58 resultados para Rentat nasal


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Acid-sensing ion channels (ASIC) are a family of acid-activated ligand-gated cation channels. As tissue acidosis is a feature of inflammatory conditions, such as allergic rhinitis (AR), we investigated the expression and function of these channels in AR.
The aim of the study was to assess expression and function of ASIC channels in the nasal mucosa of control and AR subjects.
Immunohistochemical localization of ASIC receptors and functional responses to lactic acid application were investigated. In vitro studies on cultured epithelial cells were performed to assess underlying mechanisms of ASIC function.
Lactic acid at pH 7.03 induced a significant rise in nasal fluid secretion that was inhibited by pre-treatment with the ASIC inhibitor amiloride in AR subjects (n = 19). Quantitative PCR on cDNA isolated from nasal biopsies from control and AR subjects demonstrated that ASIC-1 was equally expressed in both populations, but ASIC-3 was significantly more highly expressed in AR (P < 0.02). Immunohistochemistry confirmed significantly higher ASIC-3 protein expression on nasal epithelial cells in AR patients than controls (P < 0.01). Immunoreactivity for EPO+ eosinophils in both nasal epithelium and submucosa was more prominent in AR compared with controls. A mechanism of induction of ASIC-3 expression relevant to AR was suggested by the finding that eosinophil peroxidase (EPO), acting via ERK1/2, induced the expression of ASIC-3 in epithelial cells. Furthermore, using a quantitative functional measure of epithelial cell secretory function in vitro, EPO increased the air-surface liquid depth via an ASIC-dependent chloride secretory pathway.
This data suggests a possible mechanism for the observed association of eosinophils and rhinorrhoea in AR and is manifested through enhanced ASIC-3 expression.


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Neutrophil elastase (NE)-mediated inflammation contributes to lung damage in cystic fibrosis (CF). We investigated if DX-890, a small-protein NE inhibitor, could reduce neutrophil trans-epithelial migration and reduce activity released from neutrophils and NE-induced cytokine expression in airway epithelial cells.

Activated blood neutrophils (CF and healthy) treated ± DX-890 were assayed for NE activity. Transmigration of calcein-labeled neutrophils was studied using a 16HBE14o- epithelial monolayer. IL-8 release from primary nasal epithelial monolayers (CF and healthy) was measured after treatment ± DX-890 and NE or CF sputum.

DX-890 reduced NE activity from neutrophils (CF and healthy) and reduced neutrophil transmigration. DX-890 pre-treatment reduced IL-8 release from epithelial cells of healthy or CF subjects after stimulation with NE and CF sputum sol. All improvements with DX-890 were statistically significant (p < 0.05).

DX-890 reduces NE-mediated transmigration and inflammation. NE inhibition could be useful in managing neutrophilic airway inflammation in CF.


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Research Question: A20 is an LPS-inducible, cytoplasmic zinc finger protein, that inhibits TLR-activated NF-?B signalling by deubiquitinating TRAF6. A20 action is facilitated by complex formation with RNF11, Itch and TAX1BP1. This study investigates if the expression of A20 is altered in the chronically inflamed Cystic Fibrosis (CF) airway epithelium.

Methods: Nasal epithelial cells from CF patients (F508del homozygous), non-CF controls and immortalised epithelial cells (16HBE14o- and CFBE41o-) were stimulated with LPS. Cytoplasmic expression of A20 and expression of NF-?B subunits was analysed. Formation of the A20 ubiquitin editing complex was also investigated.

Results: In CFBE41o-, peak LPS-induced A20 expression was delayed compared with 16HBE14o- and fell significantly below basal levels 12-24 h after LPS stimulation. This was confirmed in primary CF airway cells. Additionally, a significant inverse relationship between A20 and p65 expression was observed. Inhibitor studies showed that A20 does not undergo proteasomal degradation in CFBE41o-. A20 interacted with TAX1BP1, RNF11 and TRAF6 in 16HBE14o- cells, but these interactions were not observed in CFBE41o-.

Conclusion: he expression of A20 is significantly altered in CF and important interactions with complex members and target proteins are lost, which may contribute to the state of chronic NF-?B-driven inflammation.


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Abstract: Background: A20 and TAX1BP1 interact to negatively regulate NF-
-driven inflammation. A20 expression is altered in F508del/F508del
patients. Here we explore the effect of CFTR and CFTR genotype on A20 and
TAX1BP1expression. The relationship with lung function is also assessed.
Methods: Primary Nasal Epithelial cells (NECs) from CF patients
(F508del/F508del, n=8, R117H/F508del, n=6) and Controls (age-matched,
n=8), and 16HBE14o- cells were investigated. A20 and TAX1BP1 gene
expression was determined by qPCR.
Results: Silencing of CFTR reduced basal A20 expression. Following LPS
stimulation A20 and TAX1BP1 expression was induced in control NECs and
reduced in CF NECs, broadly reflecting the CF genotype: F508del/F508del
had lower expression than R117H/F508del. A20, but not TAX1BP1 expression,
was proportional to FEV1 in all CF patients (r=0.968, p<0.001).
Conclusions: A20 expression is reduced in CF and is proportional to FEV1.
Pending confirmation in a larger study, A20 may prove a novel predictor
of CF inflammation/disease severity.


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BACKGROUND: Obesity has emerged as a risk factor for the development of asthma and it may also influence asthma control and airways inflammation. However, the role of obesity in severe asthma remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: To explore the association between obesity (defined by BMI) and severe asthma. METHODS: Data from the National Registry for dedicated UK Difficult Asthma Services were used to compare patient demographics, disease characteristics and healthcare utilisation between three body mass index (BMI) categories (normal weight: 18.5 -24.99, overweight: 25 -29.99, obese: =30) in a well characterised group of severe asthmatic adults. RESULTS: The study population consisted of 666 severe asthmatics with a median BMI of 29.8 (interquartile range 22.5 -34.0). The obese group exhibited greater asthma medication requirements in terms of maintenance corticosteroid therapy (48.9% versus 40.4% and 34.5% in the overweight and normal weight groups, respectively), steroid burst therapy and short-acting ß2-agonist (SABA) use per day. Significant differences were seen with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) (53.9% versus 48.1% and 39.7% in the overweight and normal weight groups, respectively) and proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use. Bone density scores were higher in the obese group, whilst pulmonary function testing revealed a reduced FVC and raised Kco. Serum IgE levels decreased with increasing BMI and the obese group were more likely to report eczema, but less likely to have a history of nasal polyps. CONCLUSIONS: Severe asthmatics display particular characteristics according to BMI that support the view that obesity associated severe asthma may represent a distinct clinical phenotype.1Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK;2Department of Computing, Imperial College, UK3Airways Disease, National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College, UK;4Centre for infection and immunity, Queen's University of Belfast, UK;5University of Leicester, UK;6The University of Manchester and University Hospital of South Manchester, UK;7Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, University of Birmingham, UK;8Gartnavel General Hospital, University of Glasgow, UK;9Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, UKCorrespondence: Dr Andrew N. Menzies-Gow, Royal Brompton Hospital, Fulham Road, London SW3 6HP.


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The innate immune response to bacterial infection is mediated through Toll-like receptors (TLRs), which trigger tightly regulated signaling cascades through transcription factors including NF-?B. LPS activation of TLR4 triggers internalization of the receptor-ligand complex which is directed toward lysosomal degradation or endocytic recycling. Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients display a robust and uncontrolled inflammatory response to bacterial infection, suggesting a defect in regulation. This study examined the intracellular trafficking of TLR4 in CF and non-CF airway epithelial cells following stimulation with LPS. We employed cells lines [16hBE14o-, CFBE41o- (CF), and CFTR-complemented CFBE41o-] and confirmed selected experiments in primary nasal epithelial cells from non-CF controls and CF patients (F508del homozygous). In control cells, TLR4 expression (surface and cytoplasmic) was reduced after LPS stimulation but remained unchanged in CF cells and was accompanied by a heightened inflammatory response 24 h after stimulation. All cells expressed markers of the early (EEA1) and late (Rab7b) endosomes at basal levels. However, only CF cells displayed persistent expression of Rab7b following LPS stimulation. Rab7 variants may directly internalize bacteria to the Golgi for recycling or to the lysosome for degradation. TLR4 colocalized with the lysosomal marker LAMP1 in 16 hBE14o- cells, suggesting that TLR4 is targeted for lysosomal degradation in these cells. However, this colocalization was not observed in CFBE41o- cells, where persistent expression of Rab7 and release of proinflammatory cytokines was detected. Consistent with the apparent inability of CF cells to target TLR4 toward the lysosome for degradation, we observed persistent surface and cytoplasmic expression of this pathogen recognition receptor. This defect may account for the prolonged cycle of chronic inflammation associated with CF.


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The effects of changes in circulating gonadal steroids on GH secretion elicited by GHRH challenge (1µg/kg) in normal adults volunteers (aged 18-24 years), were evaluated in 10 women and 10 men before and after gonadal blockade was achieved by a GnRH agonist (1500 µg/day by nasal spray for 40 days). To see if the effect of testosterone on GH secretion was dependent on its aromatization to estradiol (E), GHRH tests were performed in 7 normal men prior to administration of testosterone enanthate (250 mg im), 8 days after this treatment had began, and again after E receptor blockade with tamoxifen (30 mg for 2 days plus 10 mg on the third day 2 h before the GHRH test, po) administered 8 days after testosterone enanthate. The study of the functional status of the somatotropes at the time of GHRH testing was made according to our previous postulate. Short-term gonadal blockade did not affect the parameters of GH response to GHRH in neither women nor men. Thus, the functional blockade of the gonads may be advisable as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of hypothalamic GH deficiency during the prepubertal stage. In the other group of men, administration of testosterone enanthate significantly increased GHRH-elicited GH release, but this was reverted after E receptor blockade. Since the hypothalamic-somatotrope rhythm was altered by both these farmacological manipulations, it appears that testosterone acts on GH release mainly at the suprapituitary level, and that this action is secondary to its aromatization to E.


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Objective: The authors evaluated the results of primary transpupillary thermotherapy for choroidal melanoma in 100 cases. Design: Prospective nonrandomized analysis of treatment method. Participants: One hundred patients with choroidal melanoma were studied. Main Outcome Measures: Tumor response, ocular side effects, and visual results. Results: Of 100 consecutive patients with choroidal melanoma treated with transpupillary thermotherapy, the mean tumor basal diameter was 7.1 mm and tumor thickness was 2.8 mm. The tumor margin touched the optic disc in 34 eyes (34%) and was beneath the fovea in 42 eyes (42%). Documented growth was present in 64 eyes (64%), and known clinical risks for growth were present in all of the remaining 36 eyes (36%), with an average of 4 of 5 statistical risk factors for growth per tumor. After a mean of three treatment sessions and 14 months of follow-up, the mean tumor thickness was reduced to 1.4 mm. Treatment was successful in 94 eyes (94%) and failed in 6 eyes (6%). Three patients with amelanotic tumors showed no initial response to thermotherapy, but subsequent intravenous indocyanine green administration during thermotherapy resulted in improved heat absorption and tumor regression to a flat scar. The six eyes classified as treatment failures included four eyes with tumors that showed partial or no response to thermotherapy, thus requiring plaque radiotherapy or enucleation, and two eyes with recurrence, subsequently controlled with additional thermotherapy. After treatment, the visual acuity was the same (within 1 line) or better than the pretreatment visual acuity in 58 eyes (58%) and worse in 42 eyes (42%). The main reasons for poorer vision included treatment through the foveola for subfoveal tumor (25 eyes), retinal traction (10 eyes), retinal vascular obstruction (5 eyes), optic disc edema (1 eye), and unrelated ocular ischemia (1 eye). Temporal location (versus nasal and superior, P = 0.02) and greater distance from the optic disc (P = 0.04) were risks for retinal traction. Conclusions: Transpupillary thermotherapy may be an effective treatment for small posterior choroidal melanoma, especially those near the optic disc and fovea. Despite satisfactory local tumor control, ocular side effects can result in decreased vision. Longer follow- up will be necessary to assess the impact of thermotherapy on ultimate local tumor control and metastatic disease.


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The immunogenicity of proteins encapsulated in poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG) microspheres has not been investigated to any extent in large animal models. In this study, IgG and IgA responses to ovalbumin (OVA), encapsulated in microspheres was investigated following intranasal inoculation into calves. Scanning electron microscopy and flow cytometric analysis demonstrated a uniform microsphere population with a diameter of <2.5 micrometers. Ovalbumin was released steadily from particles stored in PBS almost in a linear fashion, and after 4 weeks many particles showed cracks and fissures in their surface structure. Following intranasal inoculation of calves with different doses of encapsulated antigen, mean levels of ovalbumin-specific IgA were observed to increase steadily but significant differences in IgA levels (from the pre-inoculation level) were only observed following a second intranasal inoculation. With 0.5 and 1.0mg doses of antigen, ovalbumin-specific IgG was also detected in serum. Ovalbumin-specific IgA persisted in nasal secretions for a considerable period of time and were still detectable in four out of seven animals, 6 months after inoculation.


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We studied an eye from a 73-year-old man with a sporadic type of retinal cone degeneration and choroidal melanoma. Histologic and ultrastructural studies of the nasal retina unaffected by the choroidal melanoma showed alterations at the outer retina predominantly involving the photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium. A wide spectrum of pathologic changes were observed, ranging from near normal retina showing only photoreceptor outer segment disease (distortion and kinking) to grossly pathologic regions where photoreceptor cell bodies were sparse and their outer segments absent. The retinal pigment epithelium in minimally affected regions of the retina showed an increased proportion of the melanin complement of the cell within complex granules. In severe disease, many cells showed only giant complex granules with no free melanin. Retinal pigment epithelial cell migration and relocation around blood vessels was also noted in severe disease.


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Objective: We report three cases of lateral outfracture of the inferior turbinate, which demonstrate a range of changes in the size, position and shape of the inferior turbinate.

Method: During a study of the validity of computer modelling of nasal airflow, computed tomography scans of the noses of patients who had undergone lateral outfracture of the inferior turbinate were collected. The pre-operative scan was compared with the post-operative scan six weeks later.

Results: In one patient, there was only a small lateral displacement of the inferior turbinate. In the other two cases, appreciable reduction in the volume of one inferior turbinate was noted, in addition to minor changes in the shape.

Conclusion: Lateral outfracture of the inferior turbinate produces varied and inconsistent changes in morphology which may affect the shape, size and position of the turbinate.


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Changes in the airway microbiome may be important in the pathophysiology of chronic lung disease in patients with cystic fibrosis. However, little is known about the microbiome in early cystic fibrosis lung disease and the relationship between the microbiomes from different niches in the upper and lower airways. Therefore, in this cross-sectional study, we examined the relationship between the microbiome in the upper (nose and throat) and lower (sputum) airways from children with cystic fibrosis using next generation sequencing. Our results demonstrate a significant difference in both α and β-diversity between the nose and the two other sampling sites. The nasal microbiome was characterized by a polymicrobial community while the throat and sputum communities were less diverse and dominated by a few operational taxonomic units. Moreover, sputum and throat microbiomes were closely related especially in patients with clinically stable lung disease. There was a high inter-individual variability in sputum samples primarily due to a decrease in evenness linked to increased abundance of potential respiratory pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Patients with chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection exhibited a less diverse sputum microbiome. A high concordance was found between pediatric and adult sputum microbiomes except that Burkholderia was only observed in the adult cohort. These results indicate that an adult-like lower airways microbiome is established early in life and that throat swabs may be a good surrogate in clinically stable children with cystic fibrosis without chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in whom sputum sampling is often not feasible.


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Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) is the principal aetiological agent of the bovine respiratory disease complex. A BRSV subunit vaccine candidate consisting of two synthetic peptides representing putative protective epitopes on BRSV surface glycoproteins in soluble form or encapsulated in poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG) microparticles were prepared. Calves (10 weeks old) with diminishing levels of BRSV-specific maternal antibody were intranasally administered a single dose of the different peptide formulations. Peptide-specific local immune responses (nasal secretion IgA), but not systemic humoral (serum IgG) or cellular responses (serum IFN-γ), were generated by all forms of peptide. There was a significant reduction in occurrence of respiratory disease in the animals inoculated with all peptide formulations compared to animals given PBS alone. Furthermore no adverse effects were observed in any of the animals post vaccination. These results suggest that intranasal immunisation with the peptide subunit vaccine does induce an as yet unidentified protective immune response.


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Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the most important viral cause of severe respiratory tract disease in infants. Two subgroups (A and B) have been identified, which cocirculate during, or alternate between, yearly epidemics and cause indistinguishable disease. Existing in vitro and in vivo models of HRSV focus almost exclusively on subgroup A viruses. Here, a recombinant (r) subgroup B virus (rHRSV(B05)) was generated based on a consensus genome sequence obtained directly from an unpassaged clinical specimen from a hospitalized infant. An additional transcription unit containing the gene encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) was introduced between the phosphoprotein and matrix genes (position 5) of the genome to generate rHRSV(B05)EGFP(5). The recombinant viruses replicated efficiently in both HEp-2 cells and in well-differentiated normal human bronchial cells grown at air-liquid interface. Intranasal infection of cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) resulted in high numbers of EGFP(+) cells in epithelia of the nasal septum and conchae. When administered in a relatively large inoculum volume, the virus also replicated efficiently in bronchiolar epithelial cells and spread extensively in both the upper and lower respiratory tracts. Virus replication was not observed in ciliated epithelial cells of the trachea. This is the first virulent rHRSV strain with the genetic composition of a currently circulating wild-type virus. In vivo tracking of infected cells by means of EGFP fluorescence in the absence of cytopathic changes increases the sensitivity of virus detection in HRSV pathogenesis studies.


Virology as a discipline has depended on monitoring cytopathic effects following virus culture in vitro. However, wild-type viruses isolated from patients often do not cause significant changes to infected cells, necessitating blind passage. This can lead to genetic and phenotypic changes and the generation of high-titer, laboratory-adapted viruses with diminished virulence in animal models of disease. To address this, we determined the genome sequence of an unpassaged human respiratory syncytial virus from a sample obtained directly from an infected infant, assembled a molecular clone, and recovered a wild-type recombinant virus. Addition of a gene encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein allowed this wild-type virus to be tracked in primary human cells and living animals in the absence of significant cytopathic effects. Imaging of fluorescent cells proved to be a highly valuable tool for monitoring the spread of virus and may help improve assays for evaluating novel intervention strategies.


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Background: Ataluren was developed to restore functional protein production in genetic disorders caused by nonsense mutations, which are the cause of cystic fibrosis in 10% of patients. This trial was designed to assess the efficacy and safety of ataluren in patients with nonsense-mutation cystic fibrosis. 

Methods: This randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 study enrolled patients from 36 sites in 11 countries in North America and Europe. Eligible patients with nonsense-mutation cystic fibrosis (aged ≥6 years; abnormal nasal potential difference; sweat chloride >40 mmol/L; forced expiratory volume in 1 s [FEV1] ≥40% and ≤90%) were randomly assigned by interactive response technology to receive oral ataluren (10 mg/kg in morning, 10 mg/kg midday, and 20 mg/kg in evening) or matching placebo for 48 weeks. Randomisation used a block size of four, stratified by age, chronic inhaled antibiotic use, and percent-predicted FEV1. The primary endpoint was relative change in percent-predicted FEV1 from baseline to week 48, analysed in all patients with a post-baseline spirometry measurement. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00803205. 

Findings: Between Sept 8, 2009, and Nov 30, 2010, 238 patients were randomly assigned, of whom 116 in each treatment group had a valid post-baseline spirometry measurement. Relative change from baseline in percent-predicted FEV1 did not differ significantly between ataluren and placebo at week 48 (-2·5% vs -5·5%; difference 3·0% [95% CI -0·8 to 6·3]; p=0·12). The number of pulmonary exacerbations did not differ significantly between treatment groups (rate ratio 0·77 [95% CI 0·57-1·05]; p=0·0992). However, post-hoc analysis of the subgroup of patients not using chronic inhaled tobramycin showed a 5·7% difference (95% CI 1·5-10·1) in relative change from baseline in percent-predicted FEV1 between the ataluren and placebo groups at week 48 (-0·7% [-4·0 to 2·1] vs -6·4% [-9·8 to -3·7]; nominal p=0·0082), and fewer pulmonary exacerbations in the ataluern group (1·42 events [0·9-1·9] vs 2·18 events [1·6-2·7]; rate ratio 0·60 [0·42-0·86]; nominal p=0·0061). Safety profiles were generally similar for ataluren and placebo, except for the occurrence of increased creatinine concentrations (ie, acute kidney injury), which occurred in 18 (15%) of 118 patients in the ataluren group compared with one (<1%) of 120 patients in the placebo group. No life-threatening adverse events or deaths were reported in either group. I

nterpretation: Although ataluren did not improve lung function in the overall population of nonsense-mutation cystic fibrosis patients who received this treatment, it might be beneficial for patients not taking chronic inhaled tobramycin. 

Funding: PTC Therapeutics, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, US Food and Drug Administration's Office of Orphan Products Development, and the National Institutes of Health.