88 resultados para Signalto Noise Ratio (SNR)


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We investigate the achievable sum rate and energy efficiency of zero-forcing precoded downlink massive multiple-input multiple-output systems in Ricean fading channels. A simple and accurate approximation of the average sum rate is presented, which is valid for a system with arbitrary rank channel means. Based on this expression, the optimal power allocation strategy maximizing the average sum rate is derived. Moreover, considering a general power consumption model, the energy efficiency of the system with rank-1 channel means is characterized. Specifically, the impact of key system parameters, such as the number of users N, the number of BS antennas M, Ricean factor K and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ρ are studied, and closed-form expressions for the optimal ρ and M maximizing the energy efficiency are derived. Our findings show that the optimal power allocation scheme follows the water filling principle, and it can substantially enhance the average sum rate in the presence of strong line-of-sight effect in the low SNR regime. In addition, we demonstrate that the Ricean factor K has significant impact on the optimal values of M, N and ρ.


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We investigate the achievable ergodic sum-rate of multi-user multiple-input multiple-output systems in Ricean fading channels. We first derive a lower bound on the average signal-to-leakage-and-noise ratio by utilizing the Mullen's inequality, which is then used to analyze the effect of channel mean information on the achievable sum-rate. With these results, a novel statistical-eigenmode space-division multipleaccess downlink transmission scheme is proposed. For this scheme, we derive an exact closed-form expression for the achievable ergodic sum-rate. Our results show that the achievable ergodic sum-rate converges to a saturation value in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) region and reaches to a lower limit value in the lower Ricean K-factor range. In addition, we present tractable upper and lower bounds, which are shown to be tight for any SNR and Ricean K-factor value. Finally, the theoretical analysis is validated via numerical simulations.


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We consider the uplink of massive multicell multiple-input multiple-output systems, where the base stations (BSs), equipped with massive arrays, serve simultaneously several terminals in the same frequency band. We assume that the BS estimates the channel from uplink training, and then uses the maximum ratio combining technique to detect the signals transmitted from all terminals in its own cell. We propose an optimal resource allocation scheme which jointly selects the training duration, training signal power, and data signal power in order to maximize the sum spectral efficiency, for a given total energy budget spent in a coherence interval. Numerical results verify the benefits of the optimal resource allocation scheme. Furthermore, we show that more training signal power should be used at low signal-to-noise ratio (SNRs), and vice versa at high SNRs. Interestingly, for the entire SNR regime, the optimal training duration is equal to the number of terminals.


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We analyze the performance of amplify-and-forward dual-hop relaying systems in the presence of in-phase and quadrature-phase imbalance (IQI) at the relay node. In particular, an exact analytical expression for and tight lower bounds on the outage probability are derived over independent, non-identically distributed Nakagami-m fading channels. Moreover, tractable upper and lower bounds on the ergodic capacity are presented at arbitrary signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Some special cases of practical interest (e.g., Rayleigh and Nakagami-0.5 fading) are also studied. An asymptotic analysis is performed in the high SNR regime, where we observe that IQI results in a ceiling effect on the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR), which depends only on the level of I/Q impairments, i.e., the joint image rejection ratio. Finally, the optimal I/Q amplitude and phase mismatch parameters are provided for maximizing the SINR ceiling, thus improving the system performance. An interesting observation is that, under a fixed total phase mismatch constraint, it is optimal to have the same level of transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) phase mismatch at the relay node, while the optimal values for the TX and RX amplitude mismatch should be inversely proportional to each other.


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Absolute and differential abundance analyses have been performed from high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio optical (Keck I) spectra for three evolved Galactic halo stars, namely PG 1704 + 222, HD 341617 and LSIV -0401. Their derived atmospheric parameters indicate that all three objects are undergoing a post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) phase of evolution. A differential abundance analysis reveals HD 341617 as having a mild carbon deficiency of 0.74 dex, possibly due to the star having evolved off the AGB before the onset of the third dredge-up. Although such carbon underabundances are typical of hot post-AGB objects, the same trend is not observed in PG 1704 + 222, where the carbon abundance is found to be consistent with those derived for nitrogen and oxygen. Hence, a dredge-up scenario need not be invoked to explain the chemical composition of PG 1704 + 222. For LSIV -0401 no iron deficiency is apparent relative to magnesium and silicon, and hence a gas- dust separation event in the AGB progenitor need not be invoked for this star.


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High spectral resolution (R similar to 40 000) and signal-to- noise ratio observations of five high Galactic latitude early- type stars taken from the Edinburgh-Cape (EC) Faint Blue Object Survey are presented. These were required to complete a magnitude range-limited survey of young B-type objects with 11 <V <15. Of the five stars, four were rejected on the grounds that they are either subluminous (subdwarf or horizontal branch), were part of a binary system or possessed colours later than the (U - B) = -0.5 cut-off employed. The remaining star in the data set, EC 19596-5356, is found to exhibit normal young B-type stellar properties. A kinematic analysis reveals that an origin in the Galactic disc appears likely for all the stars in the sample. Some statistics are drawn about the number density of young stars in the Galactic halo.


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We present intermediate-resolution HST/STIS spectra of a high- velocity interstellar cloud ((LSR)-L-upsilon = + 80 kms(-1)) towards DI1388, a young star in the Magellanic Bridge located between the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds. The STIS data have a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 20-45 and a spectral resolution of about 6.5 km s(-1) (FWHM), The high-velocity cloud absorption is observed in the lines of C II, O I, Si II, Si III, Si IV and S III. Limits can be placed on the amount of S II and Fe II absorption that is present. An analysis of the relative abundances derived from the observed species, particularly C II and O I, suggests that this high-velocity gas is warm (T-k similar to 10(3)-10(4) K) and predominantly ionized, This hypothesis is supported by the presence of absorption produced by highly ionized species, such as Si IV, This sightline also intercepts two other high-velocity clouds that produce weak absorption features at (LSR)-L-upsilon = + 113 and + 130kms(-1) in the STIS spectra.


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We present Ca II K (lambda(air) = 3933.661 angstrom) interstellar observations towards 20 early-type stars, to place lower distance limits to intermediate- and high-velocity clouds (IHVCs) in their lines of sight. The spectra are also employed to estimate the Ca abundance in the low-velocity gas towards these objects, when combined with Leiden-Dwingeloo 21-cm HI survey data of spatial resolution 0 degrees.5. Nine of the stars, which lie towards IHVC complexes H, K and gp, were observed with the intermediate dispersion spectrograph on the Isaac Newton Telescope at a resolution R = lambda/Delta lambda of 9000 (similar to 33 km s(-1)) and signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) per pixel of 75-140. A further nine objects were observed with the Utrecht Echelle Spectrograph on the William Herschel Telescope at R = 40 000 (similar to 7.5 km s(-1)) and S/N per pixel of 10-25. Finally, two objects were observed in both Ca II K and Na I D lines using the 2D COUDE on the McDonald 2.7-m telescope at R = 35 000 (similar to 8.5 km s(-1)). The abundance of Ca II K {log(10)(A) = log(10)[N(Ca II K)]-log(10)[N(HI)]} plotted against HI column density for the objects in the current sample with heights above the Galactic plane (z) exceeding 1000 pc is found to obey the Wakker & Mathis (2000) relation. Also, the reduced column density of Ca II K as function of z is consistent with the larger sample taken from Smoker et al. (2003). Higher S/N observations than those previously taken towards HVC complex H stars HD 13256 and HILT 190 reinforce the assertion that this lies at a distance exceeding 4000 pc. No obvious absorption is detected in observations of ALS 10407 and HD 357657 towards IVC complex gp. The latter star has a spectroscopically estimated distance of similar to 2040 pc, although this was derived assuming the star lies on the main sequence and without any reddening correction being applied. Finally, no Ca II K absorption is detected towards two stars along the line of sight to complex K, namely PG 1610+529 and PG 1710+490. The latter is at a distance of similar to 700 pc, hence placing a lower distance limit to this complex, where previously only an upper distance limit of 6800 pc was available.


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We present results from the first high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectrum of SN 2002ic. The resolved Ha line has a P Cygni-type profile, clearly demonstrating the presence of a dense, slow-moving (~100 km s-1) outflow. We have additionally found a huge near-infrared excess, hitherto unseen in Type Ia supernovae. We argue that this is due to an infrared light-echo arising from the pre-existing dusty circumstellar medium. We deduce a circumstellar medium mass probably exceeding 0.3 Msolar produced by a mass-loss rate greater than several times 10-4 Msolar yr-1. For the progenitor, we favour a single-degenerate system where the companion is a post-asymptotic giant branch star. As a by-product of our optical data, we are able to provide a firm identification of the host galaxy of SN 2002ic.


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A preliminary differential non-LTE model atmosphere analysis of moderate resolution (R ~ 5 000) and signal-to-noise ratio spectra of 48 Small Magellanic Cloud B-type supergiants is presented. Standard techniques are adopted, viz. plane-parallel geometry and radiative and hydrostatic equilibrium. Spectroscopic atmospheric parameters (T_eff, log g and v_turb), luminosities and chemical abundances (He, C, N, O, Mg and Si) are estimated. These are compared with those deduced for a comparable sample of Galactic supergiants. The SMC targets appear to have similar atmospheric parameters, luminosities and helium abundances to the Galactic sample. Their magnesium and silicon underabundances are compatible with those found for main sequence SMC objects and there is no evidence for any large variation in their oxygen abundances. By contrast both their carbon and nitrogen lines strengths are inconsistent with single abundances, while their nitrogen to carbon abundance ratios appear to vary by at least as much and probably more than that found in the Galactic sample.


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We have performed photometric observations of nearly seven million stars with 8 <V <15 with the SuperWASP-North instrument from La Palma between 2004 May to September. Fields in the right ascension range 17-18h, yielding over 185000 stars with sufficient quality data, have been searched for transits using a modified box least-squares (BLS) algorithm. We find a total of 58 initial transiting candidates which have high signal-to-noise ratio in the BLS, show multiple transit-like dips and have passed visual inspection. Analysis of the blending and the inferred planetary radii for these candidates leave, a total of seven transiting planet candidates which pass all the tests plus four which pass the majority. We discuss the derived parameters for these candidates and their properties and comment on the implications for future transit searches.


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This paper proposes a novel image denoising technique based on the normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) density model using an extended non-negative sparse coding (NNSC) algorithm proposed by us. This algorithm can converge to feature basis vectors, which behave in the locality and orientation in spatial and frequency domain. Here, we demonstrate that the NIG density provides a very good fitness to the non-negative sparse data. In the denoising process, by exploiting a NIG-based maximum a posteriori estimator (MAP) of an image corrupted by additive Gaussian noise, the noise can be reduced successfully. This shrinkage technique, also referred to as the NNSC shrinkage technique, is self-adaptive to the statistical properties of image data. This denoising method is evaluated by values of the normalized signal to noise rate (SNR). Experimental results show that the NNSC shrinkage approach is indeed efficient and effective in denoising. Otherwise, we also compare the effectiveness of the NNSC shrinkage method with methods of standard sparse coding shrinkage, wavelet-based shrinkage and the Wiener filter. The simulation results show that our method outperforms the three kinds of denoising approaches mentioned above.


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We present Ca it K and Ti it optical spectra of early-type stars taken mainly from the ultraviolet and visual echelle spectrograph (LIVES) Paranal Observatory Project, plus H 1 21-cm spectra, from the Vila-Elisa and Leiden-Dwingeloo Surveys, which are employed to obtain distances to intermediate- and high-velocity clouds (IHVCs). H I emission at a velocity of -117 km s(-1) towards the sightline HD 30677 (l, b = 190 degrees.2, -22 degrees.2) with column density -1.7 x 10(19) cm(-2) has no corresponding Ca Pi K absorption in the LIVES spectrum, which has a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 610 per resolution element. The star has a spectroscopically determined distance of 2.7 kpc, and hence sets this as a firm lower distance limit towards Anti-Centre cloud ACII. Towards another sightline (HD 46185 with 1, b = 222 0, -10 degrees.1), H1 at a velocity of +122 km s(-1) and column density of 1.2 x 10(19) cm(-2) is seen. The corresponding Ca Pi K spectrum has a S/N of 780, although no absorption is observed at the cloud velocity. This similarly places a firm lower distance limit of 2.9 kpc towards this parcel of gas that may be an intermediate-velocity (IV) cloud. The lack of IV Ca it absorption towards HD 196426 (1, b = 45 degrees.8, -23 degrees.3) at a S/N of 500 reinforces a lower distance limit of -700 pc towards this part of complex gp, where the H I column density is 1.1 x 1019 cm(-2) and velocity is +78 km s(-1). Additionally, no IV Cart is seen in absorption in the spectrum of HD 19445, which is strong in H I with a column density of 8 x 10(19) cm(-2) at a velocity of - -42 km s(-1), placing a firm although uninteresting lower distance limit of 39 pc to this part of IV South. Finally, no high-velocity Call K absorption is seen towards HD 115363 (l, b = 306.0,-1.0) at a S/N of 410, placing a lower distance of -3.2 kpc towards the HVC gas at velocity of - +224 km s(-1) and WE column density of 5.2 x 10(19) cm(-2). This gas is in the same region of the sky as complex WE (Wakker 2001), but at higher velocities. The non-detection of Ca it K absorption sets a lower distance of -3.2 kpc towards the HVC, which is unsurprising if this feature is indeed related to the Magellanic System.


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Context: The masses previously obtained for the X-ray binary 2S 0921-630 inferred a compact object that was either a high-mass neutron star or low-mass black-hole, but used a previously published value for the rotational broadening (v sin i) with large uncertainties. Aims: We aim to determine an accurate mass for the compact object through an improved measurement of the secondary star's projected equatorial rotational velocity. Methods: We have used UVES echelle spectroscopy to determine the v sin i of the secondary star (V395 Car) in the low-mass X-ray binary 2S 0921-630 by comparison to an artificially broadened spectral-type template star. In addition, we have also measured v sin i from a single high signal-to-noise ratio absorption line profile calculated using the method of Least-Squares Deconvolution (LSD). Results: We determine v sin i to lie between 31.3±0.5 km s-1 to 34.7±0.5 km s-1 (assuming zero and continuum limb darkening, respectively) in disagreement with previous results based on intermediate resolution spectroscopy obtained with the 3.6 m NTT. Using our revised v sin i value in combination with the secondary star's radial velocity gives a binary mass ratio of 0.281±0.034. Furthermore, assuming a binary inclination angle of 75° gives a compact object mass of 1.37±0.13 M_?. Conclusions: We find that using relatively low-resolution spectroscopy can result in systemic uncertainties in the measured v sin i values obtained using standard methods. We suggest the use of LSD as a secondary, reliable check of the results as LSD allows one to directly discern the shape of the absorption line profile. In the light of the new v sin i measurement, we have revised down the compact object's mass, such that it is now compatible with a canonical neutron star mass.


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The authors propose a three-node full diversity cooperative protocol, which allows the retransmission of all symbols. By allowing multiple nodes to transmit simultaneously, relaying transmission only consumes limited bandwidth resource. To facilitate the performance analysis of the proposed cooperative protocol, the lower and upper bounds of the outage probability are first developed, and then the high signal-to-noise ratio behaviour is studied. Our analytical results show that the proposed strategy can achieve full diversity. To achieve the performance gain promised by the cooperative diversity, at the relays decode-and-forward strategy is adopted and an iterative soft-interference-cancellation minimum mean-squared error equaliser is developed. The simulation results compare the bit-error-rate performance of the proposed protocol with the non-cooperative scheme and the scheme presented by Azarian et al. ( 2005).