124 resultados para Solar magnetic fields
Using advanced numerical magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of the magnetized solar photosphere, including non-gray radiative transport and a non-ideal equation of state, we analyze plasma motions in photospheric magnetic vortices. We demonstrate that apparent vortex-like motions in photospheric magnetic field concentrations do not exhibit "tornado"-like behavior or a "bath-tub" effect. While at each time instance the velocity field lines in the upper layers of the solar photosphere show swirls, the test particles moving with the time-dependent velocity field do not demonstrate such structures. Instead, they move in a wave-like fashion with rapidly changing and oscillating velocity field, determined mainly by magnetic tension in the magnetized intergranular downflows. Using time-distance diagrams, we identify horizontal motions in the magnetic flux tubes as torsional Alfvén perturbations propagating along the nearly vertical magnetic field lines with local Alfvén speed.
We investigate the generation mechanisms of MHD Poynting flux in the magnetized solar photosphere. Using radiative MHD modeling of the solar photosphere with initial magnetic configurations that differ in their field strength and geometry, we show the presence of two different mechanisms for MHD Poynting flux generation in simulations of solar photospheric magnetoconvection. The weaker mechanism is connected to vertical transport of weak horizontal magnetic fields in the convectively stable layers of the upper photosphere, while the stronger is the production of Poynting flux in strongly magnetized intergranular lanes experiencing horizontal vortex motions. These mechanisms may be responsible for the energy transport from the solar convection zone to the higher layers of the solar atmosphere.
Ellerman Bombs (EBs) are often found to be co-spatial with bipolar photospheric magnetic fields. We use Hα imaging spectroscopy along with Fe i 6302.5 Å spectropolarimetry from the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope (SST), combined with data from the Solar Dynamic Observatory, to study EBs and the evolution of the local magnetic fields at EB locations. EBs are found via an EB detection and tracking algorithm. Using NICOLE inversions of the spectropolarimetric data, we find that, on average, (3.43 ± 0.49) × 1024 erg of stored magnetic energy disappears from the bipolar region during EB burning. The inversions also show flux cancellation rates of 1014–1015 Mx s‑1 and temperature enhancements of 200 K at the detection footpoints. We investigate the near-simultaneous flaring of EBs due to co-temporal flux emergence from a sunspot, which shows a decrease in transverse velocity when interacting with an existing, stationary area of opposite polarity magnetic flux, resulting in the formation of the EBs. We also show that these EBs can be fueled further by additional, faster moving, negative magnetic flux regions.
The aim of this study is to explore the suitability of chromospheric images for magnetic modeling of active regions. We use high-resolutionimages (≈0.2"-0.3"), from the Interferometric Bidimensional Spectrometer in the Ca II 8542 Å line, the Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere instrument in the Hα 6563Å line, the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph in the 2796Å line, and compare non-potential magnetic field models obtainedfrom those chromospheric images with those obtained from images of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly in coronal (171 Å, etc.) and inchromospheric (304 Å) wavelengths. Curvi-linear structures are automatically traced in those images with the OCCULT-2 code, to which we forward-fitted magnetic field lines computed with the Vertical-current Approximation Nonlinear Force Free Field code. We find that the chromospheric images: (1) reveal crisp curvi-linear structures (fibrils, loop segments, spicules) that are extremely well-suited for constraining magnetic modeling; (2) that these curvi-linear structures arefield-aligned with the best-fit solution by a median misalignment angle of μ2 ≈ 4°–7° (3) the free energy computed from coronal data may underestimate that obtained from chromospheric data by a factor of ≈2–4, (4) the height range of chromospheric features is confined to h≲4000 km, while coronal features are detected up to h = 35,000 km; and (5) the plasma-β parameter is β ≈ 10^-5 - 10^-1 for all traced features. We conclude that chromospheric images reveal important magnetic structures that are complementary to coronal images and need to be included in comprehensive magnetic field models, something that is currently not accomodated in standard NLFFF codes.
A new application of wavelet analysis is presented that utilizes the inherent phase information residing within the complex Morlet transform. The technique is applied to a weak solar magnetic network region, and the temporal variation of phase difference between TRACE 1700 Angstrom and SOHO/SUMER C II 1037 Angstrom intensities is shown. We present, for the first time in an astrophysical setting, the application of wavelet phase coherence, including a comparison between two methods of testing real wavelet phase coherence against that of noise. The example highlights the advantage of wavelet analysis over more classical techniques, such as Fourier analysis, and the effectiveness of the former to identify wave packets of similar frequencies but with differing phase relations is emphasized. Using cotemporal, ground-based Advanced Stokes Polarimeter measurements, changes in the observed phase differences are shown to result from alterations in the magnetic topology.
Equilibrium distances, binding energies and dissociation energies for the ground and low-lying states of the hydrogen molecular ion in a strong magnetic field parallel to the internuclear axis are calculated and refined, by using the two- dimensional pseudospectral method. High-precision results are presented for the binding energies over a wider field regime than already given in the literature (Kravchenko and Liberman 1997 Phys. Rev. A 55 2701). The present work removes a long- standing discrepancy for the R-eq value in the 1sigma(u) state at a field strength of 1.0 x 10(6) T. The dissociation energies of the antibonding 1pi(g) state induced by magnetic fields are determined accurately. We have also observed that the antibonding 1pi(g) potential energy curve develops a minimum if the field is sufficiently strong. Some unreliable results in the literature are pointed out and discussed. A way to efficiently treat vibrational processes and coupling between the nuclear and the electronic motions in magnetic fields is also suggested within a three-dimensional pseudospectral scheme.
Evidence for scattering closed orbits for the Rydberg electron of the singly excited helium atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields at constant scaled energy and constant scaled electric field strength has been found through a quantum calculation of the photo-excitation spectrum. A particular 3D scattering orbit in a mixed regular and chaotic region has been investigated and the hydrogenic 3D closed orbits composing it identified. To the best of our knowledge, this letter reports the first quantum calculation of the scaled spectrum of a non- hydrogenic atom in crossed fields.
The scaled photoexcitation spectrum of the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields has been obtained by means of accurate quantum mechanical calculation using a new algorithm. Closed orbits in the corresponding classical system have also been obtained, using a new, efficient and practical searching procedure. Two new classes of closed orbit have been identified. Fourier transforming each photoexcitation quantum spectrum to yield a plot against scaled action has allowed direct comparison between peaks in such plots and the scaled action values of closed orbits, Excellent agreement has been found with all peaks assigned.
In a recent Letter to the Editor (J Rao, D Delande and K T Taylor 2001 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34 L391-9) we made a brief first report of our quantal and classical calculations for the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields at constant scaled energy and constant scaled electric field strength. A principal point of that communication was our statement that each and every peak in the Fourier transform of the scaled quantum photo-excitation spectrum for scaled energy value epsilon = -0.586 538 871028 43 and scaled electric value (f) over tilde = 0.068 537 846 207 618 71 could be identified with a scaled action value of a found and mapped-out closed orbit up to a scaled action of 20. In this follow-up paper, besides presenting full details of our quantum and classical methods, we set out the scaled action values of all 317 closed orbits involved, together with the geometries of many.
The interaction of high-intensity laser pulses with matter releases instantaneously ultra-large currents of highly energetic electrons, leading to the generation of highly-transient, large-amplitude electric and magnetic fields. We report results of recent experiments in which such charge dynamics have been studied by using proton probing techniques able to provide maps of the electrostatic fields with high spatial and temporal resolution. The dynamics of ponderomotive channeling in underdense plasmas have been studied in this way, as also the processes of Debye sheath formation and MeV ion front expansion at the rear of laser-irradiated thin metallic foils. Laser-driven impulsive fields at the surface of solid targets can be applied for energy-selective ion beam focusing.
A planar inductively coupled radio-frequency (rf) magnetic neutral loop discharge has been designed. It provides diagnostic access to both the main plasma production region as well as a remote plane for applications. Three coaxial coils are arranged to generate a specially designed inhomogeneous magnetic field structure with vanishing field along a ring in the discharge-the so-called neutral loop (NL). The plasma is generated by applying an oscillating rf electric field along the NL, induced through a four-turn, planar antenna operated at 13.56 MHz. Electron density and temperature measurements are performed under various parameter variations. Collisionless electron heating in the NL region allows plasma operation at comparatively low pressures, down to 10(-2) Pa, with a degree of ionization in the order of several per cent. Conventional plasma operation in inductive mode without applying the magnetic field is less efficient, in particular in the low pressure regime where the plasma cannot be sustained without magnetic fields.
Large magnetic fields generated during laser-matter interaction at irradiances of ~ 5×1014 W?cm-2 have been measured using a deflectometry technique employing MeV laser-accelerated protons. Azimuthal magnetic fields were identified unambiguously via a characteristic proton deflection pattern and found to have an amplitude of ~ 45 T in the outer coronal region. Comparison with magnetohydrodynamic simulations confirms that in this regime the mathTe×mathne source is the main field generation mechanism, while additional terms are negligible.
High-cadence, multiwavelength, optical observations of solar magnetic bright points (MBPs), captured at the disk center using the ROSA and IBIS imaging systems on the Dunn Solar Telescope, are presented. MBPs manifesting in the Na I D-1 core are found to preferentially exist in regions containing strong downflows, in addition to cospatial underlying photospheric magnetic field concentrations. Downdrafts within Na I D-1 bright points exhibit speeds of up to 7 km s(-1), with preferred structural symmetry in intensity, magnetic field, and velocity profiles about the bright point center. Excess intensities associated with G-band and Ca II K observations of MBPs reveal a power-law trend when plotted as a function of the magnetic flux density. However, Na I D-1 observations of the same magnetic features indicate an intensity plateau at weak magnetic field strengths below approximate to 150 G, suggesting the presence of a two-component heating process: one which is primarily acoustic and the other predominantly magnetic. We suggest that this finding is related to the physical expansion of magnetic flux tubes, with weak field strengths (approximate to 50 G) expanding by similar to 76%, compared to a similar to 44% expansion when higher field strengths (approximate to 150 G) are present. These observations provide the first experimental evidence of rapid downdrafts in Na I D-1 MBPs and reveal the nature of a previously unresolved intensity plateau associated with these structures.
The weakly nonlinear regime of transverse paramagnetic dust grain oscillations in dusty (complex) plasma crystals is discussed. The nonlinearity, which is related to the sheath electric/magnetic field(s) and to the intergrain (electrostatic/magnetic dipole) interactions, is shown to lead to the generation of phase harmonics and, in the case of propagating transverse dust-lattice modes, to the modulational instability of the carrier wave due to self-interaction. The stability profile depends explicitly on the form of the electric and magnetic fields in the plasma sheath. The long term evolution of the modulated wave packet, which is described by a nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation, may lead to propagating localized envelope structures whose exact forms are presented and discussed. Explicit suggestions for experimental investigations are put forward. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
The spatial and temporal evolution of spontaneous megagauss magnetic fields, generated during the interaction of a picosecond pulse with solid targets at irradiances above 5 x 10(18) W/cm(2) have been measured using Faraday rotation with picosecond resolution. A high density plasma jet has been observed simultaneously with the magnetic fields by interferometry and optical emission. Two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations reproduced the main features of the experiment and showed that the jet formation is due to pinching by the magnetic fields.