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A time-dependent method for calculating the collective excitation frequencies and densities of a trapped, inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensate with circulation is presented. The results are compared with time-independent solutions of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. The method is based on time-dependent linear-response theory combined with spectral analysis of moments of the excitation modes of interest. The technique is straightforward to apply, extremely efficient in our implementation with parallel fast Fourier transform methods, and produces highly accurate results. For high dimensionality or low symmetry the time-dependent approach is a more practical computational scheme and produces accurate and reliable data. The method is suitable for general trap geometries, condensate flows and condensates permeated with defects and vortex structures.


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A Time of flight (ToF) mass spectrometer suitable in terms of sensitivity, detector response and time resolution, for application in fast transient Temporal Analysis of Products (TAP) kinetic catalyst characterization is reported. Technical difficulties associated with such application as well as the solutions implemented in terms of adaptations of the ToF apparatus are discussed. The performance of the ToF was validated and the full linearity of the specific detector over the full dynamic range was explored in order to ensure its applicability for the TAP application. The reported TAP-ToF setup is the first system that achieves the high level of sensitivity allowing monitoring of the full 0-200 AMU range simultaneously with sub-millisecond time resolution. In this new setup, the high sensitivity allows the use of low intensity pulses ensuring that transport through the reactor occurs in the Knudsen diffusion regime and that the data can, therefore, be fully analysed using the reported theoretical TAP models and data processing.


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An experimental investigation of the effect of conductor-to-substrate interface on distributed passive intermodulation (PIM) generation in printed microstrip lines has been undertaken using the custom-designed microwave laminates with removed surface bonding layers and with the commercial adhesion promotion applied to the conductor underside. The study of long-term stability of PIM performance of the printed circuits is reported for the first time. The comprehensive measurement results, observations of the selfimprovement of the PIM performance and the effect of panel bending on PIM generation in printed boards with different finishing are presented. A consistent physical interpretation of the observed phenomena is proposed. The results of this study provide new important considerations for the design and characterisation of low-PIM printed circuits.


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The influence of solar variability on the climate of the Lateglacial and Holocene periods has been the subject of increasing discussion during the last decade. In the Mid-Holocene, several studies have identified cold/wet events that occur at ca 2800 cal. BP and a link with a reduction in solar activity, inferred from the C-14 record, has been postulated. We present results from a multi-proxy study of peat humification, plant macrofossils and testate amoebae from a raised bog at Glen West, northwest Ireland, that indicate that dry bog surface conditions were experienced in the north of Ireland at the time of the solar anomaly starting at 2800 cal. BP. With the aid of C-14 wiggle-matching and tephrochronology, an abrupt shift to wetter conditions is dated to ca 2700 cal. BP, coinciding with a C-14 maximum but clearly post-dating the 2800 cal. BP event identified elsewhere in Europe. We explore the significance of this apparent lag in the Irish record, considering the possible role of the ocean in generating spatial and temporal complexities in the climate patterns of the North Atlantic region. We conclude that these complexities are likely to give rise to time-transgressive climate responses around the North Atlantic that will only be recognised by more critical chronological approaches.


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The problem of differentiating between active and spectator species that have similar infrared spectra has been addressed by developing short time-on-stream in situ spectroscopic transient isotope experimental techniques (STOS-SSITKA). The techniques have been used to investigate the reaction mechanism for the reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by hydrocarbons under lean-burn (excess oxygen) conditions on a silver catalyst. Although a nitrate-type species tracks the formation of isotopically labeled dinitrogen, the results show that this is misleading because a nitrate-type species has the same response to an isotopic switch even under conditions where no dinitrogen is produced. In the case of cyanide and isocyanate species, the results show that it is possible to differentiate between slowly reacting spectator isocyanate species, probably adsorbed on the oxide support, and reactive isocyanate species, possibly on or close to the active silver phase. The reactive isocyanate species responds to an isotope switch at a rate that matches that of the rate of formation of the main product, dinitrogen. It is concluded that these reactive isocyanates could potentially be involved in the reduction of NOx whereas there is no evidence to support the involvement of nitrate-type species that are observable by infrared spectroscopy.


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One way to restore physiological blood flow to occluded arteries involves the deformation of plaque using an intravascular balloon and preventing elastic recoil using a stent. Angioplasty and stent implantation cause unphysiological loading of the arterial tissue, which may lead to tissue in-growth and reblockage; termed “restenosis.” In this paper, a computational methodology for predicting the time-course of restenosis is presented. Stress-induced damage, computed using a remaining life approach, stimulates inflammation (production of matrix degrading factors and growth stimuli). This, in turn, induces a change in smooth muscle cell phenotype from contractile (as exists in the quiescent tissue) to synthetic (as exists in the growing tissue). In this paper, smooth muscle cell activity (migration, proliferation, and differentiation) is simulated in a lattice using a stochastic approach to model individual cell activity. The inflammation equations are examined under simplified loading cases. The mechanobiological parameters of the model were estimated by calibrating the model response to the results of a balloon angioplasty study in humans. The simulation method was then used to simulate restenosis in a two dimensional model of a stented artery. Cell activity predictions were similar to those observed during neointimal hyperplasia, culminating in the growth of restenosis. Similar to experiment, the amount of neointima produced increased with the degree of expansion of the stent, and this relationship was found to be highly dependant on the prescribed inflammatory response. It was found that the duration of inflammation affected the amount of restenosis produced, and that this effect was most pronounced with large stent expansions. In conclusion, the paper shows that the arterial tissue response to mechanical stimulation can be predicted using a stochastic cell modeling approach, and that the simulation captures features of restenosis development observed with real stents. The modeling approach is proposed for application in three dimensional models of cardiovascular stenting procedures.


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Different luminescent, hydrophillic ruthenium diimine cationic complexes are rendered soluble in the hydrophobic medium of a plasticised polymer through ion-pair coupling with a hydrophobic anion, such as tetraphenyl berate. Based on this approach, a number of different oxygen sensitive films, i.e., luminescent, thin plastic films which respond to oxygen-the latter quenches the luminescence were prepared, using the polymer, cellulose acetate, plasticised with tributylphosphate. Of the resultant thin oxygen sensitive films tested, the one containing the luminescent ion-pair ruthenium (II) tris(4,7-diphenyl-1,IO-phenanthroline) ditetraphenyl berate, [Ru(dpp)(3)(2+)(Ph4B-)(2)], was found to be the most sensitive, and its response characteristics were subsequently studied as a function of plasticiser content, temperature and stability in use, and with age. The major response characteristics, i.e., film sensitivity towards oxygen and response and recovery times, depend very strongly upon the overall level of plasticiser present in film; the film is more sensitive and faster in response and recovery the greater the level of plasticiser employed. Thus, the response of the film towards oxygen can be tuned by varying the level of plasticiser in the film. Film sensitivity towards oxygen is largely independent on temperature, whereas its response and recovery times decrease with increasing temperature (E-a = -10.3+/-0.4 kJ mol(-1)). The sensitivity of a typical luminescent film is very stable when used continuously over a 24-h period, decreases by ca. 20% with age when stored at ambient temperature over a period of 29 days, but very little over the same period of time when stored in the freezer section of a fridge. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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The diffusion-controlled response and recovery behaviour of a naked optical film sensor (i.e., with no protective membrane) with a hyperbolic-type response [i.e., S0/S = (1 + Kc), where S is the measured value of the absorbance or luminescence intensity of one form of the sensor dye in the presence of the analyte, S0 is the observed value of S in the absence of analyte and K is a constant] to changes in analyte concentration, c, in a system under test is approximated using a simple model, and described more accurately using a numerical model; in both models it is assumed that the system under test represents an infinite reservoir. Each model predicts the variations in the response and recovery times of such an optical sensor, as a function of the final external analyte concentration, the film thickness (I) and the analyte diffusion coefficient (D). From an observed signal versus time profile for a naked optical film sensor it is shown how values for K and D/I2 can be extracted using the numerical model. Both models provide a qualitative description of the often cited asymmetric nature of the response and recovery for hyperbolic-type response naked optical film sensors. It is envisaged that the models will help in the interpretation of the response and recovery behaviour exhibited by many naked optical film sensors and might be especially apposite when the analyte is a gas.


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Background: Studies of the adverse neurobehavioral effects of maternal alcohol consumption on the fetus have been largely confined to the postnatal period, after exposure to alcohol has finished. This study explored the brain function of the fetus, at the time of exposure to alcohol, to examine its effect on information processing and stability of performance. Methods: Five groups of fetuses, defined by maternal alcohol consumption patterns, were examined: control (no alcohol); moderate (5 to 10 units/wk either drunk evenly across the week or as a binge, in 2 to 3 days); heavy (20+ units/wk drunk evenly or as a binge). Fetal habituation performance was examined on 3 occasions, separated by 7 days, beginning at 35 weeks of gestation. The number of trials required to habituate on each test session and the difference in performance across test sessions were recorded. Results: Fetuses exposed to heavy binge drinking required significantly more trials to habituate and exhibited a greater variability in performance across all test sessions than the other groups. Maternal drinking, either heavily but evenly or moderately as a binge, resulted in poorer habituation, and moderate binge drinking resulted in greater variability compared with no, or even, drinking. Conclusions: Decreased information processing, reflected by poorer habituation, and increased variability in performance may reflect the initial manifestations of structural damage caused by alcohol to the brain. These results will lead to a greater understanding of the effects of alcohol on the fetus's brain, enable the antenatal identification of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, and lead to the early implementation of better management strategies. © 2012 by the Research Society on Alcoholism.


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This work describes a novel method of producing multicomponent fertiliser granules using high shear granulation. The granulation process was optimised using the response surface methodology technique. The variables used in the optimisation process include granulation time, batch size, impeller speed and binder concentration. Granulation time, binder concentration and interaction between the batch size and granulation time were found to be the main factors affecting the granule median size. The product yield is mainly influenced by granulation time and binder concentration. The interaction between the impeller speed and batch size also have a significant influence on the product yield. Product yield (2-4 mm) of approximately 60% could be obtained with high sphericity and granule strength (> 0.5 MPa). A low product recycle ratio of about 2:3 can be obtained at the optimised process conditions, compared to typical recycle rations of 6:1 which are obtained in typical fertiliser plants. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose – This paper seeks to present findings from the first all-Ireland study that consulted older people on their perceptions of interventions and services to support people experiencing abuse.

Design/methodology/approach – Utilising a grounded theory approach, 58 people aged 65 years and over took part in focus groups across Ireland. Four peer-researchers were also trained to assist in recruitment, data collection, analysis, and dissemination.

Findings – Participants identified preventative community-based approaches and peer supports as important mechanisms to support people experiencing, and being at risk of, elder abuse. Choices regarding care provision and housing, as well as opportunities for engagement in community activities where they can discuss issues with others, were identified as ways to prevent abuse.

Originality/value – The development of elder abuse services has traditionally been defined from the perspective of policy makers and professionals. This study looked at the perspective of the end-users of such services for the first time. The research also gave an active role to older people in the research process. The policy implication of the findings from this research is that enhanced attention and resources should be directed to community activities that enable older people to share their concerns informally thereby gaining confidence to seek more formal interventions when necessary.


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Marine radiocarbon bomb-pulse time histories of annually resolved archives from temperate regions have been underexploited. We present here series of Delta C-14 excess from known-age annual increments of the long-lived bivalve mollusk Arctica islandica from 4 sites across the coastal North Atlantic (German Bight, North Sea; Tromso, north Norway; Siglufjordur, north Icelandic shelf; Grimsey, north Icelandic shelf) combined with published series from Georges Bank and Sable Bank (NW Atlantic) and the Oyster Ground (North Sea). The atmospheric bomb pulse is shown to be a step-function whose response in the marine environment is immediate but of smaller amplitude and which has a longer decay time as a result of the much larger marine carbon reservoir. Attenuation is determined by the regional hydrographic setting of the sites, vertical mixing, processes controlling the isotopic exchange of C-14 at the air-sea boundary, C-14 content of the freshwater flux, primary productivity, and the residence time of organic matter in the sediment mixed layer. The inventories form a sequence from high magnitude-early peak (German Bight) to low magnitude-late peak (Grimsey). All series show a rapid response to the increase in atmospheric Delta C-14 excess but a slow response to the subsequent decline resulting from the succession of rapid isotopic air-sea exchange followed by the more gradual isotopic equilibration in the mixed layer due to the variable marine carbon reservoir and incorporation of organic carbon from the sediment mixed layer. The data constitute calibration series for the use of the bomb pulse as a high-resolution dating tool in the marine environment and as a tracer of coastal ocean water masses.


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Previous research based on theoretical simulations has shown the potential of the wavelet transform to detect damage in a beam by analysing the time-deflection response due to a constant moving load. However, its application to identify damage from the response of a bridge to a vehicle raises a number of questions. Firstly, it may be difficult to record the difference in the deflection signal between a healthy and a slightly damaged structure to the required level of accuracy and high scanning frequencies in the field. Secondly, the bridge is going to have a road profile and it will be loaded by a sprung vehicle and time-varying forces rather than a constant load. Therefore, an algorithm based on a plot of wavelet coefficients versus time to detect damage (a singularity in the plot) appears to be very sensitive to noise. This paper addresses these questions by: (a) using the acceleration signal, instead of the deflection signal, (b) employing a vehicle-bridge finite element interaction model, and (c) developing a novel wavelet-based approach using wavelet energy content at each bridge section which proves to be more sensitive to damage than a wavelet coefficient line plot at a given scale as employed by others.


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The importance of accurately measuring gas diffusivity in porous materials has led to a number of methods being developed. In this study the Temporal Analysis of Products (TAP) reactor and Flux Response Technology (FRT) have been used to examine the diffusivity in the washcoat supported on cordierite monoliths. Herein, the molecular diffusion of propane within four monoliths with differently prepared alumina/CeZrOx washcoats was investigated as a function of temperature. Moment-based analysis of the observed TAP responses led to the calculation of the apparent intermediate gas constant, Kp, that characterises adsorption into the mesoporous network and apparent time delay, tapp, that characterises residence time in the mesoporous network. Additionally, FRT has been successfully adapted as an extensive in situ perturbation technique in measuring intraphase diffusion coefficients in the washcoats of the same four monolith samples. The diffusion coefficients obtained by moment-based analysis of TAP responses are larger than the coefficients determined by zero length column (ZLC) analysis of flux response profiles with measured values of the same monolith samples between 20 and 100 °C ranging from 2–5×10-9 m2 s-1 to 4–8×10-10 m2 s-1, respectively. The TAP and FRT data, therefore, provide a range of the lower and upper limits of diffusivity, respectively. The reported activation energies and diffusivities clearly correlate with the difference in the washcoat structure of different monolith samples.


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Many-body effects are known to play a crucial role in the electronic and optical properties of solids and nanostructures. Nevertheless, the majority of theoretical and numerical approaches able to capture the influence of Coulomb correlations are restricted to the linear response regime. In this work, we introduce an approach based on a real-time solution of the electronic dynamics. The proposed approach reduces to the well-known Bethe-Salpeter equation in the linear limit regime and it makes it possible, at the same time, to investigate correlation effects in nonlinear phenomena. We show the flexibility and numerical stability of the proposed approach by calculating the dielectric constants and the effect of a strong pulse excitation in bulk h-BN.