145 resultados para Rho kinases


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The GHMP kinases are a structurally related family of small molecule kinases named after four of its members - galactokinase, homoserine kinase, mevalonate kinase and phosphomevalonate kinase. The group also includes the enzymes N-acetylgalactosamine kinase, arabinose kinase, mevalonate 5-diphosphate decarboxylase, archeal shikimate kinase and 4-(cytidine 5'-diphospho)-2-c-methyl-D-erythritol kinase. In addition the group includes two members not known to be catalytically active, the Caenorhabditis elegans sex-fate determining protein XOL-1 and the Saccharomyces cerevisiae transcriptional activator Gal3p. Two catalytic mechanisms have been proposed for GHMP kinases. The structure of mevalonate kinase suggests that an aspartate residue acts as an active site base, removing a proton from the substrate to facilitate attack on the ? phosphate of MgATP. In contrast, in homoserine kinase there is no potential catalytic base and it is proposed that catalysis is driven by transition state stabilisation. Potential chemotherapeutic interventions against GHMP kinases fall into three main categories: inhibition of galactokinase to assist suffers of galactosemia, inhibition of mevalonate kinase or mevalonate 5-diphosphate decarboxylase to reduce flux through the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway and inhibition of bacterial GHMP kinases for novel anti-microbial therapies. These are in the early stages of development, but the accumulation of structural and mechanistic data will assist future progress.


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Innate immunity represents the first line of defence against invading pathogens. It consists of an initial inflammatory response that recruits white blood cells to the site of infection in an effort to destroy and eliminate the pathogen. Some pathogens replicate within host cells, and cell death by apoptosis is an important effector mechanism to remove the replication niche for such microbes. However, some microbes have evolved evasive strategies to block apoptosis, and in these cases host cells may employ further countermeasures, including an inflammatory form of cell death know as necroptosis. This review aims to highlight the importance of the RIP kinase family in controlling these various defence strategies. RIP1 is initially discussed as a key component of death receptor signalling and in the context of dictating whether a cell triggers a pathway of pro-inflammatory gene expression or cell death by apoptosis. The molecular and functional interplay of RIP1 and RIP3 is described, especially with respect to mediating necroptosis and as key mediators of inflammation. The function of RIP2, with particular emphasis on its role in NOD signalling, is also explored. Special attention is given to emphasizing the physiological and pathophysiological contexts for these various functions of RIP kinases.


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Prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-associated deaths in men and signalling via a transcription factor called androgen receptor (AR) is an important driver of the disease. Androgen treatment is known to affect the expression and activity of other oncogenes including receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). In this study we report that AR-positive prostate cancer cell-lines express 50% higher levels of enzymes in the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway (HBP) than AR-negative prostate cell-lines. HBP produces hexosamines that are used by endoplasmic reticulum and golgi enzymes to glycosylate proteins targeted to plasma-membrane and secretion. Inhibition of O-linked glycosylation by ST045849 or N-linked glycosylation with tunicamycin decreased cell viability by 20%. In addition, tunicamycin inhibited the androgen-induced expression of AR target genes KLK3 and CaMKK2 by 50%. RTKs have been shown to enhance AR activity and we used an antibody array to identify changes in the phosphorylation status of RTKs in response to androgen stimulation. Hormone treatment increased the activity of Insulin like Growth Factor 1-Receptor (IGF-1R) ten-fold and this was associated with a concomitant increase in the N-linked glycosylation of the receptor, analyzed by lectin enrichment experiments. Glycosylation is known to be important for the processing and stability of RTKs. Inhibition of N-linked glycosylation resulted in accumulation of IGF-1R pro-receptor with altered mobility as shown by immunoprecipitation. Confocal imaging revealed that androgen induced plasma-membrane localization of IGF-1R was blocked by tunicamycin. In conclusion we have established that the glycosylation of IGF-1R is necessary for the full activation of the receptor in response to androgen treatment and that perturbing this process can break the feedback loop between AR and IGF-1R activation in prostate cells. Achieving similar results selectively in a clinical setting will be an important challenge in the future.


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Metabolic alterations have been identified as a frequent event in cancer. This is often associated with increased flux through glycolysis, and also a secondary pathway to glycolysis, hexosamine biosynthetic pathway (HBP). HBP provides substrate for N-linked glycosylation, which occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. N-linked glycosylation supports protein folding and correct sorting of proteins to plasma membrane and secretion. This process generates complex glycoforms, which can be recognized by other proteins and glycosylation of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) can also regulate their plasma-membrane retention time. Of special interest for experimental biologists, plants produce proteins, termed lectins, which bind with high specificity to glyco-conjugates. For the purposes of molecular biology, plant lectins can be conjugated to different moieties, such as agarose beads, which enable precipitation of specifically glycosylated proteins. In this chapter, we describe in detail how to perform pull-down experiments with commercially available lectins to identify changes in the glycosylation of RTKs.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is an opportunistic pathogen of the cystic fibrosis lung that elicits a strong inflammatory response. B. cenocepacia employs a type VI secretion system (T6SS) to survive in macrophages by disarming Rho-type GTPases, causing actin cytoskeletal defects. Here, we identified TecA, a non-VgrG T6SS effector responsible for actin disruption. TecA and other bacterial homologs bear a cysteine protease-like catalytic triad, which inactivates Rho GTPases by deamidating a conserved asparagine in the GTPase switch-I region. RhoA deamidation induces caspase-1 inflammasome activation, which is mediated by the familial Mediterranean fever disease protein Pyrin. In mouse infection, the deamidase activity of TecA is necessary and sufficient for B. cenocepacia-triggered lung inflammation and also protects mice from lethal B. cenocepacia infection. Therefore, Burkholderia TecA is a T6SS effector that modifies a eukaryotic target through an asparagine deamidase activity, which in turn elicits host cell death and inflammation through activation of the Pyrin inflammasome.


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We found that engagement of beta 2 integrins on human neutrophils induced activation of RhoA, as indicated by the increased ratio of GTP:GTP 1 GDP recovered on RhoA and translocation of RhoA to a membrane fraction. The clustering of beta 2 integrins also induced a time-dependent increase in GDP bound to RhoA, which correlated with beta 2 integrin-induced activation of p190RhoGAP. The activation of p190RhoGAP was completely blocked by [4-amino-5-(4-methylphenyl)-7-(t-butyl)pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine] (PP1), a selective inhibitor of Src family tyrosine kinases. However, clustering of beta 2 integrins did not increase the basal tyrosine phosphorylation of p190RhoGAP, nor did it affect the amount of p120RasGAP bound to p190RhoGAP. Instead, the beta 2 integrin-induced activation of p190RhoGAP was accompanied by increased tyrosine phosphorylation of a p190RhoGAP-associated protein, p120RasGAP, and accumulation of both p120RasGAP and p190RhoGAP in a membrane fraction. PP1 blocked the beta 2 integrin-induced phosphorylation of p120RasGAP, as well as the translocation of p190RhoGAP and p120RasGAP, but it did not affect the accumulation of RhoA in the membrane fraction. In agreement with the mentioned findings, PP1 also increased the GTP:GTP 1 GDP ratio recovered on RhoA immunoprecipitated from beta2 integrin-stimulated cells. Thus, in neutrophils, beta 2 integrin-induced activation of p190RhoGAP requires a signal from a Src family tyrosine kinase, but it does not occur via the signaling pathway responsible for activation of RhoA.


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An early and critical event in beta2 integrin signalling during neutrophil adhesion is activation of Src tyrosine kinases and Syk. In the present study, we report Src kinase-dependent beta2 integrin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Cbl occurring in parallel with increased Cbl-associated tyrosine kinase activity. These events concurred with activation of Fgr and, surprisingly, also with dissociation of this Src tyrosine kinase from Cbl. Moreover, the presence of the Src kinase inhibitor PP1 in an in vitro assay had only a limited effect on the Cbl-associated kinase activity. These results suggest that an additional active Src-dependent tyrosine kinase associates with Cbl. The following observations imply that Syk is such a kinase: (i) beta2 integrins activated Syk in a Src-dependent manner, (ii) Syk was associated with Cbl much longer than Fgr was, and (iii) the Syk inhibitor piceatannol (3,4,3´,5´-tetrahydroxy-trans-stilbene) abolished the Cbl-associated kinase activity in an in vitro assay. Effects of the mentioned interactions between these two kinases and Cbl may be related to the finding that Cbl is a ubiquitin E3 ligase. Indeed, we detected beta2 integrin-induced ubiquitination of Fgr that, similar to the phosphorylation of Cbl, was abolished in cells pretreated with PP1. However, the ubiquitination of Fgr did not cause any apparent degradation of the protein. In contrast with Fgr, Syk was not modified by the E3 ligase. Thus Cbl appears to be essential in beta2 integrin signalling, first by serving as a matrix for a subsequent agonist-induced signalling interaction between Fgr and Syk, and then by mediating ubiquitination of Fgr which possibly affects its interaction with Cbl.


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In human neutrophils, beta2 integrin engagement mediated a decrease in GTP-bound Rac1 and Rac2. Pretreatment of neutrophils with LY294002 or PP1 (inhibiting phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) and Src kinases, respectively) partly reversed the beta2 integrin-induced down-regulation of Rac activities. In contrast, beta2 integrins induced stimulation of Cdc42 that was independent of Src family members. The PI 3-kinase dependency of beta2 integrin-mediated decrease in GTP-bound Rac could be explained by an enhanced Rac-GAP activity, since this activity was blocked by LY204002, whereas PP1 only had a minor effect. The fact that only Rac1 but not Rac2 (the dominating Rac) redistributed to the detergent-insoluble fraction and that it was independent of GTP loading excludes the possibility that down-regulation of Rac activities was due to depletion of GTP-bound Rac from the detergent-soluble fraction. The beta2 integrin-triggered relocalization of Rac1 to the cytoskeleton was enabled by a PI 3-kinase-induced dissociation of Rac1 from LyGDI. The dissociations of Rac1 and Rac2 from LyGDI also explained the PI 3-kinase-dependent translocations of Rac GTPases to the plasma membrane. However, these accumulations of Rac in the membrane, as well as that of p47phox and p67phox, were also regulated by Src tyrosine kinases. Inasmuch as Rac GTPases are part of the NADPH oxidase and the respiratory burst is elicited in neutrophils adherent by beta2 integrins, our results indicate that activation of the NADPH oxidase does not depend on the levels of Rac-GTP but instead requires a beta2 integrin-induced targeting of the Rac GTPases as well as p47phox and p67phox to the plasma membrane.


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The immunolocalization and gene expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its cognate tyrosine kinase receptors, Flt-1 and KDR, has been studied in ocular melanomas and retinoblastomas using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Tumour-related alterations in VEGF/VEGF-receptor expression have also been examined in separate and uninvolved iris, retina and choroid of the same eyes. Although VEGF immunoreactivity in the normal retina was virtually absent, low-level VEGF expression was evident in the ganglion cell-bodies, Müller cells and in a distinct population of amacrine cells. VEGF gene expression was absent in the iris and choroid of normal eyes. In tumour-bearing eyes, high levels of VEGF protein and gene expression were observed within the vascularized regions of the tumours, while the adjacent retina and choroid showed increased VEGF levels when compared with normals. Flt-1 and KDR gene expression and immunolocalization occurred in VEGF-expressing ganglion, Müller and amacrine cells in normal eyes. Within the intra-ocular tumours, VEGF-receptor gene expression and protein was evident in the endothelial cells and also in cells close to the vessels, while in the adjacent retina, Flt-1 and KDR levels were elevated over normal, especially in the blood vessels. Flt-1 and KDR were both observed at elevated levels in the choroid and iris blood vessels. This study suggests that VEGF, Flt-1 and KDR are expressed by neural, glial and vascular elements within normal human retina. Intra-ocular tumours demonstrate a high level of VEGF and VEGF-receptor expression; within uninvolved, spatially separate retina, choroid and iris in the same eyes, expression is also elevated, especially within the vasculature. Retinal vascular endothelia may respond to high intra-ocular levels of VEGF by increasing expression of their VEGF receptors, a phenomenon which could have relevance to neoplasm-related ocular neovascularization.


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FcRI activation of mast cells is thought to involve Lyn and Syk kinases proximal to the receptor and the signaling complex organized by the linker for activation of T cells (LAT). We report here that FcRI also uses a Fyn kinase-dependent pathway that does not require Lyn kinase or the adapter LAT for its initiation, but is necessary for mast cell degranulation. Lyn-deficiency enhanced Fyn-dependent signals and degranulation, but inhibited the calcium response. Fyn-deficiency impaired degranulation, whereas Lyn-mediated signaling and calcium was normal. Thus, FcRI-dependent mast cell degranulation involves cross-talk between Fyn and Lyn kinases.


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Thymidylate synthase (TS) is responsible for the de novo synthesis of thymidylate, which is required for DNA synthesis and repair and which is an important target for fluoropyrimidines such as 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), and antifolates such as Tomudex (TDX), ZD9331, and multitargeted antifolate (MTA). To study the importance of TS expression in determining resistance to these agents, we have developed an MDA435 breast cancer-derived cell line with tetracycline-regulated expression of TS termed MTS-5. We have demonstrated that inducible expression of TS increased the IC(50) dose of the TS-targeted therapeutic agents 5-FU, TDX, and ZD9331 by 2-, 9- and 24-fold respectively. An IC(50) dose for MTA was unobtainable when TS was overexpressed in these cells, which indicated that MTA toxicity is highly sensitive to increased TS expression levels. The growth inhibitory effects of the chemotherapeutic agents CPT-11, cisplatin, oxaliplatin, and Taxol were unaffected by TS up-regulation. Cell cycle analyses revealed that IC(50) doses of 5-FU, TDX and MTA caused an S-phase arrest in cells that did not overexpress TS, and this arrest was overcome when TS was up-regulated. Furthermore, the S-phase arrest was accompanied by 2- to 4-fold increased expression of the cell cycle regulatory genes cyclin E, cyclin A, and cyclin dependent kinase 2 (cdk2). These results indicate that acute increases in TS expression levels play a key role in determining cellular sensitivity to TS-directed chemotherapeutic drugs by modulating the degree of S-phase arrest caused by these agents. Moreover, CPT-11, cisplatin, oxaliplatin, and Taxol remain highly cytotoxic in cells that overexpress TS.


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We found that engagement of beta 2 integrins on human neutrophils increased the levels of GTP-bound Rap1 and Rap2. Also, the activation of Rap1 was blocked by PP1, SU6656, LY294002, GF109203X, or BAPTA-AM, which indicates that the downstream signaling events in Rap1 activation involve Src tyrosine kinases, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, protein kinase C, and release of calcium. Surprisingly, the integrin-induced activation of Rap2 was not regulated by any of the signaling pathways mentioned above. However, we identified nitric oxide as the signaling molecule involved in beta 2 integrin-induced activation of Rap1 and Rap2. This was illustrated by the fact that engagement of beta 2 integrins increased the production of nitrite, a stable end-product of nitric oxide. Furthermore, pretreatment of neutrophils with N-monomethyl-L-arginine, or 1400W, which are inhibitors of inducible nitric-oxide synthase, blocked integrin-induced activation of Rap1 and Rap2. Similarly, Rp-8pCPT-cGMPS, an inhibitor of cGMP-dependent serine/threonine kinases, also blunted the integrin-induced activation of Rap GTPases. Also nitric oxide production and its downstream activation of cGMP-dependent serine/threonine kinases were essential for proper neutrophil adhesion by beta 2 integrins. Thus, we made the novel findings that beta 2 integrin engagement on human neutrophils triggers production of nitric oxide and its downstream signaling is essential for activation of Rap GTPases and neutrophil adhesion.


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R band CCD photometric observations of short period Jupiter family comets in the heliocentric region of 2.11 AU less than or equal to R-h less than or equal to 5.63 AU were performed using the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma in December 1998. 22 comets were targeted, including the comet- asteroid transition object 49P/Arend-Rigaux. Out of a total of ten detected comets. six were seen to display substantial outgassing (48P, 65P, 74P, 103Pt 128P, and 139P), with the remaining four comets (7P. 9P, 22P. and 49P) being stellar in appearance. Nuclear radius measurements and relative dust production rates in terms of Af rho were measured for these comets, along with upper limits for the remaining twelve undetected comets (6P, 44P, 51P, 54P, 57P: 63P, 71P, 73P, 79P, 86P, 87P, and 100P). The inactive comets had nuclear radii in the range 1.8 km less than or equal to r(N) less than or equal to 4.4 km, while upper limits for the active and undetected comets (assuming they all lay within the held of view) were between 0.6 km and 12.7 km, for an assumed albedo of 0.04. Even if one applies the previously measured maximum axis ratio of 2.6:1 and the minimum measured albedo of 0.02 to the undetected comets. their projected semi-major axes are all constrained to below 8 km. For the active comets, photometric profiles of their dust comae were measured and are consistent with those of steady state coma models.


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Recently Ziman et al. [Phys. Rev. A 65, 042105 (2002)] have introduced a concept of a universal quantum homogenizer which is a quantum machine that takes as input a given (system) qubit initially in an arbitrary state rho and a set of N reservoir qubits initially prepared in the state xi. The homogenizer realizes, in the limit sense, the transformation such that at the output each qubit is in an arbitrarily small neighborhood of the state xi irrespective of the initial states of the system and the reservoir qubits. In this paper we generalize the concept of quantum homogenization for qudits, that is, for d-dimensional quantum systems. We prove that the partial-swap operation induces a contractive map with the fixed point which is the original state of the reservoir. We propose an optical realization of the quantum homogenization for Gaussian states. We prove that an incoming state of a photon field is homogenized in an array of beam splitters. Using Simon's criterion, we study entanglement between outgoing beams from beam splitters. We derive an inseparability condition for a pair of output beams as a function of the degree of squeezing in input beams.


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The configuration interaction (CI) approach to quantum chemical calculations is a well-established means of calculating accurately the solution to the Schrodinger equation for many-electron systems. It represents the many-body electron wavefunction as a sum of spin-projected Slater determinants of orthogonal one-body spin-orbitals. The CI wavefunction becomes the exact solution of the Schrodinger equation as the length of the expansion becomes infinite, however, it is a difficult quantity to visualise and analyse for many-electron problems. We describe a method for efficiently calculating the spin-averaged one- and two-body reduced density matrices rho(psi)((r) over bar; (r) over bar' ) and Gamma(psi)((r) over bar (1), (r) over bar (2); (r) over bar'(1), (r) over bar'(2)) of an arbitrary CI wavefunction Psi. These low-dimensional functions are helpful tools for analysing many-body wavefunctions; we illustrate this for the case of the electron-electron cusp. From rho and Gamma one can calculate the matrix elements of any one- or two-body spin-free operator (O) over cap. For example, if (O) over cap is an applied electric field, this field can be included into the CI Hamiltonian and polarisation or gating effects may be studied for finite electron systems. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.