to disturbance can be neutral, the domain of neutral changes in communities may be relatively small. Alongside non-neutral responses to natural disturbance, artificial stabilization always resulted in an assemblage that was more distinct than would be expected under random sampling from a common pool. Community responses to stabilization treatments did not consistently follow the predictions of the dynamic equilibrium model, the intermediate disturbance model, or a facilitation model. These inconsistencies may reflect site-specific variation in both the disturbance regime and the adjacent habitats that provide source populations for many of the species found associated with maerl.


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The mechanism whereby foundation loading is transmitted through the column has received little attention from researchers. This paper reports on some interesting findings obtained from a laboratory-based model study in respect of this issue. The model tests were carried out on samples of soft clay, 300 mm in diameter and 400 mm high. The samples were reinforced with fully penetrating stone columns, of three different diameters, made of crushed basalt. Four pressure cells were located along each stone column. The 60 mm diameter footing used in the model was supported on a clay bed reinforced with a stone column and subjected to foundation loading under drained conditions. The results show that the dissipation of excess pore water pressure developed during the initial application of total stresses, when the foundation was subjected to no loading, generated considerable stresses within the column, and that this was directly attributable to the development of negative skin friction. The pressure distributions in the column during foundation loading showed some complex behaviour.


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Many previous studies into internal temperature gradients within stone have assumed smooth, exponential increases and decreases in sub-surface temperatures in response, for example, to diurnal patterns of heating and cooling and these have been used to explain phenomena such as large-scale contour scaling. This high-resolution experimental study, in which a porous limestone block was subjected to alternate surface heating and cooling using an infrared lamp, demonstrates that internal temperature gradients in response to short-term environmental cycles (measured in minutes) can in fact be complex and inconsistent. Results confirm the significance of very steep temperature/stress gradients within the outer 10 mm or less of exposed stone. Below this the data indicate complex patterns of temperature reversals, the amplitudes of which are attenuated with depth and which are influenced in their intensity and location by variations in the relative duration of heating and cooling phases. It is suggested that the reversals might represent ‘interference patterns’ between incoming and outgoing thermal waves, but whatever their origin they are potentially important because they occur within the zone in which many stone decay processes, especially salt weathering, operate. These processes invariably respond to temperature and moisture fluctuations, and short-term interruptions to insolation could, for example, trigger these fluctuations on numerous occasions over a day. In particular, the reversals occur at a scale that is commensurate with decay by multiple flaking and could indicate an underlying control on this previously little-researched pattern of weathering. In the context of this publication, however, the main lesson to be learned from this study is that differing scales of behaviour require different scales of enquiry.