64 resultados para Single cell gel electrophoresis


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Control of Fasciola hepatica infections of livestock in the absence of vaccines depends largely on the chemical triclabendazole (TCBZ) because it is effective against immature and adult parasites. Overdependence on a single drug and improper application is considered a significant factor in increasing global reports of fluke resistant to TCBZ. The mode(s) of action and biological target(s) of TCBZ are not confirmed, delaying detection and the monitoring of early TCBZ resistance. In this study, to further understand liver fluke response to TCBZ, the soluble proteomes of TCBZ-resistant and TCBZ-susceptible isolates of F. hepatica were compared with and without in vitro exposure to the metabolically active form of the parent drug triclabendazole sulphoxide (TCBZ-SO), via two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). Gel image analysis revealed proteins displaying altered synthesis patterns and responses both between isolates and under TCBZ-SO exposure. These proteins were identified by mass spectrometry supported by a F. hepatica expressed sequence tag (EST) data set. The TCBZ responding proteins were grouped into three categories; structural proteins, energy metabolism proteins, and “stress” response proteins. This single proteomic investigation supported the reductionist experiments from many laboratories that collectively suggest TCBZ has a range of effects on liver fluke metabolism. Proteomics highlighted differences in the innate proteome profile of different fluke isolates that may influence future therapy and diagnostics design. Two of the TCBZ responding proteins, a glutathione transferase and a fatty acid binding protein, were cloned, produced as recombinants, and both found to bind TCBZ-SO at physiologically relevant concentrations, which may indicate a role in TCBZ metabolism and resistance.


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The effect of a cold (<40 °C) radio frequency-driven atmospheric pressure plasma jet on plasmid DNA has been investigated. Gel electrophoresis was used to analyze the DNA forms post-treatment. The experimental data are fitted to a rate equation model that allows for quantitative determination of the rates of single and double strand break formation. The formation of double strand breaks correlates well with the atomic oxygen density. Taken with other measurements, this indicates that neutral components in the jet are effective in inducing double strand breaks.


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Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 (CCL5) and chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 5 are implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy (DN). We hypothesize that variants in these genes may be associated with DN. The CCL5 and chemokine receptor type 5 (CCR5) genes were resequenced, variants identified (n=58), allele frequencies determined in 46 individuals (92 chromosomes) and efficient haplotype tag single-nucleotide polymorphisms (htSNPs) selected to effectively evaluate the common variation in these genes. One reportedly functional gene variant and eight htSNPs were genotyped in a case-control association study involving Caucasian individuals with type 1 diabetes (267 cases with DN and 442 non-nephropathic diabetic controls). Genotyping was performed using MassARRAY iPLEX, TaqMan, gel electrophoresis and direct capillary sequencing. After correction for multiple testing, there were no statistically significant associations between variants in the CCL5 and CCR5 genes and DN. Journal of Human Genetics (2010) 55, 248-251; doi:10.1038/jhg.2010.15; published online 5 March 2010


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The development of a quick PCR-based method to distinguish European cryptic Myotis spp., Myotis mystacinus, Myotis brandtii and Myotis alcathoe is described. Primers were designed around species-specific single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP’s) in the ND1 mitochondrial gene, and a pair of control primers was designed in the 12S mitochondrial gene. A multiplex of seven primer combinations produces clear species-specific bands using gel electrophoresis. Robustness of the method was tested on 33 M. mystacinus, 16 M. brandtii and 15 M. alcathoe samples from across the European range of these species. The method worked well on faecal samples collected from maternity roosts of M. mystacinus. The test is intended to aid collection of data on these species through a rapid and easy identification method with the ability to use DNA obtained from a range of sources including faecal matter.


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The IQGAP [IQ-motif-containing GAP (GTPase-activating protein)] family members are eukaryotic proteins that act at the interface between cellular signalling and the cytoskeleton. As such they collect numerous inputs from a variety of signalling pathways. A key binding partner is the calcium-sensing protein CaM (calmodulin). This protein binds mainly through a series of IQ-motifs which are located towards the middle of the primary sequence of the IQGAPs. In some IQGAPs, these motifs also provide binding sites for CaM-like proteins such as myosin essential light chain and S100B. Using synthetic peptides and native gel electrophoresis, the binding properties of the IQ-motifs from human IQGAP2 and IQGAP3 have been mapped. The second and third IQ-motifs in IQGAP2 and all four of the IQ-motifs of IQGAP3 interacted with CaM in the presence of calcium ions. However, there were differences in the type of interaction: while some IQ-motifs were able to form complexes with CaM which were stable under the conditions of the experiment, others formed more transient interactions. The first IQ-motifs from IQGAP2 and IQGAP3 formed transient interactions with CaM in the absence of calcium and the first motif from IQGAP3 formed a transient interaction with the myosin essential light chain MIc1sa. None of these IQ-motifs interacted with S100B. Molecular modelling suggested that all of the IQ-motifs, except the first one from IQGAP2 formed alpha-helices in solution. These results extend our knowledge of the selectivity of IQ-motifs for CaM and related proteins.


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All ionizing radiations deposit energy stochastically along their tracks. The resulting distribution of energies deposited in a small target such as the DNA helix leads to a corresponding spectrum in the severity of damage produced. So far, most information about the probable spectra of DNA lesion complexity has come from Monte Carlo studies which endeavour to model the relationship between the energy deposited in DNA and the damage induced. The aim of this paper is to establish methods of determining this relationship by irradiating pBR322 plasmid DNA using low energy electrons with energies comparable with the minimum energy thought to produce critical damage. The technique of agarose gel electrophoresis has been used to ascertain the fraction of DNA single- and double-strand breaks induced by monoenergetic electrons with energies as low as 25 eV. Our data show that the threshold electron energy for induction of single-strand breaks is


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Underpinning current models of the mechanisms of the action of radiation is a central role for DNA damage and in particular double-strand breaks (DSBs). For radiations of different LET, there is a need to know the exact yields and distributions of DSBs in human cells. Most measurements of DSB yields within cells now rely on pulsed-field gel electrophoresis as the technique of choice. Previous measurements of DSB yields have suggested that the yields are remarkably similar for different types of radiation with RBE values less than or equal to1.0. More recent studies in mammalian cells, however, have suggested that both the yield and the spatial distribution of DSBs are influenced by radiation quality. RBE values for DSBs induced by high-LET radiations are greater than 1.0, and the distributions are nonrandom. Underlying this is the interaction of particle tracks with the higher-order chromosomal structures within cell nuclei. Further studies are needed to relate nonrandom distributions of DSBs to their rejoining kinetics. At the molecular level, we need to determine the involvement of clustering of damaged bases with strand breakage, and the relationship between higher-order clustering over sizes of kilobase pairs and above to localized clustering at the DNA level. Overall, these studies will allow us to elucidate whether the nonrandom distributions of breaks produced by high-LET particle tracks have any consequences for their repair and biological effectiveness. (C) 2001 by Radiation Research Society.


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Outer membrane protein (MP) profiles and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MEE) analysis were used as tools for differentiating clinical isolates of Proteus spp. Fourteen distinct MP profiles were established by sodium dodecyl sulfate-urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in 54 clinical isolates of Proteus spp. (44 strains identified as P. mirabilis and 10 strains identified as P. vulgaris). Forty-one isolates of P. mirabilis and eight isolates of P. vulgaris were grouped within six and three MP profiles, respectively. The remaining P. mirabilis and P. vulgaris isolates had unique profiles. MEE analysis was used to further discriminate among the strains belonging to the same MP groups. Thirty-five distinct electrophoretic types (ETs) were identified among P. mirabilis isolates. The isolates of P. mirabilis from the four most common MP groups were subgrouped into 30 ETs. All of the P. vulgaris strains had unique ETs. The results suggest that upon biochemical classification of Proteus isolates as P. mirabilis or P. vulgaris, further differentiation among strains of the same species can be obtained by the initial determination of MP profiles followed by MEE analysis of strains with identical MPs.


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Skin is a representative self-renewing tissue containing stem cells. Although many attempts have been made to define and isolate skin-derived stem cells, establishment of a simple and reliable isolation procedure remains a goal to be achieved. Here, we report the isolation of cells having stem cell properties from mouse embryonic skin using a simple selection method based on an assumption that stem cells may grow in an anchorage-independent manner. We inoculated single cell suspensions prepared from mouse embryonic dermis into a temperature-sensitive gel and propagated the resulting colonies in a monolayer culture. The cells named dermis-derived epithelial progenitor-1 (DEEP) showed epithelial morphology and grew rapidly to a more than 200 population doubling level over a period of 250 days. When the cells were kept confluent, they spontaneously formed spheroids and continuously grew even in spheroids. Immunostaining revealed that all of the clones were positive for the expression of cytokeratin-8, -18, -19, and E-cadherin and negative for the expression of cytokeratin-1, -5, -6, -14, -20, vimentin, nestin, a ckit. Furthermore, they expressed epithelial stem cell markers such as p63, integrin beta1, and S100A6. On exposure to TGFbeta in culture, some of DEEP-1 cells expressed alpha-smooth muscle actin. When the cells were transplanted into various organs of adult SCID mice, a part of the inoculated cell population acquired neural, hepatic, and renal cell properties. These results indicate that the cells we isolated were of epithelial stem cell origin and that our new approach is useful for isolation of multipotent stem cells from skin tissues.


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The nematodes Trichinella spiralis and Trichinella pseudospiralis are both intracellular parasites of skeletal muscle cells and induce profound alterations in the host cell resulting in a re-alignment of muscle-specific gene expression. While T. spiralis induces the production of a collagen capsule surrounding the host-parasite complex, T. pseudospiralis exists in a non-encapsulated form and is also characterised by suppression of the host inflammatory response in the muscle. These observed differences between the two species are thought to be due to variation in the proteins excreted or secreted (ES proteins) by the muscle larva. In this study, we use a global proteomics approach to compare the ES protein profiles from both species and to identify individual T. pseudospiralis proteins that complement earlier studies with T. spiralis. Following two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, tandem mass spectrometry was used to identify the peptide spots. In many cases identification was aided by the determination of partial peptide sequence from selected mass ions. The T. pseudospiralis spots identified included the major secreted glycoproteins and the secreted 5'-nucleotidase. Furthermore, two major groups of T. spiralis-specific proteins and several T. pseudospiralis-specific proteins were identified. Our results demonstrate the value of proteomics as a tool for the identification of ES proteins that are differentially expressed between Trichinella species and as an aid to identifying key parasite proteins that are involved in the host-parasite interaction. The value of this approach will be further enhanced by data arising out the current T. spiralis genome sequencing project.


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Background: The interleukin 10 knockout mouse (IL10-KO) is a model of human inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) used to Study host microbial interactions and the action of potential therapeutics. Using Affymetrix data analysis, important signaling pathways and transcription factors relevant to gut inflammation and antiinflammatory probiotics were identified.

Methods: Affymetrix microarray analysis on both wildtype (WT) and IL10-KO mice orally administered with and without the probiotic VSL#3 was performed and the results validated by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), immunocytochemistry, proteomics, and histopathology. Changes in metabolically active bacteria were assessed with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE).

Results: Inflammation in IL10-KO mice was characterized by differential regulation of inflammatory, nuclear receptor, lipid, and xenobiotic signaling pathways. Probiotic intervention resulted in downregulation of CXCL9 (fold change [FC] = -3.98, false discovery rate [FDR] = 0.019), CXCL10 (FC = -4.83, FDR = 0.0008), CCL5 (FC -3.47 FDR = 0.017), T-cell activation (Itgal [FC = -4.72, FDR = 0.00009], Itgae [FC = -2.54 FDR = 0.0044]) and the autophagy gene IRGM (FC = -1.94, FDR = 0.01), a recently identified susceptibility gene in human IBD. Consistent with a marked reduction in integrins, probiotic treatment decreased the number of CCL5+ CD3+ double-positive T Cells and upregulated galectin2, which triggers apoptosis of activated T cells. Importantly, genes associated with lipid and PPAR signaling (PPAR alpha [FC = 2.36, FDR = 0.043], PPARGC1 alpha [FC 2.58, FDR = 0.016], Nrld2 [FC = 3.11, FDR = 0.0067]) were also upregulated. Altered microbial diversity was noted in probiotic-treated mice.

Conclusions: Bioinformatics analysis revealed important immune response. phagocytic and inflammatory pathways dominated by elevation of T-helper cell 1 type (TH1) transcription factors in IL10-KO mice. Probiotic intervention resulted in a site-specific reduction of these pathways but importantly upregulated PPAR, xenobiotic, and lipid signaling genes. potential antagonists of NF-kappa B inflammatory pathways.


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Adrenomedullin (AM) is an important regulatory peptide involved in both physiological and pathological states. We have previously demonstrated the existence of a specific AM-binding protein (AMBP-1) in human plasma. In the present study, we developed a nonradioactive ligand blotting assay, which, together with high pressure liquid chromatography/SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis purification techniques, allowed us to isolate AMBP-1 to homogeneity. The purified protein was identified as human complement factor H. We show that AM/factor H interaction interferes with the established methodology for quantification of circulating AM. Our data suggest that this routine procedure does not take into account the AM bound to its binding protein. In addition, we show that factor H affects AM in vitro functions. It enhances AM-mediated induction of cAMP in fibroblasts, augments the AM-mediated growth of a cancer cell line, and suppresses the bactericidal capability of AM on Escherichia coli. Reciprocally, AM influences the complement regulatory function of factor H by enhancing the cleavage of C3b via factor I. In summary, we report on a potentially new regulatory mechanism of AM biology, the influence of factor H on radioimmunoassay quantification of AM, and the possible involvement of AM as a regulator of the complement cascade.


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This study presents a solid-phase PCR (SP-PCR) for rapid detection, identification, and sub-typing of various Salmonella species, the major food-borne cause of salmonellosis. The target DNA is firstly amplified with PCR primers (one primer is labeled with fluorophores) in the liquid phase. Simultaneously on the solid phase, the amplified PCR amplicons interact with the nested DNA probes immobilized on the solid substrate as an array. If the immobilized probes match the sequence of the DNA templates they are extended by the polymerase and serve as template for the second strand elongation primed by the liquid phase primer thus generating new templates for the SP-PCR. After the reaction, PCR products labeled with fluorophores remain attached to the substrate and can be visualized directly by fluorescence readout devices. Using this method, S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium and S. dublin can be detected at the same time. The method offers several advantages over conventional multiplex PCR: less competition between different primer pairs thus increasing multiplexing capability, only single wavelength optical readout needed for the multiplexing detection, and less time-consuming owing to reduction of the post-PCR gel electrophoresis. The method will be useful for development of point-of-care devices for rapid detection and identification of Salmonella spp. A solid-phase PCR for rapid detection and identification of S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium and S. dublin is developed. The method offers advantages such as better multiplexing capability, only single wavelength optical readout needed, and less time-consuming.


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Salmonella enterica serovar Agona has caused multiple food-borne outbreaks of gastroenteritis since it was first isolated in 1952. We analyzed the genomes of 73 isolates from global sources, comparing five distinct outbreaks with sporadic infections as well as food contamination and the environment. Agona consists of three lineages with minimal mutational diversity: only 846 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have accumulated in the non-repetitive, core genome since Agona evolved in 1932 and subsequently underwent a major population expansion in the 1960s. Homologous recombination with other serovars of S. enterica imported 42 recombinational tracts (360 kb) in 5/143 nodes within the genealogy, which resulted in 3,164 additional SNPs. In contrast to this paucity of genetic diversity, Agona is highly diverse according to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), which is used to assign isolates to outbreaks. PFGE diversity reflects a highly dynamic accessory genome associated with the gain or loss (indels) of 51 bacteriophages, 10 plasmids, and 6 integrative conjugational elements (ICE/IMEs), but did not correlate uniquely with outbreaks. Unlike the core genome, indels occurred repeatedly in independent nodes (homoplasies), resulting in inaccurate PFGE genealogies. The accessory genome contained only few cargo genes relevant to infection, other than antibiotic resistance. Thus, most of the genetic diversity within this recently emerged pathogen reflects changes in the accessory genome, or is due to recombination, but these changes seemed to reflect neutral processes rather than Darwinian selection. Each outbreak was caused by an independent clade, without universal, outbreak-associated genomic features, and none of the variable genes in the pan-genome seemed to be associated with an ability to cause outbreaks. © 2013 Achtman et al


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A novel tubular cell structure for a direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) is proposed based on a tubular Ti mesh and a Ti mesh anode. A dip coating method has been developed to fabricate the cell. The characterization of the tubular MEA has been analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), half cell and single cell testing. The tubular DMFC single cell comprises: a Ti mesh, a cathode diffusion layer and catalyst layer, a Nafion recast membrane and a PtRuO/Ti anode. Half cell tests show that the optimum catalyst loading, Ru/(Ru + Pt) atomic ratio and the Nafion loading of a PtRuO/Ti mesh anode are: 4 mg cm, 38% and 0.6 mg cm, respectively. Single cell tests show that the Nafion loading of the recast Nafion membrane and the concentration of the methanol in the electrolyte have a major influence on cell performance. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.