46 resultados para Second Electron Donor


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We have measured the two-electron contribution of the ground state energy of helium-like argon ions using an electron beam ion trap (EBIT). A two-dimensional map was measured showing the intensity of x-rays from the trap passing through a krypton-filled absorption cell. The independent axes of this map were electron beam energy and x-ray energy. From this map, we deduced the two-electron contribution of the ground state of helium-like argon. This experimentally determined Value (312.4 +/- 9.5 eV) was found to be in good agreement with our calculated values (about 303.35 eV) and previous calculations of the same quantity. Based on these measurements, we have shown that a ten-day absorption spectroscopy run with a super-EBIT should be sufficient to provide a new benchmark value for the two-electron contribution to the ground state of helium-like krypton. Such a measurement would then constitute a test of quantum electrodynamics to second order.


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The kinetics of the recovery of the photoinduced transient bleaching of colloidal CdS in the presence of different electron acceptors are examined. In the presence of the zwitterionic viologen, N,N'-dipropyl-2,2'-bipyridinium disulphonate, excitation of colloidal CdS at different flash intensities generates a series of decay profiles which are superimposed when normalized. The shape of the decay curves are as predicted by a first-order activation-controlled model for a log-normal distribution of particles sizes. In contrast, the variation in flash intensity in the presence of a second viologen, N,N'-dipropyl-4,4'-bipyridinium sulphonate, generates normalized decay traces which broaden with increasing flash intensity. This behaviour is predicted by a zero-order diffusion-controlled model for a log-normal distribution of particle radii. The photoreduction of a number of other oxidants sensitized by colloidal CdS is examined and the shape of the decay kinetics interpreted via either the first- or zero-order kinetics models. The rate constants and activation energies derived using these models are consistent with the values expected for an activation- or diffusion-controlled reaction.


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The transport of relativistic electrons generated in the interaction of petawatt class lasers with solid targets has been studied through measurements of the second harmonic optical emission from their rear surface. The high degree of polarization of the emission indicates that it is predominantly optical transition radiation (TR). A halo that surrounds the main region of emission is also polarized and is attributed to the effect of electron recirculation. The variation of the polarization state and intensity of radiation with the angle of observation indicates that the emission of TR is highly directional and provides evidence for the presence of mu m-size filaments. A brief discussion on the possible causes of such a fine electron beam structure is given.


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Electron energy probability functions measured with a passively compensated Langmuir probe in asymmetric capacitively coupled hydrogen and deuterium plasmas exhibit structure. The otherwise relatively continuous distribution appears to have an abrupt peak in electron density near 5 eV. This structure occurs at a higher energy in deuterium than hydrogen and there is a correlation between floating potential and the voltage at which the structure is observed in the second derivative of the I(V) characteristic. While the cause of the structure has yet to be clarified, spectroscopic observations and computer-based hydrogen models indicate that the high energy tail of the distribution is strongly modulated during the radio frequency cycle. The effect of this modulation on plasma properties and probe measurements has yet to be explored. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)00819-0].


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The second derivative of a Langmuir probe characteristic is used to establish the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) in both a tandem and hybrid multicusp H- ion source. Moveable probes are used to establish the spatial variation of the EEDF. The negative ion density is measured by laser induced photo-detachment. In the case of the hybrid source the EEDF consists of a cold Maxwellian in the central region of the source; the electron temperature increases with increasing discharge current (rising from 0.3 eV at 1 A to 1.2 eV at 50 A when the pressure is 0.4 Pa). A hot-electron tail exists in the EEDF of the driver region adjacent to each filament which is shown to consist of a distinct group of primary electrons at low pressure (0.08 Pa) but becomes degraded mainly through inelastic collisions at higher pressures (0.27 Pa). The tandem source, on the other hand, has a single driver region which extends throughout the central region. The primary electron confinement times are much longer so that even at the lowest pressure considered (0.07 Pa) the primaries are degraded. In both cases the measured EEDF at specific locations and values of discharge operating parameters are used to establish the rate coefficients for the processes of importance in H- production and destruction.


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Accurate fine-structure atomic data for the Fe-peak elements are essential for interpreting astronomical spectra. There is a severe paucity of data available for Sc II, highlighted by the fact that no collision strengths are readily available for this ion. We present electron-impact excitation collision strengths and Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths for Sc II. The collision strengths were calculated for all 3916 transitions amongst 89 jj levels (arising from the 3d4s, 3d2, 4s2, 3d4p, 4s4p, 3d5s, 3d4d, 3d5p, 4p2 and 3d4f configurations), resulting in a 944 coupled channel problem. The R-matrix package RMATRXII was utilized, along with the transformation code FINE and the external region code PSTGF, to calculate the collision strengths for a range of incident electron energies in the 0 to 8.3 Rydberg region. Maxwellian averaged effective collision strengths were then produced for 27 temperatures lying within the astrophysically significant range of 30 to 105 K.
The collision strengths and effective collision strengths were produced for two different target models. The purpose was to systematically examine the effect of including open 3p correlation terms into the configuration interaction expansion for the wavefunction. The first model consisted of all 36 CI terms that could be generated with the 3p core closed. The second model incorporated an additional six configurations which allowed for single-electron excitations from within the 3p core. Comparisons are made between the two models and the results of Bautista et al., obtained by private communication. It is concluded that the first model produced the most reliable set of collision and effective collision strengths for use in astrophysical and plasma applications.


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We present data on emission of K-shell radiation from Ti foils irradiated with subpicosecond pulses of second harmonic radiation (527 nm) from the TARANIS laser system at intensities of up to 1018 Wcm-2. The data are used to demonstrate that a resonance absorption type mechanism is responsible for absorption of the laser light and to estimate fast electron temperatures of 30–60 keV that are in broad agreement with expectation from models of absorption for a steep density gradient. Data taken with resin-backed targets are used to demonstrate clear evidence of electron refluxing even at the modest fast electron temperatures inferred.


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The efficient resonant nonlinear coupling between localized surface plasmon modes is demonstrated in a simple and intuitive way using boundary integral formulation and utilizing second-order optical nonlinearity. The nonlinearity is derived from the hydrodynamic description of electron plasma and originates from the presence of material interfaces in the case of small metal particles. The coupling between fundamental and second-harmonic modes is shown to be symmetry selective and proportional to the spatial overlap between polarization dipole density of the second-harmonic mode and the square of the polarization charge density of the fundamental mode. Particles with high geometrical symmetry will convert a far-field illumination into dark nonradiating second-harmonic modes, such as quadrupoles. Effective second-harmonic susceptibilities are proportional to the surface-to-volume ratio of a particle, emphasizing the nanoscale enhancement of the effect.


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Double-foil targets separated by a low density plasma and irradiated by a petawatt-class laser are shown to be a copious source of coherent broadband radiation. Simulations show that a dense sheet of relativistic electrons is formed during the interaction of the laser with the tenuous plasma between the two foils. The coherent motion of the electron sheet as it transits the second foil results in strong broadband emission in the extreme ultraviolet, consistent with our experimental observations.


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Spatially and temporally varying neutral, ion and electron number densities have been mapped out within laser ablated plasma plumes expanding into vacuum. Ablation of a magnesium target was performed using a KrF laser, 30 ns pulse duration and 248 nm wavelength. During the initial stage of plasma expansion (t <EQ 100 ns) interferometry has been used to obtain line averaged electron number densities, for laser power densities on target in the range 1.3 - 3.0 X 108 W/cm2. Later in the plasma expansion (t equals 1 microsecond(s) ) simultaneous absorption and laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy has been used to determine 3D neutral and ion number densities, for a power density equal to 6.7 X 107 W/cm2. Two distinct regions within the plume were identified. One is a fast component (approximately 106 cm-1) consisting of ions and neutrals with maximum number densities observed to be approximately 30 and 4 X 1012 cm-3 respectively, and the second consists of slow moving neutral material at a number density of up to 1015 cm-3. Additionally a Langmuir probe has been used to obtain ion and electron number densities at very late times in the plasma expansion (1 microsecond(s) <EQ t <EQ 15 microsecond(s) ). A copper target was ablated using a Nd:YAG laser, 7.5 ns duration and 532 nm (2 (omega) ) wavelength, with a power density on target equal to 6 X 108 W/cm2. Two regions within the plume with different velocities were observed. Within a fast component (approximately 3 X 106 cms-1) electron and ion number densities of the order 5 X 1012 cm-3 were observed and within the second slower component (approximately 106 cms-1) electron and ion number densities of the order 1 - 2 X 1013 cm-3 were determined.


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We break down photoelectron diffraction intensities into four terms in analogy to optical holography and discuss the effect of each term on reconstructed images. The second term involving products of scattered waves SIGMA-SIGMA-O(i)O(j)*, is in this case not structure-less. Theoretical analysis and simulations demonstrate that this term may lead to spurious features in real space images in holographic transforms of medium energy electron diffraction patterns. If it is small enough the problem may be overcome by an iterative correction process.


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Acute leukaemias in relapse after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) respond poorly to donor leucocyte infusions (DLI) compared with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), at least in part because of faster disease kinetics. Fludarabine-containing 'non-myeloablative' chemotherapy followed by further allo SCT may offer more rapid and effective disease control. We report 14 patients with relapse after allo SCT for acute leukaemia [seven acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), five acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)] or refractory anaemia with excess blasts in transformation (RAEB-t, n = 2) treated with fludarabine, high-dose cytosine arabinoside (ara-C) and granulocyte colony-simulating factor (G-CSF) with (n = 10) or without (n = 2) idarubicin (FLAG +/- Ida) or DaunoXome (FLAG-X) (n = 2) and second allo SCT from the original donor. Donors were fully human leucocyte antigen (HLA) -matched in 13 cases with a single class A mismatch in one. Actuarial overall survival was 60% and disease-free survival was 26% at 58 months. Remissions after the second SCT were longer than those after the first bone marrow transplantation (BMT) in eight of the 13 assessable patients to date. Haematopoietic recovery was rapid. Transplants were well tolerated with no treatment-related deaths. The major complication was graft-versus-host disease (GvHD, acute >/= grade II-2 cases, chronic - eight cases, two limited, six extensive) although there have been no deaths attributable to this. FLAG +/- Ida and second allo SCT is a safe and useful approach and may be more effective than DLI in the treatment of acute leukaemias relapsing after conventional allo SCT.


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We present a large data set of high-cadence dMe flare light curves obtained with custom continuum filters on the triple-beam, high-speed camera system ULTRACAM. The measurements provide constraints for models of the near-ultraviolet (NUV) and optical continuum spectral evolution on timescales of ≈1 s. We provide a robust interpretation of the flare emission in the ULTRACAM filters using simultaneously obtained low-resolution spectra during two moderate-sized flares in the dM4.5e star YZ CMi. By avoiding the spectral complexity within the broadband Johnson filters, the ULTRACAM filters are shown to characterize bona fide continuum emission in the NUV, blue, and red wavelength regimes. The NUV/blue flux ratio in flares is equivalent to a Balmer jump ratio, and the blue/red flux ratio provides an estimate for the color temperature of the optical continuum emission. We present a new “color-color” relationship for these continuum flux ratios at the peaks of the flares. Using the RADYN and RH codes, we interpret the ULTRACAM filter emission using the dominant emission processes from a radiative-hydrodynamic flare model with a high nonthermal electron beam flux, which explains a hot, T ≈ 104 K, color temperature at blue-to-red optical wavelengths and a small Balmer jump ratio as observed in moderate-sized and large flares alike. We also discuss the high time resolution, high signal-to-noise continuum color variations observed in YZ CMi during a giant flare, which increased the NUV flux from this star by over a factor of 100. Based on observations obtained with the Apache Point Observatory 3.5 m telescope, which is owned and operated by the Astrophysical Research Consortium, based on observations made with the William Herschel Telescope operated on the island of La Palma by the Isaac Newton Group in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofsica de Canarias, and observations, and based on observations made with the ESO Telescopes at the La Silla Paranal Observatory under programme ID 085.D-0501(A).